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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 45

by Ivan Bridgewater

  "I've been here almost five minutes, and haven't seen the twins," the Rock informed April. "Kaltar has a lot to learn about showing off his children."

  "We can fix that!" she replied. Two minutes later, we were all standing upstairs, clustered around the twins as they laid in bed. Carl took one look at my old teacher, and instantly started crying.

  "Do I frighten you, little one?" he asked softly, bending down over Carl. I could sense him comforting the twins in the link. They settled down after a few seconds, and then fell right off to sleep.

  "That was great!" April whispered. "I gotta learn how to do that."

  "They were already sleepy," the Rock told her. "I just encouraged their natural inclination. They fell asleep on their own." We backed away from the sleeping children, and went back downstairs to sit and talk.

  "The twins have been a handful since they were born," April told us. "Kaltar has been really good with them. I've been really grateful to have him here."

  The Rock bowed his head slightly as we sat there, and then looked up at me with a pained expression. "I regret I must take Kaltar back with me. Much has happened since last we spoke. The Magi are being called upon more and more. You are needed."

  We all sat there frozen for a few moments, before I said, "I thought I had a few more days. I hadn't realized my time was up."

  "You have till the day after tomorrow," Rock told me. "I don't mean to rush you. I just had to return to Earth for other reasons, and thought I would stop in, and see the children. When I return, you should go with me."

  "What drew you back to Earth?" I asked.

  He grinned at me for a moment, and then said, "I suppose you could say you did. I've been told there are many changes on Earth as a result of your actions."

  "Not enough changes to suit Kaltar," April told him. "He wants to speed things up, and do something about the suffering on Earth."

  The Rock scanned us for a moment, and just sat there taking in what he saw in the link. Then he looked at me oddly, and said, "We are way ahead of you Kaltar. The Chosen have sat up health programs, as well as school programs, to help the Earthers. The Chosen have now exceeded over seventy thousand people, and most of them are now remaining on Earth."

  "So Kaltar's been worried over something already under your control?" April wondered aloud.

  "Those sick children on Earth were not being assisted!" I blurted out. "They were dying! They were little children, and I could easily help them in just a few seconds time. I would be a monster if I ignored them."

  "I can see your memories in the link," Rock noted, his normally strong voice softening slightly. "I’d have done the same thing. We can't help every child, but we are growing stronger with each passing day. It's just a matter of time before we will become known to the people of Earth. Once we're sure they can handle that knowledge, then will come the real time of helping the most sick and needy of the Earthers. When you return, you may find great satisfaction from helping with that endeavor. I believe you are a better healer than any other Empath I’ve ever seen."

  "Someone needs to tell the Earthers what is going on," I observed.

  "That day will come soon enough," Rock told me. "You may even be the one who tells them, but that news must wait for now. First, we must attend to the Darkness. There is little point in telling anything to the Earthers, till we achieve that goal."

  "How long will Kaltar be gone?" April suddenly asked.

  "It's impossible to say," Rock replied, deep in thought. "The force Satu-Ra now commands have grown into a juggernaut. Millions of ships, from over fifty thousand worlds, now follow his commands. He has attacked and created bridgeheads in over forty galaxies, and is even using scouts to attack outside our normal dimensional level."

  "All this in the few months I've been gone?" I wondered aloud.

  "All that, and much more," Rock said. "Many powerful allies have stepped forward, including the Magi. It appears the Darkness is withdrawing its assets, and preparing for a last stand."

  "I must be there for that!" I stated explicitly.

  "You shall be!" Rock assured me. "There is plenty of time before that day, so for now, try to forget about the war. Spend every minute you can with your beloved April, and the twins."

  "If the Darkness is withdrawing its assets, why are we being attacked on a regular basis?" questioned April.

  "It appears Kaltar is of special interest to the Darkness," Rock answered. "There are a dozen people linked to Satu-Ra, that appear to have warranted probing attacks. Kaltar is one of the very few that warranted multiple attacks."

  "I'm worried about leaving April here with the children," I confessed. "Do you believe they'll be safe here?"

  "Safer here than anyplace else I can imagine." Rock noted as he looked around us. "I wish any attacker luck getting past a legion of angry dragons." He suddenly stood up, and then said. "I can't stay any longer. I have much to do."

  "I will see you the day after tomorrow then," I responded.

  My old teacher just smiled and nodded yes. He bowed slightly to April as the two of us started to get up, and said, "You have wonderful children. I hope they can stay awake the next time I see them." She gave him a sheepish nod in response, but didn't actually say anything. Then without further comment, the Rock folded space, leaving us standing there alone.

  "I hadn't realized how much I missed the old man," April observed quietly.

  "He is a great Magi!" I said without thinking, stating the obvious. I thought about her comment for a second, and then, almost to myself, added, "I miss him too!"

  For the rest of the day, I was trying hard to focus on April, and the children, yet the war was always in the back of my mind. By the time it started getting dark outside, I was getting a little flustered.

  We had dinner, and the children went to bed. I helped April tuck them in for the night, and again realized how much I would miss them all. By the time April and I walked out of their room, I was really getting depressed. My beloved and I walked down the stairs arm in arm, and as we reached the bottom of the stairs, she stopped me, and looked up at me.

  "I love you!" she said forcefully. "I hate seeing you so upset. I'm not much of a telepath, but even I can tell you're on edge. You're making us all crazy. You need to tone it down a bit. I can tell you're making the children nervous."

  "I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized. "I don't mean to frighten you, or the children. I feel compelled to return to the fleet. I can't get it out of my mind."

  "Please try to let it drop for tomorrow if you can," she requested quietly. “I just want to spend these last few hours with you in peace and quiet."

  "I'll try," I assured her. She smiled at me oddly, and I knew how poor my assurances sounded. To my surprise, April stepped over to the small corner table, and touched an electronic device that sat there. Soft music suddenly filled the room. She stepped back close to me, and wrapped her arms around me. Then she began to move in time to the music.

  To my shock, I seemed to instantly move with her. Since I had never danced before, this came as a great surprise to me. After a few seconds, I realized April was a very good dancer, and we were heavily linked. She drew me across the room, slowly dancing in perfect rhythm. This continued for several minutes, until the song finally ended. As it grew quiet, April laid her head on my chest, and sighed deeply.

  "I'm really going to miss you," she noted in a whisper. I didn't know what to say, so I reached down, pulled her face up, and kissed her. After a second, she started crying softly, and dropped her face back into my chest, as she moaned, "I am really, really going to miss you!"

  "You are my beloved!" I reminded her. "As long as you and the children are safe, I’ll be fine!"

  "You better be," she said into my chest. "I can't imagine it any other way!"

  "I have it on good authority that we are supposed to live happily ever after," I told her, half joking. Her laugh was heavily muffled, but when she looked back up, she was smiling slightly.

Do you have any idea how silly that sounds?" she asked me. I held her close, and didn't respond. I just wanted to hold her, and never let her go. We spent the rest of the evening simply holding each other. When we finally went to bed, we laid there in each other’s arms, as we slowly fell asleep.

  I only had one day left. Just one day!

  Then I slept.

  Chapter 16

  Saying Goodbye

  The dream began several hours later. It started with a series of images of warfare on an unimaginable scale. Waves of ships reaching out into the vast voids of space in swarms. A surge of emotions I had never felt before flowed through me like water through a sponge. I had never really understood the true warrior mentality till that moment. My adrenaline rates surged, and I wanted badly to jump into battle.

  There was no fear. Just a driving urge to answer the call to combat. The sounds of battle were everywhere, and I suddenly found myself setting up in my bed, screaming. April was there, telling me I was fine, but my heart was pounding in my chest, and at that moment, I felt anything but fine.

  Swinging my legs out of the sheets, I set there on the edge of the bed, drenched in sweat. I knew I was at home, but felt I should be somewhere else.

  "Are you alright?" April demanded, sounding scared to death. "I thought the world was ending for a second. I woke up and you were screaming your head off." There was a racket at the bedroom door, and it burst open. Selena and Tersa stood there with swords drawn. I could see more security people moving around in the hallway beyond them.

  "Are you alright?" Tersa demanded. "You scared the crap out of me screaming like that!"

  "I had a nightmare," I admitted. "It felt as if I was a warrior, being called to battle. I wanted to go now! I can still feel the rush in my blood pressure as the urge hit me."

  "It's the summoning!" Tersa told me. "I've been having the dreams for three days. Madias, the Rock, and the council, are channeling their powers into Satu-Ra's children. They are using all that energy to call in all the Guardian knights for the final battles. I thought I was the only Magi that could sense the dreams. It appears you are more of a warrior than we first believed."

  "That's why you've been so tied up in knots!" April suddenly blurted out.

  "It's very likely," Tersa agreed. "It's put me on edge, and I knew what was happening."

  "Why the sudden call now?" I questioned. "Has something happened to trigger the call?"

  "Well, actually," Tersa started to say. Then she stopped in mid-sentence. After a moment, she finally said, "They are being told to report, because the Master of the Magi Council, Kaltar Farsara, is due to return. It is time for the final battles to begin. All assets are being called into play. They only await your arrival."

  Two hours later, we had finally settled the house back down, and everyone but me was back asleep. April had dozed off in my arms, quietly crying herself to sleep after about half an hour. My mind was racing, and I didn't have an answer for even one of the questions I was coming up with.

  The great Guardian Satu-Ra and the largest fleet in the Universe were expecting me to lead them to victory. As the nightmare faded into my memory, I knew they were depending on myself, and the other Magi, to finally bring the Darkness to an end. I just had to hope I was up to the task.

  I must be up to it! There is no real choice! The time of war is here, and I must leave! Tomorrow I must become the warrior Magi my people need!

  I just wish there was some other way. War should be what happens when a plan fails. I must prepare. The time is at hand.


  The Rock came to see us early in the morning the following day. He has asked me to end my personal log book for now, and start another one when I join the fleet. The book is getting rather heavy, so I suppose his advice is well founded.

  I am now coming to accept my role in what is getting ready to happen. I feel that April, and the children, will be safe. I also know that the Rock, Madias, and many other Magi I call my friends, will be there with me. That gives me a great sense of security. With so much firepower, I can't see how we can lose.

  April and the twins are always on my mind, and I suspect that I’ll be spending much of my time trying to keep the place they live safe. The Milky Way Galaxy is a wondrous place, filled with activity. I just hope we can keep it that way. If you are reading this, then we have succeeded so far.

  As I write these words, the courier is here to pick this up. And I must say goodbye for now. Till we defeat the Darkness, and bring an end to the Madness. I bid you, goodbye.

  The End

  About the Author

  Ivan Bridgewater

  Ivan was born and raised in Southern Indiana. He was honorably discharged in 1980 after serving a six-year tour in the US Airforce as a Security Specialist. He has traveled a lot, but now lives in a tropical paradise, Florida, is semi-retired, and writes. He currently creates, writes, and publishes the book series, The Books of Satu-Ra, The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built, The Koda Files, The Rostervaust Project, The Books of Anso Madulac, along with books of assorted short stories.

  Book Collection Synopsis


  "The Books of Satu-Ra"

  "The Koda Files"

  "The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built"


  Ivan M. Bridgewater Jr.

  Hello! My name is Ivan Bridgewater, and I want to speak to you about a collection of books I have written. I began writing on May 11th 2013 and have been having fun ever since.

  The book this synopsis is printed in, is one book in a collection of books. The entire collection will encompass a total of twenty books.

  The basic premise of all the books discussed here, is that the people of planet Earth suffers a madness. It is as if the people of Earth all have a mild form of rabies. If you can't imagine it, you haven't seen the evening news programs lately.

  Because of the Madness, the Earth, and many other worlds, are kept isolated from the rest of life in the Milky Way Galaxy! As the various book series progress, it becomes obvious that an evil force known as "The Darkness" is responsible for the Madness, and so much more! The minions of the Darkness are stirring, and they wish to destroy not only all life on Earth, but our entire galaxy, just as it has done to so many other galaxies.

  There are forces prepared to fight back in the battle against the Darkness. The primary force is a group that is known as the Guardians. The Guardian leader, Satu-Ra, is the teller of the majority of the stories in the series. At a glance, he appears to be a human about thirty years old, but he is an 8000 year old Guardian of Earth.

  There is also a second, parallel part of the series, named "The Koda Files," and a third named, "The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built," both of which run in parallel to the original Satu-Ra stories.

  The complete book collection is divided into five sets of books, with four books in each set.

  The first set of four books is titled, "The Books of Satu-Ra!" In this series, you are introduced to the Darkness and its minions, as well as the Guardians, and Satu-Ra. As the story progresses, and the first four books play out, the battle grows ever larger and more fierce. Satu-Ra is forced to take steps in the defense of Earth he may later come to regret. At every turn, the men in grey are just on the verge of destroying the Guardians, and bringing the battle to a horrific end for Earth.

  The second set of four books is titled, "The Return of Satu-Ra!" In this series, Satu-Ra and his allies continue to battle the Darkness and its various minions. The losses are great, but hope grows stronger with each passing day. A group of Earthers known as the Chosen have shaken off the Madness. Only time will tell, but it looks like the Earth may yet be freed of the Madness all together.

  The third set of four books is titled, "The Koda Files!" In this series, an old, retired professional killer named Mike Rutger is teamed with a young, novice, woman, killer, named Koda. As the Koda Files progress, Mike and Koda fight against evil on Earth, while evading its authorities. In the final books, they beco
me involved with the battle against the Darkness, and battle the greatest evil threat of all. Only two of these books are complete at this time

  The fourth set of four books is titled "The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built!" In this series, a great Magi named Kaltar Farsara is introduced. As the series progresses, the young teen Magi learns of Earth, his powers, and the Darkness he must battle. Along the way, he also learns about love, and what it really means to grow up. Only three of these books are complete at this time

  The fifth, and final set of four books, is titled "The Final Battles for Earth!" In this series, Satu-Ra, Kaltar Farsara, and Mike Rutger, all band together, along with their allies, in a final, all-out battle against the Darkness! These final books aren’t fully finished, so we must wait to see how the war ends. Only three of these books are complete at this time

  One distinctive part of this overall book collection is the way series two, three, and four, all run in parallel to each other. In essence, three witnesses all tell their version of events as they occur. This allows the book collection's readers to feel better immersed in the universe of Satu-Ra, and the battle he fights to save us all!

  As you read the book collection, you will learn of alien worlds. Of battles pitting good against true evil. Friendships are born, and funerals are held! A mythos is created that goes beyond a few books, and becomes a story vast in scale. Through time and space. Even across dimensions. Love, sacrifice, bravery, and all the things that make a story worth telling.

  A total of 16 out of the twenty books are fully written. The balance of the books should be fully published by the end of 2019. I hope you will join us, as we bring this universe to life.


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