Mister Perfect

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Mister Perfect Page 9

by Alice Cooper

  We walked along the beach and I got every chance to hold her near me. It was more romantic than I have planned. We never got to see a ray of sunshine that day but I got to spend every second holding Fran near me.

  That was more than enough for me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My second date with Ciel made me a blushing mess. We didn’t ended up back at his apartment, because we ended back at my apartment. I was lucky that Stephen and Angela were still at Fancy Cups. I quickly brought Ciel to my room and said “Sorry if my apartment is a bit messy.”

  He just chuckled as he stared at a few pictures of Angela, Stephen, and I. He even commented how cute I was back in high school. “Want something warm to drink?” I asked him. “Yes, you can make me anything.” he said as he looked at almost everything in my room. I half expected him to look for my panties. Even if he’s my boyfriend I know he’s still a pervert.

  I hastily made us both hot chocolate as I entered my room. I shut the door just in case Angela and Stephen arrive, Ciel and I would still have our privacy. “I thought you only decorated Fancy Cups just for display but your room looks like an extension to Fancy Cups.” he said as he pointed out to the colorful lanterns in my room and the picture collage on the mirror and not to mention figurines and fancy cups that littered the shelves on my wall.

  “I’ve always liked cute and unique things. It’s another thing I like to do besides reading.” I said as I pointed to one small part of the wall that had shelves filled with books. Not as many as Ciel has but enough for a working person like me can afford.

  “Hey Ciel… thank you for today. I really had fun.” I said as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. He smiled as he already finished half of his cup. “I’m glad you had fun. I hope I can make you smile every day.” he confessed.

  I blushed as I felt my heart beat erratically. I didn’t hesitate as I leaned up and pushed my lips upon Ciel. He was shock at first but he quickly started kissing back as he cupped my face with his large hands. The kiss at first was tender and loving but it instantly grew passionate and rough.

  When he gently bit my lower lip I couldn’t help gasp out a moan, he took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside and explore my mouth. My body started growing extremely hot like it was on fire, and only Ciel could extinguish that fire. I slowly straddled his lap upon my bed. His hands glided over towards my waist as mine roamed on his hard muscled chest. Every bit of Ciel only made me want him more.

  When I tried leaning more into Ciel he ended up falling flat on my bed with me still on top. We both smiled into the kiss as I gave out a small giggle. My hands ached to feel the touch of skin rather than his shirt, I didn’t hesitate as I ran my hands under his shirt. My hands were cold against his warm skin and I couldn’t help myself but touch every bulge of his abs.

  His body jumped a bit from the coldness of my hands but he instantly relaxed. He pulled away from my lips as he started kissing and nipping at my neck and I reacted by moaning his name repeatedly.

  I was lost in his scent, his body, his kisses, and I never wanted any of this to end. His skillful hands ran along my thighs to enter the opening of my skirt. Although I was wearing stockings he brushed his hand against my womanhood making me give out a heavy moan.

  I could feel his excitement as it poked my thighs, he was hard. My need for him was growing intensely as I rubbed my womanhood against his excitement making him shut his eyes and groan in pleasure. I felt erotic and so in control that I pressed my womanhood harder against him making the both of us moan. It didn’t stop there as I kept rubbing myself against him.

  “Ciel… please.” I practically begged. He easily flipped me under him as he kept poking his hard member against my heated clothed core. “More.” I moaned out desperate to have him inside of me.

  “Fran… if we continue I might not be able to stop.” he groaned. I whispered in his ear “Take me.”

  “Fuck, you turn me on so damn much.” he said he unexpectedly ripped my stockings making me squeal in delight. We were able to remove his pants but not completely, only his hardened clothed member was sticking out and because of being impatient he kept rubbing it against my core.

  I then flipped myself so I can be on top of him as I hastily move back and forth on his member. We both were heavily breathing as sweat started rolling down our faces.

  I was lost within Ciel that I didn’t notice the heavy footsteps outside my room that’s until someone barged into my room.

  “Fran! How did the date g…” Angela didn’t finish her sentence as she saw Ciel and I tangled together on top of my bed. I was quick to react as I literally jumped off of Ciel, and fell hard onto the floor. Ciel propped himself up by his elbows as he stared at Angela with annoyance.

  “People seriously have bad timing.” Ciel was the first to speak. Angela on the other hand was frozen at the entrance of my door, staring at us with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. “I’m terribly sorry… please continue—sex! I uh… I mean continue sucking—” I didn’t let her finish as I threw a fluffy slipper at her and shouted “Get out you peeping tom!”

  Angela quickly closed the door without another reaction. Ciel and I were still panting as we both stared at the door. “Sorry about that.” I apologized for my roommate. Now I will never hear the end of it from Angela.

  Ciel smiled as he sat on the floor next to me and kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry my Habanero, we have time to do everything we want to do together.” he cheered me up knowing I would be frustrated for the rest of the day. I nodded happily at him then he added “But I don’t know how long I can keep myself away from you. I might have to abduct you from your shop and lock you in my apartment.”

  “That’s creepy!” I snapped at him.

  “Borderline creepy.” he argued.

  “No, that’s way over the borderline.” I argued back.

  “Then I wouldn’t mind being chained here, so you can do whatever you want with my body.” he said. Lewd images started filling my mind.

  “Now you’re making me sound creepy.” I said.

  It was a never ending bicker with Ciel but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  It was a busy Sunday here at Fancy Cups. People were pouring into the warm shop from the bitter cold outside. Angela was busy taking orders from people while Stephen cooked a few things for our customers. I, on the other hand was serving and entertaining the customers.

  I haven’t seen Ciel since our date on Friday. We texted each other but he never said what he’s doing or where he’s at. We’ve only been together for a month so I didn’t really think I had the right to ask him about his business. He could be busy with his family or something.

  I had to make up for the days I’ve been absent from Fancy Cups. I know I own the place but I don’t pay Angela or Stephen enough to run the whole shop by themselves. It was cloudy outside, it looked almost like it was snowing.

  Speaking of my date with Ciel, I was right when I wouldn’t hear the end of it from Angela and that also included Stephen. Angela told Stephen that she caught us in the most passionate clothed sex she’s ever seen. Stephen was thinking something way too erotic than the actual thing. I tried explaining what really happened but Stephen preferred Angela’s story.

  Since I haven’t seen Ciel since Friday, I was at it again with glancing at the entrance every time the bell rung. Yet I was disappointed every time it wasn’t him.

  The bell rung once more but this time I didn’t glance at the entrance, afraid it wouldn’t be Ciel. That’s until Angela spoke up “What are you doing here?” she spoke with venom laced in her voice. Curiously, I glanced over to the entrance to see Ciel’s friend.

  Ciel’s friend wasn’t tall as Ciel himself but he was taller than Angela or I. He had brown hair with green eyes. He wasn’t as built as Ciel but he was lean. He still had the bad boy look and even had the bad boy aura. The customers in the shop eyed him suspiciously like they were waiting for someth
ing bad to happen.

  “I’m here to see Ciel’s girl.” Ciel’s friend spoke as he sat in one of the empty chairs like he owned the damn place. I walked up to him with my arms folded in front of my chest and asked “What do you want now?” With a frown plastered on my face.

  He smirked as he stared at me and said “You’re definitely Ciel’s girl.” My frown only deepened making Ciel’s friend laugh. “What’s so funny?” I snapped. He held both of his hands up in surrender as he said “Nothing.”

  “Well if you have nothing to do with me then I suggest you leave.” I suggested as I started to walk away but he stopped me by saying “I just came to check up on you.” I turned around to face him and asked “What do you mean by that?”

  He made himself more comfortable by leaning back in his chair as he casually said “With Ciel gone and all, he told me to check up on you.”

  “Why would he ask you? You’re a dick.” Angela pointed out as she stood next to me. “Hey! The name is Zen. I might be a dick but Ciel and I are tight. We might fight and beat each other up but that’s just how we are.” he explained. But I was still confused as I put my hand upon Angela’s mouth before she can speak. “What do you mean by Ciel is gone?” I asked.

  He looked at me in surprise as he asked “You don’t know? You’re Ciel’s girl, you should know. And you call me a dick.” he mumbled the last part.

  “That still doesn’t answer my question.” I said sternly. Zen sighed as he rolled his eyes. “Ciel is at the airport…” I didn’t care what he said after that because I was already connecting the dots.

  Ciel’s brother.



  Was Ciel really leaving me? My heart was beating painfully and it felt like my throat closed in. Angela was calling my name but it felt like she was far away. My whole body felt too heavy including my eyelids. To imagine a future without Ciel was too painful.

  I know he would be gone for six months but anything could happen in half-a-year. He could find another woman or decide to stay in France. Suddenly my blood started to boil and fists were clenching tightly. Anger filled every cell in my body. I yanked my apron off my body as I harshly threw it in Zen’s face.

  “Hey!” he complained. I quickly grabbed my bag from the employee room and started rushing outside.

  “Fran, where are you going?”

  “Stop! Fran!”

  I could hear Angela and Stephen call after me but I didn’t stop. Wasn’t it obvious? I was going to stop Ciel from leaving the country and if I can’t stop him then I demand answers. The vein on my head was throbbing extra painfully today. No one can piss me off as much as Ciel can.

  He either was coming home with me or he’ll be dead meat. I quickly hailed a taxi and told him to go to the airport and make it quick. Within the taxi I planned a whole speech in my head, what I was going to say to Ciel when I see him. My head was also asking me, what if I was too late to stop him?

  I can’t exactly drop everything and buy a ticket to France. First of all, I’ve never been to France. Secondly, I can’t afford a spontaneous ticket to France. That would literally kill my wallet. I shrugged the possibility of not being able to stop him on time. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.

  Luckily, there was no traffic at the airport. I quickly paid the taxi driver and ran as fast as I could inside the airport. I looked up all the flights that’s going to France and was in luck that none of them have left yet. I started running around the airport like the idiot I am, ignoring the painful gasps I was getting from straining myself too much.

  I whirled my head round and round to search for a certain dark head idiot. My speech was already perfectly organized in my head. As I looked over to the security area where beyond that point was the gates, I noticed a very long line of people. I looked closely and was lucky enough to see the two familiar dark head men.

  I wasted no time as I stormed over to where the Storm brothers were. Ezra was the first one to notice me as he called out “Ms. Blake?” Ciel turned around shocked that I was there.

  Every single time!

  Every single time I finally face Ciel and have a perfect and most beautiful speech prepared for him I would forget every single word once I stand in front of him. Frustrated and pissed off I didn’t hesitate as I rushed towards Ciel who seemed happy to see me, but instead of pulling him into a hug like he expected, I pulled my arm back and punched him in the face.

  “Ow! What the hell Fran?” Ciel complained. Ezra just stared at us shocked but it quickly turned into amusement. All eyes were on Ciel but I didn’t care. I shoved Ciel harshly as I pushed him towards a secluded area leaving Ezra behind.

  “You ask me what the hell? I should be asking you that Ciel!” I raised my voice. “What are you talking about?” he asked as he held his face where I punched him. I’m not even surprised that it barely did any damage to him.

  “I’m talking about you sending Zen to check up on me and I have to find out from him. Out of all the people! You could’ve at least said it to my face you coward!” I growled.

  “What are you talking about Fran? Say what to your face?” he asked.

  “Don’t play stupid Ciel, I meant you going to France.” I said. It was silent between us for a moment until Ciel burst out laughing. My frowned turned into a mean scowl. Was he playing with me this whole time?

  I quickly pulled back my arm again and swung my fist at him, only for him to easily catch it.

  “Is that what Zen told you?” he asked.

  “He told me you were at the airport. It doesn’t take an idiot to connect the dots.” I told him. He sighed as he unexpectedly pulled me into a hug but I tried shoving him back. “My silly Habanero, I wouldn’t expect anything less if I was actually leaving you. Francesca… I could never leave you.” he said.


  “Then why the hell are you in line to go to the gates? Don’t lie to me Ciel, those could be your last words.” I threatened him. He was smiling at me like a complete fool as he said “I told Zen to go check up on you because I was taking my brother to the airport. I was standing in line with my brother because we were talking about the family business since I wasn’t going to France.”


  He started laughing at my surprised look.

  Damn that Zen!

  I can’t actually blame him since I didn’t listen to what else he had to say. I jumped to conclusions. I felt all the frustrations and anger slip away. Ciel leaned forward as he pressed a tender kiss to my head and said “You think I would ever leave you? I couldn’t leave you even if I tried. You’re mine Fran, if I ever decide to go somewhere for a long period then I would have to kidnap you. Maybe we can make Fancy Cups go worldwide.”

  Without thinking I threw my arms around him and brought him into an embrace and said “One is enough… one is enough.” As I buried my face into his chest. I wasn’t sure if I was talking about only one I Fancy Cups or he’s the only one I needed. It works either way.

  He smiled lovingly at me as he wrapped his arms around me.

  “I told you Fran, I’m no Mr. Darcy but for the rest of my life I’ll try to make you happy. Make your life story just like the romantic stories you read in your books.” he said. If only he knows that he was so much more than the fictional men. I didn’t need my life to be like a stories in my books.

  Ciel was enough for me.

  He looked down at me and I looked up into his piercing blue eyes. I stood on my tippy toes as I pressed my lips upon his. It was a loving tender kiss, I poured out all of my love into this kiss. He pulled away and pressed his head against mine as he said “Let’s go home, Fran.”

  To me, I was already home. My home wasn’t some building with four walls. My home was a person with two legs. My home was wherever Ciel was.

  Who would’ve known that I would’ve fallen for a man who didn’t exist in my fictional stories? If you asked me a month ago if I would fall in love with someone my answer would be, Mr. Darcy
is enough for me.

  Now I was head over heels for someone who didn’t exist in my books, and he made life so much more.



  Selma fought to keep her tears back. The voice over the PA announced that all working personnel needed to report for flight 340, but she was frozen as she gripped the phone. “What are you saying?” she whispered.

  “Babe, I feel like you’re not hearing me. We’re done. Sarah and I have been seeing each other for a few months now, and I’m happy with her. Can’t you be happy for us?”

  “Happy for you? Greg, we’ve been together for two years. And Sarah is my friend. You’re not seriously telling me that you’ve been cheating on me,” she hissed. She felt her chest squeeze with anxiety. She’d been expecting Greg to propose, not break up with her.

  “Cheating is such a harsh word babe. Sarah is my soul mate. If you loved me, you’d be happy for me.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she finally let her anger take over. “You know what Greg? I do hope you and Sarah are happy together. I hope you’re happy that she’s ruined the best thing you’ve ever had,” she yelled before slamming the phone down.

  Wiping the tears away, she turned to find an incredibly attractive man staring at her. Really? She just had to lose the man she thought she would marry, and the first man that she laid eyes on afterwards looked like be belonged on the cover of QC?

  Probablyanotherasshole. I’msurehe’scheatingonsome unsuspecting and loving woman.

  “What are you looking at?” she hissed before grabbing her luggage and stalking away. To make things worse, she now had a long flight ahead of her to London. Luckily, she’d be able to spend several days there before her flight back. She’d been looking forward to a small vacation. Now it was a necessity.


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