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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 30

by Ivan Bridgewater

  April paused, and asked, "What should I do?"

  "Stay safe," I said without thinking. Then I realized what she meant, and told her, "You must decide where you're going to stay. I will have the Magi at the school instructed to check on you. If you wish to travel outside your jump range, they will help arrange it. For that reason, I suggest you stay here, on Remaca."

  She softly said, "I'm going to miss you badly! Can you tell me when you might come back?"

  "I'm not sure," I truthfully replied. "I'll return as soon as they let me, but it will be months."

  "Perhaps years," she noted, seemingly to herself.

  I could tell she was on the verge of tears, and I said, "I'm going to ask Bitsy to send Al, and at least two other dragons, here as guards. I believe that between the students at the combat school, and Al along with another dragon or two, you'll be as safe as you can be."

  "And you'll be taking all the risks," she responded.

  "Me and several hundred billion other angry life forms," I noted, trying to lighten the subject. "You're the one that will be putting up with Al. Be careful, or he may romp past, and stomp you flat!"

  For a moment, April smiled at me. Then she said, "Al is sweet! He wouldn't hurt me, and you know it!"

  She was right of course. The desire to just lay down with her, and snuggle, was overwhelming. I fought the temptation, saying, "I need to get ready to leave." Leaning down, I kissed her gently. Just touching her, made my heart surge. We folded into the link, and wound ourselves tightly together. I blotted out the world for a moment, and we were one.

  Then we had to let go. For just a second, I had known bliss. Here was my beloved! This is what I fought for! I focused the memory deep in my mind, and vowed to keep it there. Every day, I would return here, and remember this moment. It would give me strength.

  I slowly stood up, and said, "I need to pack a few things, and fix a sandwich. I'll see you in a few minutes." She nodded, and I stepped out, headed for my room. I don't own much, so I guess you could say I travel light. I picked up a few things, and started downstairs to get something to eat.

  I began fixing several sandwiches, and April walked in. She was positively radiant, and I knew I was going to hate leaving her. We stood talking for some time. Then Tersa arrived, carrying a bag full of weapons, and little else. I decided traveling light was a Magi trait.

  Tersa and April were busy talking, and I was busy getting ready to leave, when Madias appeared. We spoke for a few minutes, and then Madias tilted his head to one side, and stepped closer to April.

  He was simply standing there for a minute. Then he reached out, and put his hand on April's shoulder. There was a flash in the link, and Madias blurted out, "You're with child!"

  Both the women looked at Madias, and then at each other. Then Tersa said, "Don't look at me! I know I'm not pregnant!"

  There was a three second silence, and then April said, "Please tell me you're joking!" Her voice was hushed, and we could tell by the look on Madias's face, he wasn't kidding.

  Abruptly, Tersa reached out and steadied April, saying, "Don't you dare pass out!" All the color had drained from April's face.

  "I can't be pregnant!" April said in a husky voice. "Kaltar is leaving!"

  "Don't you dare pass out!" Tersa repeated.

  "You're carrying Twins," Madias noted quietly. April went down like a bag of sand. Tersa caught her, or she would have banged her head on the wall.

  Tersa glanced up, and exclaimed, "Good job, Madias!" There was enough sarcasm in her voice, to tell me she wasn't really happy. I took April from her, picked her up, and carried her up to bed. Tersa and Madias followed, and as I laid April down in her bed, she started to wake up.

  Her eyes came open, and for a second, I just saw confusion in her thoughts. Then her memory started to return. In a frightened voice, she said, "I'm sorry, Kaltar!"

  "I'm not," I said. Her face relaxed, and I could see I had given the right response.

  "You're not mad at me?" she asked, on the verge of tears.

  I wrapped my arms around her for a moment, and then released her as she laid there. "I love you, April!" I reminded her. "This is just another reason to love you!"

  "It's another distraction, is what it is!" Madias observed quietly to himself. I gave him a dirty look, and he grew silent. Tersa was in shock for a moment, and then her face lit up.

  "You're going to have a baby!" she exclaimed to April.

  It was as if the words were just sinking in to all of us. A slight smile spread across April's face, and she slowly said, "I'm going to have a baby!"

  "Twins!" Tersa reminded her. April laid there for a moment longer. Then her eyes rolled up in her head, and she passed out again.

  "You probably better stop saying that!" Madias instructed Tersa. "She doesn’t seem to respond well to the concept."

  I shook April slightly, and she started to wake up again. This time, she woke up frightened, and clutched my arm as she laid there. I wanted to protect her, but there was little I could do. I scanned her, and she looked healthy. For the first time, I saw the two tiny life forms hidden there. They were little more than a few cells starting to grow, but there was no doubt, she was with child.

  I was going to be a father! All the information began to sink in. April was going to give birth to my children, and I wouldn't be here.

  "You shall be here!" I heard the Rock say loudly from the doorway to April's room. We all looked over to find the Rock stand there watching us. A moment passed, and he said, "I will ensure you are here for the birth of your children."

  April’s face flushed red, and then her color seemed to return to normal. She whispered, "I love you, Kaltar!" in a small, little girl’s voice. At that moment, I believe I really understood what love is. My hatred for the Beast was washed away, and all I could think of, was my beloved, and our children.

  In a stern voice, the Rock said, "This changes nothing Kaltar! We are committed to a course of action that can't be stopped now. You must prepare to leave within the hour!"

  Of course, I wasn't pleased about leaving, yet the Rock was right. I knew I had to go, but I was in agony just thinking about it. With a faltering voice, I muttered, "He's right! I must get ready to leave! It's the only way you'll ever be safe!"

  "Then go." she coaxed. "I'll be safe here."

  "She will be fine!" Madias confirmed. "I can see her and the children far down the timeline." He hesitated, and then looked at me, saying, "You shall know your children, and they shall love you!"

  April started to relax, and said, "I'm so tired. I want to be with you." She yawned, and then added, "I can't stay awake!"

  Madias looked closely at April, and said, "She's fine. She's just exhausted from stress. Once we're gone, she will feel better."

  Her grip on my arm tightened, and she corrected him, saying, "No! I'll be broken hearted!" Then she lowered her voice for me, and said, "But we'll be here waiting for you when you return."

  She laid there, holding my arm in a death grip. After a moment, I joked, "I will need my arm when I go!" Laughter filled the room, and the tension seemed to slip away as she released my arm. I wanted so badly to just be alone with April, but instead, I stood up, and said, "I have things to do. I'll be back before I leave to say goodbye. Please just lay here and rest for now."

  April nodded her head, and closed her eyes. She seemed so peaceful lying there, I had no desire to leave, yet I had things to do. I went downstairs with Madias, the Rock, and Tersa. We found Vandahar and Selena waiting for us in the kitchen, and moments later, Urla walked in. The room was filled with voices, and felt crowded.

  All I could think of, was that April was pregnant. In seconds, Urla picked up my thoughts, and the news flashed through the link. Both Vandahar and Selena glanced up sharply. Then Selena smiled, and said, "You'll be a great father, Kaltar!"

  I felt so conflicted. I know I must leave, but I want to stay! I nodded, and said, "There's no time to talk. I have things to do." Selena sm
iled, but she was aware of my emotional conflict.

  In a warm voice, Selena commented, "Don't worry Kaltar, she'll be safe. The Magi will protect her with a vengeance till you return."

  "I know," I replied. "I'll be fine! It's just a lot to take in."

  The room filled with conversation again. The Rock stepped close, and pulled me to one side. He leaned close to me, and asked, "Do you still keep the diaries I asked you to?"

  I nodded, and told him, "I keep them, just as you instructed me."

  "I wish you to make copies, and give them to Selena," The Rock instructed. "She will place copies in the Magi Archives for future generations, that they may better understand what happened here."

  For a moment, I cringed. I had written many of my private thoughts in these pages. I wasn't sure I wished them to ever be read by anyone but me. I could see in the link that the Rock was adamant, and after a moment he confided, "You needn't fear, Kaltar. You only know the road of honor. What you've written, is the beginning of the future for our Universe. These memories must be preserved for history, that others may know what you sacrificed to serve."

  I must admit, that I still hesitated. After a few seconds, I decided I should do as instructed. I excused myself, and went to my room, to close this diary out. I hate to stop here, with so much occurring, but I can understand why the Rock has instructed me to do this. I may never return, and I should take this last chance to speak to the future.


  So it is, that I close this personal log. So much has happened since I joined the Magi, I'm overwhelmed just looking at what I have written here. I've become friends with some of the greatest people in the Universe, and yet, at times, I feel like a child. I will be a father, and want to protect those I love. My parents, my beloved, and every Magi that exists, has turned to me in fear. I must stop the Beast, and with each passing day, I believe more and more, we may yet succeed.

  I wish I had some profound words to write here. I find myself both frightened, and ready to move forward. If you are reading these words, than I'm probably dead. I don't fear death, but I fear not seeing April or my children. I will fight any threat that stands before them. If the Beast must show its vile face, I will gladly stand and fight it without fear.

  What can I say here to express all my thoughts before I leave? These may be my last words I ever say to April. If she reads this, I hope that she knows she is my beloved. I love her with all my heart, and would do anything for her. No words can express how much she means to me. I can't imagine living without her, and would gladly die, that she might live.

  If she were to read this, I would just say, I loved you more than all the Universe!

  To my children... What can I say? If I don't return, I'll never know your smile. I'll never play with you on a rainy morning, or tell you not to fear the thunder that hides in the rain. I've never held you, but I love you all the same. You are the best of me, brought forward another generation.

  Your mother is a beautiful person. Love her, and comfort her for me, if I'm not there. She deserved better than I could ever give. Her heart is pure as the whitest snow. See her through my eyes, and know I would do anything to protect her, and you. If I'm not there, it's because it was required to keep you all safe.

  Please keep her safe, as I know she will both of you. She is my beloved, and your mother. It's the only real request I'll ever make of you. Please, keep her safe.

  I have no words for history. The Magi are a driving force in the Universe. We are a creator species, but if we must embrace violence to protect this place against the Darkness, then so be it. If I don't return, then I hope a hundred Magi will follow my lead, and for every one that falls, a hundred more will take his place. I believe we can win this, but it may be a painful lesson.

  I am now prepared to leave with the Rock and Madias. I suspect Tersa, Vandahar, Urla, Selena and an army of my friends will be right behind me. They will probably never know how much they mean to me, but they are like my family. We are the Magi. A fine race of Creators, and I am proud to count myself among them.

  Goodbye to all I love. The time of war is upon us!

  The End

  Return to Table of Contents

  The Kingdom

  Kaltar Farsara


  The Return


  Wizard’s powers

  are only limited by

  his Imagination

  “The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built”

  Book Three

  The Return


  Ivan M. Bridgewater Jr.

  Opening Comments

  My name is Kaltar Farsara! I am the youngest leader of the Magi Council ever to hold office!

  I find myself totally overwhelmed with all I must do! A vast war is upon me, and I know little of war. During the last few months, I have been drawn into a world of wizards and magic that is, for the most part, totally foreign to me. I have a teacher, his name is Caleon Valcar, but the old wizards all call him Rock. He is a wise leader of the Magi Council, and has helped me greatly, but it is still not enough.

  I live on a world named Remaca. I’ve made friends on Earth, but I have a lot to learn about Earthers, and the world they live on. With the war I mentioned ongoing. It is difficult for me to find the time to get to know humans better.

  On a previous visit to your world, I met a girl named April. I have become attached to her and the people she calls friends. They have taught me much about this place. It is far removed from the places I have lived. Earth is a place of great beauty, and a place of great violence. It is my belief that I can help the people of Earth to beat the Madness that consumes their lives. If that happens, all the violence on Earth would disappear. You would all be nearly immortal telepaths, capable of mentally altering basic matter, and teleporting vast distances through space.

  I was told by my teacher, to keep a personal journal of all that happens to me. I’ve been away from home, fighting in a war, and haven't been very good about writing down what happens. I thought that I would try again while I'm home.

  So much has happened in the last year, that I don't know how to start this journal. If you haven't read my other writings, this may all be difficult to understand. I'm not going to spend a lot of time speaking of the past. I am going to speak of the present, and hope you can understand what's happening.

  An epoch of great change is coming in the Universe. Only time will tell if that change is for good, or evil.

  Chapter 1

  My Return Home

  I’ve been gone for several months, and have finally been allowed to return home. The man who commands me is named Satu-Ra. He is a Guardian of Earth, and a very great man. He commands the forces that battle the Darkness, all throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. I’ve been ordered by him to return home to my beloved April.

  She is with child, and I was happy to obey the order. The look of shock on her face when I arrived was delightful. April is beautiful, and being pregnant has made her appear truly radiant.

  A small part of the reason for my return home, was a large animal I recently found starving on a distant planet. The creature could best be described as a large ape. On Earth, you would probably call it a gorilla. It is rather large for that. It is over a hundred feet tall, and I believe its half grown. I’ve taken to calling the animal, Tiny. It seems to fit the giant simian somehow.

  I was also transporting a pack of animals I will call dogs. They are as big as my elephants, but look and act just like wolves on Earth. The lead male has been named Wolf, and the name fits perfectly. I brought the animals back to my home world, Remaca. The animals have been starved, and mistreated. I wanted to offer them a safe place to live out their lives, without fear or want.

  I was assigned a ship to transfer the animals, and arrived home via spacecraft instead of simply folding space and teleporting home. Tersa and I arrived home on a Guardian ship named Baracote, and folded space down to the surface of Remaca. I stood looking at my h
ome for the first time on several months.

  Almost instantly, I heard a male voice bellow, "Kaltar!" and Al came rushing toward me. Al is a rather large dragon, and has a tendency to be a little clumsy. I was nervous as he slid to a stop in front of us. His obvious excitement was overwhelming, and even Tersa had to smile as the tremendous dragon wiggled and gyrated like some huge dog.

  The front door to my home burst open, and April came running out with Selena Zanthros right behind her. We all hugged and greeted each other, and I noticed Tersa scratching Al on the back of his neck. That was especially funny, because Tersa had been anything but friendly with dragons when we first met.

  April's pregnancy was just beginning to show, and she seemed very happy. I stood holding her for twenty minutes, and would have been happy to spend the rest of the day right there. I hadn't realized how much I missed her, till I held her close once more.

  I was brought back to reality, as April said, "If I stand here too long, my ankles and feet will swell up. I need to go sit down."

  Tersa and I took April into the house, as Selena started to make arrangements for the animals to be brought down from the transport ship. I followed along behind April, holding her hand as we walked into my home. I could tell there had been a lot of changes while I was gone.

  The first changes I noticed were in April herself. When I left, she was having a rough time with the concept of being a telepath. It quickly appeared obvious that was no longer a problem. As we stepped in the house, April pinged Al, saying, "We'll be back out later."

  For almost two hours, I was latched onto April, and didn't want to let go of her hand. Tersa was very sweet, and finally left, suggesting she had things to take care of. I was totally immersed in my love for April, and suspect I appeared a little disconnected from everything else around me.


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