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One Battle Lord’s Fate

Page 16

by Linda Mooney

  This summit was taking on the proportions of becoming a major pile of crap. For every good she and Yulen had hoped to accomplish with the gathering, more trouble emerged. And with each new problem, she had to be that much more alert.

  One method she used to keep her ear to the ground was watching and listening to the shopkeepers. Many of them often overheard things, and sooner or later, she caught wind of whatever gossip was flowing through the grapevine. Same for the soldiers. Long ago, she’d learned that by remaining silent and still, after a while, people totally forgot she was there. The same for soldiers. The same for shopkeepers, and barmaids, and servants. They were the invisibles, the background. Always present, and therefore quickly forgotten, rebuffed, or ignored, as if they didn’t matter. And when that happened, some juicy tidbits of news could drop into their laps as people traded secrets. News that could be relayed to the right people, if need be.

  She stood off to the side, hidden in the shadows of one building, as she waited. It would be dark soon. The air was turning cooler as the sun disappeared behind the rooftops. Some time in the next couple of days, she predicted it would snow. Not much. A dusting perhaps. Just enough to cover the ground. But there would be at least two or three more blustery attempts by Old Man Winter before spring gained enough hold on the land to claim it for her own.

  Atty glanced around at the comings and goings. Many people were already holed up inside their homes. She could see lights behind the curtained windows. Smell the wood smoke and something grilling emerging from the chimneys. The lateness reminded her it would soon be time to feed Mattox.

  As if on cue, her breasts filled with milk until her chest ached for release. She cupped herself and massaged them, hoping to alleviate the discomfort long enough to get this meeting over with. The woman was already late. If she was forced to wait much longer, Atty would have no choice but to leave to tend to her son.

  Presently, a little woman with whiskers, and bearing a nearly empty tray of sweet rolls, approached her. “Good evening, my lady! Care for a roll? I was on my way back to the shop. These are left over from this morning, and not fresh enough to sell, but they’re still yummy enough to snack on.”

  Atty smiled at her as she took one. “Thank you. Felista, isn’t it?”

  The Mutah woman fluttered her eyes in surprise. “Yes, madam! Thank you for remembering.”

  To the people passing by, the couple standing in the shadows a few feet away from the main thoroughfare drew no undue attention. Atty liked it that way. Peeling the roll apart, she glanced down at the diminutive woman. “I bet the Battle Lords liked your rolls. I definitely do. What do you sweeten them with? Honey?”

  Felista giggled. “Aw, now, you know I can’t tell. Trade secret.”

  “Oh?” Lowering her voice, Atty asked, “Well, what trade secrets can you tell me?”

  Word had gotten to her that the little bakery woman needed to see her. All that could be passed along with the request were two words: Battle Lords. Since she was the lady of the compound, Atty was expected to keep the small town-like colony running efficiently, just as it was Yulen’s job as the lord to protect and defend it.

  Felista moved closer. “That big one. The one that showed up yesterday.”

  “Rafe D’Jacques?”

  “Yes. Him. The Battle Lord’s brother. He’s having the other Battle Lords over to his tent. You know which ones I mean.”

  Atty felt the hair on her head rise in alarm. She managed to remain calm as she further questioned the woman. “So? There is no law that says the Battle Lords can’t visit among themselves.”

  “These ones aren’t gathering for tea and sandwiches, my lady. They’re talking uprising. They’re talking insubordination.”

  Atty’s skin tightened over her bones in fear. Taking a deep breath, she leaned down. “Tell me more.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Atty rushed to the clinic to find a note tacked to the door. AT LODGE. The handwriting looked like Liam’s, since the clinic was closed for the day, and in the event there was an emergency that needed his immediate attention.

  The only building referred to a “the lodge” was the two-story home she and Yulen shared. Turning to leave, she caught sight of several men pulling up to the back side of the main lodge. Coming around one was Benito Filles. MaGrath was training the promising young Mutah in the medical arts, and hoped the young man would take over the clinic when Liam was ready. Benito dragged the saddlebag from his mare and gave Atty a curt hello before disappearing into the clinic.

  “What’s happening?” she asked loudly so her voice would carry into the inner room.

  “There’s been an attack on New Bearinger. I’m to accompany the troops,” Benito called back to her. He immediately dismissed her and began to mutter to himself, listing supplies and necessary items he needed to pack to take. She heard him stuffing the saddlebag.

  An attack on New Bearinger? She remembered that Batuset wasn’t back from Foster City. The man had left, taking Paxton and several troops with him, because of rumors Bloods were planning to attack his compound.

  A warm wetness ran down her belly. Her over-full breasts were gorged with milk. She needed relief, and no doubt Mattox was probably squalling to be fed.

  But the sight of the horses being readied, plus the news about New Bearinger, told her Yulen was in the middle of getting his men together. She wavered for a moment between seeking out her husband and feeding her son, then ran for the lodge.

  Before she opened the front door, she could hear her son crying. Inside, Madigan was trying to comfort the child, with little success.

  “Here.” Atty reached out for the baby, taking him over to one of the overstuffed chairs and laying him down while she unlaced her jerkin and blouse. “Tell me what’s going on with New Bearinger.”

  “What about it?” Madigan asked.

  Atty looked at her in surprise. She took a seat to feed Mattox. The baby latched onto her nipple with gusto, and she winced as the tiny teeth marked her.

  MaGrath burst through the door and spotted the two women. “Has Yulen been by yet?”

  “He has now,” Yulen answered, following him into the lodge. The Battle Lord ascended the staircase two steps at a time, to the bedroom. “What do you need, Liam? I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

  “There’s news New Bearinger is under attack.”

  “That’s correct,” came a muffled answer. Yulen exited the closet, dragging his armor out into the open. Dumping the load at the top of the stairs, he ducked back inside the closet for the rest of it. The front door slammed open as two soldiers ran in and started up the stairs. Between them, they managed to get the heavy armor downstairs and outside where it would be packed for the trip. Atty made a mental note to talk to her husband about keeping the gear in a downstairs room for easier handling.

  She watched with growing dread as Yulen stuffed a few clothes in the saddlebag he carried over his shoulder. “You’re going?”

  “I must.” Pausing at the railing overhead, he looked down at her and their son. “It’s not Bloods this time, Atty.”

  “What?” It was Liam who responded in surprise. “Then who? Or what?”

  “Normals,” Yulen nearly spat. “Another Battle Lord is trying to take control of the compound.”

  “What? Who?” If the news wasn’t so serious, having her and Liam answer exactly in unison would have been funny.

  “I don’t know.”

  Atty glanced down at Mattox, who was beginning to look droopy-eyed, now that his little tummy was filling up. The baby’s eyes were a pale, pale pink, almost opalescent in the lantern light.

  “Come, Maddy.” Liam grabbed his wife’s hand and started toward the front door.

  “Are you going with him?” she asked nervously.

  MaGrath shook his head. “I told you long ago, my days on the road are over. You needn’t worry. I’m staying here.”

  They left the lodge, leaving Yulen and Atty alone.
She looked back at her husband descending the stairs.

  “I want to go with you.”

  “But you know you can’t.” Yulen walked over to where she sat. Atty got to her feet as he approached. They were both aware of the promise they had made to each other, never to be separate again. To always be there to watch each other’s backs.

  But circumstances had changed. She had Mattox to tend to, and the baby was too young to be left behind without his mother for any stretch of time.

  Her husband was needed at the compound he’d taken over. She had no choice but to remain behind, for the baby’s sake.

  “I’m leaving Sy Volcheck in command.”

  “He’s a good man. He’ll make a great Second some day.” Atty lifted tear-filled eyes. “I was coming to tell you, there’s talk among some of the Battle Lords. They’re talking mutiny.”

  Yulen gave a little growl as he rolled his eyes heavenward. “Oh, fuck! Why now? Why must this all happen now?”

  Because it’s either feast or famine. The good times or the bad. Either we share the sunlight, or we brave the storm.

  He tenderly cupped her cheek. “What I wouldn’t give to have you with me, Atrilan. What I wouldn’t give for Mattox to be old enough to leave with Mother.”

  “But he’s not. You must go and save New Bearinger…again.” She laid her hand on his, then turned her face to kiss his palm. “And I must stay to save Alta Novis.”

  “I’ll leave word with Volcheck tonight about the possible insurgency from the other Battle Lords. Tomorrow, you present the treaties for their signatures. They’re rolled up and stashed in the bottom drawer of the bureau. Emphasize that to break the treaty means all ties to the other participating compounds will be cut. Trade will be banned, and, more importantly, in the event of a Blood invasion, no help will be offered or given.” He stroked her cheek and the tear rolling down it with his thumb as he looked tenderly at her. “Zane should be back from Foster City soon. He’ll help you in case any of those Battle Lords should try to pull any sort of coup.” Yulen’s brows drew downward. “One of those wouldn’t happen to be my half-brother, would it?”

  “And Meyers, Dissman, Anastopolis, and Evermil. Constantine may also be involved, but my sources were certain about the others.”

  “Aaaargh! Damn him! And damn Father for his indiscretion!” Yulen gritted his teeth and bowed his head, taking deep breaths until he felt calmer. Kissing Atty on the cheek, he drew her and their son tightly into his embrace. They remained that way until Mastin spoke from the doorway.

  “Ready for your command, my lord.”

  “Mount up, Cole. Give me another minute.”

  Nodding, the Second closed the door to give them a final private chance to say goodbye.

  “You will be back,” Atty whispered. Tears were rolling faster down her cheeks. Yulen kissed the wetness, then kissed her, drawing on her lips full and deep with his.

  “I will return,” he promised, pressing his forehead to hers. Giving Mattox a quick peck on the child’s head, he gave Atty one final kiss. “I will return. And when I do, we will never be bothered again by Rafe D’Jacques. You and I, both, will see to it he never has the chance to plot against us ever again. I love you, Atrilan. I will always love you. Take care of yourself. Take care of our home. But more importantly, take care of our son.”

  He turned suddenly and hurried for the door, never looking back. He wouldn’t. She knew he was superstitious, and to glance back was tantamount to having the very last look he would ever have of her or their son.

  Walking over to the open door, she watched her husband mount up, unmindful of the fact that she was laid open and bare-chested for all to see as Mattox suckled. Yulen gave the signal to advance, and the small army moved in perfect unison out the front gates.

  Atty remained at the door until the last man exited the compound, and the huge double doors started to swing close. Only then did she whisper, “Goodbye, my love. Safe trip. Successful mission. Know I will always love you, even after death.”

  Mattox whimpered from the cold. Drawing her blouse over him, she turned and went back inside the lodge, barring the door behind her. She went upstairs and checked the bottom bureau for the treaties. There were two of them. One was for trade, the other for defense. Once all of the participating compounds signed them, copies would be made and given to the Battle Lords before they left to return to their homes.

  Mattox burped softly. Smiling, she placed the child on the bed and went into the nursery where she dragged the baby bed back into the bedroom. The bed she shared with Yulen was too big and cold whenever he was away. Having their son nearby, rather than in the next room, would help her to sleep.

  After laying the baby in the crib, she doused the last of the lanterns and slid under the covers. With the sound of Mattox’s breathing in her ears, Atty managed to fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Atty! Atty, wake up!”

  A hand grabbed her arm and roughly shook her. Instinctively, Atty jerked away. Rolling away from the edge of the bed, she reared back and came down in a crouched position, facing her assailant with her hands up and nails bared. It took her another second for the fuzziness in her brain to clear enough for her to realize who was in the bedroom with her. In the clear moonlight shining through the multi-paned window, she recognized the familiar figure still in her nightgown.

  “Madigan? What…how did you get in?”

  “You left the back door unlocked.”

  “Back door? There’s a back door?”

  The older woman sighed. “Sweet heavens, Atty. When are you going to look around this place and see what all Yulen’s put into it! Liam sent me over to fetch Mattox.”


  “Get dressed. There’s some sort of commotion going on in the second courtyard. To be safe, we need to get you and the baby away from here.”

  She made sense. Everyone in the compound knew this lodge was her and Yulen’s home. Quickly dressing, she followed Madigan downstairs, retrieving her weapons from the stand by the front door.

  “Where are you taking him?”

  “Liam seems to think the clinic isn’t safe. He’s looking into possible places where we can hide him.”

  “Hide him?” Atty’s eyes widened as a chill went through her. “Maddy, you don’t think those men¯”

  Madigan pivoted around and thrust her face nearly nose-to-nose to Atty. “Go back to your Mutah roots and think, Atty! Living here with us has softened your stance on Normals. Do you remember how Mutah were treated before you arrived?”

  The fear in the woman’s voice was heartbreaking. Before Atty could answer her, the faint sound of a scream permeated the lodge. A scream of fear. Of pain. Of death.

  And it was close by.

  “Go!” Atty nearly pushed the woman down. Madigan hurried down a back hallway and disappeared into a side room. A second later, a door slammed. Atty rushed into the rear of the lodge where she knew lay more bedrooms and another bath. She found the rear exit and quickly set the board of hard oak left leaning against the wall into the bars to secure it.

  Quickly walking back into the living room, she heard a tapping at the door. She took a few steps toward it, when the tapping came again. Slowly, she moved up to the door and placed her ear to the wood, but she couldn’t detect any sound.

  “Who is it?”

  Moonlight streamed down from the bedroom. She was still somewhat disoriented. No telling what time it was, or how close it might be until dawn.

  The tapping sounded again, only this time it was more of a knock. Atty stepped back from the door. Yulen had thought about having a peep hole or a sliding security panel installed into the heavy wood, but had yet to have it ordered done.

  Standing a few feet away, she called out again. “Who is it?”

  “Trouble in the second courtyard, my lady! We need your presence immediately!” The male voice quivered with fear.

  “Sy Volcheck is acting Third!
What are his orders?”

  There was no response when there should have been. Any soldier trained under Yulen’s command would have immediately replied that they would seek out the soldier, or let her know what orders he was following.

  The man outside said neither because he was not one of her guards.

  Atty moved away, hiding herself in the shadows at the far side of the living room, and stopped in front of the fireplace. She pulled the bow from over her head and nocked an arrow. She already knew she had a dozen shafts in her quiver. If the men should happen to break down the door, she would have mere seconds to make every one of them count before the enemy got too close to make them effective. At that point, she would have to resort to her Ballock.

  Her body hummed with adrenaline. What time was it? How long had the other Battle Lords waited before making their move?

  Something hit the back door with loud yet muffled thud.


  Her thoughts focused momentarily on the woman and Mattox. Had Yulen’s mother been able to get the baby to safety before the soldiers’ arrival? Where were her own soldiers?

  The walls of the lodge had been fortified to prevent any outside noises from intruding. Most of the time none did. At once, Atty could see the advantages and especially the disadvantages. There was no way to tell if her men were fighting the rebellion, or if they had already been overcome.

  The muffled thud hit the front door. The hinges rattled in reply. They were using a battering ram to get through. She backed up until she felt the roughness of the cold rock wall. Thank goodness the fireplace flue was too small for a man’s body to fit.

  The pounding grew louder and harder, but Yulen’s specially designed doors held. At least, they did for now. But could the doors stand up to a continued assault? How long would the attackers continue to fight their way in?

  The pounding unexpectedly stopped. The resulting silence raised the hairs on her head. The cessation didn’t mean they’d quit. They weren’t through. They were re-organizing. Taking time to assess their next step.


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