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Desire Had A Name: The Bad Baker Boys: Matt's Story

Page 31

by Tonya Brooks

  “I kid you not. She used to fight at the drop of a hat,” Mark assured her. “She even kicked Charlie's ass when we were teenagers.”

  “Charlie? The drunk guy from the bar?” Desi asked in disbelief because the man had been terrifying to say the least. She couldn't imagine Harley fighting, much less with a brute like him.

  “That's how Matt met her,” Mark said and began to explain how the couple had met, the way they'd been drawn to each other against their better judgment, how he came to be involved in the mess and the game they had played, as well as the fact that Matt had intended to marry Harley before their relationship fell apart over stupid misunderstandings.

  Desi was fascinated and couldn't believe everything her dearest friend had been through and was equally impressed with the way Mark had tried to protect her from being hurt again. His actions had been gallant and chivalrous in spite of the fact that he had originally wanted Harley for himself. “So the two of you managed to have a completely platonic relationship,” she deduced and then challenged, “You were able to do it once with no problem, what makes you think you can't do it again?”

  Mark pushed the plate aside, folded his arms atop the table and leaned forward to say silkily, “Kissing Harley and giving you your first and only climax are two entirely different things.” When her mouth dropped open and she blushed profusely, he added “I've tasted your passion, Desiree, and I'd love nothing better than to do it again. And again.”

  Heat filled her entire body and Desi wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. She couldn't believe Mark had just said that, but at least now she had her answer. There was no way in hell she could maintain a professional relationship with him. She wanted him just as much as he seemed to want her.

  Desire So Deadly

  Welcome To Lakeside Series: Brett’s Story

  (This novella is a prequel to The Bad Baker Boys: Luke’s Story)

  When Brett arrived that evening, he was disappointed to find Dizzy fully clothed this time, but he knew that could be easily rectified, especially since she looked so damn sexy. The well worn denim clung lovingly to her bottom and perfectly formed legs and the frayed hem drew his attention to her bare feet. Damn, even her feet were sexy with those coral colored toenails. She was wearing another one of those novelty T-shirts that she seemed to favor, and he laughed when he read it. Forget Mr. Right, Give Me Mr. Right Now.

  “I brought the syrup,” he said with a wicked grin as he handed her a bottle of the finest maple syrup the gourmet food store had to offer. “And a drill.”

  She eyed the drill warily and quickly informed him, “That's a little too freaky for me.” as she placed the syrup on the table in the center of the foyer.

  Brett laughed and shook his head. It seemed her mind had gone straight to the gutter this time. “To install the lock,” he added and saw her look of relief.

  “Oh,” she said and laughed at her own foolishness. “You already have the only power tool we need.” He kissed her soundly in appreciation and her hands slid around his waist, her knuckles brushing his gun in the process. “Although, feel free to bring the Glock to bed anytime,” Dizzy suggested and saw his shocked expression. “I have a fetish for guns.”

  “You're kidding,” he replied warily, not sure if she was yanking his chain or not.

  The look she gave him assured him she was not. Her fingertips trailed over the gun at his hip as if she were caressing a lover. “Firepower really turns me on,” Dizzy confessed and shivered deliciously. “I get so hot and bothered I can't even go to the range.”

  He was floored because she was being completely serious. Dizzy was a freak. His smile became decidedly wicked and so was his voice when he said, “I need a shooting partner. Are you interested?”

  Side by side on the range, matching her skill against his? Was he kidding? She closed her eyes and could feel the weight of the gun in her hands, the tension of the trigger beneath her finger as she gently squeezed and held it, hear the report as bullets exploded from the barrel in rapid succession, smell the scent of heated gun powder, see the bullets piercing the target with deadly accuracy and a low moan of ecstasy escaped her.

  “God, yes,” she breathed and opened her eyes to look up at him.

  The glazed and hungry look left him in no doubt that she was seriously turned on just thinking about it and he was astounded at her reaction. He'd never met a woman like her before and he didn't think he ever would again. Brett laid the drill on the table, lifted his hands to cup her breasts, and suggested, “Why don't we try out that bed?”

  “Which one?” she asked dazedly, caught up in the fantasy of them making love on the shooting range.

  “How many are there?” he asked as he nuzzled her neck.

  “Eight,” she gasped and slid one hand between them to caress the evidence of his desire for her.

  “Hell, let’s try 'em all,” Brett decided as he scooped her into his arms and headed for the stairs.


  Coming Soon:

  Desire Too Wild To Tame

  The Bad Baker Boys: Luke’s Story

  Two hours later Luke was still thinking about it. And her. He'd finally given up on reviewing the case. It was impossible to concentrate when the only thing he could think about was the way she had felt in his arms. The taste of Easy on his lips. The scent of her filled his head and he'd given up and gone to bed to just lay there and stare at the ceiling as he willed his aroused body back into a normal state. It wasn't gonna happen any time soon, he knew.

  When his phone rang, he glanced at the clock to see that it was eleven and picked up the phone. “Hello.” he said thankful for the distraction.

  “Hello, Sugah.” That warm, sexy voice purred.

  A wave of pure heat washed over him at the sound. “Easy?” Luke asked in disbelief and wondered how the hell she'd gotten his mobile number. He'd be willing to bet good old Brett had given it to her. Misery did love company and he knew his friend had his hands full dealing with the Grayson sisters.

  “Did I wake you?” she asked softly.

  “No.” he denied.

  “But you are in bed, aren't you?” she asked with a knowing smile.

  “I am.” he confessed warily.

  “Alone?” she asked hopefully.

  “Yes.” he admitted.

  “Umm. I can just picture you stretched out in that big king size bed.”

  The deliciously wicked voice sent a shiver up his spine even as he looked at the door expecting to see her standing there watching him. “How the hell did you know...”

  She laughed softly and said in a perfect British accent, “Simple deductive reasoning, my dear Watson. That big, gorgeous body won't fit in anything smaller.” Which made perfect sense when he thought about it, but before he could form a reply, she switched to that soft, southern drawl again, and said, “I wish I were there with you.” The heat intensified and settled low in his loins because he'd love nothing better. “Oh, the things I could do to you.” she said seductively. “Do you like honey, Luke?”

  Forcing his brain to concentrate on the seemingly innocuous question and not the erotic images his mind had conjured up, he said somewhat hoarsely, “Yeah.”

  “Umm. I love honey,” Easy breathed. “I'd like to cover you in it and lick every delicious inch. It could take hours to get every last drop since there’s so much of you to enjoy. Would you like that, Sugah?”

  He closed his eyes in agony and exhaled harshly, his hand gripping the phone tightly as he fought the mental imagery. Dear lord, the woman had reduced him to one big throbbing ache with her seductive words and he couldn't believe they were having this conversation. “Yeah.” he confessed huskily and wished he hadn't when she proceeded to tell him exactly how she'd go about it until he was breathing raggedly and so aroused it was painful.

  Deciding that she had tormented him enough for one night, Easy said, “As much as I hate to, it's getting late and you have court in the morning, so I'm going to say goodni
ght.” Her voice was wicked beyond belief when she added, “Sweet dreams, Sugah.” She ended the call and laughed softly. That should teach him not to leave her all hot and bothered again.

  Luke stared at the phone in a daze when she ended the call and wondered what the hell had just happened. And then it hit him. Sonuvabitch. He'd just had phone sex! He was so damn hot the phone should have been smoking. Throwing back the cover with a vicious curse, Luke went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

  He howled when the icy cold spray of water hit his heated flesh, but it did little to quench the need that Easy had caused. He still wanted her more than a man should want anything and that doubled his determination to stay the hell away from her. The last thing he needed was to get tangled up with a wild woman and he'd never met one wilder than Easy Grayson.


  Desire Too Hot To Handle

  The Bad Baker Boys: John’s Story

  “Your woman?” Cyn asked with an arched eyebrow as the band took seats around their table after the set was over.

  Sprawled comfortably in his chair, John flashed her that lethal bad boy grin and nodded, “Damn straight. My woman.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Just sex, remember?”

  Yeah, he remembered alright. But dammit, rules were made to be broken and the bad boy didn't like the rules any more. Cyn was his and he damn well wanted every man in the place to know it. “Look at it this way.” he said as he snagged her hips and pulled her astride his lap. “If they think you're mine, they won't hit on you.”

  “So you're just trying to protect me.” Cyn surmised and draped her arms over his shoulders, pressing her breasts against his rock hard chest. She knew the excuse was bullshit and wasn't about to let him get away with it. Even if she did have to crush the warmth in her chest that the feeling gave her.

  “Absolutely.” he readily agreed.

  “Good,” she smiled wickedly and leaned closer to whisper against his lips, “Because I don't like possessive men.”

  Ah, hell. That could be a problem. For the first time in his life, John was feeling possessive as hell. “I'm not possessive,” he denied because normally he wasn't. “But I am selfish. Not gonna share you, Cyn.”

  “Not gonna share you either, tough guy,” she assured him and then howled in delight when Alex began to play one of her favorite songs from the DJ booth. It was time to teach this bad boy a lesson.

  No one was more shocked than John when Cyn hit her feet and began to give him a lap dance to the beat of Bad Girlfriend. Holy shit! The way she moved that gorgeous body assured him that she'd learned a hell of a lot working in that strip club. He'd never experienced anything as erotic in his life, and after having some seriously wild sex with her, that was saying a lot.

  The feel of her hands on his body, her lush bottom twisting and gyrating in his lap and the hungry look in her eyes were killing him by degrees. John wanted her so damn much it was all he could do to keep his hands off of her. But he knew if he touched her they'd wind up tearing each other’s clothes off right there.

  Then she swung around, her back pressed to his chest, lifted his hands in hers and slid them slowly, sensuously down her body. Cyn slid off of his lap and onto her knees in the floor, her hands caressing his thighs through the well worn denim, the naughty smile on her lips taunting him with what was yet to come.

  Before he could haul her back to him, she stood and began dancing just out of reach, her hands caressing her own body as she watched him watching her. Cyn danced around behind his chair, slid her hands over his shoulders and down his chest to twirl her fingertips round his hard male nipples. She leaned down, nipped his earlobe and then sucked it into her mouth teasingly when he groaned in agony.

  Laughing wickedly, she danced back around in front of him and shook that hot little ass in his face. Swinging back around, she placed one leg on each side of his chair, and undulated her hips back and forth as she slowly lowered her bottom back into his lap again. Before he knew what the hell she was doing, Cyn swung both legs up, locked her ankles behind his neck, shimmied her upper body backward to the floor and then back up again.

  Swinging those supple legs back down, she fitted her pelvis to his, locked her arms around his shoulders and began to ride him like the wild woman that she was. Pushed beyond the limit of his endurance, John grasped her head in his hands and kissed her like a starving man.

  Cyn melted into the kiss, her fingers tangling in his hair as they quite literally forgot about the crowd and devoured each other. When the sounds of the clubs patrons shouting their encouragement filtered through the haze of desire, John wrenched his mouth free and stared into her passion clouded eyes.

  “Now they know why we won't share.” Cyn informed him with a knowing smile. “We're too damn hot for them to handle.” That said, she stood and danced her way to the bar.

  John just sat there watching her like a hungry wolf stalking its prey. No doubt about it. He'd found the only woman for him. And there was no way in hell he was gonna give her up.


  About the author:

  I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with my wonderful husband, two amazing sons, and the world’s most spoiled boxer (who has his own facebook page). Trust me when I say that life is never boring!

  Please visit me on Facebook. I’d love to hear your feedback.

  Or look for new releases on my Amazon Authors Page

  You can contact me at:




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