Philosophy of the Unconscious
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ABSOLUTE, the, i. 330, 365–7, ii. 26–7, 231, iii. 85; ego, ii. 237; idea, i. 4, ii. 259; spirit, iii. 194
Actions, conscious voluntary, i. 127; instinctive, i. 90, 98, 114; psychical, i. 199; reflex, i. 60–1, 63, 127, 133, 180, 184
Activity, ii. 61; creative, i. 193; organic formative, i. 86, 212, ii. 120; purposive, i. 201; psychical conscious, ii. 119; psychical unconscious, ii. 119, 124; self, ii. 27
Adamuk, iii. 261
Adaption, organic, ii. 124
Æstheticism, iii. 49, 129
Æsthetics, history of, i. 292; mystic, ii. 76; scientific, i. 270, 291; theory of, ii. 4
Affection, paternal, i. 217
After-brain, iii. 260
After-life, i. 201
Agardh, ii. 193
Agreement, i. 312
Albers, ii. 69
All-One, ii. 242, 245, 264, iii. 107, 176, 191; being, ii. 248; existence, ii. 245, 263; unconscious, ii. 90, 256, iii. 288
Amanda, i. 31
Ambition, iii. 45
Ampère, ii. 173
Anosima, i. 327
Anthropology, iii. 96
Aphasia, ii. 72
Apperception, i. 17
Archæology, i. 96, iii.
Aristotle, i. 12, 43, 125, 298, ii. 362, iii. 94–5
Art, i. 269, ii. 4, iii. 65, 107; enjoyment of, iii. 60
Association, free, ii. 22
Atom, the, ii. 166, iii. 240
Atom of body, iii. 126
Atomism, ii. 160, 174–5
Atom-monads, ii. 218–9
Atoms, corporeal, ii. 158, 161, 162; consciousness of, ii. 193
Attention, ii. 105, iii. 282; reflex actions of, i. 175
Autenrieth, ii. 119
Bacon, i. 12, 43
Bahnsen, i. 120, ii. 30
Barth, O., i. 153
Beautiful, the, i. 269–70, 273–4, ii. 5
Beauty, instinct for, in plants, ii. 138
Being, i. 16, iii. 3, 151, 187; phenomenon of a, iii. 98; primordial, i. 23
Bergmann, i. 182
Bert, ii. 133
Bidder, i. 66
Blumenbach, i. 148
Body, masses of, ii. 164
Body-atoms, ii. 158, 163, 176
Boer, i. 182
Böhme, J., ii. 91
Brahma, i. 31, 32
Brain, i. 63; morphological significance, iii. 257
Brehm, i. 54
Buckle, ii. 5
Budge, i. 182
Burdach, i. 107, 152
C’aitanya, i. 32
Capital, ii. 21
Carey, ii. 13
Carlyle, i. 209
Cartesians, i. 17, 19
Carus, i. 38–9, 164, 256
Cauchy, ii. 173
Causality, i. 19, 44, 122, 134, 145, 307–8, ii. 1–2, 27, 78, 97, 222, iii. 186, 241; active, i. 250; final, iii. 187; phenomenal, iii. 120
Cause, spiritual, i. 44, 51, 53
Centre, of space-senses, iii. 260
Centres, nerve, iii. 245, 274; reflex action of, iii, 245; sensory, iii. 245
Cerebellum, the, iii. 265, 266
Change, morphological, ii. 325
Character, i. 70, 261, 264; harmony of, ii. 36; individual, ii. 344, 348, 350–1; science of, ii. 29
Chemistry, iii. 96
Christianity, ii. 27, 119, iii. 94; ideals of, ii. 5; Johannean, i. 359
C’it, i. 31–2
Civilisation, ii. 8
Clairvoyance, i. 98, 109, 114, ii. 226, 363; absolute, ii. 359; in dreams, ii. 57; unconscious, 103–8, 112, 221
Cognition, i. 122
Colligation, i. 341
Coltba, i. 31
Comfort, iii. 68
Compassion, iii. 21
Concepts, i. 293
Consciousness, i. 17, iii. 223; cosmopolitan, ii. 21; development of, iii. 121; evolution of, iii. 121; origin of, ii. 78; phenomenon of, ii. 88; sphere of, i. 1: unity of, ii. 113
Corona-fibres, the, i. 270
Creationism, ii. 276
Creator, the, wisdom of, ii. 356–7
Creuzer, ii. 14
Cultus, Christian, i. 356
Curtis, ii. 125
Cuvier, ii. 67, 218
Dahse, i. 316
Dana, ii. 143, 196
Darwin, i. 234, 287, 289, ii. 193, 306–7, 326
Darwinism, i. 44, ii. 307, 313–4, 325–6, iii. 237, 244
Death, i. 108, iii. 4; fear of, iii. 9
Decandolle, ii. 194
Deduction, i. 314–5
Deliberation, conscious, i. 95
Density, ii. 169
Descartes, i. 16, ii. 86
Design, i. 43–4, 141
Desire, i. 70
Determinations, objective-spatial, iii. 285
Development, intellectual, ii. 13
Dialectic, Hegelian, i. 6
Differences, i. 313
Discursive method, i. 317
Disease, i. 161
Diseases, mental, i. 319
Disgust, i. 206
Divine Reason, iii. 148
Dizziness, iii. 269
Dream-images, i. 108
Dreams, ii. 66, 69
Dreams, clairvoyant, i. 372
Dreams, spontaneous, i. 302
Dualism, iii. 194
Dutrochet, ii. 132, 134–5
Dynamism, ii. 176; atomistic, ii. 175–6
Ecstatic states, i. 108
Education, ii. 4
Ego, the, i. 18, 24, 25, 308, 326, 328–30, 366, ii. 34, 79, 118, 236–7, iii. 97–8, 255; the Absolute, i. 3
Egoism, ii. 363, iii. 88, 92, 130; conscious, i. 234; instinct of, iii. 96, 101
Elasticity, ii. 179
Emotion, i. 60–1
Empiricism, æsthetic, i. 271
Energy, muscular, ii. 180; plastic, 195, 202
Engelmann, i. 192, ii. 193
Ennemoser, i. 182
Epicureanism, iii. 99, 130
Epicurus, i. 109
Epigoni, i. 10
Essence, metaphysical, ii. 27
Essential Being, ii. 332, 337–8, 341, 364
Eternal, the, iii. 3, 174
Ether-atoms, ii. 159, 161–3, 165, 176
Ether-vibrations, ii. 165
Evolution, ii. 2, iii. 120; anthropological, ii. 12; cosmic, iii. 94; goal of, iii. 120, 131; historic, i. 5; process of, i. 3; progressive, ii. 12
Excitement, electrical, ii. 157
Existence, i. 331; misery of, iii. 1, 13, 123; misfortune of, iii. 4; phenomenal, ii. 23; struggle for, ii. 13, 314, 320–4, 327, 359, iii. 114
Fame, lust of, iii. 49
Family, the, ii. 14
Fechner, 35–8, 275, ii. 119
Feeling, 4, 257–8; painful, ii. 37; pleasurable, ii. 37; the unconscious, i. 243
Feelings, i. 97
Feudalism, ii. 19
Fichte, i. 3, 23–4, 26, 30, 325, 329–30, 362, ii. 85, 236, 334, 340, iii. 2, 86, 150
Flemming, ii. 72
Flourens, i. 67
Force, ii. 160, 163, 169, 171–4, 176; atomic, iii. 24, 181; manifestations of, ii. 182–3; muscular, ii. 179; point of, ii. 177; seat of, ii. 176; substratum of, ii. 170
Forces, ii. 154
Fore-brain, iii. 257, 259, 267–8
Formation, organic, i. 184; parasitic, ii. 202
Friendship, iii. 43
Futsch, iii. 268
Gall, iii. 265
Gallesio, ii. 187
Gaudichaud, ii. 193
Generation, ii. 276
Generation, heterogeneous, ii. 301
God, i. 26, 300, ii. 25–7, 235, 245, 253, 264, iii. 85
God-concepts, i. 264, ii.
God-consciousness, i. 238
Godhead, i. 27
God-Idea, the, ii. 275, iii. 84, 188
Good, notion of, iii. 171
Göthe, i. 109
Grant, i. 99
Gravitation, Newtonian law of, ii. 158
Gudden, iii. 259
sp; Häckel, ii. 139, 194, 201, 213
Hales, ii. 123
Hallucinations, i. 180
Hamann, i. 361
Hamilton, iii. 209
Happiness, ii. 6; positive, iii. 120; the Epicurean, ii. 35; the Stoic, ii. 35; the Spinozistic, ii. 35
Harmony, ii. 220; pre-established, ii. 219
Hegel, i. 4, 27, 295, 324, 332, ii. 6–7, 25, 103, 181, 334; iii. 86 94–5. 147. 150, 151
Hegelians, i. 125
Heine, i. 23
Helmholtz, i. 40, 245, 271
Herbart, i. 33–4, 331, ii. 103, 224, 231, 336, iii. 86, 209
Herbartians, i. 125
Herder, i. 24, iii. 95
Heyse, i. 299
Hind-brain, the, iii. 257, 266–7
Hindoos, i. 368
History, ii. 6, 9, iii. 101; the unconscious in, ii. 1
Hitzig, iii. 268
Hoffmann, i. 67
Honour, desire of, iii. 56; sense of, iii. 50; subjective, iii. 50
Hope, iii. 71–2
Huber, i. 85, 111
Humanity, iii. 116
Humbolt, i. 299–300
Hume, i. 4, 27
Huxley, iii. 187, 306, 318
Idea, the, i. 4, 21, 28, 119, 164, 180, 184–5, 191, ii. 8, 222; iii. 151, 187; absolute, 27; ii. 238; innate, 18; ii. 353; logical, i. 241, 288, iii.; of Hegel, iii.; of memory, i. 350; of race, i. 236; of the ego, i. 97, 99; Platonic, iii. 173; pure, i. 107, ii. 242; unconscious, i. 2, 17, 108, 254
Ideal, an, i. 269
Idealism, i. 34; absolute, ii. 63; abstract, ii. 336; æsthetic, i. 270–1; Berkeleian, i. 20; Fichtean, i. 25; subjective, i. 24, ii. 332, 335, iii. 198; transcendental, i. 26, ii. 59, 79
Idealists, the, i. 270, 330
Ideas, social, iii. 112; non-conscious, i. 33
Ideation, i. 34, 159, ii. 59, 79; cerebrally conscious, i. 255; conscious, i. 17, ii. 49; conscious influence of, i. 179; unconscious, i. 20, 255
Identity, law of. iii. 178; philosophy of, ii. 63
Illusion, iii. 73, 79, 94; psychological, ii. 97
Images, visual, i. 175
Imagination, ii. 257
Immorality, iii. 59, 86, 89, 109
Impenetrability, ii. 170
Impressions, odorous, i. 327–8; of sense, ii. 49, iii. 328–9
Impulse, i. 221, 260; formative, i. 196; migratory, i. 206; play, i. 216; physical, iii. 31; sexual, iii. 31
Individual, the, ii. 186; conscious, ii. 215; external, ii. 215
Individualism, ethological, ii. 335; pluralistic, ii. 336
Individuality, conception of, ii. 186
Individuals, conscious-spiritual, ii. 193
Individuation, ii. 332, iii. 121
Induction, i. 6, 12, 311
Inertia, ii. 161
Infinity, completed, ii. 163
Influence, atmospheric, i. 102; psychical, i. 196–7: unconscious, i. 39; unconscious psychical, ii. 122
Instinct, i. 30, 43, 79, 82–3, 88, 90, 92, 143, 167, 184, ii. 137; acquisitive, iii. 68; animal, i. 20, ii. 137; of aversion, i. 206; building, i. 192; constructive, i. 185; curative, i. 106; didactic, i. 217; of enmity, ii. 15; fighting, ii. 314; individual, iii. 33; linguistic, ii. 26; of masses, i. 298; maternal, i. 115; procreative, iii. 115; protective, i. 216; sexual, i. 222–3, 228, ii. 14–15; social, ii. 15; true, i. 90; vegetable, ii. 137
Intellect, ii. 81; conscious, ii. 10
Intelligence, i. 194, 198–9
Intensity, pure, ii. 176
Intuition, i. 316; æsthetic, i. 292; clairvoyant, i. 103, 106, 114; intellectual, i. 22, 362; sensuous, i. 276; simple, i. 314; of space, i. 335, 338–9; subjective, ii. 332
Intuitive method, the, i. 314, 317
Irresolution, prevention of, ii. 32
Jacobi, i. 24, 361
Jessen, i. 319, ii. 73, 114
Judgment, æsthetic, i. 273, 278
Kant, i. 1–2, 19, 21–3, 29, 43, 150, 294–5, 308, 325–6, 329, 333–5, ii. 1, 25–6, 51, 85, 235, 341, iii. 2, 32, 82, 94–5, 187
Knowledge, metaphysical, i. 197, iii.; theory of, i. 197, iii.; therapeutic, i. 101; unconscious, i. 101
Kolliker, i. 138, ii. 301, 328
Koran, the, i. 356
Krefft, ii. 306
Krouse, i. 8
Labour, division of, ii. 198; organisation of, ii. 17
Lamarck, principle of, i. 237–8, iii.
Language, i. 111, 180, 293–9, iii. 182
Law, ii. 154; of Continuity, i. 18; of Identity, iii. 178; of Logic, i. 314; of Organic Development, iii. 241; of Weber, i. 36
Lazarus, i. 42, 294
Leibniz, i. 12, 17–18, 20, 29, 33, 292, 371, ii. 175, 184, 190, 217, 219, 231, 234, 232, 357, 267, iii. 12–13, 86, 93, 186
Lessing, i. 180, iii. 95
Life, purpose of, i. 115, ii. 10; devotion to, iii. 93; love of, iii. 9
Lister, iii. 229
Locke, i. 16–17, 19, 272, 333, ii. 190
Logic, i. 88; applied, ii. 178
Lotze, i. 337–8, 340, ii. 252
Love, iii. 30, 33, 40; maternal, i. 212, 215; mysticism of, i. 233; paternal, i. 219, 218; purpose of, i. 232; sexual, i. 22, 220
Luvs, iii. 265
Magic, i. 183, 275
Magnetic nerve-current, i. 176
Magnetism, animal, i. 176
Man, origin of, i. 314
Mass, ii. 164–5, 169
Materialism, i. 121, ii. 62–4, 81, 154–5, iii. 237, 244; modern, i. 43; pluralistic, iii. 86
Materialists, the, ii. 277
Mathematics, i. 332; axioms of, i. 314
Matter, ii. 154–5, 167, 171, 175, 177, 223, 240, 239, iii. 159
Maudsley, iii. 207, 215, 223, 229 244, 249, 253, 286
Mechanics, i. 18; molecular, iii. 236
Mechanism, cerebral, i. 79; mental, i. 79; spiritual, i. 115
Mechanisms, i. 200
Meissner, iii. 229
Memory, idea of, i. 350
Mesmerism, i. 117; material, ii. 119; phenomena of, i. 176
Metaphysics, i. 3, ii. 341
Method, deductive, i. 6; dialectic, i. 6; discursive, i. 317; inductive, i. 6; intuitive, i. 317
Meyer, ii. 193
Migrations, Germanic, i. 5
Mill, J. S., i. 310, 312
Mind, conscious life of, i. 148
Mind, human, i. 205
Mind and Matter, ii. 81
Mineralogy, iii. 96
Molecule, the, i. 165; corporeal, i. 165
Momena, i. 167
Monadology, iii. 86
Monads, ii. 218–20, iii. 86
Monism, ii. 227, 232, 252, 332, iii. 133, 199; Christian, ii. 234; spiritual, iii. 197
Monogamy, i. 223–4
Moods, i. 97
Morality, ii. 34
Movement, casual, i. 60; complicated reflex, i. 129; instinctive, ii. 137; mimetic, i. 180; relativity of, ii. 160, 162; reflex, i. 159, 167, 194, ii. 130; reflex protective, i. 206; voluntary, i. 72
Mozart, i. 275
Müller, J. J., i. 36, 147, 150, 182
Muscular contraction, i. 169
Mysticism, i. 355
Mystics, celebrated, i. 354
Nägeli, iii. 328
Nature, i. 16, 269, 331, 349, ii. 1, 50, 62, 120, 294, 298, 322, 357, iii. 109, 122, 276; aim in, i. 23; creative, i. 298; inorganic laws of, ii. 302; language of, i. 202; law of, iii 24, 181; organic separation of, i. 186; physico-chemical laws, ii. 359; phenomena of, iii. 144, 201; powers of recuperative, ii. 129; theological laws of, iii. 242
Nature-myths, ii. 14
Neo-platonism, i. 357
Neo-pythagoreanism, i. 359
Nerve-centres, iii. 274; four chief grades of, iii. 245; physiology of, iii. 207
Nerves, sensory, i. 174
Nervous system, iii. 207
Newton, i. 304
Non-Ego, i. 326, 330–2, ii. 242
One, the, ii. 226–8; Absolute, ii. 237; Being, i. 228, iii. 139; existence, ii. 226; Substance, ii. 223, 226, iii
. 244; unconscious, iii. 99; Individual-Absolute, ii. 240
Omniscience, theological notion of, ii. 359
Optic thalami, iii. 261, 263
Optimism, iii. 12, 132
Organic formation, ii. 240
Organisation bodily, i. 81
Organism and Soul, iii. 285
Organs-sense, ii. 71
Owen, ii. 320
Pain, ii. 82, 93, iii. 6
Pain-sensation, ii. 88
Panhappe, ii. 67
Pantheism, ii. 232, iii. 86; personal, iii. 86
Parasite, conception of, ii. 203
Parry, ii. 72
Pasteur, ii. 295–6
Paul, Jean, iii. 9
Peacock, ii. 67
Perception, i. 96, 330; of space, i. 333, 342; sense, i. 19, 102, 210, 243, 277, 305, 352–3, ii. 71, 93; spatial visual, i. 341; auditory, ii. 166; concomitant, i. 257; gustatory, ii. 166; olefactory, ii. 166; tactile, ii. 166
Personality, ii. 79
Perty, i. 39
Pessimism, iii. 12, 134; ethical value of, iii. 98; of Schopenhauer, iii. 12
Pfeuffer, i. 39
Phenomena, i. 6, 354; cosmic, i. 7; magnetic, ii. 158; temporal, ii. 50
Philosophers, retrospect of, iii. 147
Philosophy, i. 6, iii. 1, 96; Chinese, i. 31, 33; European, i. 31; Greek, i. 16; Hindoo, i. 31; history of, ii. 103; ideal, ii. 50; monistic, ii. 332; natural, i. 18; of Faith, i. 24; of Identity, i. 26, ii. 63; of language, i. 295; of Nature, iii. 153; mystical, i. 26; Oriental, i. 31; Positive, ii. 239; progress of, i. 7; spiritualistic, iii. 143; Vedanta, i. 33
Photometry, iii. 96
Phrenology, i. 222, iii. 269
Plants, consciousness of, i. 134, 138, 146
Plato, i. 4, 28, 83, 264, 269, 276, 295, 308, iii. 2, 147
Platonic ideas, iii. 84, 147, 173
Pleasure, ii. 82, 93, iii. 6; æsthetic, i. 273; negative character of, iii. 18; Schopenhauer’s theory of, iii. 12
Pluralism, ii. 232
Pluralism, Herbartian, ii. 335
Polar harmony, i. 240
Polygamy, i. 223–4
Polymorphism, ii. 198
Potentiality, iii. 195
Power, acquired, i. 59; lust of, iii. 49, 56; primitive, i. 41; psychical, i. 148
Predispositions, i. 115
Pregnant, fright of the, i. 182–3
Prel, Freiherr du, i. 31