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Vanquished (The Encounter #3)

Page 8

by Pamela Ann

  Could it be a coincidence from London to Miami? What were the chances of that happening? It was nerve-racking to think about the odds. But as troubling as that realization was, the inevitable questions loomed in my mind: who was he, and why was he following me?


  “Hugo called,” Julien delivered in a level tone.

  I was just emerging from my own suite, ready to join him for a late breakfast, when he announced it.

  “That’s nice,” I murmured, approaching him outside on the balcony where a bountiful selection from light to hearty breakfast foods, basically everything one could desire, was available. “The hotel staff knows there’s just the two of us here, don’t they? Unless, of course, you’re expecting guests.”

  “Why worry about such a trivial matter? And as for the second question, no, I am not expecting anyone else.” He grinned, making him appear less formidable than his usual autocratic and pompous self.

  Oh, the perks of being born with a silver spoon.

  “It’s a trivial matter according to you folks, while the rest of the working citizens of the world worry where they’ll get their next meal.”

  He set his coffee down as he glanced at me with that certain look in his eyes. “Yesterday was Mother Teresa. Today is about world hunger. I sense a theme here. Once we’re married, you can use my money to help your cause if you so wish to do some charity work, Isobel. I’m not the enemy here. I apologize if I come off as arrogant, but truth be told, I never really thought much about over-extravagance and what happens to the remainder of the lot. I have far too much to worry about with business and making sure the people who work for me are genuinely happy by providing an excellent company to work for that shells out incentives and bonuses that they could achieve by excelling in their department.”

  Well, when he worded it that way … I hadn’t thought he cared much about his employees, but I was glad he took care of them. There was nothing more disdainful than a boss who was selfish to the people who helped him or her achieve anything—such as my father. I remembered too many unhappy faces back in the day. It was a good thing he had bankrupted and lost the company he inherited by feeding his expensive habit.

  Drawing myself back to the discussion, I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “How can you address marriage with me as if it’s a natural thing?”

  “Because the more we speak about it, the more we get used to the fact that it’ll happen soon,” he said as he poured me a glass of orange juice. “While we’re on that sensitive subject, I suggest you come with me tonight to this formal gala that’s for the support of unique artists all over the globe. The sooner we get this out of the way by feeding the rumor mill, the better off it’ll be for all of our sakes.”

  “And what of Hugo?” I asked breathlessly, hating myself a little that the mere sound of his name on my lips brought too much emotion out of me.

  “The news will reach him … I can personally speak to him about you so he need not see you in the flesh, and that way, it’d be much easier to hide the pregnancy—with your consent, of course,” he added, making sure I understood I still had the power to change course if I had a change of heart. Alas, I had already made up my mind.

  Hopefully, my heart would follow suit someday.

  I felt as if I truly had cemented everything when I agreed to go with him to the gala tonight by giving him an encouraging nod.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two weeks later


  “I have some news that might interest you, Monsieur Xavier.”

  Benoît seemed as if the news were urgent yet was trying to play it off like it wasn’t, which was enough to pique my interest.

  “Carry on. I have less than five minutes until I’m due to leave for lunch with Hong Kong’s prime minister.”

  “Certainly,” Benoît said before clearing his throat. “I’ve come across news from a few sources that Monsieur Geroux has taken upon a new relationship.”

  I smirked. “That’s nothing new. Julien likes his women just like any other hot-blooded male out there.” Impatiently glancing at my wrist to check the time, I was wondering what was taking so long. “Is the car ready?” There was nothing more disrespectful in these parts of the world than showing up late. It would do harm to my character and how they perceived my business acumen. The last thing I needed today was to insult one of Hong Kong’s powerful men.

  “The limo is already waiting downstairs.” He immediately prompted before continuing. “I just think it would be in your best interest to know that Monsieur Geroux’s current lady is Miss Callas.”

  I was just about to step out of the room when I halted as my jaw locked. Julien, the bloody bastard. He hadn’t said a word when I had spoken to him last. How long had this been going on?

  Trying to level my blood pressure, I attempted to stop myself from gritting my teeth when I addressed the head of my security. “Who are these sources of yours?”

  Benoît was thorough and wouldn’t relate any news without verifying things, but I also knew the older chap was rather fond of Isobel.

  “Monsieur di Medici’s pilot confirmed it. Apparently, Geroux’s pilot and he are friends and met up in Miami a couple of weeks ago when both parties attended a high-profiled event. Also, Mister Kensington’s security confirmed when Geroux and Miss Callas went to see Mister Kensington’s newborn baby.”

  Julien was parading her around to our friends, knowing well enough that she was one of mine. The pulse throbbing in my temple didn’t help the whirl of feelings ranging from humiliation to betrayal to anger.

  Breathing deeply, I took a lengthy breath before commanding myself to snap out of it. I could deal with this later tonight. For the time being, I had pressing matters to attend to.

  “Let’s go,” I barked out, not meeting Benoît’s eyes. I was too embroiled in my own hell and did not need someone scrutinizing me, which he never failed in doing. He was sharp. One look at me and he would know what I was going through. Nothing passed him.

  Consumed with my thoughts as I travelled towards the lift, my mind dwelled on the fact that Isobel was wreaking havoc, even though she wasn’t part of my life any longer. But as much as I wanted to lay all the blame on her, Julien had something to do with it. He fancied her. Way too many times to count, I had caught just how much he admired her. So much for loyalty and friendship. Julien was most likely seduced by her; that was the only explanation for my friend’s betrayal.

  Come to think of it, she was rather upset when we parted ways. If this was her being vengeful, then she was playing with the wrong fire.

  Thank the gods I hadn’t succumbed to her spiel of utter drivel when she declared her love. It was just as well that I finally saw what she truly was—a fraud just like her father. To think I had thought her an angel. I had held her so high on a pedestal, and then I was delirious when I’d had to let her go. She’d almost had me for a fool.

  Isobel Callas was unquestionably going to bloody suffer for humiliating me. I was coming after them—after her. Mark my words. She was going to wish she hadn’t met me.

  The luncheon went smoothly, just as I expected. It was imperative that I was associated with the influential Chinese power players so that I wouldn’t have to deal with being taunted and jerked around by the infamous triads since I was a foreigner entering a new market. The last thing I needed was to come head to head in a market that was dominated with a lot of backhanded dealing. In this part of the world, organized gangs ran most low- to high-rolling businesses. They were everywhere, so it was best I attached my name with powerful people. That way, no one would bloody dare touch me.

  But now that it was all out of the way and with the construction and licenses all set to begin, there was only one thing I had to face—the traitors who were once close to me.

  What they had done, their betrayal, hurt. Most of all, how could Isobel do this after I had made sure she was set for life. She need not bow to anyone. She was independent in her own right and free to
follow her dreams, whatever they might be. Yet, after all of that, she was vengeful enough to want to hurt me by the use of Julien. That bastard would get his comeuppance.

  At the same time, I couldn’t blame him if he couldn’t resist Isobel. The blasted woman could be irresistible when she put her seductive mode on. No man would be able to get away from that. Fuck, I’d had a hard time letting her go.

  I was too addicted to her. I just couldn’t get enough. In the end, I was forced to leave her. Then, just when I thought it was the end, this unsavory news surfaced out of nowhere.

  Isobel …

  “You wretched bitch,” I hissed under my breath as I tried to push the violent thoughts away of her writhing underneath Julien’s body while he kissed her, fucking her as she moaned and groaned his name.

  Addressing Benoît, I ordered him to tell the pilots to prepare the jet and to also find out whatever he could about their relationship. They were not getting out of this unscathed. Hell to the bloody no. They had crossed the wrong man. At the rate my anger was going, I could kill them with my bare hands, and I wouldn’t even blink from guilt.

  It was time I go home and raise hell.


  A month.

  They had been living together for over a month. Julien apparently was so smitten that he simply had to drag her along on his trips. Why wasn’t I surprised by this information? The bloody fool had beheld a taste of the honeyed pot and was most likely addicted to her just like I was. There was something about Isobel that was irresistible.

  We would see how those two fools lasted once I came between them. I wanted her to suffer so she could feel the extent of what she had put me through. She had made an enemy out of me out of spite, and she would pay the price for her deceptive machinations. I had warned her before, yet the vindictive woman hadn’t paid heed. Therefore, I wouldn’t bat an eyelid before coming after her family if I had to. After all, her father owed me quite a great deal. She was going to pay for everything.

  For every single damn thing she had caused me, I was going to make her beg, crawl for mercy until she choked on her own tears. She’d almost had me. Ha. What a joke that was. Thank God the blinders were off now, and I could see her for what she truly was. Good riddance to another gold-digger.

  Apparently, Julien was attending a party tomorrow, and given how those two were inseparable, I didn’t doubt she would be there, hanging off his arm, fawning over him like a wanton lover.

  Fifteen hours later, I was striding into my villa like a raging bull as I sought a quick shower. A part of me argued that I should slow down so I could cool my head a little, but I was past common sense. I wasn’t sure what I would do when I saw them both. I would figure it out once I got there.

  I had never been so incensed, so enraged with this feral need to do something drastic. When it came to her, though, I just lost it. There was a long list of meetings I had to deal with overseas, yet I had come back here to specifically deal with them—with her. It was irrational, but it couldn’t be helped. Payback was all I could think about.

  The rest became a blur the moment I got out of the shower before quickly changing into casual attire for the night. With my mood as dark as the night, I opted for a midnight dress shirt with black trousers and shoes. My hair was still damp, but I couldn’t care less about such nuisances.

  Without bothering to check the mirror, I dashed out of the villa and marched towards the garage to choose which car I would settle for tonight. Without a doubt, I chose the fastest out of the lot. It was the newly acquired black Hennessy Venom GT with crimson red interior. Tonight would be a good time to test out just how fiercely fast the car could go.

  Just as I pulled out the key from the password protected key station, Benoît’s presence loomed around with a look that could only be taken as disapproval. I had great respect for the man, but tonight wasn’t the night to fuck with my mind.

  “You should be on your way home, Benoît. I dismissed you an hour ago.” I delivered the words as calmly as a man who was teetering on his thinly veiled patience possibly could.

  He took a hefty breath, seeming to choose his words wisely. “I would’ve left like I normally do, but I couldn’t help staying a while after seeing how mad you’ve been ever since I informed you. You can count that I know that I’m crossing boundaries by even addressing you in such a way, but I’m taking my chances because I care for you like I care for my family, Monsieur Xavier. I just want to say, try to be merciful. Miss Callas loved you, and we shouldn’t judge how she chooses to cope with her pain.”

  Miss Callas, the bloody miserable bitch.

  “Miss Callas loves no one but herself!” I bellowed. “How dare you throw the word love around! No respectable woman would whore herself out for money, and no woman in love would betray that love by using the man’s closest friend to cope with her blasted pain!”

  Before Benoît could even say another word, I cut him off, stating that I was in a rush before bidding him a safe journey home and then sliding into the blasted vehicle.

  After inserting the key into the ignition, the beast roared to life. The very potent sound of the engine vibrated around me, matching the kind of mood I was in, pumping the already high-strung adrenaline that was running through me.

  Pulling out of the driveway, I swerved into traffic, heading towards the marina since the party was being held on a mega yacht. Hopefully, I would get her alone before the boat anchored away, because it would be much more difficult to pull her away if we were stuck on the damn thing for the next five hours or so. No, I needed to get her away before that happened. And once I did, I would get her somewhere where we could talk without interference, because I intended to get the truth out of her. She needed to see—to understand—that her betrayal would cost her dearly, and I couldn’t wait to witness the horror that would inevitably cross her beautiful face. Yes, she deserved everything coming her way. I felt nothing for her but hatred, a feeling that fueled the fire within the blackened confines of my darkened soul.

  I knew I was getting too consumed with the ache that hadn’t seemed to ebb since I had seen her last. And after finding out what she had been up to since she and I had parted ways, I felt like more of a fool. It was a laugh, but this time, the joke was on me.

  Of course, I wasn’t expecting her to mop about and knew she would resume her life just as she had done before, but after realizing she couldn’t care less about what I felt, well, there wasn’t much to be said about women like her. Her actions spoke for themselves. Even knowing what she truly was now, I still felt the urge to confront her. It was nonsensical, but I couldn’t push it away. I had to find out the truth and the madness behind her actions.

  It was a vile thing, this oddness lingering inside of me, chipping at my sanity until I couldn’t take it any longer … until I would lose my mind and control altogether.

  True to its highly marketed promised ability, the car was a beast, indeed. As troubled as I was, driving it gave me an adrenaline rush. There was something about driving a fast vehicle at night with the windows down, letting the breeze endow you with some sort of serenity. In that one fragile moment, you truly felt alive … before you resorted back to reality.

  Before long, I was slowing down as the private entrance to the marina came into view. What little serenity I had experienced immediately evaporated as I envisioned her draped all over him. This night would be one of the worst nights of my life; I could already predict it.

  It took me a few minutes to hand over my keys to the valet attendant before joining the throng of invited guests that were handing over their exclusive invitations. I couldn’t be bothered to bring mine. Besides, I was already known in these circles. Just as predicted, I was ushered in with priority the second I was seen by security.

  Instantly handed a flute of magnum champagne, I decided to stay out of direct sight before someone invited me for a quick chat and asked about whatever new business endeavors I had been partaking. The last thing I needed when I was
in the middle of a bloody turmoil was for someone to ask for new stock picks and business advice. The market could crash right now and I wouldn’t give a flying fuck because all that mattered to me in this instant was spotting the witch of a woman who had caused my world to go askew.

  I stayed behind a spot that was shaded and not in direct view, but it gave me a full advantage to see who was coming in and out of the party. I was a few steps away from the entrance to the kitchen, and the wait staff had been giving me quite the questioning looks, but one raise of my brow made them shut down whatever it was forming in their mind. They knew who I was. Restaurant business and hospitality go hand in hand, and in these parts of the world, whoever wanted to achieve longevity in the business knew what it working for a company like mine entailed…

  Wondering over other people’s opinions of me came to a screeching end when her presence was felt. I wasn’t sure why, but my senses perked up, as if a sensor, a detector of some sort, indicated to me she was in the vicinity. A full minute passed before she came into view.

  My breathing became haggard. My pulse soared as my body immediately felt hot from reacting to the very sight of her. In the blink of an eye, a dark cloud shrouded my reaction as Julien appeared right next to her with his hand planted on the base of her spine.

  Social impropriety. However, an opportunity would come, and I would be ready once its doors opened. In the meantime, I had to rein in my emotions, or this wouldn’t succeed.

  Isobel was wearing a red dress that matched the color of her lips. She wore it as if she was making a titillating statement. It fit her like a second skin, pressing her cleavage in more, with high slits that went almost to her hipbone, exposing her shapely legs. Even though I loathed her guts, I couldn’t deny that she looked beyond stunning, breathtakingly beautiful, and utterly enchanting. Her beauty garnered attention from both men and women who couldn’t help appreciating her undeniable beauty, which was purely skin deep.


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