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My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations)

Page 13

by Sofia T Summers

  How could I tell him? It would have to be soon. I couldn’t keep the secret from him forever, and I didn’t want to. I wanted to tell him, I wanted to be a family with him and to be together forever. But I didn’t know how.

  Especially since I wasn’t sure how he felt, still. He seemed to be all-in. He was wining and dining me, he couldn’t keep his hands off me, and yet… he had said this would be over at the end of the week. Of course, he was investing everything in me, because he was trying to get me out of his system and then move on when these days were over.

  Could I risk it and tell him? Could I trust the softness I saw in his eyes, the way he set me down gently after fucking me in the conference room and kissed me, slow and tender?

  Could I tell him the truth about my pregnancy?



  I found it odd that Holly didn’t want to drink last night. She’d been a hell of a party girl, but I supposed that it made sense she would want to stay sober if she was actually working. I hadn’t seen her drink anything the night we’d reunited here, and she’d had no reason not to. But if she wanted to present herself as professionally as possible, she might have felt it was in her best interest not to imbibe.

  Still, despite how amazing last night was, today I felt like something was off. Nothing about me, or us, but something was on Holly’s mind.

  Was it her father? Now that I’d talked with her more I understood how much Holly struggled with her father’s image of her, and how she wanted more than just about anything to prove to him that he should take her seriously as someone who could stand on her own two feet rather than being the two-dimensional child that he currently still believed her to be.

  When I asked, though, Holly just said that her dad was fine. I knew that we were trying to keep our relationship separate from our real lives right now, that we were pretending to be just two people who wanted to be together rather than entangled the way we actually were, so I didn’t want to press. This wasn’t a man I didn’t know as Holly’s father. This was my best friend. That made it a bit complicated.

  So, I kept to myself about it and didn’t try to press her any further. It was the only damper on an otherwise perfect day, that lurking shadow in Holly’s eyes, that knowledge that she had something weighing on her that she wouldn’t share with me.

  I wanted her to share it with me. I wanted her to share everything with me—a thought that brought both elation and concern. I couldn’t share everything with her, after this we had to part ways. This was just supposed to be a way to get one another out of our systems—but that didn’t seem to be happening. Instead I was just falling deeper in, wanting to be in every part of her life and having her in every part of mine.

  We went biking for our activity for the day, getting to ride around the area, seeing the families on vacation on the beach, the college kids taking a break, the retired couples going on walks, holding hands. It was nice, the wind in our hair, the breeze bringing with it the smell of the clean, salty sea air, the warm sun and the lighthearted atmosphere.

  Holly wasn’t as focused on the biking, though. She would get this look on her face, like she could see something in the distance that nobody else could. After the biking, we stopped to get lunch at a famous seafood place on the water, and shared a bucket of crab legs.

  Holly perked up at that. It was sexy, watching her eat finger food. She didn’t give a damn how she looked while doing it, and that just made me like her that much more. The sophisticated princess, the wild sexy party girl, and now the casual, crab-legs-downing woman with sand between her toes and sauce smeared on her fingers. She continued to thrill me with the different sides of her.

  Lunch was great, but when we went bird watching afterwards, that distracted air returned to her. She would have the binoculars in her hand, but she wouldn’t be looking or lifting them. She’d just stand there, a faraway look in her eyes. I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  There was only one thing I could think to do, besides give her the best day that I could.

  After dinner, seeing that she was still a bit distracted, I resolved to try it out, and see if I could bring her focus back in a new way.

  I’d always been dominant in the bedroom. It sent a thrill through me like no other, being in control and having the pleasure of my partner in my hand. I could do with them as I pleased and bring them to heights of ecstasy that they’d never known existed. It gave me a bone-deep satisfaction like just about nothing else on earth.

  Unlike some dominants, I wasn’t into the whole pain play thing. My tastes were more sensual, and I was all about finding ways to heighten pleasure. Sometimes that meant giving my partner orgasm after orgasm until it overloaded them. Or sometimes, like what I planned for tonight, that meant denying my partner an orgasm, keeping them on edge, until all they could do was think about how much they needed to come.

  The resulting orgasm was pure euphoria, and I loved watching it play out. I was practically drooling at the idea of giving Holly that pleasure, watching how she reacted, seeing what she looked like begging for release and in the throes of her orgasm. The idea of having that control over her, being able to withhold or give her pleasure as I saw fit, made me hard in my pants.

  But this wouldn’t just be about what I wanted. Holly had liked it before when I’d taken control, gotten a little rough with her, when I’d told her I wanted to put a collar on her. She needed to get out of her head, in my opinion, and what better way to do that than to make it so that all she could focus on was the present moment, the sensations of her body?

  This should be the perfect way to take her out of her own head, to get her to stop being distracted with whatever worried her and live in the moment.

  When we got back to my little villa, I knew Holly wanted me. She’d been casually touching me and kissing me all day, and I loved it, I loved how comfortable she was with me and that we had the freedom to do this together, even though I suspected part of it was so that she could distract me from asking what was on her mind. She was a clever little miss, but I knew her tricks.

  Holly pressed herself up against me immediately. “I’m so on edge from today,” she said, running her hands up my arms. “Having you right there with me, so close… getting to touch you…”

  She kissed my neck, my jaw, and I settled my hands at her hips, smiling. Oh, it was so very tempting to just rip her clothes off and fuck her immediately. Part of me wanted to do that, to take the edge off for both of us, but I knew that wouldn’t be good enough. I wanted to help Holly get out of her head and away from whatever ghost was in her eyes, and if I gave her an orgasm now, she’d be too clear-headed for my other plans.

  “You remember how I mentioned the other day… putting a collar on you?” I whispered.

  Holly nodded. Her eyes were completely dark, her pupils blown wide with desire.

  “What if I told you that I had a collar for you?” I said. “One that I’d been saving for you, just in case?”

  Holly bit her lip, looking delighted. “Does that mean you wanted me before I came onto you?”

  I groaned, realizing what I would have to admit, and pulled her to me again to kiss her. “I’ve wanted you for years,” I confessed, squeezing her ass.

  Oh, the nights I’d dreamt about putting that pretty collar around her throat and fucking her until she couldn’t even scream… I could feel myself growing hard, my cock straining against the confines of my clothes, at the thought that those years of desire might finally be realized.

  Holly gave a little gasp of surprise, and then a moan of contentment. “We could have been doing this for years…”

  No, we couldn’t have. There was no way I could have let myself fuck her while she was still in college, barely legal, fresh-faced and new. As hot as the idea was. But this wasn’t about logic. This was about how we had both been holding ourselves back, denying ourselves all this time, when we’d both wanted the same thing.

  “We’re here, doing it now,” I pointed out
. “And right now, I have a collar I want you to put on.”

  Holly shivered with delight, her eyes gleaming. “Yes, please, doctor,” she said, teasing me.

  I trailed my fingers down to those luscious breasts and tweaked her nipple. Holly gasped, arching into the touch. “Be a good girl for me, take off your clothes.”

  “Y-yes.” She stuttered when she was turned on, and I loved it. I loved that she got so wet and horny for me that she couldn’t even speak properly anymore. It was hot as fuck.

  I watched, unable to stop myself, as Holly undressed herself. I crossed over to the dresser where I’d put my things for my stay, and pulled out the velvet box that held the collar. It had been stupid of me to bring it, or so I’d told myself at the time when I’d been packing it. It was nothing more than a reminder of what I was walking away from. But I’d been so used to having the collar in among my clothes, it had felt weird to leave it behind, so I’d brought it.

  Now I was so glad that I did.

  I pulled the collar out and turned around to see Holly standing there, completely naked, already flushed and wet. She licked her lips when she saw the collar.

  “You’ve been very distracted today,” I said. “Something on your mind. I want you to get out of your own head and be able to enjoy yourself. If you let me, I’ll give you so much pleasure, sweetheart, you won’t be able to think about anything else. You’ll just be here, in the moment.”

  I held the collar out to her. “Would you like that?”

  Holly nodded, beckoning me closer with one curling finger. My heart raced with excitement. I couldn’t wait to have her, for hours and hours.

  I fastened the collar around her neck. It looked rather like a metal choker, with the soft fur lining making sure the wearer was comfortable in it. Holly could have paired it with a lovely gown and worn it to a party or charity gala, if she’d wanted, and nobody would have been the wiser. But I knew its true purpose.

  She looked stunning, wearing that strip of metal and nothing else, her hair curling loose and free around her. All of her was on display for me, and she was mine.

  If I had my way, she would always be mine.

  “Climb up onto the bed,” I told her, and I got out some ties that I had brought with me. They were the kind of ties I wore with my suits, not something proper for tying up a bed partner, but they’d do in a pinch, and if I used them the right way, Holly could slip out of them if something crazy happened like I passed out and the hotel room caught on fire.

  “Are you all right if I tie your hands to the headboard?” I asked, holding up the ties.

  Holly nodded. “Yes. That sounds…” She blushed. “It sounds really sexy.”

  I was reminded all over again that she was a virgin before me. She had never been with anyone else. With all of her confidence and our deep connection, I had almost forgotten. She acted like someone with a ton of experience. But there was no one else. It was just me. Everything that she did with me was new to her, her first and only time.

  That gave me a bone-deep thrill like nothing else. Oh, I was going to show her all of the ropes. Every sexual pleasure of hers would be mine.

  I crawled up the bed to her as Holly crawled up it behind me, and I couldn’t suppress my groan as I saw her laying her body out for me like a feast. Just her naked skin and that collar, all of her ready, just for me.

  “Put your arms up over your head,” I told her, “and hold onto the slats of the headboard.”

  Holly obediently wrapped her fingers around the slats and held on as I took the ties and carefully wound them around her wrists and the slats, tying her hands into place. “Tug on them for me?”

  Holly did as she was told. Fuck, she was so obedient. I was sure that she would get more rebellious and teasing the more we did this, that she’d find ways to make me work for my authority, and I looked forward to that. But right now this was all new to her, and she was obeying me with a look of excitement on her face that made me so goddamn hard if I’d been younger I probably would’ve been coming immediately.

  I stripped off my clothes as Holly tested the hold. “It’s good.”

  “Could you get out of them if you had to?”

  Holly thought for a moment, rotating her wrists. “It would take some concentration, but yes.”

  “Good girl.”

  Holly flushed happily, like she was glad to be praised, and I filed that thought away for later. It didn’t surprise me, Holly had been raised by two parents that loved her and spoiled her, of course she was used to praise and would want it.

  And I was more than happy to give it to her, in a less-than-innocent context than her parents did.

  Naked, I moved up the bed to her again. I slid my tongue over my bottom lip, starving for her, eager. Holly waited for me, her thighs rubbing together gently like she couldn’t help herself and had to relieve the pressure in some way.

  I grinned. “Already wet for me, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” Holly said breathily, spreading her legs.

  I could see how wet she was. Fuck, she was so hot. I couldn’t wait to get inside of her—but more than I wanted to fuck her, I wanted to make good on my promise. I wanted her begging for me.

  Holly inhaled sharply as I placed my hands on her thighs to brace myself, my fingers digging into the meat of her so that I could lean in. I paused, my lips only an inch from hers. Holly tried to lean in, but I moved away, always keeping that slight distance between us. Holly shivered and I squeezed her thighs.

  “By the time I’m through with you,” I whispered, “you won’t even remember your own name.”

  Holly whimpered, and that, that was when I kissed her.

  I slid my tongue in immediately, plundering her mouth, making her dizzy. I kept going until I couldn’t breathe, out of oxygen, and then I tore my mouth away and moved down directly to her breasts. Holly gasped, sucking in air, obviously overwhelmed by the kiss just as I had planned she would be.

  She gasped again as I closed my lips around her nipple. Her breasts were fucking addicting. I wanted to bury my face between them and never emerge.

  For a little while, I definitely could.

  I sucked and licked at them, fully enjoying myself. I couldn’t help it. I was going to take my time, here. There was no reason for me to move on. This was about getting Holly out of her mind, and that meant that I could be as thorough as I pleased, and take my time and enjoy. And there was so much of her to enjoy.

  Holly gasped and moaned as I held her still and kept at it. She couldn’t touch me, and couldn’t move, and I knew that was going to heighten everything for her, make it all sharper and better. I left marks on her breasts, sucking little bruises into them, and felt a pleased sort of purring in my chest like a dragon lived there. Nobody could really see those marks, not unless they somehow saw her without a top on, but I would know they were there, and so would Holly. That was what mattered. I was marking my territory for me and for her, just for the two of us. Who cared if nobody else saw or knew? We knew.

  At last, I slowly moved away from her breasts and down the rest of her body, taking my time. God her body was amazing. I wanted to spend forever worshipping it. I couldn’t spend forever, but I could spend a while, and that’s exactly what I did.

  I left little bites and hickeys all over her stomach and legs. When I got to the apex of her thighs I moved down to her ankles and worked my way up. Holly squirmed.

  “Keith,” she murmured. I could see her tugging instinctively on the restraints, unable to get out of them by simply yanking. “Keith, stop teasing…”

  I smirked up at her. “Oh, sweetheart, don’t you know?”

  I massaged her thighs and moved back up to kiss her jaw. “Tonight, is all about teasing.”

  Holly’s moan was the best response I could’ve gotten.



  I was so in for it, and I loved it.

  The idea of being tied up hadn’t occurred to me until now, but I loved it. I loved how
dominant and in control Keith was, making me come undone. He was so patient and thorough, taking his time to kiss and touch all over my body.

  No one else would take such care and time with me, making me feel so good, enjoying my body. He was doing this because he wanted to, because he enjoyed it, enjoyed making me feel good.

  That, honestly, was almost sexier than what he was actually doing to my body. The fact that he wanted to do this and was enjoying making me feel good, instead of just thinking about his own pleasure and just getting himself off. I could see his cock, hard and leaking, between his legs but he wasn’t touching it. It was almost like it didn’t exist.

  Not that what he was doing to my body wasn’t hot as all get out, too. Because it was. I could feel all of my worries, all of my cares going out the window. I couldn’t think about our families, or my pregnancy, or the issue of where we stood in our relationship. All I could think about was how good I felt, the pleasure that was zinging through me like electricity.

  I moaned his name as my hands instinctively tugged at the restraints, my body arching up as Keith finally, finally, started to lick at my soaking wet folds. I could get out of the ties if I really wanted to—I could just twist my wrists just so and then carefully slide out, one at a time, by shifting the angle of my arm—but I didn’t want to. I liked this sensation of being in Keith’s hands completely, of only being able to take what he gave me. It was such a release of control, such an exercise of trust, and I was quickly becoming addicted to it.

  Like the rest of Keith. God, I never wanted this to end. I didn’t want this to go away at the end of the week. I loved him so much, I loved this so much, I couldn’t ever give it up.

  Keith licked at my folds and twisted his tongue into my entrance, opening me up, but he wasn’t touching my clit. I moaned. “Keith, please, I need you to touch me…”


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