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Crisis Alert (Divine Justice, 3)

Page 17

by Mary Abshire

  “You didn’t find them?” Rachel asked with her shoulders slumped slightly.

  “No. There are way more buildings under construction in the city than I realized. Every agent has been looking all day. I visited at least twenty buildings myself. We’re nowhere close to finding Anna and Kurt.”

  Consumed with his need to locate Anna, Zale hadn’t slept at all. He’d spent half the day looking on the west side of town and the other half on the east since the demon activities had been the highest in those areas. Although he’d found two locations with corpses, they’d been destroyed days ago.

  “What about the surveillance we sent to your office?” Rachel asked.

  “It wasn’t of any help. A team went to the building where they took Anna and Kurt. They found a tunnel leading to a bar two blocks away. Since the power was cut, the cameras weren’t working. The satellite images showed cars leaving, but from what I was told, it’s impossible to get the model or plates of the vehicles.”

  “What about the masters?”

  “I checked each address. An agent stayed at each location and I checked in throughout the day. None of the masters ever showed up.”

  Every hope he’d had of finding Anna had been shot down. Although he hadn’t seen the surveillance or satellite images, Gordon had assured him the shots were of no use. Zale had remained on the streets, trying to locate her. But the list of buildings under renovation had been more than he’d bargained for. They needed ten times the amount of staff to try and search every site.

  Rachel shook her head and began walking. “Okay, I’ll get Finton and bring him up. Meet me in the recording studio.”

  “Is Aziel here?” he asked as he followed beside her.

  “Yes. I think he slept in his office.”

  “Should he interrogate Finton?”

  “I can do it. I have before. I’ll meet you in the studio in a few minutes.”

  Rachel turned away from him. She disappeared into a room while he continued toward a hall.

  The day had been full of disappointments and he’d tried to stay hopeful, but each passing hour had increased his worry for Anna. Somewhere in the city, she was in agony from the sun. He couldn’t fathom the pain or how much damage the rays would cause to her body. He’d tried to avoid thinking about the matter. The thought of her suffering sickened him.

  He strode down several halls before he reached the quiet interrogation area. Although he’d been in the office before sunrise, it seemed as if only a few hours had passed. He strode into the studio with the equipment and then took a seat in the chair facing a window.

  Unable to keep still, he bobbled his leg. Anxiety fueled his every move and had helped him stay awake.

  Finton was his last hope for locating Anna. Although Zale would’ve liked to question the man during the day, his methods would’ve been different from those of the DS. He had to remind himself the vampires could sift through memories with ease. Although he could collect information through physical force, a vampire could gather more with their telepathic ability. He needed answers, but he needed accurate and detailed ones. And the only way to get what he sought was with the aid of vampires.

  The door clicked before it opened. Aziel stepped into the studio. He wore the same button-down shirt and dark pants from the last time Zale had seen him. His skin tone seemed paler.

  “Did you find them?” Aziel asked.

  Zale rose. “No. I spent all day looking. Agents stayed at the addresses for the masters and no one showed up. The UoJ doesn’t have enough staff to check on every single building under construction.”

  Aziel lowered his gaze. “I was afraid of that.”

  “Rachel is bringing Finton to interrogate him. If he doesn’t know anything…” Zale hated to say the words, but he was at a loss what to do. His heart and soul yearned to save her, but he didn’t know where to look.

  “The masters want information. They’re going to try and get it from Kurt or Anna. We have time, but not much.”

  “I don’t think she’ll talk. You know her more than I do, but from what I’ve seen she is very devoted and strong.”

  Aziel gave a nod. “It’s my belief she would rather meet her fate than see anyone harmed. She has a heart of gold and of a warrior. I believe all the agents are loyal, but none have faced torture before. It will test their limits.”

  “I’ve trained many agents at the UoJ. Like you, I believe them to be honorable and trustworthy to the end. But when it comes to survival…”

  “We have to have faith and push forward. If our location is given out, we will move to our second spot. It’s not as big or nice, but it will suffice. If Anna and Kurt are destroyed, the other agents will have to continue.”

  The possibility of losing Anna pained Zale’s heart too much. He couldn’t think about it. He wouldn’t.

  “If Finton knows the location, the UoJ should go in with DS agents. I’d like to lead the team,” Zale said.

  “You’re brave, Zale. I can’t thank you enough for your efforts in working with us.”

  “Be sure to mention that to Gordon. I might be fired soon since I disregarded his orders today.”

  “He won’t terminate you. If he did, rest assured, you will have a job waiting for you here.”

  Hearing footsteps and the beat of a heart approaching, Zale twisted to face one of the windows overlooking an interrogation room. The door opened and Rachel pulled the gurney with Finton.

  “I’ll help her,” Aziel said as he headed toward the door.

  Rachel stopped the gurney in the middle of the room. Finton’s eyelids fluttered. A dark bruise surrounded one swollen eye. Straps held his wrists and ankles to the bedframe. Thick bandages covered Finton’s forearm and wrist Zale had broken. A blanket concealed his body from the chest down.

  Aziel strode into the room. “I’ll question him. Why don’t you set up the equipment?”

  Rachel nodded before she passed him.

  “Where am I?” Finton asked.

  The door clicked as Rachel pushed it open. She headed straight to the wall with the electronics.

  Aziel stopped at the side of the gurney, facing the one-way mirror. “Your safe and being treated for your injuries. Right now, I need you to answer a few questions for me.”

  “Are you a cop or something?” Finton asked.

  “No, I’m not a cop. I want you to tell me about your friends and this party that occurred at three in the morning.”

  Finton closed his eyes. “I’m really tired.”

  “I’m sure you are. Tell me what the plans were for this party. Speak of them.”

  Rachel came to stand next to Zale. “He’s forcing Finton to talk so we can record his confession.”

  “Reggie and Rodney came up with the idea,” Finton said. “Rodney wanted me to spread the word to get people to show up. Reggie said the party would attract this gang he hated. He wanted to kill everyone and make them suffer. Rodney said he’d organize a second group so when the gang showed up, they could capture them.”

  “Were you at the party?” Aziel asked.

  “Rodney told me to leave before three. I was mad, but I left and went home.”

  “What did Rodney or Reggie plan to do with the gang they captured?”

  “They wanted to rough them up and use them as an example to others.”

  “Where did they plan to take the ones they captured?”

  Zale bit his lip while his heart jumped.

  “There’s a building on the west side off 32nd street,” Finton said.

  Zale took a step back and Rachel gripped his forearm.

  “Wait,” she said.

  “Is this building guarded?” Aziel asked.

  “I don’t think so. Reggie said he and Rodney would take care of everyone they captured,” Finton said.

  “Thank you, Finton. You can sleep now,” Aziel said.

  Zale’s heart raced. The masters had set a deadline of ten. He had a
little more than an hour to get to her. Nothing would stop him from rescuing her.

  “I have to call Gordon. A team has to prepare,” Zale said as he reached into his pocket for his phone.

  Aziel entered the recording studio. “Come with me. I’ll call from my office and we’ll set up a plan.”

  Hope swelled within Zale as he strode toward the vamp. He finally had a chance to save Anna.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Anna’s stomach heaved for the hundredth time, but nothing expelled from her. Dark red blood covered Rodney’s gloved hands and smeared on his plastic jacket. On the floor, Rodney had removed several of Kurt’s organs including his heart. The sight disgusted her. She kept reminding herself Kurt could regenerate new ones. But he needed blood in order to heal. Moreover, someone would have to save them. And that seemed impossible.

  Reggie had returned twice. He’d spoken to the demon watching the show and supplying Rodney with tools. She couldn’t hear anything he’d said since Kurt had been screaming and her head had been throbbing. Reggie had left some time ago and had yet to return. She knew he would eventually so he could enjoy his time dissecting her in the way Rodney was with Kurt.

  The sound of the saw started again. Her stomach muscles clenched anew. She tried not to watch, but she needed to. The gruesome sight reminded her that she was the reason behind Kurt’s turmoil. If she’d killed Christopher long ago, Kurt would be safe and free from such agony.

  The grinding sound deepened as Rodney pressed it to one of Kurt’s legs. What little blood Kurt had left splattered on Rodney’s jacket. Kurt’s head hung forward. He’d passed out soon after Rodney started cutting out his organs. Rodney had revived Kurt when the evil beast removed his heart. Since then, Kurt had been unconscious. The skeletal remains of the agent terrified her because she knew she would suffer the same fate.

  Kurt’s leg fell free from his body. Her stomach retched again.

  “What do you think, Stan, should I cut the other one off too?” Rodney asked the big guy sitting on one of the large tubs.

  “Sure,” Stan said.

  Rodney stepped closer to Anna. “I was hoping he’d talk. I guess Reggie will have to work harder with you.”

  She swallowed her words, fearing anything she might say could bring more suffering to her or Kurt.

  “Or maybe I should just cut off his head now,” Rodney said. “What do you think?”

  A quick end would be best. Still, she held her tongue, thinking the evil beast would only continue to hack Kurt into more pieces.

  “Okay, since you don’t care…” Rodney said before he returned to Kurt. “I don’t either.”

  The saw blade started spinning again. Rodney held it near Kurt’s neck.

  “No! Please, don’t!” she cried as she pulled on the restraints.

  The sound of the blade deepened as it dug into Kurt’s neck. Crying, she turned away. Another vampire gone because of her. She deserved to be destroyed because of her stupid decision to let Christopher walk away.

  Rapid pops brought her eyes open. The grinding sound of the saw slowed. Stan shot up from his seat while the other demon ran toward her.

  Rodney set the tool on the ground. “Find out what it is,” he said to Stan.

  The big guy strode toward the exit behind her.

  The sound of more pops made her flinch. Growls and barks followed. Hope sparked within her and she no longer felt as if she’d been drowning in despair. She looked at Kurt. His head hadn’t fallen from his body. Maybe he still had a chance to recover.

  Rodney ripped open his jacket and pushed it off his arms. He glared at her. “We’re not done with you.”

  Rage began anew inside her. She bared her fangs to him. “No, we’re not. I’m coming for you and Reggie. I will send you both back to Hell.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up,” he smirked.

  She yanked on the chains with the little bit of strength she had left. Retribution burned in every cell in her body. Fury demanded release. She would not stop until she sent both evil beasts where they belonged.

  Unmoved by her anger, he removed one glove at a time and then dropped them. Without saying another word, he disappeared behind her.

  The gunshots and growls sounded closer. She hoped someone caught Rodney. She prayed someone would capture Reggie.

  So many emotions flooded her as she waited for her saviors to arrive. She wanted to weep for those souls lost and bury her head for the decision over a century ago. But above all she longed for vengeance, to exorcise the masters and every demon she could find. She had a chance now and she’d made a vow to God. She wouldn’t go back on it. As soon as she healed, she wanted to get to work.

  Yelps and patter of feet grew closer. Soft clicks on concrete drew nearer. The strong heartbeats enlivened her spirit.

  A four-legged werewolf skidded to a stop in front of her. She instantly recognized the animal from his dark hair and beautiful green eyes. He whimpered and yelped softly as he approached.

  Her knees weakened. She couldn’t hold back from crying. Not once had she’d thought Zale would find her. The man who held biases toward her kind was the last person she’d considered who’d save her from destruction. The werewolf amazed and scared her. For the first time in her existence she felt true love.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Zale paced in the hall outside the clinic of the DS. He’d listened to the doctors talk about how dehydrated she was and how much blood she needed to heal. While they fed her through an intravenous they removed nineteen bullets. He’d heard each one ping in the bowl. Nineteen bullets, and those were only the ones that had gotten stuck inside her. During one of the nurse’s initial exams, Zale had heard him tell Aziel she had been shot twenty-six times. And if that weren’t enough, blisters covered every inch of her body, except where her bra and underwear had concealed her flesh. The woman who’d worked so hard to preserve mankind had taken quite the beating. She was lucky the demons hadn’t destroyed her.

  He’d never forget seeing her chained up. Dried crusty blood had coated her red-blistered body. She’d been bone thin and looked so frail. He’d wanted to hold her, take care of her, and release her from all her fears and worries. Even though she’d appeared sicker than any famished Ethiopian on a bad day, he’d still viewed her as a beautiful courageous woman. He would do anything to protect her.

  Clacks on the floor brought his pacing to a halt. He faced the direction of the footsteps and waited for the person to round the corner. When he saw Rachel, he let out a small sigh.

  “I came to check on you,” she said, approaching with hesitant steps.

  Zale stepped in front of the door to the clinic. “I’m okay.”

  “Do you want anything to drink? Some water maybe?” She continued to step toward him.

  “I’m fine. And I’m sorry about earlier.”

  Zale had created a bit of a ruckus. After he’d found Anna, he’d changed while DS agents released her from the restraints. The agents had warned him to stay back since she’d been dehydrated for so long. He’d disregarded their advice and had tried to get close to her. Truth be told, he didn’t like them touching her. She’d ordered him to stay back and for agents to keep him away. Several agents had blocked him from getting near her. His anger had ignited. He’d shoved two agents across the room. When she’d begged him to stay back, he’d obeyed until they reached the garage. Once again he’d shoved a few agents for touching her. If Aziel hadn’t calmed him, he would’ve done a lot more damage than push a few vamps around.

  She stopped a few feet away from him. “You seem…better now.”

  “I am. Again, I’m sorry you saw me like that. It’s just…” He glanced over his shoulder as he heard Anna speaking. She was talking about Rodney and Reggie. Her soft voice sounded hoarse.

  “I get it. You were trying to protect her,” Rachel said, reclaiming his attention.

  “It’s more than that. I want to make sure she’s p
roperly cared for. She’s been through enough.”

  Rachel smiled. “Do you love her?”

  Behind the closed door, Zale heard Aziel reply to Anna and tell her to rest. She argued with him.

  “I’m sorry Rachel, I need to check on Anna.” He spun and twisted the knob.

  Three nurses in white lab coats and Aziel stared at Zale as he strode toward Anna.

  The director held up his hands. “Zale, this is not the time.” His words came out strong and commanding.

  “Let him in,” Anna said.

  The nurse on one side of her walked away. Zale filled the vamp’s vacant spot. The see-through heating blanket covered her body, leaving her blistered arms and shoulders exposed. A drip line with blood fed into each arm. Tired eyes stared up at him. More blisters dotted her face. Her reddish-brown hair hung loose underneath her. He fought the urge to kiss her, just to brush his lips with hers. She was his. He dared anyone to take her from him. They wouldn’t win.

  “I heard you say she needs rest,” Zale said to Aziel.

  The vampire director stepped closer to the opposite side of the table. “I told her she needs a few days to recover. As usual, she’s stubborn.”

  “Let me take her to my home. She’ll be safe and I’ll care for.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Aziel said.

  “I have a finished basement and the bedroom doesn’t have windows. She’ll be completely out of the sun and safe. Whatever she needs, I can take care of it,” Zale said. “Please, I want to do this.”

  Aziel turned his attention to the nurses in the back. “How much blood can we send with her?”

  A blond-haired nurse sitting at table lifted papers from his clipboard. “We can send a case.”


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