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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

Page 13

by Thomas A. Wright

  “Shawna,” I said as I arrived, climbing down from Imelda’s back, “I’ll be ready to go in a couple minutes. Genius, what’s the damage to the shuttle? Can we patch it up?”

  “Yeah, Boss,” he answered. “I need some wire and couplers and a portable power pack, though. Just quick-charging the batteries will be enough to get the drive started.”

  “Have Shawna forward your list to Lorelei and I’ll have Adam, Grubb and Buddy come down and give you a hand.”

  Taz and Adeen were off talking quietly, which couldn’t be good. Ronnie and Snake followed me into the shuttle, trying not to smirk. “Snake, go ask those two if they are coming with us. You three have thirty seconds or I’m leaving you,” I said sharply. I started the stop-watch on my com and his eyes got wide. He stepped off the ramp and began yelling as I waited.

  “Shawna,” I said, “lift this fucking shuttle in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one . . . now!” Snake stepped back up and held his hands out, grabbing Taz and Adeen and quickly helping them in.

  Taz sat next to me. It was clear she was going to start talking about something any moment.

  “It’s ok, Benjamin,” she said after a moment. “You do not have to say anything. Adeen explained and I think her words helped me understand things.”

  “I doubt it. Forget anything she told you, unless it was about being a marine. She has some skills when it comes to that, but otherwise she doesn’t know a damn thing.”

  “Her explanation seemed plausible.”

  “I said forget it.”

  “Why do you not want to hear me out?”

  I had heard enough. I sprang from my seat, grabbed Adeen by the shirt and dragged her to the open ramp, which no one had seen fit to shut. Her feet were on the edge as I pushed her body out into open space. She gripped my hand with her cybernetic arm, squeezing it much harder than needed.

  “You’re a dumbass,” I told her. “My hand will heal by tomorrow, thanks to Taz. We are at least a hundred meters off the ground. If I let go you won’t be healed by tomorrow or ever.” Ronnie, Taz and Snake were all yelling at me to stop. “You taught me well,” I continued, ignoring them while she struggled. “I’ll never forget what a cold bitch you turned out to be. I’ll warn you this one time, you keep your damn nose out of my business and keep your damn comments to yourself. You do that and we will get along just fine. You understand the chain of command, Marine, or would a flying lesson help?”

  “I understand, sir.”

  “Get in there and buckle in,” I ordered. “The rest of you can sit down and buckle up. Snake, if you leave the ramp down again I’ll throw you out of it, after I make sure we’re at least three hundred meters up.” I helped Adeen up and she closed the ramp.

  “Buckle up, Taz,” I said as I walked back over.


  “Suit yourself. It gets rough, and if you dent your momma’s shuttle with your head it’ll be your fault.” I eased in between the pilot’s seats and sat in the co-pilot.

  “Bad day, boss?” Shawna asked, grinning.


  “Would you have let her go?”

  “Yeah, I would’ve, and I noticed you never stopped our ascent.”

  “Nope, the bitch would’ve hit hard at a hundred but I was thinking one fifty or two hundred would have been better.” Shawna had a wicked smile on her face.

  “Thanks, Shawna,” I said, smiling back. “Aisling doesn’t know what a good officer she let get away from her.”

  “Aisling doesn’t know what a good man she let get away either.”

  “Thanks, I think. Anywhere we can stop for a cheeseburger and cold beer on the way back?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “God, I wish. That sounds really good.”

  “When things settle I say we make the three-month trip, sneaking back to Anubis and getting us some chickens, pigs, and cows, along with some corn, flour and beer. Lots of seeds would be good to see what we could get to grow.”

  “That’s the best thing I’ve heard in months,” Shawna said. Her freckles might have been dancing around on her cheeks.

  Chapter 8

  I sat against a bulkhead in the hold of the Claymore and napped. Imelda moved around above me but made no contact. She was on watch, so if anyone approached she was going to nudge my mind and wake me. I hadn’t changed, washed or eaten anything since our return. Genius and the boys had brought the shuttle and Imelda back and it had been quiet ever since. It was less than an hour until our planned rendezvous with the pirates.

  Benjamin, Tazleaha is coming. You should wake up.

  Thanks, Imelda, I was in the process, I answered. It’s time to finish this little expedition.

  What will we do when it’s over?

  I have been thinking about that and have an idea. If it works, fine, and if not we will find something else to do.

  Talking with Imelda didn’t require me to open my eyes or move. Our conversations were uncomplicated and related to things important to survival. She didn’t need or care about anything else. Taz stopped in front of me and nudged me with her boot.

  Her voice was calm. “Wake up, Benjamin. We should talk before we reach the pirates and make the exchange.”

  “Go ahead and talk; it’s all you’ve been talking about.”

  “Your bad attitude and demeanor aside, I want my cousin, my credits and dead pirates when this is over.”

  “I thought that was the plan,” I said. “Is there something I missed?”

  “No, not unless you want to discuss what happened on the shuttle.” Her attitude was more curious now.

  “Nothing to discuss. Adeen knows where she stands with me.”

  “You would have killed her!”

  “No, the ground would have killed her.”

  “Benjamin, please. We have to turn this around and get back to the way things were.”

  “Before a botched drug job went south to attempted murder?”

  “You beat them both in front of their family and their peers.”

  “I should have killed the bastards and would have if I’d known. Then I wouldn’t have had to deal with you drugging Binda.”

  “Your tone is beginning to disturb me.”

  “Do you still believe I need to turn myself over to the authorities?”

  “It is the best thing for us.”

  “Maybe somehow it will help you save face, but listen, that’s all I needed to know. The Claymore will take you and your commander to meet the ship Zora sent. I assume the commander will know how to fly the shuttle. Lorelei will let you depart within shuttle range somewhere safe and you can rendezvous with them.”

  “Have you given that order yet?”

  “It’s only seconds away.”

  “I see,” she said calmly. “Once Dela’maah and I are aboard my ship I will authorize payment of the contract. You are welcome to stay within my empire as long as you abide by our laws. If not, then you and your crew will be treated as criminals and punished accordingly.”

  “Figured that one out already for myself,” I said. “Well, just for the record, I’m crazy for Tazleaha, and if she were here I would tell her I love her. It’s the Queen of Cjittan that I have all my problems with, and here in your empire I never know which one I’m going to be with. Goodbye, Your Highness. If I don’t see you later, safe travels.”

  I closed my eyes again and called the bridge. “Lorelei, once we have the commander, take her and Taz to meet the ship Zora sent. Keep your distance, put them in her shuttle and track them until they arrive, then head back in this direction. I will contact you later with more details.” Taz walked away until she got to the manway. There she stopped, paused for a few moments, but continued.

  “So we aren’t going back to the posh palace and all the good food and drink?” Lorelei answered. “And the people looking down their noses at us?”

  “Nope, not right now, and more than likely not ever. Would you put me on ship-wide, Captain?” I heard t
he click, telling me she had.

  “Crew of the Claymore, I need the following to report to the shuttle ready for combat: Snake, Ronnie, Genius, Natalia, Harry and Nedra. I would also like for the Queen of Cjittan to return my pistol, belt and knife immediately, though she can keep the armor. It seems that as your leader I have failed all of you again and the Claymore will not be returning to the Cjittan home world. I will not speak for the queen, but if returning is something you would like to do, then search her out and make your own deal, and do so with my blessing. We are all family, and as such I would want each and every one of you to seek the path that you feel will bring you happiness. There should be plenty of time once the commander is safe to make and discuss your plans. For those of you staying with the Claymore, we will meet and discuss the future once our business with the queen has concluded.”

  I ended the announcement and waited on my team and my weapons. The team showed up first, ready to go. Snake, Ronnie and Genius looked alert, not tired from our earlier adventure. Natalia was jittery with excitement, while Harry and Nedra were just at ease.

  “Hey, big guy, you want my axe?” I asked Harry from my spot on the floor. He grunted something that sounded like an affirmative.

  Genius was eyeballing me. “Are you ok, boss? You haven’t moved since before we came back with the shuttle.”

  “Yep, I’m fine, just listening to my ship.”

  “You know, Benjamin,” Ronnie cut in, “that little speech you gave earlier almost sounded professional. You didn’t swear or call anyone out. In fact, it had the sound of genuine concern for all of us.”

  “Seeing as I am once again taking you and the others from a good life back to wondering where your next meal will come from, I thought it would be good to provide my crew with the option. Not to mention it’s also my fault. I overreacted to Binda’s attack but I won’t turn myself in for taking out those two asshats.”

  “But you weren’t the one who actually took them out,” Ronnie said, knowing full well I knew she was right.

  “Damn it, Ronnie, that is not up for discussion.”

  “No, Ronnie, please speak, I would like to hear the truth,” Taz said, walking in.

  This was exactly why, even if Taz had had suspicions before, no one had opened their mouth. I was so close to just being done with it all. “You know the truth,” I said. “Ronnie wasn’t there and has no business talking about things she didn’t witness.”

  “I had you watched all evening,” she snapped. “I’m not stupid. I know where you were.”

  “You mean Romoc and Lemra? I knew they were watching me. They are not as good as you think.” I looked at the others. “All of you, go sit in the shuttle.” I gave Ronnie a parting exasperated look. Deception is a tricky game. Played often enough, you can forget you’re playing until you get a reminder.

  “You lie, Benjamin, and you give up both Taz and Queen Tazleaha for your lies,” Taz said coldly. “I risked so much and was going to break thousands of years of tradition to take a mate from another species. A mate I thought was worthy of me and my people. I hadn’t hoped for love, since we as a people have moved beyond such things, but once I tasted it I had to have more and I knew you felt it too. I am happy that you show me how wrong I was about you now, before it had the chance to go any further.”

  I exhaled, hoping some of the tension would wash away. I didn’t think there would be any coming back from this now. It seemed that now and forever I would be dead to her, a total disappointment. I sat with my head down, staring at the floor. She gently placed my belt on the floor in front of me. I took it and tried to stand up. She offered a hand but I used the bulkhead behind me, my back sliding as my legs pushed me up.

  “You’ll be rid of me shortly, and you’ll probably forget me soon now that you realize your mistake.” Then I slipped into dumbass mode. “Don’t forget your things in my room when you go. I’m sure I won’t be welcome or able to bring them to you later.”

  Her look agreed. “I don’t want to be rid of you, fool. You hurt me. I’m angry and I don’t understand. I’m confused.” She shoved back and my head bounced off the steel wall. “You will be mine. I will find a way; the answer just eludes me for now.”

  “Taz, as the leader of this little band of misfits, no matter what happens the responsibility rests on my shoulders. As long as they stand by me and follow my orders, I take responsibility for each and every one of them.”

  Lorelei interrupted over the ship-wide com. “Benjamin, we have arrived. They wanted to talk but I told them you were busy. They are expecting you as soon as possible.”

  “Thanks Captain. It’s show time, Taz. There’s a damsel in distress to rescue,” I said, walking away. “I don’t think we realized anything, except that we love each other and that you’re mad at me for making you mad at me. Does that about sum it up?”

  “Close enough. Hold still and do not move.” She pulled me toward her.

  The last week had been a continual nonstop series of fighting and making up. I thought I was happy that she was confused and changed her mind often. She had found something and couldn’t figure it out. Normally that wasn’t a good thing, but for all that she was, I realized she had been feeling her way through murky unknown territory. Right now, she was kissing the hell out me, and all the while I knew I would be making her angry again shortly.


  “Admiral, they have arrived,” the bridge officer announced. “I will turn on your screen so you can see the approaching ship.”

  All three officers studied the approaching vessel with interest. “Although it has been some time, I see the influence of the Allond in its design. But it’s like nothing I have ever seen before,” Captain Farat commented.

  “If I kill this Reaper then his ship will be mine,” Captain Sashet said, the only Cjittan of the three. Her platinum hair had been streaked with black and she wore black face paint that swirled in harsh lines around her face. She carried a sword across her back, a large selection of knives and a laser pistol.

  “I do not believe Reaper to be a pirate, my dear, and if you live through the experience I do not believe you will receive anything but a swift death later,” the admiral told her.

  “Admiral, their shuttle is waiting to dock, according to its pilot, but I do not see it,” said the bridge officer.

  “Extend the walkway anyway, and let’s go greet our guests.”


  “Dad, the airlock is extending. I’m in position, would you check the seal?” Natalia asked.

  “On it. Do not let them lock clamps on the shuttle. If they try, don’t be scared to rip into them. Ronnie, Genius, just sit tight until I have things under control. I want Genius to get Taz’s credits and everything else they have in the way of funds. I don’t want either of you off the shuttle until it’s safe.”

  “But you’re going to take Natalia? That makes no sense, Benjamin!” Ronnie grumbled.

  “She is a better fighter than both of you and she needs the experience. Snake, Harry and Nedra will keep an eye on her,” I said, looking at all of them and smiling. I knew they would whether I told them to or not. “We have a green light. Shut it and lock up behind us.”

  I pulled the door open as the door opposite me opened up. “Damn, what’s that smell?” Snake asked. Harry grunted in disgust and Nedra wrinkled her nose, which was a feat in itself.

  “That would be pirate. Or your socks, Snake. Not much difference.” I went first, followed by Natalia, Snake, Nedra and Harry. The airlock fed into a corridor and our escort led us toward the rear of the ship, constantly looking over his shoulder. We ended up in the hold, which made me happy. The ship itself was old but in good condition, from what I could tell on our short walk back. There were seven individuals waiting to greet us, but the commander was conspicuously absent from the line-up.

  The first individual to greet us I recognized as Admiral Onal Ooni. His gaunt, angular face gave him a rat-like appearance and his wiry body furthered that impression.
If he only had a tail, I thought. Next to him stood a male of about six feet, medium build, with red skin and the platinum hair of the Cjittan. The third was female and taller than the other two. She was Cjittan but had dyed black streaks through her hair. Her face had swirling black tattoos or paint; I wasn’t sure which. Of the other four, three were Cjittan, and one who stood behind the red-skinned male was one of those squid-grasshopper-looking creatures Taz had tried to play off as the Khalnalax.

  I watched their eyes drift over my team, monitoring how long they lingered on each of them, sizing them up. “Let me introduce Captains Farat and Sashet,” Onal said, as he motioned with his hand at each. “I am not familiar with your species, Reaper. I am aware of the Allond and although I don’t recall the large one’s species, I have seen his kind at the slave auctions.” His eyes moved to target Harry.

  Harry stood at my shoulder and I felt him tense. I didn’t move a muscle; I only had to say his name and he relaxed. I didn’t know if that was the first shot fired or if it was the truth.

  “Reaper, just so you are aware, Captain Farat is a Khalnalax and the species standing behind him are their servants and make up their army,” Nedra said.

  “So that is a Khalnalax. It’s good to know they will be just as easy to kill as the Cjittan. I like the black accents on Captain Sashet, though, she doesn’t look as tired and sickly as the rest of her people,” I replied, deciding to get the party started. “I apologize for my appearance; I didn’t have time to wash the blood off before we had to leave. Have any of you ever seen the blood of a Queen of Cjittan?” I asked, holding out my arms and motioning to my chest. “When a head is forcefully removed, you just can’t get away from the spray.”

  I pulled my axe off my back. The head and haft were still streaked with Allith blood. My ruse was working; the look of shock on their faces was priceless.

  “You already killed her?” Onal asked.

  “Oh yes, I don’t waste a lot of time, Admiral, which reminds me—I don’t see my prize anywhere. Where is the commander?”

  Poor Onal was having a hard time forming words. “Our ransom has not arrived, but once we receive it we will get her,” he managed finally


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