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For The Love Of A Goon 2: A Miami Hood Love Tale

Page 8

by Lady J

  “Mom, I’ll be back to check on you tomorrow morning,” he said then placed a kiss on his mother’s forehead. “You get some rest, okay?” He ordered her then left her there alone.

  On his way back to his side of town, he stopped by Trent’s house to see why he didn’t show up at Nino’s funeral. He smashed up the block, whipped into the driveway, and blew his horn twice.

  Trent peeped through the blinds then opened the front door. He waved his hand out the door, signaling for Meek to come inside. Meek shut his car off, exited the car, and lightly jogged inside.

  “What’s good, my boy?” Trent slapped five with Meek then headed back down the hall.

  Trent walked down the stairs to his man cave with Meek following him. He flipped on the lights and led Meek over to the bar he had in the corner of the basement. Trent pulled back two bar stools for himself and Meek to sit then picked up the remote and turned on the 46” flat screen TV he had mounted on the basement wall. He flipped the channels until he landed on SportsCenter then turned the volume up slightly. He walked around the bar to retrieve the small stash of dope he had hidden.

  “Check this shit out.” Trent took a small amount out of the bag, dumped it on the bar top, then pulled out a rolled up dollar bill and handed it to Meek.

  “Naw, I’m good.” Meek waved him off.

  “Suit yourself.” Trent shrugged, dropped his head, and snorted the thin line of cocaine from the bar. He threw his head back and played with his nose. “I’m telling you, boy, you don’t know what you missing with this shit,” Trent said. “You sure you don’t want a hit?” He tried to pass Meek the paper tube.

  “Yeah, mane, I’m sure.” Meek get up and opened up the mini cooler and grabbed himself a cold bottle of water. He popped the top and drank it down quickly.

  “So, what brings you to the player palace?” he joked, opening his arms and letting them fall down to his side.

  “Why you didn’t show?” Meek asked, getting to the point of his visit.

  “Man, I couldn’t see lil homie laying up in no casket, mane. That shit would’ve surely done something to me. But I was at the gravesite. I was nowhere near y’all, but I watched them put his body into the ground. That gold casket was sharp too, man. He would’ve liked that shit.” Trent had been there and seen Nino’s casket being lowered at the grave yard.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were there,” Meek stated. “That’s what’s up.” He threw his head up.

  “You know I had to see lil bro one more time.” He smiled at the series of memories that flashed through his head of the three of them hanging out, fucking bitches and getting money. “When we gon’ handle that fruit cake ass nigga who did this?” Trent’s mood flipped quickly and he turned to beast mode.

  “Soon, real soon,” Meek replied.


  Moenisha stormed straight into Carmen’s apartment and headed for the bedroom. After the day she had, all she wanted to do was stuff herself in the bed and close her eyes. She wasn’t really looking forward to the conversation between her and Meek that she knew was coming. There were plenty of things she wanted to address, and this snorting coke shit wasn’t about to fly with her. Although he was going through a lot right now, she knew that this wasn’t the answer. She’d rather him cope with the pain than turn to hard drugs.

  She flopped down on the bed and took off the high heeled shoes she was wearing. She sighed deeply to let out the frustration she felt inside. Moe pulled back the covers and tucked herself between the comforter and sheet set. All she wanted to do was lay there. She closed her eyes and pretended to be already asleep to prevent herself from snapping on Meek when the door cracked opened and he entered slowly. In his hands he carried his brother’s obituary and two red roses he had gotten from Nino’s grave site. Moe acted as if she hadn’t even heard him enter the room. Her eyes remained shut and her back was turned to him.

  “Baby,” he whispered softly, “can we talk?”

  He stood over the bed staring down at her. Moe never responded, nor did she turn around to face him. She was outraged by his actions; she didn’t even know where to start. Lately, it seemed as if their strong unbreakable bond was beginning to weaken, and that was something she didn’t want to happen. She had always tried to keep him happy in any way possible. She didn’t give a damn if she had to walk through rain, sleet, or snow, she would, just to be by his side. Marrying him had made her beyond happy, and now it all was turning for the worse, and they had only been married for a couple of days.

  “Will you say something, Moe, please?” he begged. “Look, I know you’re upset with me, and I don’t blame you. Baby, I ain’t even gon try to come up with an excuse for my actions because I know you don’t care to hear all of that. Moe, all I can do is pray you don’t walk out on me. Don’t walk out on our love,” he said, but still got no reply.

  Moe remained quiet although she was listening to every word he said. She let the tears roll from the corner of her eye and hit the bed without ever opening her eyes. She was afraid to open up her mouth and speak out of fear that she would end up saying something she would later regret. And one slip up wasn’t worth throwing away the love they’d built.

  Meek changed out of this suit and dress shoes and dressed in jeans and a plain white t-shirt. He separated and bagged his work before stuffing it inside his MCM backpack. Before leaving the room, he stood in the mirror and let his long locs loose from the ponytail they were in, then snatched up his keys from the dresser top.

  “Baby, I’m about to go hit the block. I’ll see you in the morning,” he said, knowing that he was going to be out on an all night flight. “I love you, Moe. Always,” he finished before opening the bedroom door to make an exit.

  “Be careful. And don’t get high off your own supply,” she huffed.

  He paused and shook his head because he knew she wasn’t asleep.


  Carmen awoke overly excited. She sprang up from her bed and ran to the bathroom. Today was going to be a great day! She was about to start packing her and her daughter’s things. Trent was renting a small moving truck to help her move their things. He had enough room for his entire family, so there was no reason for them to live in two different homes if they were going to stay together. She began to feel like she did years ago when they had first gotten together. The love she had for him had never died, and it seemed as if he was trying to find his way back.

  Carmen smiled at herself as she pulled her party dresses down from the hangers in her closet. One by one, she folded them neatly and stacked them on top of each other. She then started with her jeans, and did the same with her blouses until everything hanging in her closet was folded. Carmen then walked down the hallway and lightly tapped on Kira’s bedroom door.

  “Moe,” she called out. “You up?” she asked, tapping on the door again.

  She entered to find Moe snuggled up tightly underneath the covers still snoring in a deep sleep. She quietly stepped into the room and began to collect her baby’s most sentimental things. She took all of her baby pictures off the walls and the big bold letters that spelled out Kira’s first name right above her bed. She then looked around the room and wondered where to go next.

  Carmen started going through her daughter’s dresser drawers and packing her tiny little baby clothes. She almost wanted to burst into tears now that the moment she’d been waiting on had arrived, but she held them back. This was her time to be happy for a change. Trent had finally manned up and she was ready to start her life all over again. This time she hoped he wouldn’t change up on her.

  “What you doing up so damn early?” The groggy Moenisha sat up and rubbed her eyes. The bright sun was shining through the blinds and she could still hear the birds chirping.

  “Packing,” Carmen responded happily. She turned around and held up an old onesie that belonged to Kira. “Look at how little my stank stank was,” she said proudly. “Do you remember buying her this?” she asked Moe.

  Moe giggled
at the memory of buying her Goddaughter the onesie that said, World’s Greatest Auntie. “Yeah, I remember,” she replied with a smile on her face.

  Kira was only six pounds when she was born, and the onesie looked as if it was made for a baby doll instead of a human baby. “She was a tiny little thing, wasn’t she?”

  “Sure was. I wonder what I’m having, and if I should save all this old stuff. You know,” she paused and folded the onesie, “in case it’s another girl.” She walked away from Moe and headed toward Kira’s closet.

  She opened the door and stepped inside. Carmen flipped on the lights and started to bring all of her baby clothes and shoes out of the closet and lay them on the edge of her bed. Moe watched quietly until she had exited the closet with the last pair of shoes in her hands. She sat down on the carpeted floor and being to sort her baby’s thing out. She was so happy, she hummed the melody of her favorite love song as she danced in her spot on the floor.

  “So we’re packing, huh?” Moe said. She slid her body to the end of the bed then placed her feet on the floor. “And just where are you going?” She pried for more information.

  Carmen dropped her head as if she was ashamed to say anything else. “Kira and I are moving in with Trent,” she mumbled.

  “Umm, speak up. I can’t hear you.” Moe had an idea what Carmen had said, but she wanted to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Leaning in as close as she could get, she propped her elbows up on her knees and then propped her chin up on her fist. “I’ll wait.”

  Carmen stopped what she was doing and turned to face Moe. “I said, Kira and I are moving in with Trent,” she said loudly.

  “Ohh, so that’s why you going down memory lane and talking about you wonder what the sex of the baby will be. Let me guess, you’re keeping the baby?”

  “Yes, I decided to keep it,” Carmen answered and turned her attention back to the pile of Kira’s things in front of her. She knew Moe would probably have something negative to say, but she was so damn happy, she didn’t care at all. This was her life, and she’d had enough of everyone trying to tell her how she should live it. Although she knew most of the time Moe was right, she wasn’t about to let her ruin her happy moment. “I think we’ll be just fine, Moe, honestly. And I was tripping for nothing. That baby wasn’t even his,” she said.

  Moe took a short while to respond. This time she wanted to take the extra five minutes to think before she just blurted out whatever was on her mind. She didn’t want to hurt Carmen’s feelings again. “I think it’s a good idea that you’re keeping the baby, Carmen. Kira needs a playmate,” she said.

  “And?” Carmen said after Moe stopped talking. “I know there’s more. Come on with it.” She stopped folding the clothes again and looked up at her.

  “Nothing, C. I’m not going to say anything about you and Trent’s relationship.” She thought about the current drama her and Meek had going on and felt the need to let Trent slide this time. “I think it’s a beautiful thing, friend.” She smiled, bent over, and hugged Carmen tightly. “Besides, what can I say? I think my husband is addicted to coke. Can’t get no worse than that, huh?” She shrugged as one tear slid down her right cheek.

  Carmen quickly hopped up and brushed the clothes from her lap to the floor. She threw her arms around Moe and held her closely while she let it all out on her shoulder. “I don’t’ know what to do. I don’t even know what to say to him,” she admitted.

  She didn’t want to tell Carmen Meek’s personal business, but she need some advice. After all this time of being so strong for everyone around her, this time she needed someone to be strong for her.

  “Calm down, Moe. I’m sure he’s not addicted. Did he say that?” Carmen was clueless as to where all this was coming from. The only thing she’d ever witnessed Meek do was smoke. She didn’t know the signs of being high off coke, so wouldn’t know if he was or not. “Have you asked him yet?”

  Moenisha was too saddened by it all that she didn’t want to say any more than she already had. She slowly lifted her head from Carmen’s shoulder, wiped her eyes, then said, “I’ll be okay, C. I’m just having one of those days. You know what they say. It’s hard to see the sunshine through the rain.” She looked off toward the window to catch a glimpse of the bright morning sun then turned back around to face Carmen again. “Earlier this morning when I woke up, I had this feeling.” She stood and walked over to Kira’s dresser and retrieved her purse. Moe dug into the hand bag and pulled out a pregnancy test stick and handed it to Carmen.

  Carmen’s other hand flew up over her mouth as it dropped wide open. “I drove to the twenty-four hour Wal-Mart in the middle of the night just to get that damn piss test.” She sat back down beside Carmen on the bed.

  “Moe, why didn’t you wake me? I would’ve went with you.”

  “I know you would’ve, and I started to, but you was knocked out. I’m talking ’bout you was getting some good damn sleep. Your leg was hanging off the side of the bed, you had a pillow propped underneath your head, and your mouth was wide open, slobbering like a motherfucker.” The girls both laughed at Moe’s statement. “But on some real shit tho, C, I’m scared as hell. I don’t know how to take care of no baby,” she said, admitting her fear of becoming a first time parent. “Then, what if Meek ends up doing the whole fifteen years? Carmen, that means my child will be fifteen years old before he or she even gets to meet their father.”

  Her eyes clouded once more as she thought about going through the nine months of carrying a child, labor and delivery, then having to raise her child without Meek for the first fifteen years of the child’s life. “This shit just ain’t fair, C.” She shook her head from side to side as the tears returned to her eyes. “I don’t even know if I’m capable of taking care of another human being besides myself,” she sobbed.

  “Don’t worry, Moe. You can do it. I know that you’ll make one hell of a mother. Just look how you look after everyone in the crew. You like the mama amongst us all. You always have great advice and come through anytime anyone is in need. Trust me, If I did it, you’ll be just fine.” She hugged her again then released her. Carmen got up, went into the bathroom, and retuned with a hand full of wadded up toilet paper. “Here, wipe your face and get that snot bubble you got hanging out of your nose.” Carmen giggled, making Moe laugh as well.

  “Well, what’s next?” Moe said after a brief silence.

  “Next, you get your ass up and put on some clothes. We’re going by mom’s house. I have to pick up Kira today. Then lunch on me, of course, and after that I figured we can stop by and see Ro. What do you think?” she asked.

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” Moe replied.

  She got up off of the bed and stretched her limbs then walked over to the window and stared out on the beautiful morning sky. Her attention was turned to the entrance of the apartment building as she spotted Meek’s truck fly up in the parking lot. She watched as he backed his truck into a parking space, got out, and opened his back door. Meek grabbed his backpack, threw the strap over his shoulder then reached back inside.

  When he pulled the bouquet of red roses and the pink teddy bear from the back seat she began to smile as he closed his door and headed for the stairs. Moe hurriedly swooped up the pregnancy test and ducked it off in the dresser drawer. She wasn’t ready to tell him just yet. She sat on the bed and pretended to be flipping through the channels on the TV when he walked in. Moe’s eyes never left the TV screen, nor did she acknowledge the fact that he had entered the bedroom.

  Meek walked right over to her and stood in front of the TV, blocking her view. Moe dropped her head and stared at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

  “Look at me, woman,” he demanded. She cut her eyes up at him. “Moe, I’m sorry. I don’t want to start our marriage off like this. Yeah, I lied to you, baby, but it was only to protect you.”

  “Protect me from what, Meek?” she spat at him.

  “From this.” He pointed at her. “You sitting up here mad an
d hurt and shit. I don’t like to see you like this, baby,” he replied.

  “Well, you should’ve thought about that when you were stuffing coke up your damn nose.” She looked him straight in his eyes as she rose from the edge of the bed. “Are you addicted?” she asked.

  “Come on now, bae. I know I fucked up, but I ain’t addicted to that shit. I just thought the shit would help me get through what I was going through yesterday. You don’t know what it’s like losing your best friend. I tried to kill the pain I was feeling, but I went about it the wrong way.” He set the roses and teddy bear beside her on the bed and got down on his knees in front of her. “Please forgive me. I give you my word it will never happen again.”


  Over the next couple of days, Carmen and Moe packed all of her and Kira’s things and moved them to Trent’s house themselves while he and Meek were out getting to the money. Her new place was much nicer than her apartment, and she couldn’t wait to make it their home. Carmen walked through the home, throwing away things she felt Trent no longer needed now that she was there, and putting things up and out of the reach of their daughter. She had fixed Kira’s new bedroom up beautifully with pink princess stickers and fairies all over the walls.

  She adored her baby girl from afar as she watched her crawl around on the floor. It just warmed her heart to see her playing with her toys and smiling to herself. Kira and the baby she was carrying were all the reason she needed to not give up on Trent and her family. Just when it seemed like she was out of the door for good, he had reeled her back in.

  Her mind flipped to the strange letter that she’d found underneath the door, as if someone had purposely slid it there. She had opened it up and all it said was, one down. Carmen quickly dismissed the letter, thinking it could’ve been some kind of code for something he and Meek were into. She tossed the letter in the trash and hadn’t even thought twice about it until now. She ran into the kitchen and rambled through the overstuffed trash can.


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