Book Read Free

Until Lilly

Page 11

by Reynolds, Aurora Rose

  “Really well.” She smiles, tilting her head to the side like she’s studying me. “How did you sleep?”

  “Better than I have in years. I like knowing that my family is all under one roof. I like waking up to the feel of you tucked in next to me.” I watch her face turn soft, and I can’t help but kiss her again. “Do you feel up to going to look at cars today?” I ask, pouring pancake batter onto the griddle.

  “Cash.” The way she says my name is like a full conversation; she doesn’t even have to say anything else, and I already know exactly what she is thinking.

  “Okay, that came out wrong,” I say and look over at her. “It sounded like a question, and it wasn’t. We’re going to go look at cars today.”

  “I knew it,” I hear her say under her breath, and I chuckle.

  “Babe, you’re not driving that piece-of-shit anymore; it’s not safe or reliable.” I pull out a spatula from the drawer and start to flip the pancakes. “Honestly, I’m surprised I lasted this long. I was thinking about slashing your tires; I hate that fucking car.

  “Fine, I know I need a new car. I will just use some of my rainy day money for a down payment.”

  “Were you not here when we had this conversation before? I know I told you I'm buying you a new car.”

  “Cash,” she says again, then shakes her head, “I need to help.”

  “Lil, you have done more than your fair share over the last few years.”

  “You can’t just come in and take over, Cash.”

  “I'm not taking over, but if there is a way that I can make things easier for you and Ashlyn, then I'm going to do it.” I watch as she rolls her eyes before taking a sip of coffee. “That’s one.”

  “What?” she asks, looking confused.

  “One spanking for rolling your eyes.”

  “You do know that I'm a grown woman, right?”


  “And you can’t threaten me with spankings.”

  “First, it’s not a threat. Second, I can see that you want it. Every time I tell you that I'm going to spank you, your eyes light up and you wiggle around.”

  “I do not,” she huffs out, wiggling on the counter, making me laugh as she glares.

  “Breakfast is ready,” I yell down the hall a few seconds later. I hear the kids’ feet pounding down the wooden floor before coming around the corner into the kitchen.

  “Yay, pancakes!” Jax yells.

  “Yippieee! Can I have chocolate chips in mine?” Ashlyn asks, and Jax looks at her like she’s a genius.

  “And mine,” he says, climbing up onto one of the stools.

  “Sorry, guys, we don’t have any, but we can get some for next weekend,” I say, putting pancakes on plates for both of the kids. Lilly jumps down from the counter, goes to the fridge, and pulls out orange juice, pouring it into two plastic cups and setting it in front of each of them. Then she takes a banana and cuts it in half, putting a section on each of their plates before doing the same with an orange.

  “What?” she asks when she catches me watching her closely. She is such a good mom. Last night in the shower, when she brought up the fact that we had used a condom when she got pregnant with Ashlyn, got me thinking. What are the chances that I could have used protection with two different women and gotten them both pregnant? That shit is as unlikely as winning the lottery. And as much as it pisses me off that it happened, and that Jules is most likely behind that shit, I have a hard time being pissed about it. Or at least being pissed at the situation. If Lil didn’t get pregnant, Ashlyn wouldn’t be here. Lil would probably be married to some dude, having his kids, and I would have never heard from her again. She would have been the one who got away.

  “Nothing.” I pull my eyes off her, adding more pancakes to the griddle before pulling down a plate for the two of us.

  “Can we go to the zoo?” Ashlyn asks, and I throw my head back laughing; she always wants to go to the zoo.

  “Not today. Today we’re going shopping for a new car for your mom.”

  “Oh.” She pouts before shoving more food into her mouth. Just then, the doorbell starts to go off. I look over at Lilly and she shrugs. I’m not expecting anyone. Even before I make it to the door, I can hear kids yelling and people talking. “Shit,” I mutter to myself, unlocking the door.

  “Took you long enough,” Trevor complains, shoving his way inside.

  “What the hell are y’all doing here?” I watch as every person in my family files into my house.

  “Put a damn shirt on.” Asher shoves past me, covering November’s eyes, making her and I laugh.

  “You know this is my house, right? And it’s a Saturday,” I tell him, locking the door behind Nico after he comes inside.

  “Yeah, but we thought that we could all plan something to do for the day,” Trevor explains, going into the kitchen. I see Lilly’s eyes get big; she’s standing behind the counter, pulling at the hem of my shirt.

  “I’m sorry, you guys. I’ll be right back,” she says, running off. I groan; I don’t want this. I want to have a relaxing day with my woman and kids.

  “Can ya’ll watch the little ones while I go get dressed?” I don’t even look at my brothers; I look at Liz and November when I ask my question.

  “Sure,” November says, and Liz nods. I make my way into my bedroom just in time to see Lilly taking my shirt off and a bra in her hand. She jumps when she hears the door close behind me.

  “Do you think you may have gone a wee bit overboard?” she asks, holding her arms out to the side but gesturing with her hands to all the marks I left on her.

  “Nope.” I bite my lip, looking her over. Yeah, okay, it may have been overkill, but fuck if I care. If anyone were to get her clothes off, they would know that she is taken.

  “It’s a good thing it’s cold and I can wear sweaters and jeans,” she mumbles under her breath, putting on her bra. When she pulls down her shorts, her eyes meet mine. “It looks like I got attacked even between—” she starts to say between her legs, but points instead.

  “I would say I'm sorry, but I would be lying.” I walk over to the dresser, grabbing a shirt and a pair of jeans. I toss the shirt on the bed, kick off my sweats, and step into my jeans, making sure to tuck myself in so I don’t zip my dick—that shit is never fun. When my head comes up, Lilly is watching me closely. “Are you okay?”

  “You’re not going to wear underwear?”

  “No, for what?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs, looking at the piece of satin in her hand.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I groan, seeing her intentions.


  “Put them on.”

  “Why? If you can—” I cut her off, pulling her close and putting my mouth on hers.

  “As it stands right now, I'm going to have a hard enough time being around you today. If I know you’re not wearing underwear, that is going to do me in. And you’re likely to end up bent over in every small room with a little bit of privacy that we come across,” I tell her, biting down on her bottom lip before licking it. Her mouth forms an O before she gets a small devious smile on her face. “Shit.” I press my now-hard cock into her belly. “Don’t fuck with me, baby.” I wrap my arms around her, hugging her before kissing the top of her head. “Let’s go see what everyone is up to, then figure out a way to ditch them,” I say, kissing her once more on the mouth before stepping away and putting on my shirt.

  I make my way out of the bedroom after feeling Lilly up and helping her put on her panties. I smile thinking about the way I got her to put them on. I fix my face into a firm mask before walking into the kitchen. Asher is now standing in the kitchen in front of the griddle, flipping pancakes.

  “What are you guys doing here?”

  “We wanted to come and see what you guys were doing today,” Trevor says, and I almost laugh. “Well, we’re not going to be here; we’re going to get Lilly a car,” I tell them all before picking up my plate off the counter and fi
nish eating.

  “So we can all go,” Nico says, and everyone else agrees. I look around, seeing that there is no real way to get out of this, so I may as well just have them tag along. Who knows, maybe if they are there with me, Lilly will be more agreeable. I know she won’t argue in front of everyone. I rub my hands together thinking I couldn’t have planned this better if I tried.

  “All right, we’ll leave after Lilly finishes eating breakfast,” I tell everyone.


  “You’re not buying me a brand new car that costs more than I make in a year,” Lilly yells, walking back and forth in front of all of us. We’re all standing outside the dealership. Phil is looking around nervously; I don’t blame the poor guy. When we first got here, I told him what I wanted for her, and he of course, being a salesman, took us to the top-of-the-line model with all the bells and whistles. The newest model GMC Acadia was nice; actually, it was perfect, and she was getting it whether she wanted it or not.

  “Baby, I am. It’s safe and good on gas,” I tell her.

  “I will have to sit on a phone book just to see over the damn steering wheel. How the hell is that safe?”

  “Actually, the seats are completely adjustable,” Phil says, earning a glare from Lilly. And laugher from our group.

  “This is not okay.” She stomps her foot.

  “Look, maybe we can compromise?”

  “Compromise?” she yells, throwing her hands up in the air. “Like what? I say you’re not going to buy me a car, and you force it on me? That kind of compromise? Yeah, no thanks.”

  “Calm down, okay? I want you to be safe, and this is one of the safest cars available.”

  “Actually, we have a Mercedes Benz tha—” I look up and narrow my eyes on Phil. “Never mind,” he mumbles before walking off.

  “Take a deep breath.”

  “I don’t like this,” she whispers, and I see tears in her eyes. “I didn’t want a car to begin with, and I don’t want that thing.” She point at the Acadia.

  “Why don’t you want it?”

  “I just don’t. And I don’t want you to spend that kind of money on me.”

  “You know, if you were to sue me for back child support, you would be rolling in the dough.”

  “I would never do that,” she gasps.

  “Lil,” I laugh, running my fingers along her jaw, “I know that you wouldn’t, but the point is that you could. I haven’t been around since Ashlyn was born. I wasn’t there to help you with bills or expenses. I want you to have nice things. There is no reason for you to struggle anymore. So please, let me do this for you,” I beg. It’s not lost on me how different this situation is compared to the one I was in with Jules. Jules wanted everything; she was never satisfied, and if I took her to a car dealership and told her to pick out a new car, she would have left me filling out the paperwork while she took off in her new ride.

  “I don’t like it.”

  “I know, but can you just do this one thing for me? I want to know that you’re safe, and that when you have my kids in the car with you, they’re safe too.”

  “You say ‘this one thing’, but I know that you’re going to have a million other things.” She pouts.

  “You know you’re really fucking cute when you’re upset?”

  “You’re so...” she stops, like she’s trying to think of a word to use to describe me.

  “Annoying,” Liz supplies, laughing.

  “Yes,” Lilly says, looking at Liz. “Thank you.”

  “You are so annoying,” she says, looking back at me.

  “But you love me.”

  “Don’t remind me,” she grumbles, so I bend her back and kiss her until I feel her body relax, and I know I have her right where I want her.

  “Let’s go get your new car,” I say kissing her again before swinging her up into my arms. “Get the paperwork ready, Phil.”

  “On it.” He smiles.

  “Yay!” I hear Ashlyn yell.


  It is official. My family is fucking crazy. Yes, they mean well, but they need to leave; I want to be alone with my woman and kids. I look around the room, realizing that everyone is settling in, getting comfortable like they plan on staying all fucking night.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Nico asks, making my eyes narrow.

  “What the hell is going on? You guys have never all stopped by on the weekend. And now it seems like you’re never going to leave.”

  “We wanted to come show our support and prove that we do like Lil,” he says, looking into the kitchen where she and November are standing.

  “First, don’t call her Lil. Second, since when have you liked her?” I ask, watching Lilly laugh at something that November says.

  “She’s grown on me, and I know that it’s not some game or a show that she’s putting on for us.”

  “Lil’s not like that,” I tell him, taking a pull from my beer.

  “So you can call her Lil, but I can’t?”

  “Pretty much.” I shrug.

  “Daddy, can we go outside?” Ashlyn asks, coming to stand in front of me.

  “Yeah, baby, let’s go get your coat.”

  “I’m coming too,” Asher says.

  “Me too,” Trevor says.

  “Oh, me too,” Nico says in a high-pitched girl’s voice.

  “You’re silly, Uncle Nico,” Ashlyn says giggling, making Nico smile. He bends, picking her up and holding her upside-down.

  “Do you still think I’m silly?” he asks, bouncing her up and down, making her laugh louder. I look up and see Lilly watching; our eyes meet for a second before hers go to Nico, going soft. She loves that Ashlyn is able to experience this; being an only child and her parents’ siblings living so far away when she was growing up, she wasn’t able to spend much time with her aunts and uncles.

  “Okay, you’re not silly-y-y-y,” Ashlyn squeals before Nico rights her and sets her feet on the ground, making sure she is stable before letting her go and ruffling her hair.

  “All right, get your jacket and see if Jax wants to go out with you,” Lilly says, walking into the living room.

  “You good, baby?” I put my arm around her waist, kissing her hair.

  “Yeah.” She leans in, wrapping her arm around my back. “Should we order pizza for everyone?”

  “No,” I say, just as everyone else says yes, and all the kids start yelling, “PIZZA!”

  “Honey,” Lilly whispers, her fingers digging into my side. I look into her eyes and shake my head.

  “Jesus, fine, you girls call it in, and me and the boys will go pick it up,” I tell her, kissing her forehead before dipping my head to the side and whispering into her ear, “You owe me later.” I watch her face turn a light pink before hiding it against my chest. “Love you, Lil,” I say into the hair at the top of her head.

  “Love you, too,” she says, her words muffled by my shirt.

  “All right, I’m going to take the rug rats outside. Let me know when you guys order the pizza so we can go pick it up.”

  “Sure,” she mumbles. I tilt her head back with a thumb under her chin so I can kiss her. The second my lips touch hers, I pull her a little tighter against me, wanting to absorb as much of her into me as I can.

  “Stop being gross!” Jax yells.

  “Yeah, that’s icky,” Ashlyn says, and Lilly smiles against my mouth.

  “Get used to it,” I can hear my oldest niece July say, and I smile, rubbing my nose against Lilly’s before pulling away.

  “All right, let’s go.” I throw out a hand towards the door and watch as all the kids start to run outside.

  “So I did a background check on Lilly,” Nico says once we’re outside and all the kids are running around screaming. His words catch me off guard and I turn to look at him.

  “Say what?” I ask. I can feel my body preparing to attack.

  “Look, I did it a while back after the first time you saw her. I wanted—” That was it; I couldn’t take any
more. I looked around, seeing if anyone was watching us before putting him in a headlock. We have all been fighting since we were kids; yes, we all love each other, and yes, we are close, but we are male, and sometimes you had to let that shit out through your fist. I pull his head down low so that if any of the kids were to see us, they would think that we are just horsing around.

  “I’m going to say this one fucking time, and I want to make sure you hear me, so I’m going to speak really slowly.” I tightened my arm around his neck, and it barely registers that he isn’t fighting back. Nico is as big as Asher and has filled out even more since working for Kenton, and I know if he wanted to, he could put me on my ass any other time, but right now, I’m so pissed that I feel like The Hulk. “Lilly is off limits. She is not Jules; she’s not some chick that I’m just fucking with. She is someone I have history with. And the person I plan to spend the rest of my life with. So I’m gonna tell you like I told Dad—if you’re not on Lil’s side, you’re not on my side. Do you understand?”

  “What the fuck?” I hear before I’m being pulled away from Nico. I brush Trevor and Asher off and right myself.

  “It’s cool; we’re cool,” Nico says, holding up his hands.

  “Are we cool? Tell me what I want to hear.” I look at all three of my brothers. “You three all need to tell me that you’re on her side.”

  “Dude, chill, we’re all on Lil’s side,” Trevor says softly.

  “Don’t fucking call her Lil,” I growl, and Nico laughs.

  “Look, we get it, and we’re all sorry,” Nico says smiling.

  “So why the fuck did you have a background check done on her?”

  “I wanted to see what she’s been up to,” he mumbles, and I run my hands down my face.

  “I love you all, but I know what I'm doing. This situation with Lil is stressful enough for her. If she finds out that you’re running background checks or anything else,” I tug my hat off and run my hands though my hair, “that might send her running.” I close my eyes and shake my head. When I open my eyes back up, I look at the three of them. “I have to tell you, if she runs, I'm following her. Even if that means moving to another state.”


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