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Killer Romances

Page 105

by Dana Delamar, Talullah Grace, Sandy Loyd, Kristine Mason, Dale Mayer, Nina Pierce Chantel Rhondeau, K. T. Roberts, H. D. Thomson, Susan Vaughan

  “Yes, my love. We’ll slice and dice this bitch, and consider what we do here today…” Pudge slit the nurse’s throat. “Practice for what’s to come.”

  Chapter 10

  “MS. RISK HAS a moderate case of dehydration,” the E.R. doctor said as she closed the curtain surrounding Eden’s hospital bed. “The fluids we’re running into her system now should improve her condition, but if she remains dehydrated, feverish, confused, I’ll admit her.”

  Hudson sucked in a deep breath. While he wanted Eden healthy, he worried about her staying at the hospital unprotected. Then again, the hospital might be the perfect place for her to remain until they discovered more about the killer and her stalker. Right now, there were too many uncertainties in the case.

  “Is she awake?” Hudson asked.

  “No. I gave her something to help her sleep. She was extremely confused when she first arrived and I worried she might pull out the I.V.”

  Nodding, Hudson pulled the curtain slightly aside and peeked at Eden. She lay in the hospital bed, sound asleep. Color had already begun to infuse her pale cheeks, but her face held a gauntness that unsettled him.

  “She’d been vomiting all day, but would that have caused the dehydration?”

  The doctor checked something off on her chart, then rested it on her hip. “I asked Ms. Risk about her eating habits prior to catching the flu. Again, she was disoriented, but she told me she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had anything to eat. She also said she drank alcohol last night. Alcohol will dehydrate you, too. Tack on the flu…” The doctor shrugged. “And you have a recipe for moderate dehydration.”

  A nurse approach, then whispered something to the doctor. “I have to go. Are you Ms. Risk’s spouse?” she asked.

  Knowing he truly had no right, legal or otherwise to remain by Eden’s bedside, he decided a small lie was in order. “Her fiancé,” he said.

  Lloyd, who had been standing next to him the entire time, coughed.

  “Well, Mr. Patterson, if you’d like, you can sit with your fiancée until she wakes. We’ll check her vitals when that happens and decide whether to admit her or not.”

  When the doctor left, Hudson turned to Lloyd. “I’ve got to call Rachel and let her know we’re at the hospital. If I’m going to be here for a while I’ll need my laptop. Can you go back to Eden’s townhouse, let the dog out, feed him and Fabio, then bring me my laptop?”

  “Who’s Fabio?” Lloyd asked.

  Hudson released an impatient sigh. “Tell me you didn’t see the enormous cat lying on Eden’s bed.”

  “I thought it was a stuffed animal.” Lloyd shrugged. “The damn thing didn’t move once.”

  “Then make sure it’s not dead when you go back there,” Hudson said. “Stay with Eden while I call Rachel, and when I get back you can head over to the townhouse.”

  “In case another DVD arrives or the stalker tries to make contact, do you want me to stay at her place until she comes home?”

  Hudson scrubbed a hand down his face. “Shit. The extra security camera you brought me is still sitting in Eden’s hallway.” He’d planned on installing the camera after his interview with Evan Pope, but he hadn’t planned on Eden taking a trip to the E.R.

  “No problem. I’m handy with electronics and will have it up and running for you before I head back with your laptop.” Lloyd checked his watch. “Make your call fast so I can leave. I don’t mind working at dusk, but if it gets any darker…besides I have some calls to make, too.”

  “Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to boss your ass around. I’m sure you have other assignments—”

  Lloyd held up his hand. “No, we’re good. I just want to make sure Eden’s sister and brother know she’s in the hospital. Knowing them, they’ll want to come see her. I’ll give them a head’s up on your upcoming nuptials, though,” Lloyd finished with a grin.

  “They’re both in Chicago?”

  Lloyd nodded. “Have been for a few months.”

  “And how do you know her brother and sister?” Hudson asked, beyond confused as to how Lloyd could possibly be connected to Eden’s family. A family he hadn’t realized existed. Well, the sister he knew about only because she’d mentioned her in passing, but she had a brother, too? Why hadn’t she bothered to mention either of them when they’d been together?

  “Long story,” Lloyd said, then moved the curtain and entered Eden’s makeshift room.

  Once Hudson found a private area in the hallway off the waiting room, he called Rachel. After giving her an update, he asked if she knew how Lloyd was acquainted with Eden’s family.

  “Oh, that’s right,” she began. “You were gone when everything happened with Celeste and John.”

  “Kain? Yeah you told me they’d met while he was working a murder case in Wisconsin.” Then it hit him. After putting sixteen and twenty-four together he said, “Holy shit, Celeste is Ian’s daughter.”

  “That’s right, super sleuth. And Eden and Celeste are sisters.”


  With the scent of fresh blood lingering on the maintenance uniform, Pudge entered the house as quietly as possible. Light from the TV screen flickered on the darkened wall of the family room. Uncertain as whether or not Mama still slept, and not in the mood to have the glorious kill ruined by her bitching, Pudge slipped down the hallway to the bathroom.

  Once the door had been locked, Pudge dropped the backpack, shrugged off the heavy wool coat that hid the bloodied uniform, then stared at the reflection in the mirror. Twisting from side to side, Pudge smiled. “We made more of a mess than I’d planned.”

  worth it worth it slice dice worth it

  “Yes, and when the agency calls to replace Nurse Gretchen, I’ll tell them we’ve already found a new nurse.”

  good good good bye dr dread hello nurse nancy hello

  “Nurse Nancy?” Pudge grinned. “Clichéd, but the name does have a nice ring to it. Nurse Nancy it is,” Pudge finished, and began removing the uniform. Once naked, Pudge eyed the mirror. “I had fun with you this evening.”

  fun i want to have fun with you tonight pinch your nipple pinch

  Pudge did as ordered, and sucked in a deep breath. “So good. So very good.”

  more more harder more harder

  Pinching harder, Pudge’s knees buckled with arousal. “I need sex,” Pudge groaned.

  Killing excited Pudge. More than an adrenaline rush, feeling the life seep from their victims’ bodies had become an aphrodisiac.


  With each cut made into Nurse Gretchen, Pudge’s body had throbbed with the need for sexual release. Her blood had reminded Pudge of a lubricant, the knife’s blade, the way it slid in and out of Gretchen’s flesh, of a sexual tool.

  bend bend over bend over and show your ass

  Pudge’s face grew warm at the seductive command. “Let me finish cleaning myself first. Then I have to check on Mama.”

  sleep sleep let mama sleep let me love you

  Arousal coiled through Pudge’s core. Need and desire fueled Pudge to work quickly. Within minutes, any remnants of the maintenance worker had been washed away. Pudge left the bathroom wearing a towel and, carrying the bloodied clothes, quietly headed for the bedroom. After stowing the clothes in the “Dr. Dread suitcase,” Pudge slipped into a pair of flannel pajamas, then tiptoed to the family room to check on Mama.

  Mouth dangling open, Mama lay on the hospital bed, snoring. The entire room reeked of shit, which meant Mama’s colostomy bag needed another changing.

  Pudge didn’t want to clean up shit, not now, not when they could disappear into the bedroom and have sex. “Damn her. Damn the helpless bitch.”

  leave her come with me come for me

  “In a minute,” Pudge whispered. “Let me take care of Mama. If she wakes up, I don’t want any interruptions.”

  mmm so smart so smart

  Ten minutes later, Pudge had changed Mama’s colostomy bag, and had even left a fresh sandwich, new bag of chips, c
an of soda, and more snack cakes on her tray. Now in the bedroom, Pudge undressed, then, propped on elbows, lay on the bed in front of the mirror. Legs spread, sex reflecting back, Pudge shivered with arousal.

  sexy so sexy let me love you love you

  “Mmm,” Pudge moaned. “Too bad it’s just you and me. I wouldn’t mind trying a threesome again.”

  toy edens boy toy play with boy toy

  Positioning to all fours, Pudge turned and eyed the mirror again. Ass high, Pudge imagined Eden Risk’s sexy boyfriend naked and in bed with them, and groaned with pleasure. “Yes,” Pudge hissed. “Even if we have to strap him down, we’ll make him ours.”

  now now make him ours now

  Pudge rolled from the bed, then retrieved the dildo hidden between the mattress and box spring. “Soon,” Pudge began, and climbed onto the bed again. “I promise you Eden will be dead by the end of the week, and my gift to you will be her boy toy.”

  promise promise precious promise

  Pudge inserted the dildo and released a low groan. “Mmm, yes. I promise. Now hush and love me.”


  “Did you hear who was admitted tonight?” Laurie, the receptionist from the OR, asked.

  Michael Morrison continued to review the chart the on-duty anesthesiologist had given him. He could care less which celebrity had been admitted to St. Mary’s. Located in the heart of Chicago, the hospital was no stranger to local politicians, actors or sports legends.

  “No, but I have no doubt you’ll tell me,” Michael said with a smile. While he had no interest in hospital gossip, he’d worked at St. Mary’s Medical Center for fifteen years, first as a nurse, then as a nurse anesthetist, and genuinely liked his coworkers. Laurie, like many others from the hospital, had attended his daughter’s funeral. These people had also been staunch supporters afterward, when the heads of the hospital had tried to make him take a leave of absence. He’d understood why the administration had suggested he take time off of work. Hell, even some of his coworkers had needed counseling after they’d witnessed his ex-wife blowing her brains all over his daughter’s casket.

  Because of his superb record with the hospital, and a glowing report from one of St. Mary’s lead psychologists, he’d remained on duty. Months after Eliza had committed suicide though, and after Michael had lost his fight against the plastic surgeon group from Cosmetic Solutions and Med Spa, he’d realized he’d need to take justice into his own hands. He’d needed a plan to execute the punishment no court system in this country would ever allow. As a means to his revenge, he’d decided to become a nurse anesthetist. With the slight career change, he’d been able to remain at St. Mary’s, had been allowed access to the necessary drugs, and given the opportunity to view multiple surgeries. His coworkers would never suspect that while he’d viewed surgeries, he’d created new means of torture to practice on the patients who would eventually visit his private OR. Not that he’d needed new ideas. He’d discovered through his plan of vengeance that he had quite the imagination.

  Laurie held the coffee mug between her hands. “Well, if you don’t want to know…” She shrugged.

  “You’re not going to bait me this time,” Michael said with a wag of his finger.

  “Fine,” she began, “Then I guess I won’t tell you that one of Chicago’s hottest reporters was admitted earlier this evening.”

  While his heart rate skyrocketed, he pretended to go back to reading the chart. “I guess you won’t,” he said, playing along. He could easily check the hospital records to discover if the reporter happened to be Eden, but he’d rather have Laurie give him the information. If all hell broke loose, and people began checking, they would be able to see his computer activity. No paper trails, real or electronic. He hadn’t finished with his death wish list.

  He just hoped to God nothing had happened to Eden. The unknown person he’d seen lingering around her townhouse had him worried. No one lurks around another person’s home—cloaked by darkness and dressed like a burglar—unless they’re up to no good. Besides, he liked Eden. In some ways she reminded him of Eliza. Always pushing to be perfect, and unwilling to accept her own personal flaws. When she’d caught his attention with her Beauty Pageant Queen Bees series, she’d gained his respect. He’d witnessed her kindness. Watched her work hard to serve justice for the little guy. Hell, she even rescued disfigured animals. Anybody who liked animals was cool in his book. After all, look how he’d been taking care of the coyotes.

  “Right.” She tapped her nails on the coffee mug. “So I guess I won’t tell you that Eden Risk is on the third floor recovering from dehydration.”

  He stopped and looked at her. “Eden Risk?” he asked, playing dumb. No one needed to know he’d researched her, and knew her better than she knew herself.

  “You know. The investigative reporter on Channel 5 News.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I’ve heard of her. Sorry, I usually watch Channel 3,” he said.

  “Well, you’re missing out. Eden is awesome.”

  “Hmm, you don’t say?” Michael hid his relief and pretended to review the chart. While dehydration could be bad, and lead to complications, being a victim of an unknown assailant would be worse. If his patients hadn’t been ripped to shreds by coyotes, they could certainly vouch for that fact. “Well, I have to run. Try not to gossip too much,” he said to Laurie. “I’ve got a surgery in an hour and need to check on a few patients before I begin prepping. Page me if you need me.”

  Leaving Laurie behind, he made his way to the break room. Blessedly alone, he allowed his thoughts to race.

  Eden Risk.

  In the hospital.

  On many occasions, he’d been very close to Eden without her knowing. He could do this again. After all, she lay in a hospital bed on the floor below. Drumming his fingers on the table, he considered his options, then came up with a plan.

  After slipping on a pair of Latex gloves, he tore a piece of paper from a notepad lying on the table, then began to write. Minutes later, he folded the paper, then slipped it into his pocket. He poured coffee into a Styrofoam cup, grabbed his chart, then left the room. As he traveled down the hallway, he nodded to coworkers he knew, then once alone, opened the door to the stairwell. No one would think anything of him traveling to other floors. Side effects from anesthetics were not uncommon, and part of his job was to check on patients recovering from surgery.

  When he reached the third floor, he made his first stop. A woman in her mid-forties lay sleeping in the hospital bed. He checked her vitals, reviewed notes on her chart, then turned to leave. The flower arrangements lining the window caught his attention and he stopped.

  With an idea in his head, he left the room, and continued to make his rounds. Twenty minutes later, he collided with a man, who looked like a biker, exiting a patient’s room.

  “I’m sorry,” Michael said with a smile.

  “No problem,” the man responded, and continued down the hall.

  Michael continued as well, then stopped short when he chanced a glance into the room the man had just exited.


  Now he knew which room was hers.

  Now he could carry out his plan.

  Minutes later, with a small bouquet he’d stolen from another sleeping patient’s room, he checked the hallway, waited a moment to make sure all was clear, then slipped into Eden’s room. She remained sound asleep. He set the bouquet on the window ledge, withdrew the note from his pocket, then tucked the paper between the flowers.

  When he exited the room, he quickly made his way down the hallway. The elevator next to the stairwell entrance chimed. As he entered the stairwell, he saw the man he’d run into earlier exit the elevator. Michael closed the door, waited a few seconds then opened it, and peered down the hallway…just as the man entered Eden’s room.


  The humming and beeping drove her crazy.

  Groggy, but annoyed, Eden yawned and opened her eyes. Alarmed, she pushed herself up, and scooted her legs
to her chest. A pinch to the top of her hand forced her to stop. She glanced at her hand, at the I.V., then looked around the room.

  Hudson sat in a chair in the corner, sleeping, his laptop closed and resting on his thighs. As she continued to gaze around the room a rush of memories filled her mind. Throwing up, Pina Coladas, the Aryan, and the E.R. doctor. The way Hudson had held her in the car during the drive to the hospital, and the sweet kiss he’d given the top of her head.

  Considering she hadn’t vomited in a while, she assumed the flu bug had finally completed its mission. Although weak, and a little tired, she felt good. Not good enough to plow through a sixty minute workout, but good enough to leave and enjoy the comfort of her own bed.

  With the blinds drawn, she couldn’t tell whether it was morning or night. Had she spent the night in the hospital? She glanced at the clock on the wall. Was it nine in the evening or in the morning? Her poor babies. Brutal probably needed to go potty, and both animals would need to be fed.

  Before she threw herself into a panic attack over the dog and cat, she shook her head and thought long and hard. Hudson would have made arrangement for the animals. He knew how important they were to her, and whether he’d admit it or not, she suspected he liked them, too. She leaned back into the pillows and smiled as she remembered thinking the same thing before falling on her ass and Lloyd coming into her bedroom.

  Wait, why had Lloyd been in her bedroom? Where had Hudson…?

  Knowing exactly where he’d been, she eyed the sleeping man. She’d bet anything that Hudson had gone to see Evan Pope, and had left Lloyd to babysit her. God, and she’d made such an ass of herself in front of Lloyd. She didn’t care about looking like a fool in front of Hudson. He’d never been the judgmental type, especially with her. Well, except when they were discussing—or rather, arguing—their relationship. Then he had no problem telling her where she’d gone wrong. Now that she thought about it, just before her last major puke session and her nap, he’d told her he had needed to tell her the truth about... something. Their past relationship? Himself?

  He’s right there. Ask him.


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