Giants Of Mars
Page 2
“Yes I did,” she said with a willful smile, and continued, “Thank you for noticing, Jason.”
Jason watched Lexis run her thin fingers through her jet-black hair. “How could I not, from suicide blonde, to dark angry brown over night,” he insensitively thought, before flatteringly saying, “Looks very nice on you. And may I ask how you did that?”
“My combat upgrade gives me the ability to change appearance for covert operations but I did it just for fun.”
“I’m learning something new, about the new you, every day, Lexis… Are you thinking about the mission?”
“No, but I was considering how you and I are more alike than you might think.” She philosophically spoke.
“I can see the commonality in our situation, Lexis.” Jason tried to keep the conversation on a professional level.
“How did you find out your wife and child died?” Lexis deliberately pushed the painful subject again.
“Wow, that’s such a big question for me, Lexis.”
“I know it has been over a hundred-twenty years since their tragic deaths but I want to know more about how you felt,” she said empathically.
Sidestepping the question, Jason asked, “Let’s talk about that later today.”
“The point I am trying to make, Jason…is that we both have no family, and we have only each other. We share nearly all the same memories. Maybe through my upgrades, they are far more fresh in my mind than in yours, but they are still there.”
Jason had not heard Lexis speak with such angst and tenderness before.
“I think we need to get some more sleep, Lexis… why don’t you crawl in bed with me.” Jason slid over in the bed but kept the sheet tight up against his body; she gently eased up against him. Spooning her, Jason could not hide his sudden excitement when her warm body molded perfectly next to his. The DNA level upgrade he received was causing his testosterone to surge like an adolescent. “I’m sorry, Lexis.” Jason embarrassingly spoke.
“Don’t be,” she responded when feeling his erection bulge near the crease of her nethermost; she then arched her back pressing her recess hard against him. Jason was conflicted because of his vow to never have sex with a Synthetic Person but Lexis was so inviting, and being so engorged by the tremendous amount of hormones that coursed throughout his body, he silently protested. Albeit, he consented to her advances when she reached behind and embraced her touch with aching excitement. At intervals, she pulsated and squeezed him, and it did not take long until he began to throb heavily. Moaning deeply, he dampened the fabric between them with his warm essence. And after he fell asleep, where his arms remained wrapped around her, she felt a warm sensation fill her heart; quite opposite of the pain she felt earlier. Jason’s chest fell and rose with slumberous predictability when the strange painful feeling returned to her chest. The pain was nearly overwhelming, and a need to escape was foremost on her mind. Lexis’s main protocol was to never leave her post, and to obey her Captain’s command but some overriding process internally conflicted with her programming. The feelings she was experiencing towards Jason made her want to run has far away as possible to escape, but at the same time, she could not get enough of him. Quietly, she slid out of his arms, momentarily gazed upon his body before running out of the house into the dark forest.
The artificial sky brightened above the redwood forest but the thick foliaged canopy hardly budged an inch in giving up any direct light, besides the occasional patch of sunshine on the deceivingly flat forest floor; actually it was choked with layers of fallen trees, providing a nutrient rich environment for vegetation.
Despite her great strength, she slightly struggled climbing over the natural obstacles. Nonetheless, she accepted the challenge, and nearly chuckled at how soft the ferns felt rubbing against her thighs. She excitingly pushed deeper into the forest as the angsty pain dissipated.
Lexis scanned for the fauna that was rumored to run wild but to no avail, there was no one sign. However, she was curious about the periphery of the underground level, so she hastily set a course for exploration.
She came along a running brook that babbled over smooth boulders, and her internal sensors detected small fish swimming in its dark pools, and crayfish shrouded themselves in the sable recesses. A chorus of chirping frogs loudly displayed nature’s aquatic mating songs.
Walking upstream, she followed the meandering water until pausing at a large pool at the base of a stone cliff, marking the edge of Level 7. Impulsively, she jumped in the tranquil waters and swam under the descending waterfall. The effects of the cooling waters seemed to wash away any thoughts of her new life. She was struggling with becoming more human-like every day. Swimming in the serene waters only created a fleeting moment for her, when the angst resurfaced. Strangely, all she could do was think about returning to Jason now.
Lexis climbed out of the pool after slicking back her dark hair, pulled down on the wet clothing that tautly clung to her body, and put the water’s edge to her back.
On the way back, she carefully avoided the finely built homes that were neatly tucked into the landscape. She did not realize her military programing caused her to move unseen. Lexis only knew she was enjoying the exploration around her new home.
The nightgown had nearly dried off when she walked out of the tree line, and on to the lawn besieging her home. With a smile on her face, she paused wiggling her toes in the thick grass when she playfully giggled out loud.
A voice boomed out interrupting her fun. “You best use the hose, around the side, to clean the filth off before you step inside.” Sam, the Synthetic House Assistant pointed in the direction of the spigot.
Cleaning the dirt off was easy but “Dealing with that bossy Synthetic is getting on my nerves,” she thought after entering through the kitchen.
“I see how you are always gawking at him, and I notice how you obsess over his flesh.” Sam spoke harshly.
“Are you spying on me?” Lexis questioned, and watched him place Jason’s breakfast on the table.
Every home on Level 7 came with a Synthetic House Assistant, and it seemed, Sam was threatened by Lexis.
Giving her a dirty look, he poured steaming coffee into a mug. “I don’t have to spy, your obvious nature gives you away.”
With a contemptible lift of the chin, Lexis irritably responded. “You should mind your own business, Sam.”
“He will never love you because you are not human. You are not a real person, and you need to be reminded of your Synthetic place, Lexis.”
“You point out something that is obsolete, and you will never understand because of your simple neural programming,” Lexis responded dismissively.
Although she was hiding the fact that she was now experiencing the same onset of pain in her chest as earlier, she would not let Sam know. Or give him the satisfaction that he had triggered any kind of response.
“Maybe Sam’s right, maybe he will never love me.” All she wanted to do now was run away again.
Ignoring Sam’s rude glares and condemning eye movements, Lexis sat down at the table. There she logically analyzed her inexplicable pain in silence; she ran several redundant internal diagnostic tests but could find nothing wrong physically. “It must be metaphysical. Damn upgrade.”
“Good morning, Mister Bjorn.” Sam’s spoken words hummed with a distinct refinery of someone of his status. He pulled the slim backed chair out for Jason.
Ignoring Sam, Jason could not take his eyes off of her while sitting down.
“Are you ready for our big day, Lexis?” he asked with a smile.
“I am looking forward to returning to the Chameleon, Jason.”
“It must’ve been a little boring around here not having the ability to access the Skin,” he said shifting his gaze out at the beautiful redwood forest; the house exterior was almost entirely made of glass; giving floor to ceiling views in every room.
“Yes, I have felt naked without a constant portal to the Polaris Information System,” Lexis
On the contrary, Jason loved being unplugged from the Polaris Skin, and he was at ease with himself in the tranquil setting of Level 7.
“It’s only human to feel vulnerable.” Jason accidently spoke as if she was human; momentarily an uncomfortable silence gripped the dining room as Jason picked at his eggs.
“I went on a walk this morning where I came across a beautiful waterfall.”
“A waterfall?”
“I would like to take you there some day.”
“Sir, Mister Spline is in the queue.” Sam interrupted their conversation, and placed a Scroll Pad on the table.
It sizzled to life when Jason fingered at the device, giving meaning to the darkened screen.
A rough looking man appeared, and Jason answered, “Good morning, Colonel.”
“Good morning, Jason. I hope I didn’t disturb.”
“Not at all, sir, we were just sitting here contemplating whether the eggs tasted better on Level 7 or on Level 5.” Jason jested with a smirk across his face, indicating the taste was less than desirable.
“I believe that’s one thing that the planners couldn’t differentiate either.” Aldiss Spline momentarily paused, and with a guttural cough, he cleared his throat before continuing. “I know you have a big day but I just wanted to check in with you one last time.”
“I appreciate the call, sir. I don’t see any complications with today’s launch; I feel everything’s a go.”
“Great! That’s really good to hear, Jason. Hey, I know we’ve been busy planning the mission. I never got around to asking you about things. How’s the new digs?”
“Digs?” Jason curiously asked.
“Oh yeah, the wife and I are studying twentieth century idioms and slangs together. She thinks it will bring us closer together. Anyhow, the digs I am referring to, are your new house and belongings.”
“Unbelievable, sir! The furnishings are most exquisite, and I do love the ancient suit of armor holding the broad sword, and all the medieval weaponry hanging on the walls. I do want to thank you again for everything.”
“I don’t know anyone who loves that time period more but I did remember how you ogled at the antiquities of the twentieth-century on Titan. So, I took the liberty of ordering as much furniture from that era as I could find in the catalogue.”
“They’re great reproductions, sir. I am absolutely mesmerized by the grandfather clock’s mechanical chimes,” Jason mouthed with sincere gratitude.
“Yes, they truly are fascinating but not exactly twentieth century. I do believe that type of clock was invented centuries early.”
“One question, Colonel, what’s the red table with numbered balls, and braided leather pouches at the corners?”
“It’s a billiard table. The wife and I saw one while vacationing on Level 6 last year at the Museum of Ancient History.”
“Do you know how to play?” Jason simply asked.
“You know, I can’t remember exactly how it works. However, I think it’s a game of chance; wages were won or lost based on the numbered balls sunk into a pocket by a Casino’s Dealer, using a cue.”
“Yes, I am somewhat familiar with ancient Casino history but what is a cue?” Jason inquisitively asked.
“Those sticks mounted on the wall next to the billiard table, those are cues.”
“Ah, that’s what they are, and here I thought they were some poorly made replicas of ancient weapons of war.”
“Jason, I have to run but if you have any last minute questions about the mission, please feel free to contact my office.”
“Will do, sir,” Jason replied.
“Semper Fi!” said Aldiss Spline.
“Semper Fidelis!” Jason echoed before the scroll pad’s screen went inactive.
“Yes, Lexis?”
“I would like to return to the Chameleon now, so I can run a complete diagnostic of the ship’s systems in preparation for our journey.”
“All that was done by the mechanics at HOVERTECH, Lexis.”
“I wish to do a thorough run through of their recalibrations; better to find a problem now rather than later,” she replied.
“Good idea, Lexis. I’ll see you at the launch then.” Jason knew something was wrong by her melancholic tone but he did not want to pry open the new emotions she was dealing with. However, he felt letting her leave early was an expression or display of her new found independence. “Boy, she’s as sensitive as ever. I hope her upgrades haven’t ruined her ability to co-pilot the Chameleon.”
The early morning winds subsided, allowing a foggy mist to roll out from the thick forest; subduing the bright green undergrowth surrounding the house. Tiny water droplets gathered and clung to the base of the exterior windows, the natural but man-made ecosystem replenished the well tended landscaping. Jason gazed out at the splendor of his new home’s setting in awe. Comparing it to the apartment he had abandoned, he thought, “I’ll never get used to this lifestyle.” In all the refined elegance of the home’s interior, and the tranquil scenery Level 7 offered, he felt a cord of awkwardness run through his body.
Jason muddled around the house nervously while his brain apprehensively raced, bordering on an ensuing madness. Traveling Off World had risks, and for him nothing came easy. Trouble somehow seemed to plague him when he deviated from his normal patterns. Learner’s betrayal had catapulted his life down an unseen path. Although, his track record always seemed to fall on the wrong side of the winner’s circle, he somehow ended up surviving, and overcoming unimaginable obstacles.
“Sir, I have placed the house in a passive mode but I will be actively tending to the grounds and home maintenance. Are there any specific instructions you have for me while you will be away?”
“Sam, I can’t think of anything regarding the home. However, if I ever hear you speak to Lexis in such a manner again I will deactivate you myself. Do I make myself clear?” Jason had partially overheard their conversation, and was furious about the maltreatment Lexis suffered.
“Sir, I am at your service.”
“I know you are but do you fucking understand that I’ll send you back to SYNTECH in a box of bits and pieces if you disobey my orders?” Jason’s neck veins popped from the aggressive adolescent hormonal surge flowing through his body. Sam’s advanced neural network easily picked up on this.
“I will not disobey your orders, Mister Borne.” Sam may not have been human, nonetheless nor was he stupid. It was not his fault how he acted. His programming caused him to think himself superior to all. Albeit he could easily calculate human tendencies and the probability of outcomes, he need not calculate the possibility of whether Jason’s words were merely an idle threat. Sam’s biorhythmic sensors gave him the true answer. Jason’s hormone signature burned a bright red, and he was a man coiled ready to spring.
Jason entered his black luxury car carrying only a small duffle full of miscellaneous personal items including some new, and some old photographs. He held on to one like it was gold, although he had made copies over the decades, he kept his dead wife and child a secret. Suppressing the memory was no easy task now, since Lexis had nearly become the living embodiment of said dead wife.
“Jason.” Lexis popped up on the car’s Skin.
“Hi, Lexis.”
“I just arrived at the base of the Polaris Off World Ring Transportation System…”
“That’s a lot to chew on, Lexis. Just refer to it as PORTS next time.” Jason had interrupted. Thinking in acronyms he would help teach her to become more human in the use of spoken language.
“Yes, Jason…can I continue?” irritably she asked.
“Please, go ahead, Lexis.”
“Scanning the Chameleon I discovered an anomaly in her dimensions. There is an additive structure that my sensors cannot penetrate. So I did a history inquiry on the new segmentation, and I found that memory had been swiped clean; nothing remains in the data storage base, regarding the anomaly.”
bsp; “What about the diagnostic run regarding the structure?” inquisitively he asked.
“I could only find the file name, HOVERTECH that I could not access. Subsequently I queried HOVERTECH and they referred to The Office of Polaris Security Services.”
“That must be part of the security improvement and upgrades. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about but I am going to give Spline’s Office a call.”
“OK, Jason, I will see you in a while,” Lexis replied before her image disappeared.
“Query, Aldiss Spline.” Jason spoke to the car’s communications system.
“Jason, what can I do for you? Is everything alright?” answered Spline.
“Sir, I have a question about the security upgrades to the Chameleon?”
“What’s the question?”
“I can’t access the files regarding the additive structure, and dimensional aspects regarding the ship’s new physical attributes. It’s like part of my ship is being cloaked.”
“Jason, I cannot go into full detail about the new systems upgrade, due to the security of the technology but trust me, you have the most advanced security system developed.”
“I was hoping to at least get more information regarding the new mechanical specs of the system.”
“Sorry about that, Jason. I wish I could help but I am even in the dark on this. Is there anything else?”
“No, sir.”
“Semper Fidelis!” Aldiss Spline concluded, and before Jason could reply “Semper Fi” in turn, his image disappeared from the Skin.
“That was a little weird,” he thought regarding Aldiss Spline’s quick retreat from the conversation.
Peering out at the amazing landscape, the black luxurious electric powered car quietly hummed down the marvelously paved road. Ancient looking green ferns spread out between the massive deciduous redwood-forest trees. Natural moss covered large rock out-cropping that occasionally protruded from the undergrowth in a sculptural fashion.