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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

Page 18

by Thomas A. Wright

  “Dela’maah, had Benjamin known they would do that to you I can assure you he would have approached things differently. I have watched him for months and can tell you he loves his family and friends and is ruthless with anyone who endangers or attacks them. If Natalia hadn’t shot the pirate, I’m sure Benjamin would have killed him and the others for what they did to you.”

  “Why would he do that for me? He doesn’t know anything about me.”

  “He knows you’re a part of my family. That, and the fact I sent him to find you, was enough for him. He also doesn’t like pirates. Had he not thought of a way to use them to our mutual benefit, he would have made them disappear.”

  “I still think you are making a mistake, but maybe time will prove me wrong.”

  “It is my mistake to make, Dela’maah. You can remind me of your words later if you are ever proven correct.”


  “Your Highness, congratulations on an overwhelming victory at Kanlost,” the Minister of the Navy, Dalex, said.

  “Minister, while the campaign was a success, defeating a planet of farmers at the farthest edge of the Cjittan empire is no great feat,” Emperor Khalnalax replied. The sarcasm was not lost on the minister. “It was strategic, yes, but no great challenge.”

  “The fleet is approaching Naloon, my Lord. While it may have a strategic location in relation to our plans, it is not a suitable place for a permanent ground base. Our troops would be under constant fatigue from the high surface temperature.”

  “I am aware, Minister, and must say the ease with which you state the obvious has brought you a long way within my navy. Tell me what secrets you had on my father that he kept such an imbecile in our navy for so many years.”

  “I am your uncle,” the minister stammered.

  “Ah yes, yes you are, and if you wish to remain my uncle I suggest you remain quiet and nod your agreement to everything that passes my lips and falls on your ears. If I choose to place troops on the surface, I will, regardless of their comfort level. Am I understood?”

  The minister clamped his mouth shut and nodded his acknowledgement. “Very good, uncle, you were listening. Go see to it that the fleet is assembled in a formation that takes full advantage of the planets in that system.”

  The minister spun on his heel and sped from the Emperor’s presence to take out his frustration on his underlings. They had set up a base on the planet Kanlost and he only wanted to stress that it would not be ideal to do the same on Naloon. His nephew was an ass, but it seemed he had a head for strategy. The final advance on Xanlos, the capital planet of Cjittan, would have his navy attacking from three positions. His only fear was the two other empires, Allond and Trillond, whose borders they would cross without permission to achieve their objective. They planned to ride the border and beg forgiveness if found out.

  A different version of the plan had the emperor asking permission to use their territory in exchange for a piece of the Cjittan empire after they conquered it, but the emperor had decided that the price was too high in exchange for simply permission. They would have to join the Khalnalax in the conquest of Cjittan if they wanted to share in the spoils, and the emperor thought that if one or both said no, their next communication would be to Queen Tazleaha to inform her of his ambitions. The element of surprise was too great an asset to lose before the conquest ever started. It seemed that so far the decision was a sound one and the outer rim of the Cjittan empire would fall to his Navy before Cjittan could muster a ship. It was inevitable.


  “Who wants to tell me what the hell is going on with you three? I can’t have the three of you behaving like that in front of the crew. You are going to be examples to all of our people so that we can get this venture off the ground and operating smoothly,” I exclaimed, my anger and disappointment ringing out.

  There was sullen silence following my outburst. Binda stood next to me, analyzing the expressions on their faces. “I’m waiting for an explanation. We have other matters to discuss, but I’m not going on until we settle this.”

  “Reaper, I apologize for my part. My words to Captain Lorelei were misunderstood and instead of clarifying them and moving on I let the situation escalate,” Sashet said. “Your daughter, who clearly has a hatred of my kind, let her feelings be known, then one thing led to another and you found us. Natalia, I will not apologize to you, as you should learn to address your elders with more respect, but I applaud your skills as a fighter and hope that we can have a friendlier match in the future where you can be assured I won’t underestimate you.”

  “That’s a start. Lorelei, why didn’t you put a stop to it when it started getting out of hand?” I asked, and Lorelei just looked down at the table. “Natalia, what about you. Anything to say?”

  “No, Captain Sash summed it up. I told them both off and took her up on her offer. It wasn’t our intention to have the crew or anyone else watch. That sort of happened on its own.”

  “I’m not satisfied, but I want to move on. As of now, Lorelei will remain captain of the Claymore, and Sash, you will remain captain of whichever ship you choose. Once you have chosen, the other captain will take command of the ship you vacate. Natalia, you have two choices: serve as an ensign under Lorelei or under Sash. Where I come from an ensign is an officer, so you will have limited authority over the crew of the ship you serve aboard.”

  “Benjamin, the other captains are on the com,” Nedra announced from the bridge.

  “Thank you, Nedra. Keep your com open and listen in on the meeting. Captains, how are you? Any problems we need to discuss in relation to chain of command on board your ships?”

  I waited for a few seconds while they thought on my question. No one said anything. “It would seem you have things in order then, or at least I take it there is nothing major. I want all of you to meet Binda, former assistant to the First Lord of the Trillond navy. As of this moment, every one of you work for her. She is your admiral, if that helps you understand her role. You will follow her orders without question. If I hear of a problem, I can assure you, you will not like my approach at solving it. I will say just a little more before I turn the meeting over to her. I told you all that this organization would operate in a fair and equitable manner, and I can think of no one else that you will be able to trust more when it comes to looking out for everyone’s best interests. I believe that if you earn her trust, you will not have to worry about the decisions you make in the day-to-day operation of your ship. All of you will have a say in our operations. Your input has value, so don’t sit through the meetings with your mouth shut. We have all lived hard lives and lost loved ones, and, in most cases, you chose the only life that was left to you." I paused, feeling I needed to let them catch up.

  "What you do now going forward is not going to be far from what you have done in the past. You will be tasked to show more restraint at times; not while fighting for your lives, but afterward. To clarify, we are going to need information, so we can't just kill everyone on a ship. There will be key individuals we want to take alive. Is everyone following so far? We will fight together, not against one another. We are going to take it to the Khalnalax and be a giant thorn in their asses. It has begun. Kanlost has fallen; it’s time to go to work.” I sat down. I wasn’t one for speeches, but I had given two in the past couple days and felt that my yearly quota had been met.

  Binda was staring at me. I couldn’t tell if she was happy or angry or just trying to get over the surprise. I could tell Lorelei and Natalia were shocked. Sash only smiled, seemingly taking it in stride. Binda had just been promoted from first officer to the highest-ranking officer in our organization. I believed she was the right person, and it was the right move for everyone concerned. I stood up to leave as soon as Binda began talking to her captains.

  “I apologize to my captains for being unprepared. As you witnessed, this was as big a surprise to me as anyone. Please introduce yourself so that I may properly address all of you,” Binda asked her capta
ins. “Benjamin, when I am through with my captains, I will need to talk to you in private.”

  I looked back at her from the doorway. “Yes ma’am,” I replied with a smile, and out I went.

  I made my way to the hold to get my armor and return to my quarters. Nedra informed me I had a live com from Taz and asked where to send it. I entered my quarters and laid my armor on the floor, then took a seat at my desk. Punching in my password, the screen lit up a somber-looking Tazleaha, Queen of Cjittan.

  “How are you feeling, Benjamin?” she asked. I thought it an odd way to start off a surprise call.

  “I’m fine. A little tired, but clean and ready to sleep for a week.”

  “I wish I could sleep; my mind will not come to rest. What is your position and plan for Kanlost? I fear the news I give you will change whatever you are about to attempt to do.”

  “We only recently arrived at the Claymore. The captains are meeting and will discuss a plan of action to implement once we get closer.”

  “Why are you not with them? Don’t you feel it important to know their plans? They are pirates and could be planning right now to kill you all.”

  “Taz, stop. It’s under control. I have representation there and everyone is cooperating. I have just appointed Binda as our admiral. I think you need to talk to her soon. First to apologize, and second to establish a rapport with her. She is now the leader of your privateers and will need your support as well as want to know your wishes." Damn, another speech and another person looking at me dumbfounded.

  " I agreed to this idea of yours thinking you would be the leader. I am not so sure now that I want to go along with this."

  "Why? Because our leader is Binda, the woman you tried to drug and almost got killed? Get over it. This isn’t about you or her. This is about the thousands—millions—of your people who are going to die. Generations will be lost, families destroyed. This little operation may or may not make a difference—I don’t know yet—but we are going to try. I am not going to sit here and tell you all the reasons why I chose her, only that she is the best person for the job."

  Taz sat staring at me, like the captains and crews had before her. I hoped what I was telling her was sinking in. She looked tired and it wasn’t good, in my mind, for her to look that way when things were just starting. I needed to fire her up; she needed to be strong now for her people.

  "We have reports that the Khalnalax have moved a large fleet into the Naloon system. Your people will be cut off soon if you don’t do something."

  "Shit, shit, hold on a minute, Taz. Nedra, I need to interrupt Binda right now."

  "Go ahead, Benjamin," Nedra replied.

  "Binda, we need to get three ships to Naloon immediately. The Khalnalax are setting up shop in the system. We have to get our people out. Captains, do you think the Claymore and two of your ships can get everyone and some supplies? I think they will have to leave most of their belongings behind for now and just bring the essentials."

  "Why just three, Benjamin?" Binda asked.

  "If three will work, then I want the rest of the fleet to continue on to Kanlost and recon the system. But only if you all agree we can evacuate everyone with three ships. If not, Kanlost will have to wait, but we are losing time. The Khalnalax are pressing forward and we don’t know anything yet. Discuss it and let me know your decision."

  "Admiral Binda, captains of my privateers, this is your queen. Go now, save your families and get them to safety. When it is accomplished, ready yourselves. Your empire needs you. Admiral Binda, I would speak with you when you have a moment."

  It was clear the others weren’t aware Taz had been there. It was a moment of shock and awe for the former pirates, and in addition it was supportive of their situation. I cut my connection to the crew, thereby cutting her off as well.

  "Thank you. Your support just went a long way to solidify their loyalty. Now, you need to rally the empire and be the fierce warrior queen that I met so many months ago. Put on your armor and broadcast a declaration of war to all systems. Make sure your governors reach out with the message to all worlds. Kanlost will be your flame, so take it, and light your empire on fire."

  Her smile lit up my screen, then turned into a wicked look of determination. Any personal conflict between us was temporarily forgotten. "Thank you, my love. I will make the proclamation shortly, then I will join you at Kanlost. You will wait for me there. I no longer care what my government thinks about you. I will have you by my side. This is no longer a dream or a threat but a reality, and you give me strength. Emperor Khalnalax will wish he never set his greedy eyes on my empire!"

  "Taz, is that wise. . ." She cut me off. Right in the middle of an “Are you sure?” speech, she cut me off. Guess it’s my own fault.

  "Benjamin, we are finished and need to know your plan," Binda said before I could get up from my desk. “I know you have a plan of your own.”

  "I need to load the Cjittan shuttle on Captain Sash's ship and she will take me to Kanlost. You will need the Claymore for its speed and size and I will take Imelda so she doesn’t scare the shit out of everyone."

  "Sounds simple enough. Get your ass moving, we have work to do!" Binda replied, trying not to smile.


  "Captain Dakkon, Emperor Xamand," his communications officer said. The screen next to his seat lit up with the face of his brother.

  "Captain, I see from your report that the Khalnalax have begun the invasion of Cjittan. Your comments on Queen Tazleaha are interesting. Any further thoughts?"

  "First I seek your permission to cross into Cjittan and proceed to Kanlost if we are to act on Queen Tazleaha's request."

  "Granted, Captain," Xamand answered.

  "Helm, set a course for Kanlost with continual long-range sensor sweeps. Weapons officer, be at the ready with full charges. We will not be caught unawares."

  "Dakkon, what are your feelings about supplying ships or the support of our navy to Cjittan against the Khalnalax?"

  "I would first like to know what your feelings are about entering a war with the Khalnalax. I fear anything other than total neutrality will drag us into it."

  "Yes, and while our peace with Cjittan has sometimes been uneasy in the past, it has not been so with Queen Tazleaha. She has honored all our past agreements, and for one so young has acted without any aggression toward her neighbors. Her ancestors always had to start a war to prove their worth."

  "I think if you and the elders decide to aid Cjittan, then I say we provide support with our navy, as well as provide Cjittan with ships. Having given this some thought while I waited, I reviewed the list of ships we have slated for decommission. While they are older by our standards, they are better than anything the Cjittan can send to battle. Our latest technology would remain safe and our ally would have a larger and more capable naval fleet."

  "I believe if we get Tazleaha to purchase the ships then we could provide her with key personnel to train and help crew them. Go to Kanlost, Dakkon, and report to me what you find. I will speak to the elders. I see none of them denying our involvement."

  "As you command, my Emperor," Dakkon voiced, mostly for his crew.


  "Benjamin, we are at full speed and will begin as soon as we arrive. The others will be at least six hours behind us, but there is nothing that can be done about it. We are discussing where to relocate. All our thoughts have been on the evac and not on a destination afterward," Binda said, standing on the bridge of the Claymore. Lorelei sat in front of her, listening with interest.

  "We will be meeting up with Taz at some point soon near Kanlost. If I don’t have an answer before then, I will get one," I said.

  "How is Imelda? She didn’t look too happy cramming herself into such a small space," Lorelei said.

  "The shuttle ride was brutal. She isn’t happy, but she isn’t complaining. Sash’s ship is smaller, but there is a rainbow at the end of this ride for her. If Kanlost has been occupied by the Khalnalax, she is going to an al
l-you-can-eat buffet."

  "Well, at least someone finds something good to crow about in this mess."

  From Sash’s bridge, I looked at the faces of my people on the Claymore. I stood next to Sash studying their expressions. Lorelei seemed irritated and detached.

  "Lorelei, no one thought or had any way of knowing that the Khalnalax would pick Naloon as a staging point," Binda responded before I could. "It shouldn’t have been a surprise; they had the same reasoning the pirates had in picking it for a base. What they don’t know is that we are on to them, and we can hope they may abandon Naloon in the future."

  "That’s true, and right this minute we can only guess what other moves they make," I said. Sash was listening and giving Natalia instructions on the controls of our ship at the same time. Natalia had made her decision on who she would serve under. I had thought she might pick Sash; while she was a former pirate, she had nothing to do with Natalia's past, which I was sure she would reason out for herself. Although she may have just wanted to stick with me. “Lorelei, I would rather be with you and the Claymore but lately it seems we keep getting dealt shitty hands.”

  “Yeah everything is normal, just tired of reacting with no time to prepare.”

  "I know. Safe travels, Claymore. Once the families are evac’d, we may have to plan on an evac mission to get any survivors off Kanlost. I'll let you know within a few days. Reaper out."

  "Now that you’re done with your goodbyes, just what is our plan for Kanlost, and who is really in charge? You seem to be giving all the orders." Sashet acknowledged.

  "Binda is in charge and will assume her full responsibilities when she is up to speed. I just handled this because of the urgency."

  "If you say so. What’s the plan?" Sashet asked again.

  "I think you should sail in like you own the place and see what happens."

  "I think I should shoot you in your sleep for suggesting that."

  "I'm serious," I said.

  "Ok, then so am I."

  "I thought you could play stupid with the Khalnalax—but it seems you wouldn’t really be playing—and then we would see what the response is. Maybe their presence is minimal and we can get in and out without seeing any action so that you don’t have to think."


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