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Vanquished (The Encounter #3)

Page 13

by Pamela Ann

  “Hugo?” Isobel’s gentle voice echoed in the kitchen where I had been stuck since the early morning, nursing an untouched coffee that had already gone cold.

  Pasting on a weak smile, I swiveled in my seat to face her loving face, a face that I would forever etch in my heart, in my memories. “Are you feeling better, ma chère?” I asked.

  She gave me a small nod. She had been feeling ill again after we had made love, which she instantly informed me that it was common in the morning during pregnancy. Feeling distraught as she shooed me out of the bathroom, I had decided to call Julien, a meeting I had yet to discuss with her.

  Feeling helplessly in love with her, I reached around her robed body and slowly pulled her close to me, cradling her languid body on my lap, never wanting to let go. “Julien is on his way here. I think it’d be best if we all sit and discuss this as quietly as possible without being seen in the city.”

  She gave a melancholy sigh. “I would’ve run away with you. Know that, every time I close my eyes, I’ll think of you. I will never stop loving you. You’re a part of me.” She took my hand and placed it against her heart. “As long as this beats, it will always be yours. I loved you then, and I love you now. Nothing compares. I’m always going to be yours. Forever will I always be yours.”

  I was so embroiled with heightened emotions that I was rendered speechless. Wasted love—that was what it was. But for her and the twins, I promised to pull this together until she was secured in her marriage. For the time being, I simply wanted to hold her, cherish her, and kiss her until Julien arrived.

  My worries, my pain, and all of my unadulterated love were channeled into each kiss, into each touch. This was what I needed … her … just Isobel.

  It wasn’t as though we had run out of words to say to each other. It was because words, I believed, would simply cheapen our time together. We remained vigilant as we savored each other in an emotionally painful yet calming embrace.

  Benoît came simply to inform me that everything was set; the entire house was swept for bugs and was being patrolled with even more detailed security cameras than were previously available. Everything was being triple-checked, updated, and it was being made sure nothing could get past the impeccable state of the art security and high-trained men guarding the compound.

  As much as I would like to freeze time, Julien arrived a little over an hour later, calmly breezing in when Benoît ushered him inside the house. My expectations weren’t matched because I had at least thought he would be ready to smash my head in, but the bloody man did otherwise. He came in all serious and business-like, taking in the situation as a man would before a battle.

  I learned Julien had already had plans to break the news in tabloids, feeding gossip rags that he might be engaged soon, so he was hoping that planting a seed should be enough to fuel the fire of the impending marriage. We discussed appearances and agreed that they had to marry before Isobel gave birth so the possibility of hiding the real birth date would be much more feasible since we didn’t want people to suspect anything that should be linked directly to me.

  After a couple of hours hashing out details as to how we should implement this, we all agreed that, for them to be a believable love affair, I would have to distance myself and not associate with Julien any longer. It was too risky, and we needed the public to feel as though Julien and Isobel’s rebellious, raunchy affair was as authentic as possible.

  With all the details agreed upon, Isobel seemed dreary and out of sorts as she planted a kiss on Julien’s cheek and thanked him for everything. The very sight of her doing anything remotely intimate with him almost made me jump to my feet and yank her back in my arms. Much to my relief, however, my beloved spun to face me and lovingly kissed me then planted a sweet kiss on my forehead and gave me a full warning.

  “I have to rest. I’ll join you boys after my nap. Be nice, mon cher. He’s our friend.” Had she not said that, I would have uttered something spiteful the moment she had left the kitchen, but her sweet gesture made me relax. Somehow, it was all I needed to feel secure that I truly was the man she loved.

  Julien hadn’t even seemed fazed for a fraction of a second when he witnessed Isobel kissing me. It was as if he had expected that, as if he couldn’t be bothered at all, which simply shocked me to be quite honest.

  Left to our own devices, I wanted to let out one thing that had been on my mind and required hashing out as soon as possible.

  “I will have to set up a fund that will be directly deposited to an account for Isobel and the children’s welfare.” They would want for nothing. Everything I owned was theirs. We simply had to figure out a way to hide it well.

  Chagrined, Julien threw me an offensive look. “Please don’t insult me in such a way. I have offered my help, my services, and I will provide it. You could possibly save that as a trust fund for their future. As for their expenses, we both know you have nothing to worry about other than your dear pride, old friend.”

  Well, cheers to that. He knew me too well. Pride would surely be one unsavory morsel I would be swallowing each time I was reminded of my offspring and not being able to fully provide for them. Such a life.

  “You’re doing too much for me, Julien. I don’t know how to even begin to thank you.”

  He smiled, seeming thoughtful. “I would have expected the same treatment should it have happened to me. I may not know what is going on, but I think I know enough. After Louise’s autopsy report and how truly shaken you were then, something didn’t add up. I didn’t ponder much about it until Isobel confessed that she was pregnant. After that, I had to dig through reports just to understand what had happened to Louise.

  “When I stumbled upon your uncle and his woman killed in a precise, disturbing manner, it was too uncanny to miss. Yet your father didn’t file any claims or charges; there was no investigation, nothing, as if he simply accepted that his brother’s fate and that the man was murdered for whatever reason. After learning about those, there was no doubt in my mind what I had to do to protect Isobel, because it seems as though babies were purposely being targeted and killed in such a way that the mother wasn’t going to be able to survive. It’s brutal and an act of pure evil.”

  There was too much to be said, but I chose not to linger upon the images that flashed before my eyes as he spoke about what he had found out.

  “I’m in your debt. If there’s anything you need, anything at all, I’ll grant it without thought.” I was grateful for a man like him to willingly protect me and my family without hesitation. He was a one of a kind friend, and I would never forget it. “Keep them safe at all costs.”

  “I know, Hugo. That sentiment is a given. We’re brothers. Maybe not my blood, but we’re brothers. You are family. I’m prepared to sacrifice anything to protect family.”

  Thanking him would not have been enough, so instead of words, I stood up to give him a grateful hug. He was right. We were family. And the moment he became my children’s father, he would officially be a part of that.

  We would get the ball rolling tomorrow, and the rest would eventually come through. I had promised I would stay in town up until the wedding day. For that, I swore I wouldn’t be in the same country, let alone the same continent. They were set to marry in four weeks’ time in a secret ceremony at a location I didn’t care to know in fear that I might be tempted to go and cause chaos and stop it from happening. In my demented mind, I wouldn’t put it past myself. Jealousy was such a prick to be dealt with, and I wasn’t taking any chances.

  Julien offered to stay the night before he took Isobel back so I could have a little more time with her. It was a very grand and kind gesture, but I declined it. It was better that way. I had to start putting distance between us, though it was fucking me inside out. It had to be done, so I might as well do it quickly.

  I avoided a long, rigorous good-bye with Isobel and simply opted for a hasty one. It was cowardly and selfish, but I just didn’t have the wherewithal. I was wounded, and the wo
und was still bleeding … And it would not heal until I stayed away from her and started to regard her as Julien’s soon-to-be wife.

  I chose to stay another night, chasing the ghost of my past and present away, reminding myself that tomorrow was another day. Four more weeks … Then I could fly to wherever the fuck life took me.

  Anywhere but here …

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Julien’s villa, though not as massively grand as Hugo’s, was still a huge, prime property on the coast. He didn’t add on more security cameras like Hugo had done in the chateau, but he had hired an extra team of six men to shadow me everywhere I went. Their mission was to protect me at all cost.

  If I had thought the two details I had in the States were serious, this pack of men took it to another level. They had the appearance that they would kill whoever dared to simply look my way. It was brilliant because it would serve as great protection for me, but they made me uncomfortable. I supposed I would get used to them in time.

  The society magazines made it seem as though it was a passion-fueled love affair when they scattered our relationship across their front pages. That we had gone behind Hugo Xavier’s back was quite the fodder in gossip rags. I had turned myself away from such rubbish since it made me sick to my stomach wondering what Hugo might be thinking when he saw such madness.

  Julien and I had been constantly talking about the impending wedding and how it would play out in the press. He wanted it to be splashed everywhere to distract the public from what we were really hiding. He stated it was better off that way—to control the media so we had a hand in what was being published out there instead of the other way around, which could prove disastrous to our cause.

  Another much anticipated tragedy I had to face was my serious onset of withdrawals of Hugo’s immense effect on me. It took one day. It had merely been a day, and I was losing my mind because I missed him so much. After all those weeks I had thought I had hardened myself, my heart had been crushed by a kiss, proving I was purely lying to myself, that my heart and body could only ever be alive when he touched me. The gorgeous man supplied me with the kind of drug no other human being could ever provide.

  After three days, I was surprised by Julien when he presented me with a cream velvet box. I stared at it like it was an omen, flickering my eyes back and forth, beyond hesitant to open it.

  “Erm, this isn’t what I think this is, or is it?” Anyone with an IQ would know what the bloody thing was, but I felt safer playing daft since I was still mourning the love of my life. Regardless, here I was, being presented with the future and everything else that entailed.

  Julien gave me a small smile. “There’s no need to be coy. Consider it just any other gem you’ve had in the past. It’s just an emblem of your significant strength, indicating amidst it all, you’ll remain unyielding just like a diamond—indestructible.”

  “Well, when you put it that way …” I whispered, smiling like an idiot and simply beyond flattered that he saw me as such. Taking the velvet ring box, I opened it to an emerald cut diamond, elegant and utterly beautiful. “Thank you again for everything.”

  Just as he was about to respond, there was a noise coming out of the hallway, echoing through the villa. We were in the living room, about to eat dinner, when this all transpired.

  We both stilled, facing where the ruckus was coming from, intently listening to it as we tried to make out what was happening.

  “If I tell you to run and hide, do just that,” Julien delivered in a hushed manner, evoking panic within.

  My eyes were as big as saucers as I took in his words, terrified at the thought that someone could be after me and put me through the same horror Hugo described merely days ago. It would be impossible to penetrate those men; I didn’t doubt it.

  There was some scuffling and hard yelling, and we tensed with bated breath, hoping whatever it was, it would be fixed soon.

  Julien was reaching for his phone, dialing the head honcho of his security, when I heard my name being screamed so loud you would think the man was being murdered. And when it happened again, all blood drained from my body.

  “Does that voice sound familiar to you?” Julien eyed me with a peculiar look, midway through his conversation over his mobile.

  How I wished I could have said no to his question. Alas, there was no denying it. I knew it quite well.

  “I believe that sounds like the snake known as my father.” A regretful sigh came out of my lips without any wonderment as to why my father was here. Constantin had seen the news and solely focused on the fact that I had nabbed another “rich man” to replenish his emptied coffers for his unending addiction to gambling.

  Julien said something over the phone. I believed it went along the lines of ushering the monster inside so we would know what his intentions were. It was already apparent to me. Nevertheless, I thought Julien was rather curious as to why my father would cause such a scene. Well, he had yet to meet the devil himself.

  “I could leave if you want privacy. I know family matters can be … tricky.” He tried to play it nice, and I appreciated him for it. It was a kind offer that I would easily refuse at any given time of the day.

  “Please don’t. Stay put. Don’t leave my side. I don’t want him getting close to me. He’s a special kind of animal that one. Savage would put it mildly.”

  If Julien was surprised by what I had just enlightened him with, I wouldn’t know. He didn’t seem fazed at all.

  Merely nodding, he threw me an encouraging smile. “As you wish, Isobel. I’m staying put, but I won’t interfere unless needed.”

  Bless him. Truly. He was such a kindhearted soul. One wouldn’t have thought it at first glance, but his loyalty ran deep when it came to the people he cared about. It was a fact that Hugo had stated time and time again, telling me it was simply because he hadn’t had that much family growing up.

  Julien had been an heir at a young age, and the closest thing he had to a family was Hugo and the lawyer who handled the bulk of his trust estate. I knew he considered me a part of the tiny circle of family he had, and I couldn’t be more honored about that.

  “Isobel!” my father’s threatening voice kept echoing as he neared us.

  Images of the last time I had encountered him didn’t sit well with me. The fucker had threatened to kill me, so for him to have the gall to come here uninvited to secure more money from me was beyond lunacy.

  The moment he entered my direct view, one could instantly tell he was beyond belligerent and clearly hadn’t had a decent shower in days. What struck me most was the wild way he looked at me, as if I were a piece of trash.

  “You stupid whore, how dare you make me go through the ringer just to see you! You think you’re so out of reach now because you’ve captured another man by bending over backwards? He’ll fuck and leave you, too, just like that man Xavier. It’s smart of him to be rid of you. You’re nothing but filth.”

  His words shouldn’t affect me, but they did. Damn it. Damn him for being such a failure of a father.

  “Good to see you again, Constantin.” I composed myself, trying to act as civilized as possible. “What I do with my life and whom I choose to spend it with is none of your bloody business. If you’re here to beg for money, I can assure you that I have nothing to give you, so please leave before you keep embarrassing us both further.”

  “A million Euros is my asking price,” he uttered, smiling towards me before raising his brow towards Julien, whom he considered as my money well.

  Julien broke into a hysterical fit of laughter, making my father appear uncomfortable, but his face darkened. Not in anger, but something else, something much worse. I wasn’t sure what that truly was until I saw him pull something out of his back pocket and loosely hold a revolver in his hand. Then he tauntingly twirled it around his finger before he began to whistle.

  All blood drained from my face.

  “Papa!” I screeched, not sure if I should duck under th
e table or run for my life.

  Julien was halfway to his feet when my father stopped him by pointing the bloody gun at him. “Settle down now. I’m not here to kill anyone … yet.” He smirked, loving the high he got from being in charge of the situation. “One million Euros by tomorrow night. I want it in cash, or I will take out that lovely cunt sporting that sparkly diamond on her finger.” He shrugged then retraced his steps and disappeared.

  I sat frozen as I heard Julien call for someone to catch him, but for some reason, Constantin took another route and exited toward the beach or maybe around the garden. They weren’t sure yet, but they were definitely scouring the grounds for him since he hadn’t left from the direction he had come from.

  Why was everyone trying to kill me? What sort of fucked up destiny did I have to deserve such fate?

  While I tried to compose myself after the entire thing, I was still zoning in and out as I stared at the beautiful table setting. Then I felt Julien’s hand on my shoulder and saw him frowning down at me.

  “Hugo wants you back in the chateau. We both agree it’s safer there, and it also helps that not a lot of people know the place even exists,” he gently informed me with a worried look on his face. “I have to fly out tomorrow night to New York for a couple of days to settle something important. With you being pregnant and sick most of the time, Hugo and I think going with me wouldn’t be ideal. You need rest, and he’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.”

  The thought of staying at the chateau brought me immense relief. I knew it was odd to feel such a profound connection to a place I had only stayed in once, but I loved it there.

  “Will Hugo be busy travelling, as well?” These men had hectic schedules—I already knew that—so I hoped they wouldn’t compromise their empires by making sure I was safe.

  Tonight, it was my fault for telling Julien to bring my father in. I shouldn’t have. A million Euros, my bloody fucking arse. He would get his comeuppance soon enough. I didn’t doubt that he had come across someone who wouldn’t put up with his rubbish and would simply take him down without hesitation.


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