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Sapphyre: Rise of an Angel (Sapphyre Saga Book 3)

Page 21

by Felicia Leibenguth

  Pete watches as Donavon licks my wound closed, and the bleeding comes to a stop. I’m surprised I don’t see disgust on his face, instead I find awe and amazement in his eyes. I know at this point he will adjust okay to the Supernatural World.

  “Alright let’s go,” Garcia said as she puts a small bag in the middle seat with the rest.

  I sit in the back with Lexi, Zach and Pete. Donavon and Kasey are squeezed in the middle, seat while Thomas sits on Kasey’s lap. Thatch is driving and Garcia is in the passenger seat.

  Thomas keeps looking back at Lexi. I can see he wants to cry, but he stays strong. I’m glad to at least see some emotion on his face. He has been so straight faced since the battle. I can’t even tell what he is thinking anymore. It scares me that I may never see my sweet little brother again, he hasn’t even called me ‘sissy’ since we left the field. I knew he shouldn’t have been there… I should have made him stay home. But without him, many more on our side would have died. Many were close to being killed, but Thomas used his ability and saved their lives…

  Didn’t he tell Lexi once, that he felt stronger when he took someone’s energy? He would bounce off the walls when he took Lexi’s energy when she was having a rough time. But he seems so… calm, yet ridged and hard. It disturbs me. He’s too young to be like this, but I know that one day he will change. I remember Donavon telling me that his body will always be the same, but his mind will grow and continue to learn. I feel selfish for never wanting my baby brother to grow up. His human life was so short. I know he misses mom, and the trips he makes to the house to watch her as she sleeps, has been hard on him. I know he wants nothing more than to wrap his arms around her again and tell her that he’s okay. But I don’t want him to… at least not yet. I’m the one holding him back, holding him away from her. The truth is… I don’t think mom can handle the truth. I’m afraid of her would-be-reaction. I’m afraid that she will reject Thomas and believe he is some kind of devil. I don’t think she is capable of understanding and I don’t want Thomas hurt because she rejects him, not understanding.

  But seeing Pete… he loves Lexi no matter what she is. She is still his daughter no matter what, and he doesn’t even question anything she had written in the letter. It gives me hope that my mom can also be the same. Accept Thomas for what he is, and treat him as if he never left. I hope she can be strong enough for the truth, but I also have many doubts. More doubts than one should have.

  Thomas looks back at Lexi again, but I catch his eyes this time. I mouth the words, ‘you okay?’

  He shakes his head slightly, no.

  Before I can ask what is wrong, he mouths the word ‘later.’

  I nod.

  I’m not sure what to think, but I don’t have to think long. We are pulling into the hospitals driveway. Six people are outside waiting for us, and they approach the van when we stop.


  The group head toward the van and I realize they have on doctor and nurse uniforms. There are four men and two women.

  Kasey jumps out of the van and speaks to them quickly as the rest of us get out of the van.

  Once out of the van, Pete looks on surprised as one of the men walk over and pat him on the back.

  “We’re here to help Pete,” the one man said.

  “Orson? How did you…” Pete trails off.

  “Kasey called us. We will do everything to help save Lexi. We thought she was dead, but seems fate has more plans for her.”

  Pete looks on completely confused.

  I step forward standing next to Pete and Orson. I see one of the woman more clearly and realize who she is. I smile hugely.


  She turns to look at me. “Katrina!?” she squeals running over to hug me.

  She was in the field with us the night before the war. We had some great conversations.

  “I’m glad you’re okay!” I squeeze her.

  She leans back and looks at me. “We all are because of her…” she motions toward the back of the van.

  “Orson, we need to get moving,” Maddie said concerned as she moves toward the van. “She needs help… now.”

  “Grab the gurney!” one of the other men call.

  I start looking at their faces and they all look familiar. I realize they were all involved in the war. I know Lexi cannot be in any better hands than right here, right now.

  The doctors move Lexi onto the gurney and start rushing her into the hospitals ER. We all follow closely behind. I can tell Pete is still a little confused, but his concern and concentration is only for Lexi.

  As we get to the red doors that read, ‘RESTRICTED’, Maddie turns her attention to me. “You need to stay out here. We will do all we can.” Then she turns to Pete. “Are you sure you can handle this? We can’t have your emotions getting in the way,” she is stern but gentle.

  “I am not leaving her side,” he demanded.

  “Okay, let’s get moving, the operating room is ready.” She turns to leave with Pete behind her.

  “Maddie, she needs my blood!” I call to her.

  She nods still moving. “Alright then, follow me.”

  I do as she says after telling Donavon I will be fine.

  She leads Pete to the operating room and he quickly takes to getting ready. Maddie takes me to a smaller room down the hall with a chair much like in a dentist’s office. She commands me to sit and I do so quickly. She leans me back, and gets the supplies she needs to fill a bag of blood.

  “You will need more than one. Take five,” I tell her.

  She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Katrina, I can’t take that much, it will kill you.”

  “Trust me, I will be fine. Just give me a bed for a while. I know what I can handle,” I say determined.

  “Katrina, you only have ten to twelve pints of blood. One bag is a pint. I can’t take five! That’s crazy!” she protests.

  “She is my best friend, a sister. She needs it, I have it! You know Donavon is a Vampire. He and I have history and it has not been easy. Trust me when I say I know my limits.”

  She looks at me with wide, curious, yet serious eyes.

  “Please? There isn’t much time,” I beg.

  She sighs. “It goes against everything I believe in and have worked toward. But I will do it. At the first sign something goes wrong, or you faint, I’m stopping. I don’t care if it’s half a pint!”

  “Fine by me,” I mumble stubbornly.

  She starts the line and is so good, I don’t even feel it as the needle pierces my skin.

  My blood immediately pours into the bag, and all I can think about is Lexi.

  I pray to anyone that will listen, to give her the strength to make it through this and live. I don’t want to lose her again.

  I close my eyes, concentrating, and Maddie panics.

  “Katrina, are you okay!?” she shakes my shoulder.

  I open my eyes and look over at her. “Perfectly, thanks.”

  “Sorry,” she smiled.

  I smile back and close my eyes, making sure to open them every few minutes to calm her nerves.

  “Starting bag four…” she announced. “I must say, I am a bit impressed. Some people would have passed out by now.”

  “Yeah, in the early days, I would have…” I said without thinking.

  “What do you mean?” she questioned.

  I sigh. “Donavon… he wasn’t always the way he is now…”

  I don’t really want to say any more than that. I don’t want her to think he is some kind of monster. He isn’t like that anymore.

  She nods her head in understanding. “I understand, I didn’t mean to pry.” She smiled.

  “It’s okay. It’s just hard to talk about, is all. We don’t really go back to that time very often.”

  “No worries, you don’t need to say anything more. All I hope is that he is doing right by you now. He seems to be, or else I think you would have kicked him to the curb by now.”

  I laugh, “True.”

  She smiles, “Bag five.”

  I grin gently. I’m glad I’m on the last bag. To be honest, the talking has helped me to ignore the fact that I’m exhausted and wanting to sleep at this point, but Lexi needs everything she can get. I fight through, willing myself to stay conscious. I really don’t miss this feeling of being in slow motion, and on the verge of blacking out. At least it’s for a good cause this time.

  I can no longer hold off my body’s response to losing so much blood. The last thing I hear is Maddie calling my name in a panicked voice.

  Everything goes black as my last thought is about Lexi, seeing her better and alive.

  I want this to be over. I want to rest and finally be at peace. But a face constantly pops into my head. A beautiful, strong face with smooth tanned skin, dark hair and beautiful dark eyes that look like endless tunnels, pulling me in. His smile lights up my world as his teeth shine bright white against his skin. I don’t know who he is, but I have a nagging feeling that his world will come to a close if I die. If I let go, his spirit will shatter into a million pieces. I have to fight for him, I have to keep floating above the water to survive… for him... but… who is he…?

  I don’t know where I am, but I know I’m in pain. It’s a dull ache that I just can’t elude. It frames everything in my mind, never leaving me alone.

  I try to remember why I’m in pain and what would have caused it. But I can’t remember, I can’t remember anything that would have caused me pain.

  Something beeps by my head, and I have a strange feeling of déjà vu, which is weird. I try to focus more and I’m able to hear movement and other machines beeping.

  My eyes flitter open, and once I’m a bit more focused, I can truly feel the agony. It’s no longer around the edges of my mind, but it’s closing in, and fast. I hear myself moan as the throbbing pain increases.

  “Lexi? Lexi sweetheart,” a voice calls next to me, grabbing my hand gently.

  I look toward the voice and see my dad. I smile gently and grip down a little hard on his hand as another wave of pain washes over me. He grimaces in pain and I release my grip.

  He reaches over and pushes a button. “Time for more pain meds, huh,” he smiled looking relieved.

  I peer into his eyes, and within a few minutes the pain is subsiding. I feel as though I can breathe a little better.

  I try to use my voice and give a faint ‘Hi’ causing my dad to smile wider.

  He put his hand on the side of my face and says, “You are a sight for sore eyes. I’m glad you have finally woken up.”

  He can see the questions in my eyes.

  “You have been out for quite some time, trying to heal.”

  I whisper, “From what?”

  Now he looks at me questionably.

  Someone else comes into my vision. I gasp in shock as I see this face for the first time in person. The dark hair, a ruffled mess, eyes that look tired… so tired, but the smile that takes my breath away.

  “Lexi…” his voice is a whisper. He reaches down for the hand my dad no longer holds as he backs away slightly, allowing this stunning man to take his place beside me. The touch sends goose bumps through my body, and the warmth spreads under his touch.

  As many times as I have seen him in my head, it can never give me the feeling of his skin against mine.

  He releases my hand, and I realize I don’t want him to. I want his embrace, no matter how subtle.

  He reaches up and touches my face, causing the beeping next to the bed to pick up a bit faster. He leans in closer to my face, causing my breath to come quicker. His breath spreads across my face and I shiver slightly with joy.

  I’m so confused, but overjoyed at the same time.

  Looking over his face, taking it all in with great detail, I come to his eyes…


  Our eyes lock and I can’t pull away. My breathing comes faster as I gaze into their depths, never wanting to leave. This all feels like some strange déjà vu episode. I feel as though I have done this before, but I can’t remember when or why.

  I’m dazed looking into those eyes. I feel safe, no longer alone and vulnerable like I have for such a long time now. I know I can trust him with my whole heart and my whole soul.

  “Lexi…” he whispers gently again, allowing our faces to get even closer as his hot breath fills my senses. He places his hand under my chin, raising it up higher to meet him straight on. With the gentleness of a summer breeze… he kisses my lips with a deepness of love no one can comprehend. The way his lips move across mine… it feels so familiar, so strong, and it makes me feel whole again.

  As he deepens the beautiful, warm kiss, images flood my mind. He is in every one of them, always standing by my side, protecting me. The sacrifices he’s made on my behalf cause my eyes to tear. Walking through the woods holding hands, the nights spent together in my room, the kisses, the love between us and the beautiful wolf he became after sacrificing his life for me, his face as I slip into darkness for the last time…

  All of this runs through my mind, and yet… I still didn’t know his name.

  He pulls back and looks at me again. He wipes away the tear streaming down my face, leaving goose bumps in his wake.

  The deepness of love in his eyes sadden me. He clearly knows me and we apparently have history together, but I don’t know him…

  He whispers, “I love you,” as he squeezes my hand.

  I don’t know what to say as I look into his beautiful depths. I can’t say I love you too, and I see that he realizes that. He clearly sees the confusion on my face and his eyes look concerned.

  Before he or I can say anything, there are voices at the door.

  “Lexi! Child!” a woman said running over and hugs me before I’m able to register who she is. “Thank God you’re finally awake. You had us all scared to death!”

  She leans back looking at me with a wide smile, and a concern in her eyes as a worried mother. Her golden brown hair is wavy and hangs just past her ears, and her eyes are brownish green in color. Her skin is smooth and the same tanned shade as the man next to me.

  Behind her stands three more men and a young boy. They all have smiles on their faces, except the one taller man. He looks worried. But none the less, I know none of them.

  It really starts to upset me and I start to frantically look around the room for my dad. That’s when I realize I’m in a hospital room. I’m hooked up to several lines and monitors. As I’m slightly elevated, I realize my left arm is bandaged up, covering half my arm. I lift it to examine the bandages and I feel a searing pain in my chest. I look down to see two tubes sticking out from my chest, with bulbs on the ends. They look like drainage tubes, but they are filled with some fresh blood and a dark substance. My whole chest is covered, so I can’t see why they are there.

  My eyes widen in panic. This is really freaking me out and I’m getting upset. I lift my head quickly as I really need my dad. He’s at the foot of my bed, watching me carefully.

  “Dad?” the tone in my voice has him rushing to my side.

  “It’s okay baby,” he holds my hand and kisses my forehead. “What’s the matter?” he asked as tears stream down my face.

  I take in a deep, painful breath. “What’s going on? What happened to me?” He can hear the clear panic in my voice. “Where’s mom and Bree?”

  He looks at me a little confused, but pain flashes in his eyes. “You don’t remember?”

  I shake my head no.

  “What’s the last thing you do remember?”

  I think for a moment. What do I remember? I sit quietly thinking, maybe too long, but I finally have my answer.

  “It was the day before school started for the year. Mom, Bree and I went shopping and came home. I went to bed and woke up here.”

  Dad’s face falls. He looks at everyone around the room. “Do you remember anyone here?” he asked nervously.

  I look around carefully, studying each face trying desperately to recognize

  I shake my head. “No, I’m sorry. I really am. I feel like I should, but I don’t.” The tears start falling again.

  “Lexi, don’t…” the handsomely gorgeous man said. He is the one who kissed me.

  I look at him for a moment and recall the images that flooded my mind as he kissed me.

  He notices me watching him, and he steps closer to my bed.

  “Do you remember anything about me? About us?” he asked trying to conceal the pain in his voice.

  I feel the need to tell him the truth… “While I was lost in the darkness, your face kept popping into my mind. It kept me fighting, not allowing myself to let go. The kiss… it flooded my mind with visions of us, spending time together… But I don’t even know your name…” I trail off as I see happiness and sorrow in his eyes. I don’t like to see that sadness on his face. It doesn’t belong there.

  “I’m sorry…” I tell him sadly.

  He smiles the best he can. “Never be sorry. I’m sure it will all come back to you, just give it some time.” He smiles solemnly.

  “Sweetheart, I would like to introduce you to everyone. They all love you as their family and they have fought for you many times. I am sure, as Zach said, it will come back. You have been through a lot of trauma,” he smiles gently.

  I nod.

  “Thatch?” Dad calls over his shoulder.

  A fairly tall man with short sandy brown hair and dark eyes comes over to introduce himself.

  “Lexi, I am Thatch,” his voice is deep, baritone. He bows slightly. “I am the father to Zach and husband to Garcia. I think of you as my daughter and love you very much.” He smiles then looks over to his wife, I assume.

  She steps forward. “Dear child…” She smiled. “I am Garcia. Zach is my son and Thatch is my husband. You are a daughter to me and I too, love you very much.” She backs away as another man steps forward.

  “My dear friend Lexi, I am Kasey.” The man bows in a show of respect. He is handsome with lightly tanned skin, amber colored eyes and long brownish red hair that hangs in a ponytail past his shoulders. “You are a very special person to me. A close and dear friend.” He smiles as he kisses the back of my hand.


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