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Killer Romances

Page 178

by Dana Delamar, Talullah Grace, Sandy Loyd, Kristine Mason, Dale Mayer, Nina Pierce Chantel Rhondeau, K. T. Roberts, H. D. Thomson, Susan Vaughan

  He withdrew slightly and then pulled her close, not daring to bury himself inside her completely yet, though he wanted to. His shaft twitched and pulsated, and soon Carlie’s breathing accelerated. With each stroke, he dared a little deeper, pressed a little further. Her soft moans matched his deep groans with each thrust.

  Her muscles contracted rhythmically, squeezing him tightly inside her. He finally impaled her completely, giving her every inch of his thickness. Holding her tightly, he didn’t move, scarcely breathing while he waited for her to indicate she was ready.

  Carlie reached her hand across her chest, gripping her nipple and making eye contact again. “I’ve never had it like this. You feel so good.”

  The huskiness of her voice nearly undid him. She tilted her pelvis, still contracting against his length as she moved him inside her gently.

  “And I’ve never been with anyone so beautiful,” he said, grasping the globes of her ass and pushing her away from him again. He slipped nearly to the end of her opening, then pulled her quickly back.

  He stroked harder and harder, increasing the tempo. Carlie moaned and pulled at her nipples, biting her lower lip, never taking her eyes off his.

  “Harder,” she begged.

  Nick pounded harder, sweat trickling down his chest. The throbbing was uncontrollable, and he knew he couldn’t hang on much longer.

  Carlie slipped her heels off his shoulders and bent them toward her body, wrapping her arms around her knees and tilting her pelvis upward. Nick leaned his chest against the backs of her thighs, pressing his legs against the mattress.

  The new position let him penetrate just a bit further, and Carlie cried out with a delighted shriek. “Yes, Nick, yes. I can’t wait longer.” Her panting increased in tempo and Nick impaled her again and again.

  She turned her head into the pillow, muffling her screams while tremors raced through her body.

  Nick made it a few more strokes and then his own orgasm exploded. He pumped himself into her, shouting with victory before tumbling on top of her.

  Carlie’s legs wrapped around his waist and she clenched him tightly, running her hands through his hair while shockwaves of pleasure flowed through them both.


  “Wow,” Carlie gasped, once she was able to articulate again.

  Nick ran his hands over her hair and nuzzled into her neck, kissing it softly. His breathing was still labored and shallow, just like her own.

  Carlie squeezed her legs tightly around him and caressed his back with her fingertips, loving the feel of him trapping her into place on the bed.

  She could tell he’d been worried about hurting her during their lovemaking, which made things all the more special in her eyes. Much better than Ryan taking advantage of her when she didn’t even know what was going on, then rolling off her and acting like she should feel privileged he relieved her of her virginity.

  Not that she wanted to compare Nick to Ryan. That wasn’t a bit fair. But if she did compare the men, Nick was better, without question.

  Nick shifted his weight to the side, breaking her legs from their gripped position around him as he rolled off her. “Sorry to break this up, my lady.” He stroked her face and rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb. “My legs are falling asleep. Think we can scoot up?”

  “I forgot your legs were hanging off the edge.” Feeling bad, she scrambled backward until her head found the pillow and then crawled beneath the covers.

  Nick stepped out of the room and into the bathroom for a moment and then slid in beside her, pulling the covers around their shoulders. He wrapped her in his arms.

  Carlie snuggled in close, laying her head on his chest, and listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. “Sorry about Shelley interrupting this morning. I hope tonight was everything you wanted.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Don’t apologize. You’re worth the wait.”

  His words filled her with pleasure. It was the first time she felt real satisfaction after making love. Even though at first she didn’t realize Ryan was only with her out of duty, something was off in their relationship from the beginning. Things with Bradley were never serious, so left her feeling empty.

  And I’m not thinking about them anymore. Being with Nick is too wonderful to spoil with thoughts of other men.

  She rubbed his smooth pecs. “I’m glad you stayed tonight.” She tipped her head back and met his dark eyes. “I know you just wanted to protect me. Sorry I overreacted. I do appreciate how much you care for me and I’m happy you’re here.”

  “Good, because I don’t know what I’d do if you sent me away.” His voice was a soft purr and he stroked her face with a tender touch. “You really are a perfect fit for me, Carlie. I like being with you.”

  Joy filled her heart, and Carlie couldn’t help but smile. His intense gaze promised her the world, and she wanted to accept it. She knew they barely met and it was too soon to contemplate the “L” word, but the possibility of love felt closer than it ever had. Besides, he was the one who said he knew she was the woman for him the instant they met.

  “I really like being with you, too.” She sighed happily. “I convinced myself there was no such thing as having a connection to someone.” She paused, wondering if she should tell him how she really felt. Then again, he still looked at her with passion and promise, and she felt like she could open up to him. “I’ve always longed for true love. However, after everything I went through with Ryan, I feared I’d be alone the rest of my life.”

  “Honestly, I always thought I’d be alone. I’ve never met anyone who made me want anything different. Until now.” He smoothed her hair against her head. “Maybe we just needed to find each other.”

  Squeezing him tightly to her, tears stung Carlie’s eyes and she blinked rapidly to clear them.

  Nick raised an eyebrow. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, not at all.” Emotion choked her up, but she wanted to reassure him. “The opposite, really. You’ve made me happy.”

  “Good. Being with you makes me happy, too.”


  Nick rubbed Carlie’s back until the change in her breathing told him she’d fallen asleep.

  What in the hell am I doing?

  It wasn’t the first time the question had gone through his head. He didn’t allow himself to feel anything deep. Getting close to people meant taking a chance with his heart, and Nick had never been good at doing that.

  But Donovan said it was worth it. His friend sounded so happy, and Nick wanted to be happy too. Until meeting Carlie, he never met a woman who would be a good match for him.

  Carlie was something special. Her resourcefulness in keeping herself safe all these years from people out to kill her, and then her bravery at deciding to take control of her life and go after what she impressed the hell out of him. He’d never met anyone quite like her.

  Playing best-case scenario, when Paul met with the leaders of S.A.T.O., they’d quickly realize she wasn’t a threat to the country and let Nick protect her. Maybe Paul would release him from the organization. Nick never imagined that one day he might want to leave S.A.T.O. People didn’t just leave. He wondered if there was any chance he and Carlie could stay in Sayle, running her shop happily together.

  However, knowing the way the organization had been run lately, they would probably have to go into hiding, making use of the identities and start over somewhere new. Carlie’s entire life was here, and she made it clear she wanted to stay. Would she give up her shop and friends, just to take a chance on love with him?

  He kissed the top of her head and breathed in deeply, loving the subtle vanilla scent that lingered in her hair. Carlie mumbled something and slipped her leg over his before settling back into sleep.

  All he could do was hope for the best. If Carlie truly fell in love with him, maybe she would choose him if they had to leave.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nick startled from sleep and looked around the unfamiliar
room. It took a few seconds to remember where he was and to identify the wonderful smell filling the house as some sort of cake baking. He hadn’t heard Carlie get out of bed. Though it took him a while to fall asleep last night, apparently he slept more soundly than usual once he did.

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out the reason. Being with Carlie was comforting, and he felt like he could let his guard down. She felt more real to him than the other women he’d been with—more solid and grounded. Though he never expected it, Nick couldn’t deny the truth to himself. He was becoming attached to Carlie. His brain screamed loudly that she was the target, but his heart didn’t care.

  Nick climbed out of bed and grabbed his sweat pants off the floor. As he pulled them on, he looked at the digital clock on the nightstand, relieved to see it was only a little past 7:00. With the aroma of baking in the house, he’d worried he slept in late. Apparently Carlie was an early riser.

  Walking into the hallway, Nick heard her humming tunelessly while working in the kitchen. Although he couldn’t wait to kiss her good morning, his first stop had to be the bathroom.

  Flipping on the light switch and closing the door, Nick walked to the sink and looked at his reflection. The stupid grin on his face shocked him. Usually the only time he felt happy was while shooting his gun or practicing at karate class. After Paul ordered him to kill Jason Steele last year, Nick’s work offered less satisfaction than it once had.

  Carlie was the difference. She made him happy.

  Nick leaned against the countertop heavily. It was overwhelming. Almost too much to take. The perfect woman for him, and S.A.T.O.’s new management skills made Nick’s future with her all too uncertain.

  He turned the faucet to cold and let water run into the basin for a few moments before splashing his face. Taking a couple of deep breaths, Nick stared at himself in the mirror.

  What if today is the only time I get with her?

  While he wanted to shove that thought away, it was a possibility he had to face. If S.A.T.O. gave orders Nick didn’t like and Carlie wouldn’t run away with him, his happiness could be short lived.

  Then I better make the most of today.


  Hearing Nick moving around in the bathroom brought a smile to Carlie’s face. Waking up next to him this morning was nice. She’d snuggled against his warm side and listened to him breathe. While she realized she couldn’t depend on Nick to protect her from all the Stephens of the world or Ryan’s other enemies, she felt secure with him, something she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  While she loved cuddling, the thought of Ryan’s enemies sent her mind into overdrive, and Carlie knew there was no chance of going back to sleep. Baking always relaxed her, so she had headed to the kitchen. She needed to come up with new cupcake ideas for the shop anyway.

  After carefully filling each of the chocolate cupcakes with the raspberry filling she’d mixed while they cooked, Carlie had replaced the top portion of the cakes. She then coated them with a raspberry cream frosting and topped that with curls of dark chocolate.

  Not knowing what Nick liked, and wanting him to be her taste tester, Carlie also had vanilla cupcakes in the oven. A cookies and cream frosting waited in the fridge, ready to top them. As far as she knew, no one else in Sayle made gourmet cupcakes, which would give her shop that much more to distinguish it from the competition.

  While adding a few more shaves of chocolate to the cupcakes, Nick’s footfalls padded down the hallway. Carlie looked up as he entered the kitchen, her heart fluttering with excitement. “Good morning, Nick.”

  “Good morning yourself, beautiful.” He cross the space between them and took the hunk of chocolate and knife out of her hand. He set them on the counter and then pulled her in for a kiss.

  Carlie wrapped her arms around his neck, losing herself in the joy of being with him. She’d forgotten how exciting a new relationship was. The moments where couples couldn’t wait to rip each other’s clothes off and nothing mattered except being with the other person. Exciting and exhilarating. All she could think about was taking Nick to the bedroom and repeating more of what they shared last night.

  The timer on the oven sounded its alarm, warning her to retrieve the vanilla cupcakes. Part of her wanted to let them burn, but she reluctantly pulled away.

  He sighed. “I thought you were taking today off from work.”

  “Only because I didn’t want to scare away the customers with my bruises.” She shut off the timer and grabbed the hot pads. “I’m trying to come up with new ideas for the store. I was thinking about featuring a different type of gourmet cupcake each week. Maybe that could draw in more business.” She pulled the pan from the oven and set it on the stovetop.

  “Your ambition and drive are some of the things I like best about you.”

  A glow of happiness washed over her at his compliment. When she was Ryan’s wife, she hadn’t been allowed to open the shop she wanted. Ryan thought it would look bad to the people in his country to know she was a common cook. With Nick, she’d never have to worry about that. The more successful she became, the happier it seemed Nick would feel.

  I promised myself I’d stop comparing them.

  Carlie shook her head at herself and turned off the oven. “I need a taste tester. You can decide which kind I serve at the shop first.”

  “Taste tester?” Nick’s tongue ran across his lips. “Do I get to choose what to taste?”

  The way he looked at her made it clear his mind wasn’t on cupcakes. She felt another blush coming on, but forced herself to maintain eye contact. “Anything in particular you wanted?”

  He nodded, stepping forward and putting his hands around her waist. As though she weighed nothing, Nick’s muscular biceps and chest flexed and he lifted her off the floor, carrying her the short distance to the counter and setting her on the edge of it. He stepped into the space between her legs, and she wrapped them around his waist, drawing him against her.

  She ran her hand over his hard jaw, stroking down his neck and across his shoulders. “I take it you’re not in the mood for a cupcake.”

  He ran his hands up her thighs. “Not quite yet. First, I have an appetite for something else.” He scooped a small bit of raspberry frosting from the dish next to them and cocked his head to the side, apparently considering the situation. “This frosting has potential.” Without warning, he ran his hand across her neck, smearing frosting over it. “There are lots of places to lick it from.”


  After satisfying their other appetites, Carlie frosted the second batch of cupcakes, explaining what she was doing while she worked. Nick listened to it all—not because he aspired to be a chef, but because it mattered to her. Besides, she was extra cute when overcome by excitement explaining her craft.

  When the cupcakes were ready, she led the way into the living room. Nick carried their mugs of coffee and followed along, enjoying the view. Carlie’s ass swished from side to side while she balanced a tray of cupcakes on one hand.

  Even though his needs were completely satiated on the kitchen counter, desire twitched again. Life with Carlie held excitements of a nature Nick hadn’t sampled before. He couldn’t believe her ex hadn’t been satisfied with her. She was remarkable. Obviously, Prince Rayhan had been an idiot.

  Carlie set the plate of cupcakes on the coffee table, then sat on the couch and smiled at him. Even with the bruises darkening her neck and cheek, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known—the cute gap between her front teeth only enhanced her attraction.

  “How are you feeling today?” He put the coffee down and sat next to her, inspecting her bruises more closely. “I should have asked before, uh...”

  “Before you attacked me in the kitchen? Is that what you mean to say?” Her eyes sparkled with barely suppressed amusement.

  “Well, yeah.” He shrugged and leaned back. “Honestly, though, you didn’t seem to mind.”

  “Nope, not one little bit. Actually, I’m lookin
g forward to more later.” She grabbed a chocolate cupcake, pulling her legs up onto the couch and laying them across his thighs. She snuggled her body against his side, and Nick put his arm around her back and held her tightly.

  Something seemed to have changed in Carlie from the shy woman he observed for the past month. In fact, she was different from the woman he took to dinner the other evening when she’d been so embarrassed by dancing in front of strangers. Now, she was more confident and sure of herself.

  Nick wondered if he was glimpsing the woman she’d been before meeting Ryan—before spending six years on the run and afraid. Already attracted to her ambitious nature and the way she pushed herself to accomplish her goals, Nick found this new confidence all that more alluring.

  He rubbed his cheek against hers. “Does that mean you don’t hurt too badly?”

  Leaning into him, she caught his earlobe in her lips. She sucked on it gently, sending a shivery jolt down his back. “How do you think I feel?” She leaned away from him with a smirk on her face.

  Nick squeezed her thigh. “Pretty damn wonderful, but I was talking about your bruises. How bad do you hurt?”

  “Nothing seems to hurt when I’m with you.”

  That wasn’t really an answer, so Nick guessed she probably didn’t feel perfect, but if she was content, then he was too. “Give me a bite of that cupcake. I think you worked up my appetite.”

  Laughing, she peeled back the paper wrapper and raised it to his mouth, placing her free hand underneath it to catch any stray crumbs. “Okay, I want your honest opinion. Give me your first reaction.”

  “I promise.” He took a large bite. Although he wasn’t big on sweets, the raspberry filling had a slight tartness to it that counteracted the sweetness of the sugary frosting and the chocolate. “That’s surprisingly delicious.”

  “Surprisingly? You doubted me?” She shook her head, though he could tell she was teasing. She took a bite of it herself, staring at the remaining cake while she chewed. A small blob of frosting stuck to the corner of her mouth.


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