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Killer Romances

Page 64

by Dana Delamar, Talullah Grace, Sandy Loyd, Kristine Mason, Dale Mayer, Nina Pierce Chantel Rhondeau, K. T. Roberts, H. D. Thomson, Susan Vaughan

  “That’s a good question,” Mac came to the rescue, sliding his arm around Chelsea. “He probably watched their routine, went in the back when he could. Though why they were both guarding the front is something I’ll never understand.”

  “At least they were there,” Chelsea placated him. “When they heard Sharon scream, they were in the house in seconds. Without them, we never would have gotten Hershey to the vet in time.” She looked beyond Mac to her personal hero, sitting peacefully at Sharon’s feet. “We were so lucky,” she added softly.

  “Tell me about it. If the syringe had been emptied, Hershey wouldn’t be with us tonight.” Sharon patted the dog’s head for the hundredth time today.

  “I can’t believe you girls still wanted to have the party, you’ve been through so much.” Janie said sympathetically. “But I’m so glad that you did, this place is wonderful. You should all be so proud.”

  “We are, and so grateful that everything worked out in the end.” Chelsea pressed closer to Mac.

  “I’m just glad the bastard’s locked up. He won’t be going after anyone I love ever again.” John knelt down to give Hershey a hug. “How would you like a house, built especially for you when you visit?”

  “Oh no, I can see it now.” Mac laughed. “That dog will have a house as nice as any home in Starsdale.”

  “He deserves it,” JB joined them, surprising Sharon for the third time today. Not only had he showed up at the vet’s office in the middle of the night, but he also came to the police station when she stopped by to give her statement and now he was at her party, uninvited.

  “Absolutely,” Chelsea agreed, welcoming JB with a smile. She’d seen the way he tried to take care of her friend. Whether Sharon was ready to admit it or not, the man was in love with her. She hoped he knew what kind of fight he had in front of him.

  “I heard that they took him away to a hospital in San Diego,” Lila frowned. “Good riddance, I say, but it seems strange.”

  “His family is in San Diego. They pulled a few strings to have him moved.” Chelsea told her. “The good news is that he’s gone, I still can’t believe that he could pull off appearing sane when he was obviously so sick.”

  “If you hadn’t knocked him over the head with that bat, they might not have found the tumor so soon. The doctor said that even when it’s removed, his sanity will not return. Preston Beecher will be locked away in a hospital for the rest of his days. I have to say, that’s the least that he deserves.”

  “It’s hard to disagree, but knowing that a tumor caused him to behave the way he did makes it easier to swallow. I almost feel sorry for him. Why didn’t he get help sooner?”

  “By the time he knew something was wrong, he was too far gone to care,” JB added. “At least that’s what I read about the disease online. Regardless, he sure had everything planned out to a tee. Did you even know about the will?” he asked Chelsea.

  “No. I didn’t know about the insurance policy either. The way he had things set up, he would have inherited a lot of money, once he killed me.”

  “I suppose he wanted me dead so that no one would contest the will,” Sharon shuddered. “What a psycho.”

  “Not really, he was sick.” Chelsea argued. “I have to believe that he would never have done those things, had he been in his right mind.”

  “It’s hard to find compassion for him at the moment, but still, I get what you’re saying.” Mac nodded, preferring to drop the subject. “How about we get something to eat? I hear the food is outrageous.” He winked at Sharon.

  “If it is, it’s thanks to my sous chefs. Without them, this party would not be happening, not with food anyway. I’ve been useless all day.” Glancing over at the buffet table, she was glad to see that the trays were all filled.

  “They’ve been wonderful,” Chelsea agreed. “And your granddaughter, Lila, she’s adorable. I may have to steal her for the B&B.”

  “No need, I’ve got another one needing a job,” Lila grinned. “We’ll talk.”

  Laughing, Chelsea let Mac lead her away from the group. Truth be told, she could use a bit of quiet and something to eat. Instead of heading for the buffet, he led her to the door.

  “I thought you were going to feed me,” she questioned, but followed along behind him.

  “I am, but first we need to find some privacy.” Taking her around the side of the building, far away from the milling crowds, Mac stopped at a small table set for two.

  “What’s this?” Delighted with the setting and with the privacy, Chelsea couldn’t help but smile.

  “A few minutes of peace, a place where we can escape the curious and the well-meaning. You looked as if you could use a break.” Mac pulled out the chair for her to sit.

  “It’s lovely,” Chelsea looked out over the dark mountains, lit only by thousands of twinkling lights. “It truly is magical here.”

  “If it is, it’s because you make it so.” Mac sat beside her, but didn’t let go of her hand. “I’m so glad that you’re safe.”

  “I’m glad that we’re all safe, and that this episode is behind us.” Chelsea met his eyes, drinking in the love she saw reflected there. “My mom would have loved this. The B&B, the restaurant, the town, all of it. And she especially would have loved you.” A feeling of peace came over Chelsea as she spoke, filling her soul with certainty that her mom was close by.

  “Something tells me that I would have loved her, too. I certainly am in love with her daughter.”

  “Mac,” Chelsea whispered softly as he leaned in for a kiss. No other words were necessary as their hearts connected in a dance as timeless as the wind.

  Neither noticed the light fragrance of jasmine, swirling in the breeze around them.

  The End

  Look for Sharon and JB’s story, Precipice, now available at your favorite ebook retailer.

  For excerpts of my other works, and for details of upcoming novels, visit my website,


  Sandy Loyd

  Former runaway, PI Lucy Maddox, has worked hard to rise above her past and now uses her survival skills in a more honest way. Yet when her mentor goes missing, Lucy risks her respectability to find her. Jack Finnegan, a life-long nemesis catches Lucy in the act of stealing proof that Jack’s employer is involved in her friend’s disappearance and joins forces with her, mainly to prove her wrong and to keep an eye on her.

  The chase leads to a ring of high school girls whose behavior could only be characterized as bullying. Then things get crazy, starting with a harrowing near-miss that’s just too coincidental to be accidental. Plus, they’re being followed.

  Drawn deeper into the mystery, they uncover the truth about the games the cruel girls were playing. That’s when Jack and Lucy realize they have fallen victim to Deadly Misconceptions.Published by Sandy Loyd

  Copyright© 2013 Sandy Loyd

  Cover design by Kelli Ann Morgan at Inspire Creative Services

  Edited by Pam Berehulke at Bulletproof Editing

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from the author at . This book is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and places portrayed in this book are products of the author’s imagination and are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  For more information on the author and her works, please see

  This book is also available in print from some online retailers.

  Chapter 1

  She slowly turned the dial. When the first soft click hit her ear, her hand stilled, even as the pounding of her heart increased. Then with painstaking precision, she switched direction until she caught the next click.
  “Uh, Lucy.” Mike’s voice shot into her other earpiece. “We got problems. Finnegan’s heading my way and he doesn’t look happy.”

  “Rats,” she said under her breath, letting go of the dial. Just what she needed. Jack “By-the-book” Finnegan spoiling her perfect heist. “Stall him,” she whispered into her mic.

  “I’ll try,” her partner answered.

  Mike’s words faded into silence. Lucy took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders.

  “Where the hell is Maddox?” Jack Finnegan’s annoyed voice burst into her earpiece with enough force to make her jump. Damn, did Cardello’s golden boy have nothing better to do than search her out? She almost had the safe open.

  “Tell him I’m in the ladies’ room.” Lucy flicked off her earpiece, then stuck her penlight into her mouth to free up both hands. After shaking them out, she wiggled her fingers. The instant she touched the dial, her concentration returned to the other listening device attached to the metal door. Much to her good fortune, Cardello hadn’t updated this dinosaur. The newer digital safes on the market were harder to crack, which would mean more time. With Choirboy Finnegan sniffing around nearby, that precious commodity had suddenly shrunk to seconds.

  When the last tumbler fell into place, releasing the ancient safe’s door with an audible snick, she opened it and swallowed triumph. Moonlight larceny with a party in full swing not a hundred feet away wasn’t her preferred MO. Neither was wearing a secondhand vintage Versace that made her feel naked on top, but friendship trumped playing it safe. And she had to admit, a little B and E kept her skills sharp. She adjusted her strapless gown to make sure nothing had slipped, and ignoring one hell of an adrenaline rush, she took the penlight out of her mouth.

  Angling the light to maximize its limited beam, she swiftly scanned the small compartment noting papers, the family jewels, and passports. Then spotting what she sought, Lucy allowed herself a satisfied smile. Without disturbing the other contents, she reached for the thumb drive.

  “All in a day’s work,” she whispered, hurriedly slipping the device into her beaded gold evening bag. Hopefully the drive would lead to a few answers, mainly—where her best friend was and why she had disappeared in the first place.

  Lucy’s focus then switched to returning to mingling at the Friday night gala without Jack Finnegan or anyone else being the wiser. Still moving fast, she closed the safe, rearranged the original Monet back into place, and tossed the mic, both earpieces, and penlight into her bag, then darted toward the exit across the room. Just as Lucy reached for the crystal doorknob, it turned slightly in her hand. A heartbeat later, the door flew open.

  Oops, she thought, stopping short with barely enough time to step back before colliding with a tuxedo-clad Jack. Light from the hallway outlined the solid mass of male elegance, one who’d fit right in at the Oscars. But there was nothing elegant in the deadly gleam of those baby blues aimed directly at her.

  “What the hell are you doing in the judge’s personal office?” His harsh whisper rasped into her ears and slid down her stiffening spine.

  They locked gazes as the door closed behind him, leaving them surrounded in shadows. His spicy scent drifted under her nose, filled the space around her, and added to a masculine appeal few females could resist—excluding her, of course. Wouldn’t you know he’d look his best tonight. He could give Brad Pitt lessons on being sexy. Too bad the package was misleading. In her mind, the man was the antithesis of what those sexy good looks promised.

  “I asked you a question.” Jack grabbed her arm and pushed her up against the wall. “And I expect an answer.”

  The chair rail dug into the small of her back and she was too surprised to do anything but stare into his face. “I was doing my job,” Lucy said, hissing the words once she found her wits.

  Even in the darkness, she could see annoyance well up in Jack’s eyes, an irritation so strong it bristled off him as he loomed over her, his tall muscular body so close the thumping of his heartbeat blended with hers.

  “Really?” The one-word sneer didn’t disguise his doubt. His gaze narrowed.

  Lucy nodded, protectively concealing her evening bag in the folds of her matching gown. She wasn’t a fool. There was no way she could tell Judge Cardello’s top aide and campaign manager the truth—that she believed his mentor was involved with her best friend’s disappearance. Jack would blow off her concerns, just as others already had. She’d had no choice but to take matters into her own hands and steal the thumb drive.

  Jack snorted and shook his head. “You were hired to mingle and act as another pair of eyes in case of trouble. Since all the guests are out there…” he nodded at the door behind him, “…I’ll ask you again. What are you doing in here?” He waited a moment, then said, “Well? Don’t just stand there gawking, answer the question.”

  “FYI, I was checking out a disturbance,” she lied, lifting her chin a notch.

  Suddenly the doorknob jerked and the door opened slightly. Jack glanced over his shoulder. Lucy strained to see who interrupted them, but Jack, swearing under his breath, pressed closer and blocked her view as someone stepped inside.

  “Play along, unless you’d rather answer a lot of questions and risk losing your job.” His soft breath caressed her neck an inch from her ear.

  The next instant his mouth covered hers. She got that he meant the kiss as a ruse to cover their being caught in Cardello’s office, but his lips were warm and inviting, and the utter softness of them touching hers shocked her into responding—something she never imagined herself doing—not with him. Lucy did not like Jack Finnegan. Never had. The guy was too heartless and soulless for her taste. However, as she inhaled more of his spicy scent, she quickly realized kissing someone like him was a surprising pleasure, especially when sensations she’d never felt before overwhelmed her system.

  Still clutching her bag, she allowed the kiss to continue, unable to summon the will to stop the impulsive desire to wrap her arms around him. In fact, she grabbed hold of his neck with her one free hand in an effort to hang on to her sanity. Which was so unlike her—and damn if he wasn’t disabusing her of a few long-held assumptions about his cold persona.

  Jack definitely knew how to use that mouth. The thought slipped away when his hand trailed up the side of her arm, rested on her neck, then stroked it as tingles raced throughout her body. He stepped closer, letting her feel his arousal…oh Lord. She fought a burst of unexpected pleasure…and an urge to rub against him…even as sensation after sensation swamped her with more heat, spreading warmth from the inside out.

  “Oh, excuse me. I didn’t realize anyone was in here.”

  Lucy stiffened as the feminine voice registered and reality splashed over her with the effectiveness of ice water. If only she could snap her fingers and disappear, especially after Jack, seeming totally unfazed, broke contact enough to glance in the lady’s direction.

  At that point, Lucy wondered if she’d imagined his erection, or had it been wishful thinking?

  She almost groaned aloud at that thought. What was wrong with her?

  The quick click of the latch, a loud reminder that someone had interrupted in the first place, drew her out of her thoughts and meant they were alone again.

  She closed her eyes, too embarrassed to meet his gaze when it landed on her face. She was not attracted to Jack Finnegan. Never had been and never would be again.

  Still feeling his silent scrutiny, Lucy cleared her throat, searching for a quick retort. Just her luck, her mind would go blank at the worst possible moment. Her face was probably scarlet, considering the heat seeping into it. Blushing certainly didn’t aid the “what the hell was that” attitude she was shooting for, but she threw him a nasty glare anyway. She’d rather have her fingernails pulled out one by one than let him know how much kissing him had her so nonplussed when he appeared so unaffected.

  “Come on.” Jack grabbed her hand, giving her no choice but to follow. At the door, he hesitated a moment, li
stening, then added coolly, as if the last few minutes hadn’t happened, “Let’s clear out before anyone else discovers you’ve been snooping in here.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Lucy said, trying unsuccessfully to yank out of his grasp. Now that she possessed the thumb drive, escape was her main goal.

  His grip only tightened.

  Anger rose with each step as Jack tugged her behind him. He ignored her continued resistance and kept walking through the hallway, leading her away from the noise of the party. At a closed door, he halted and looked cautiously around before ushering her inside what appeared to be a utility closet. Except this room, like so many others in Judge Cardello’s house, was oversized and seemed more like a small bedroom than a closet.

  “Back off.” Her heated command bounced off the walls and Lucy was finally able to jerk out of his hold, more irritated with herself for letting him throw her off balance in the first place. “I resent being manhandled.”

  Still paying her no mind, Jack turned to shut the door as if she hadn’t just shouted at him.

  She rubbed her wrist, praying the heat from his touch would dissipate. Damn it all, being in such a confined space with the guy wasn’t in her best interest. Not after almost self-combusting in his arms just moments ago. He might not feel anything, but her head wouldn’t stop buzzing. That was unsettling enough and was definitely not something she wanted to think about.

  “I doubt anyone will interrupt us in here.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall without taking his gaze off her.

  Lucy curled her fist and resisted the urge to smack him. She didn’t see how he could remain so completely undisturbed when everything about his looming presence tipped her off balance.

  “Now, where were we?” He smiled and the amused gleam in his eyes gradually turned more suggestive.


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