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Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  She swallowed all of his cum and licked his slick cock until it was clean. She rested her forehead against his thigh. Finally, he reached a hand down and smoothed her hair back from her face.

  “That was fucking amazing. Thanks, Lacy.” He stood up and reached down to help her to her feet.

  When she wobbled, he held her against his body for a few seconds until she’d gotten her balance, then let go and returned to bathing.

  Lacy wasn’t sure what she expected, but she felt as if she’d been dismissed. It hurt. Maybe she was expecting too much from him. He was so different from Phillip. She knew where she stood with him all the time. With Cam, she didn’t have a clue. Maybe he was disappointed in her for some reason. Maybe he still wanted Rachel. That thought hurt.

  “You want me to leave the water on for you to finish bathing, or are you coming out?”

  Cam’s voice startled her. She looked up at him and shrugged. “I’ll get out now.” She stepped out of the shower and pulled a towel off the warming bar and dried off.

  “Tell Phillip when he wakes up that I’m heading out to check on the wheat first.”

  “Don’t you want something for breakfast? I’ll have it ready in just a few minutes.” She quickly dried off and hurried to dress.

  “Shhh, don’t wake Phillip up. I’m fine. I’ll grab a cereal bar on the way out.” He kissed the top of her head and walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

  Lacy watched him from the top of the stairs. She stood there in her jeans until she heard the back door close. Then she returned to the bedroom and finished getting dressed. She’d let Phillip sleep until he woke up. No reason he shouldn’t sleep in once.

  Coffee sounded really good to her right then. She fixed the coffeemaker and waited for it to finish before pouring a cup and sitting down at the table to sip it. She’d been there with them for nearly three months now. It would soon be September, and they would start to harvest some of the crops on into October. She was already picking vegetables and canning tomatoes at least twice a week. Winter was just around the corner.

  She worried how things would be when they were all three stuck inside with each other for three or four months with nothing but each other to keep them company. Would Cam lighten up some, or would he still be the same brooding man he had become these last few months?

  Lacy thought about when she’d first met them. He hadn’t been this way. In fact, he had been almost lighthearted compare to how he was now. Was it her fault? Did her claiming them cause him to change? The more she thought about it the more she wondered if he had really wanted Rachel and not her. Tears pricked her eyelids, but she refused to let them fall.

  “You’re sure looking serious about something.” Phillip walked into the kitchen and grabbed the cup she’d left by the coffeepot for him.

  “Oh, thinking about what all I needed to get done today.”

  “Hmm,” was all he said.

  “Cam said to tell you he was checking the wheat field first.”

  “You saw him before he left?”


  Phillip walked over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. What about you? Did you sleep well?”

  “Yeah. What about you?”


  “Tell me what’s bothering you, Lacy. I can tell something’s up.” Phillip sat in the chair next to her and cradled his cup in his big hands.

  “Is Cam disappointed in me? Does he wish I hadn’t picked you two as my husbands?”

  “Lacy, he’s not disappointed. He likes you. He’s just got a lot on his mind with the farm and all. Like I’ve said before, he isn’t one to say a lot anyway. Has he said something to bother you?”

  “No. I guess he’s just different from you. I can talk to you, and we get along fine, but I can’t talk to him.”

  “Well, you can always talk to me. Relax around him and don’t try to push. He’ll come around more as we get used to each other. Things will be better once the crops are in.” Phillip leaned over and kissed her.

  Lacy smiled at him. She hoped he was right, but she was still uneasy about the entire situation. If he never loved her, she could live with it. Lots of people lived together who didn’t actually love each other, but they at least cared. She wasn’t sure if Cam even cared that much for her.

  “I better get out there and check on him.” Phillip stood up and drained his coffee cup before dropping a kiss on her head and walking over to the sink to leave his cup.

  “I’ll see you in a little while, baby. Try to stop worrying so much. It will all be okay.”

  Lacy watched him go and sighed. It was hard not to worry when all she had was time to think. Even when she was busy in the garden or canning, she thought about them, and ultimately, Cam. She wanted him to like her so badly it hurt.

  Well, there was nothing she could do anytime soon anyway. Harvest would soon be on them all and there would be little time for anything but eating and sleeping. Maybe she would be able to make some headway with him once the harvest was over with.

  Chapter Eight

  Cam stomped off his boots at the back door right behind Phillip. He was bone tired but happy. They’d managed to get everything harvested before the rain and snow started. They would hitch the buggies up to the trailers and pull them to town the next day. Their part for the community would be over with for a few months. Relief pooled around him like puddles of water.

  As soon as he slipped out of his boots and shed his coat, Cam headed for the shower. Phillip normally showered in one of the other bathrooms while he showered in the master bath. That way they would both be down and ready for supper at the same time.

  It wasn’t until they were back downstairs that either of them noticed that Lacy wasn’t in the kitchen to greet them. Something smelled great, but she wasn’t there. Cam began to get worried. Where could she be?


  “I don’t know. Let’s check the garden.”

  They both walked outside the back again and began calling Lacy’s name.

  “I’m coming. I was just trying to be sure I got everything before you plow it under.” Lacy appeared from between the rows of pole beans now brown and dry.

  “Damn, woman. You had us worried,” Cam said in a growl.

  “You okay?” Phillip asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry I worried you. I honestly didn’t expect you back till dusk. Did you get everything harvested?”

  “Yep, it’s all in the trailers and ready for transport tomorrow. You will enjoy a trip to town,” Phillip told her.

  “I have a grocery list a mile long.” She laughed.

  They walked inside, and Lacy immediately began washing up. Cam watched her as she set aside the last of the vegetables she’d picked from the garden and began serving them. He couldn’t get his heart to stop racing. The thought that something might have happened to her had scared him. She was always right there when they came home.

  He looked outside and sighed. She was right, though. It wasn’t dusk yet, and they had finished early. More than likely she was always out in the garden at this time of the late afternoon. He had jumped to conclusions like he always did around her. Why?

  He avoided her eyes as she loaded his plate down with food. He couldn’t look in them without feeling guilty for snapping at her. He should apologize, but the words wouldn’t come. He always felt awkward around her now. It had been so long since he’d last touched her sexually. He almost couldn’t remember how good she tasted. No doubt she thought he didn’t want her anymore when the opposite was true. He wanted her with a vengeance, but truth be told, he had been too tired to do much of anything over the last few weeks except fall in bed and sleep.

  Maybe he would remedy that tonight. He looked up at the same time she did. She smiled at him. He tried to smile back but froze. Instead, he picked up his empty plate and took it to the sink.

  “That was really good, Lacy. Thanks. I’m
going to go on up to bed. We’ve got to get an early start tomorrow. It will take longer pulling all the trailers behind us.”

  “Glad you enjoyed it. I can’t wait to get to town tomorrow.” She smiled at him.

  “I guess you miss other women around you. You can visit with some of them that are still there,” Cam suggested. Then he turned and headed for the stairs.

  Phillip joined him in the bedroom about twenty minutes later. He began to strip to get ready for bed. Cam was already sitting on the side of the bed.

  “Don’t start, Phillip,” Cam said before Phillip opened his mouth.

  “Start what?”

  “Start with the be nice to Lacy spill you are always giving me.” Cam climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up but sat back against the headboard.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything, because you were nice to her before you walked up here.”

  Cam was about to reply, but Lacy walked in.

  “I’m going to take a quick shower and I’ll be right out.” She disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

  “We should buy her something nice while we’re in town,” Phillip said.


  “I don’t know. We’ll just look until we see something that suits her.”

  “You know her better than I do, you choose.” Cam laced his hands together behind his head.

  “If you would take the time, you would know her better, too,” Phillip pointed out.

  “Don’t start, Phillip.”

  “Hell, just shut the fuck up.” Phillip finished undressing and climbed into bed.

  A few minutes later, Lacy walked out with the towel still wrapped around her. It was warm in the bedroom, but after a hot shower, she was probably chilly.

  “Come on in the bed before you catch a cold,” Cam said.

  She smiled at him and dropped her towel to the floor before climbing over him and slipping beneath the covers. Cam pulled her over toward him. She looked surprised, but she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arm over his chest and settle her head on his shoulder once he had scooted down in the bed so she could.

  His good intentions were to initiate sex with her and make her feel good, but after only a few minutes of holding her, he began to drift. The scent of her hair against his face lulled him into soft sleep. The next thing he knew, the alarm was going off and she was climbing over him to turn it off.

  “Hey, watch where you put your knee, woman.” He moved out of the way just in time to avoid singing soprano the rest of the day.

  “Sorry.” She climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

  “Damn, it’s time to get up? I was really snoozing well,” Phillip complained then stretched.

  “Yeah, me, too.” Cam waited on Lacy to get out then got up to get dressed.

  “Do I need to wear extra clothes, or will I be warm in the buggy? I haven’t been in it during this time of year before.” Lacy looked at Cam.

  Cam looked at Phillip. He didn’t know what to tell her. Phillip ignored him and continued pulling on clothes.

  “Um, I think you’ll be warm enough with a coat,” he said.


  She pulled on a navy blue sweater that looked good with her blue eyes. He almost said as much, but Phillip beat him to it. Cam scowled at it, then regretted it when she quickly looked down.

  “We better get on the road. Lacy, why don’t you ride with me down there and Phillip on the way back?” he suggested.

  “Okay. That sounds fair.” She gave Phillip a knock-you-down hug and kiss before following him downstairs.

  She pulled out some sandwiches she’d fixed the night before to eat on the way down. He hadn’t expected her to have anything ready for them to eat. She thought ahead, another reason she was perfect for them. If he could just get his head out of his ass and tell her.

  He helped her climb up into the buggy and closed the door. Then he walked around to his side and climbed in before starting the engine. The buggy levitated to two feet and he took off, pulling three grain trailers behind him. Phillip pulled up next to him with three behind him. He waved at them. Lacy waved back. Cam nodded.

  “Don’t get up or down from the buggy when it’s running, Lacy. It’s dangerous,” Cam said.

  “Okay. How long did you say it would take to get there this time?” she asked.

  “About three hours, give or take a few minutes. Are you getting tired already?” he asked.

  “No, just wanted to know how long I had.”


  “So I could do this.” She scooted over and began unfastening his jeans.

  “Hey! What in the hell are you doing?” He couldn’t believe it. She was going to go down on him in the damn buggy.

  “I’m going to suck your cock while Phillip over there watches.” She nodded toward where Phillip in the other buggy was giving him a thumbs-up.

  “He’ll wreck the damn thing, Lacy. This isn’t a good idea.” He didn’t try and stop her.

  She had his jeans open and his cock out and in her mouth before he could think of another word to say. She swallowed all the way down him and he sped up without meaning to.

  “Fuck, I’m going to have a damn wreck.”

  “Let’s see how good a driver you are, then.” She scratched at his balls through the denim, sending electrical sparks all over his body.

  Cam looked down as she swallowed him all the way down again and groaned. Her lips were already swollen from sucking on him, and red as ripe cherries. Seeing them wrapped around his dick just about sent him over. She sucked him up and down until he was meeting her halfway and barely paying attention to the road.

  “Fuck, yeah. Let me feel those teeth on me. Not too much. Yeah, that’s right.” He ran a hand through her hair and pulled it back out of the way of his line of vision.

  He liked watching her mouth stretched tight around his cock. Lacy drew almost all the way off him then swallowed him down again. She did this several times in a row, and he knew he was going to come.

  “I’m going to fill your throat with my cum, baby. Hold on.” He pushed her head down and held her as he shot his cum into her throat.

  When he let off of her she sucked her way back up, then licked him clean and fastened him back up into his jeans. He reached over and wiped a smear of his cum from the corner of her mouth and held it out to her to lick clean. She sucked his thumb into his mouth and teased it with her tongue.

  “I think we’re going to make it there a little sooner than I thought,” Cam told her.


  “Because I was going faster than I should have been pulling trailers.” He smiled at her.

  She smiled back and reached for his hand. He let her hold it for a few minutes then pulled it back.

  “I need both hands, baby, to be safe.” She looked disappointed, but she didn’t say anything.

  He noticed that Phillip had caught up with them and was shaking his head at him with a grin on his face. Cam shot him the bird, much to Lacy’s amusement. She laughed so hard she would have fallen off the seat if not for the harness she had put back on once she’d finished sucking him off.

  He thought all the rest of the way there about her and how she had bent over backward trying to forge a relationship between them. He hadn’t been too supportive of it, though. For some reason, as much as he had wanted a wife, now that they had one, the responsibility was weighing heavy on him. What would happen once she got pregnant? Just the thought of her carrying their child sent shivers down his spine.

  He would love to have children, but that meant more responsibility, and with the strange animal lurking around the house, he was worried about her safety. Add to that the safety of a child that may or may not mind… It overwhelmed him.

  Cam looked over toward her. Was she already pregnant? It would probably be Phillip’s since he hadn’t been very active lately. Did that matter? He thought about it. No, it didn’t. He still worried the same whether it was his or
Phillip’s. He was truly fine with having Phillip as a partner and cohusband, so to speak.

  Lacy kept turning around to watch the trailers.

  “Is something wrong with the trailers?” he asked looking back.

  “No, but I keep thinking I see something moving around back there. I guess it’s just the dust from the road.”

  He began to watch closer, but didn’t see anything. What would it be, anyway?

  “Probably just the road dust like you said,” he agreed.

  “What happens when we get there?”

  “We drop off our trailers for them to unload and weigh. Then we get our credits and buy our supplies for the winter. I’d like to be back home before full dark, though, as we still have to unload the trailers.”

  “Okay, I’ll hurry.” She pulled out a folded paper and read over it.

  “Is that the list you and Phillip made up?”

  “Yeah. Is there anything you think we might have missed putting on it?” she asked.

  “No, can’t think of anything. Phillip usually knows better than I do what we might need.” Cam watched her nod and fold the list back up before replacing it in her coat pocket.

  “Are you warm enough?” he thought to ask.

  “Just fine. I might get cold on the way back, so I brought a small blanket and gave it to Phillip to put in his buggy.”

  Cam was impressed by her always thinking ahead. She was a planner. That was good. He tried to think of something more to say, but they were about to pull into the town now, and he needed to concentrate on getting the trailers through the town to the grain bins.

  As soon as they were parked outside the grain bin, Lacy unbuckled her harness and jumped out of the buggy. Cam yelled at her to stop and be still. She stared at him as if appalled that he’d yelled at her.

  “Don’t ever jump down out of this buggy by yourself again. It’s dangerous when the engine is still running. Plus, I don’t know if it’s safe around here to be wandering around. Stick next to me until I can get you out of here.”

  Lacy swallowed and looked away. Phillip walked up then.

  “How long do you expect it to take to unload?” Phillip asked.


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