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Lucky: The Irish MC

Page 30

by West, Heather

  Lacey gasped in pain and I looked up to see that her eyes were screwed shut. I stroked her hair with one hand and steadied myself against her hip. Concentrating, I plunged in hard. Lacey screamed and I stayed where I was for a minute, not wanting to hurt her. After a moment, the whimpering coming from her mouth subsided and I began to thrust in and out of her pussy in long, slow strokes. She felt incredibly tight and I was already thinking about showering with all of the other guys in prison so I wouldn’t cum early. Lacey arched her back and I watched as her mouth formed an ‘o’ of pleasure. She moaned and rubbed her head against the pillows, eventually pushing her hips against me and mimicking my rhythm. The extra force felt incredibly good and my whole body was on fire as I fucked her over and over. Lacey was whimpering again, but not in pain, and I knew that my pubic bone was hitting her clit every time I thrust inside. Seeing her get off was one of the hottest things that I’d ever watched, and I bit my lip and thrust in harder and harder.

  When I was about to come, I paused and pulled out of her. Lacey cried out and looked at me with a red face and mussed hair.

  “I need you,” she whispered and pleaded. “Please, Chase. I need you so much.”

  “I need you,” I grunted, flipping her on her belly and spreading her legs. Her pussy looked so innocent and pink with its soft patch of dark hair. I reached down and fingered the wet curls, making Lacey squirm. As I touched her, she moaned and pushed her legs into a split position. Her labia was completely pulled apart and I gaped at the secret pink insides, relishing the idea of giving her the first taste of cum that she’d ever had. I stuck a finger inside her pussy and twisted it around, making Lacey squirm. She bucked her hips up and down on the bed and her juices instantly coated my hand. When she spread her legs and started grinding against my hand, I chuckled. She is so horny for me! I thought, relishing the idea. She’s going to get addicted to my cock. Lacey was oblivious to my evil thoughts as I began to rub her clit in slow circles. She moaned loudly and arched her back. Her clit was so swollen that it felt like a pencil eraser and I rubbed my thumb over it again and again, making her whole body shake and shiver with pleasure.

  Without warning, I plunged my cock inside of her and hitched her closer to me. Lacey squirmed and screamed into the blankets and I grabbed her hips, keeping her firmly in place. She was so incredibly tight and wet; it felt like fucking a tight sleeve of warm velvet. Her hair spread out over her back and I grabbed a fistful, tugging and pulling her head back as I thrust my cock in as deeply as it would go. Lacey screamed when I hit her cervix, and I reached a hand under her body and began to rub her clit as I felt my orgasm building. Underneath me, Lacey shuddered and cried. The pleasure built and built in my body until I closed my eyes and grabbed onto her hips, screaming out and coming harder than ever before. My orgasm set off Lacey’s, and the muscles in her pussy tightened and spasmed around my massive cock.

  I stayed inside of her for a moment and pulled out slowly. There was a bit of blood on my cock and I wiped it with my boxers before flopping down on the bed next to Lacey. She was breathing so hard that she was shaking and I gently pulled a blanket over her perfect naked body.

  “Are you okay?’” I asked, scratching my head. “Did I hurt you?”

  Finally, she rolled over and looked at me. Her face was still flushed and her forehead was damp with perspiration. “I’m okay,” she said shakily. “What was that?”

  I grinned. “I popped your cherry,” I told her. “You were so sweet. I couldn’t resist.”

  A blush crept up Lacey’s already-red face. Her lips were swollen and I realized there was a bite mark on her lower lip. “Thanks,” she whispered shyly. “What’s going to happen now?”

  I frowned. “I don’t fucking know,” I told her. “Why are you asking me about that right now?”

  The hurt on Lacey’s face was immediately recognizable, and for a moment I almost felt bad. “Never mind,” she said sharply, pulling the blanket around her and shielding her breasts. “Are you going to be able to drive me to Dawning Center?”

  I stood up from the bed and stretched, locating my jeans and pulling them on. “Sure,” I said, not looking at her. “Just let me know when you’re ready to go.”

  Lacey didn’t say anything as I gathered the rest of my clothes from her room and got dressed. She didn’t move, either, and I watched as she curled up in bed.

  “Chase, I feel kind of sick,” she said finally. “I think I’m going to call them and tell them I can’t come in.”

  I shrugged. “Whatever you want,” I told her. “Let me know if you change your mind.”

  “Do you have to go out today?”

  I frowned. I needed to check in with Peyton, and see if he had any more news for me. I hadn’t been able to find who I was looking for at The Pink Diamond, and after that jerk grabbed at Lacey, my focus for the night had been shot to hell. Time was running out, and I knew I had little chance of finding The Machetes and their leader if I stayed focused on Lacey, no matter how sweet a distraction she was proving to be.

  “I should,” I told her. “I need to call a friend first.”

  Instead of answering, Lacey turned around and faced the wall. She pulled the blanket up over her head. When I realized she wasn’t going to answer me, I shrugged. Women were so fucking confusing sometimes. As shitty as prison had been, at least I hadn’t had to deal with their crazy behavior all the time. It was like they just expected you to read their mind. How the fuck was I supposed to do that? I wasn’t a fucking mind reader.

  “There’s something in the cupboard for you,” Lacey said in a muffled voice.

  “What is it?”

  She didn’t reply. I huffed and walked out to the kitchen, opening all of the cabinet doors. There, in the last one, was an automatic coffee maker. Beside it stood three bags of ground coffee, one plain, one hazelnut, and one decaf. It was momentarily touching to realize that she’d bought the assortment because she didn’t know which kind I preferred.

  I slammed my fist against the wall. Fucking women.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When Chase left my room, I let out the breath that I’d been holding for what felt like years. I couldn’t believe that I’d just let him take my virginity like that. It was like something alien and strange had come over me. Never, ever in my twenty-one years had I ever been so aroused. I’d never had such a powerful orgasm as the one that Chase had forced from me. But I didn’t know that sex could be so painful, either. Between my legs felt red and throbbing. When I shifted on the bed, a sharp pain shot through my lower belly.

  Hobbling to the bathroom, I sat down to pee and gasped when it stung. Jackie had always warned me about that. She had told me that if I didn’t pee after sex, I’d get a urinary tract infection, but she told me that it would be painful the first couple of times. When I wiped, there was a smear of blood on the toilet paper.

  I wondered if Chase had found the coffee yet.

  After I peed, I couldn’t handle the idea of being around him so I went back into my room and got back into bed. I almost never wallowed, but this was an unusual situation all around. I felt like I was falling in love with him. There were times when I felt as though he’d developed some affection for me, but scarily, I knew that he was able to turn it all off with the flick of a switch.

  Steeling myself, I got out of bed and walked with rubbery legs into the kitchen. Wrinkling my nose at the smell of coffee, I saw Chase perched on the couch. He was watching something quietly on my laptop and I had to cough to get him to turn around.

  “Hi,” I said shyly. “Can we talk?”

  Chase grunted something unintelligible at me. I sat down on the other end of the couch; there was barely enough room, and Chase didn’t move over.

  “What?” He finally turned around and focused his green eyes on me. I shivered under the intensity of his gaze. It was hard to believe that twenty minutes ago we’d been locked together in a passionate embrace. I blushed thinking about it
now; the way he’d touched me, the way he’d made me feel…even though I was sore, I felt myself getting aroused at the slightest memory.

  “Can we talk about us?”


  I sighed. He obviously wasn’t going to make this easy on me. “You and me,” I said slowly. “Are we going to do that again?”

  Chase sighed and buried his face in his hands. I felt the slight stirring of anger in my lower belly. “I dunno, Lacey,” he said in a muffled voice. “What do you want?”

  I frowned. “I don’t know what I want right now,” I said carefully. “I’m not sure. I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I want to be with someone who loves me and respects me.”

  Chase shook his head. “I fucked you, Lacey. You’re not my girlfriend, okay? I don’t date. I don’t have girlfriends.”

  “It didn’t mean anything to you?” I was horrified at the shrill sound of my voice. “How can you say that after we just did what we did?”

  “It’s called adult life, Lacey,” Chase said. “Don’t act like you’ve never heard of two grown people fucking.”

  I blushed. Jackie would laugh in my face if she could see me now. Then again, Chase didn’t know that my best friend was a sex worker. “I know that,” I said slowly. “But I’m not like that. I want a future with someone. I want to have a happy life, and maybe get married and have kids.”

  Chase’s jaw dropped.

  “Not with you,” I said quickly. “At least not right now. I’m just talking about what I want from life. It doesn’t have to be this very second; this is just what I want in the future.”

  Chase raked a hand through his short crop of dark hair. “I don’t talk about the future, Lacey. That’s not how I operate.”

  I glared at him. “Well, I do. I want a lot of things, Chase. I want a happy relationship. I want to finish my degree in psychology, and maybe go to graduate school. I want to work with kids, and I’m not sure if I want to keep singing. I want to buy a house and move out of Detroit and raise my kids in a safer place. I want to be a good parent, and to share a good marriage with someone I love. And I want my husband to always love me and desire me above everyone else.” When I was finished, I looked at Chase expectantly. He glared at me.

  “I don’t see what any of this has to do with me,” he said finally. “I’m just the guy who popped your cherry. I don’t have to fuckin’ marry you, or have kids with you, or watch you graduate and go onto to grad school. I was in prison, Lacey. You think that jives with what you want? Don’t be so naïve.”

  I felt tears coming to my eyes and I pre-emptively wiped them with the back of my hand. Chase looked away, out the window, and suddenly I felt like the biggest fool in the world for telling him what I wanted. He was right; he didn’t owe me anything. In the real world, people had sex all the time, and with people they knew far less than I knew Chase. At least I know his last name, I thought to myself. Some people probably can’t even say that.

  I realized Chase wasn’t going to say anything else. He’d already turned his attention back to the laptop, as if to signal that the discussion was over. With a heavy heart, I turned and walked back to my room. The last thing I wanted was for him to see me cry.



  “Wait,” I said as Lacey was turning around to go back down the hallway. “I’m not through talking to you yet.”

  “Really?” she spat sarcastically, looking angry. “You sounded pretty fucking done to me!”

  I recoiled. It was one of the only times I’d heard Lacey curse. I sighed heavily and looked at her. Her grey eyes were narrowed and her forehead was creased in anger. “Listen, I don’t talk about the future. Or the past, okay? That’s part of who I am. That’s my deal, Lacey,” I said, with growing intensity. “I was in prison, for fuck’s sake. I’m an ex-con! You don’t want me as your boyfriend, you want some guy who has a degree and doesn’t know what a shank is!”

  Lacey shook her head. She swallowed and opened her mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out.

  I continued, “If we were together, don’t you know that you would be at risk? There are people out there who want me dead, Lacey, and they’d fucking torture you in front of me just to see me in pain. Do you want to take that kind of risk? You don’t even know what you’d be in for if you stayed involved with me!”

  “How can I not be involved with you?” Lacey shot back. “You practically kidnapped me and appointed yourself as my guardian! I couldn’t kick you out if I wanted to! You don’t even let me go outside!”

  “Because it’s dangerous,” I said through gritted teeth. I couldn’t believe how stubborn and stupid she was being! “For someone who’s going to college, you’re acting pretty fucking stupid,” I told her, rolling my eyes. “I don’t know what I have to do to make you realize how bad this shit is!”

  “You could start by telling me what happened!” Lacey’s grey eyes blazed with angry fire. “I don’t even know the first thing about you! I don’t even know how long you were in prison for! I don’t know anything about your family! I don’t know anything about your friends!”

  “Because it’s dangerous,” I repeated, glaring at her. For once she didn’t back down or seem intimidated. I couldn’t help but admit that she was impressing me with the way she was acting, even if she was being a complete moron about the facts of life. “You’re just this naïve little girl who has no idea about the real world! That asshole at the club could have skinned you alive and you wouldn’t have even known it was coming!”

  “That’s not fair!” she shot back. “I know how to handle myself sometimes! You don’t even give me a chance, Chase. You just have to swoop in and be the big macho man who’s going to rescue me from the evil big baddies!” Lacey gestured angrily with her hands and wore a mocking expression on her face. It was seemingly impossible to believe that we’d been fucking like animals not half an hour ago.

  I sighed and covered my face with my hands. “You don’t get it,” I said flatly. “I don’t talk about the future. I don’t talk about the past. You’re not hearing about this. It could make things even more dangerous if I tell you, because I guarantee you won’t listen to me then, either.”

  Lacey folded her arms over her chest. “Try me,” she said, glaring at me.

  I shook my head. “No go, princess,” I snapped. “You can’t push me around like this. You’re not the one in charge here!”

  Lacey glared at me, then turned on her heel and stalked down the hallway. I was amazed that her little body could generate so much sound; she was stomping so hard that the glasses in the cabinets were shaking. I listened as she slammed her bedroom door and threw herself on the bed.

  With Lacey out of the way, I sat back down on the couch and closed my eyes. What a fucking exhausting morning. First the little bitch had the nerve to leave the house unsupervised, and now she was trying to make me tell her about the past? Fuck. There was no way in hell she was ever going to learn about my history. I wasn’t going to tell her about Rose, and I certainly wasn’t going to tell her about the heroin. As far as I knew, Lacey thought that I’d done time for possession. I hadn’t exactly told her the truth. I did ten years for dealing heroin, lots of heroin. It was a fucking stupid mistake, but that’s what happened when you were broke and hooked on dope. Lacey wouldn’t understand. Compared to my life, hers had been a breeze. I didn’t care if she lived alone in one of the most dangerous cities in the country; she didn’t understand where I’d been, and the shit that I’d gone through. Thinking about what a cupcake she really was only hammered the decision home; there was no way she could ever know. I knew that hearing about Rose’s murder would give her nightmares for weeks alone.

  Rose. Thinking about my sister made me realize that I needed to buckle down and work a lot harder if I wanted to catch this guy. As far as I’d come, I knew that I was a long ways off. I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone in the gang knew that I was looking for them. It wasn’t that anything had happened, it was just a
general sense of unease that lurked in my stomach whenever The Machetes came up in conversation. It was like a cat and mouse game, except I had no idea whether I was the cat or the mouse.

  From the bedroom, there was a small cough and I closed my eyes and thought about Lacey again. Her creamy pale skin, her enthusiastic mouth. It was almost enough to make me forget what I had to do.

  But not quite.

  Chapter Fifteen



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