Mister Perfect

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Mister Perfect Page 10

by Alice Cooper

  An older flight attendant met her on the plane and looked her over critically. “Your make-up is streaked,” she growled.

  Flight attendants were supposed to look like perfection at all times.

  “I’m so sorry. I can touch it up quickly.”

  “Fine. You’ll be stationed in first class today. Fix you make-up and get to work. I’ve been told that we have a VIP on board today.”

  First class? Selena’s eyes widened in horror. “Oh, can I please work coach? I don’t think I’m in my right mind to work first class.”

  The woman surveyed her coldly. “I don’t make the manifesto. Get your make-up fixed and get to work.”

  Great. First class meant a bunch of rich assholes that wanted to slap her ass and demand entertainment. It took inner strength to deal with first class, and she simply didn’t have it today. “Fine,” she muttered as she headed to fix her make-up. Her blond hair was still perfectly coiffed on top of her head, but her mascara was streaked. She made the necessary arrangements and went to start the pot of coffee. When they made the call for first class passengers, she positioned herself at the opening and tried to smile brightly.

  As the passengers filed in, she directed them to their seats. Her heart dropped when she recognized one of the passengers.

  “Ma’am.” The gorgeous man from the airport gave her a coy smile as he took his seat.

  “Sir,” she swallowed hard. He could easily get her fired if he told anyone how rude she’d been to him. “I hope you enjoy your flight.”

  “Oh, I intend to.” He stowed his bags above and took his seat. She groaned inwardly. It was going to be a long flight.

  Hastily, she went back to greet the rest of the passengers. Taking her position at the front, she went through the motions of the safety speech. To her dismay, the man never took his eyes off her. Selena tried to focus on her motions, but she couldn’t help but feel like she knew him from somewhere.

  The hours passed, and his eyes never left hers. She felt them when she went up and down the aisle to serve drinks. He asked for a glass of wine, and she was almost disgusted with the thrill of excitement that raced down her spine when his fingers brushed against hers. Jerking back, she narrowed her eyes in what she hoped was a stern look. She was not in the mood to flirt with someone who made more money in a day then she probably made all year.

  Straightening her spine, she went to prepare the food. As she handed out their gourmet salmon dishes, he gave her a wicked smile. “Looks delicious.”

  Rolling her eyes, she continued walking. He didn’t seriously think she was going to give him a pass to the mile high club simply because he appreciated the way she looked?

  Then again, maybe he was simply talking about the salmon.

  Safely behind the curtain, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. In her mind, she could see her boyfriend with his lips pressed to her friends.

  Ex-boyfriend. Ex-friend.

  When it was time to walk down the aisle with the trash bag, he took his time dropping his plate and cup in. His eyes lingered on hers. “Thank you. Everything was wonderful.”

  Selena had expected something offensive to come out of his mouth. She almost smiled with relief. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she murmured.

  “Selena, is it? You’re doing an excellent job making this flight entertaining for me.”

  And there it was. She shook her head in disgust and walked away. The damn plane couldn’t land fast enough.

  Finally, she got her wish. Wearied, she stood at the door with a smile. One by one, the passengers filed out. “Enjoy your time in London,” she muttered over and over again. She turned to do her final sweep through the cabin before she realized that there was one person left. Of course it was him.

  “Sir? We’ve landed,” she said politely.

  “Yes, I’m aware,” he said as he rose. “I wanted to speak with you in private, Selena.”

  “Sir, if there is something bothering you, you can take it up with the airline,” she said stiffly.


  “You realize that I’m a person, right? I know there’s a lot of sexual innuendo surrounding flight attendants, but I am not here to indulge in one of your fantasies. All you men are the same. You just follow your dicks and forget that you could actually be hurting people in the process. Well, I am not interested. So please gather your things and exit the fucking plane,” she hissed. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she reddened. He nodded his head and quietly pulled down his luggage. Without a word, he walked away. Her heart pounding, she slowly lowered herself on trembling legs. No doubt he would get her fired for sure. Now she’d lose her job and her boyfriend all in one day.

  “Way to go Selena,” she grumbled. It was all Greg’s fault.


  Dragging herself to the hotel, she sighed with relief when she made it to the front desk. The taxi was grueling, and she’d been waiting for that moment where the airlines called her and fired her.

  “Selena Cutler. I’m here with Junction Airlines,” she said tiredly. The front desk assistant widened her eyes. “Ms. Cutler! Yes!” She cleared her throat nervously and clicked on a few keys. “There have been a few changes. You’ve been upgraded to the penthouse.”

  “Thepenthouse?”Selenanearlychoked.“Theremust be some mistake. There’s no way the airlines is paying for me to stay in the penthouse.”

  “No mistake. Besides, there are no other available rooms. So it’s either the penthouse or nothing.”

  Selena blew out her breath and sighed. “Are you sure the airlines are covering this? I mean, why would they upgrade me?”

  “I’m not sure, but our penthouse is very expensive. From one worker to another, take the room.”

  Truth be told, Selena didn’t have the strength to fight. “Fine,” she muttered. She snagged the key and dragged her bag to the elevator. A bellhop tried to intervene, but she wasn’t in the mood. “I got it,” she barked as the elevator doors closed. All she wanted was a bath and bed. When she opened the doors to the penthouse, the view stole her breath away. The windows that surrounded the room gave her a panoramic view of London. “My God, the rich do have it made,” she muttered as she kicked off her shoes. With a smile of glee, she got a running start and jumped on the bed. Bouncing on the plush comforter, she let out a squeal of excitement. “Oh, this is the life.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Screaming, Selena jumped from the bed and lifted her hands to defend herself. Leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom, the gorgeous man from the plane smirked at her.

  “Oh my God, are you stalking me? Did you arrange this? This is beyond sick. I’m calling the police.”

  “Whoa, hold on. I haven’t even had a chance to introduce myself. Joshua Guard.”

  Selena froze. “Joshua Guard?” she whispered. “As in the Joshua Guard that owns Junction Airlines?” “The one and only. But that’s not important…”

  She snorted and held up her hand. “I’m sorry, what? How is that not important? How were you on the plane and no one knew?”

  “Well, I suppose it’s because none of you remember the handbook. My photo is on it,” he said dryly. “Not to mention that I still have to provide an ID to get on the plan as per federal law.”

  Selena had two options here. She could beg for her job or she could tell Joshua to take a flying leap off a tall building. “Mr. Guard…” she began before a sudden thought struck her. Narrowing her eyes, she crossed her arms across her chest. “Exactly what am I doing in the penthouse suite?

  You may be rich, but it can’t be legal to just change my room like this.”

  “I own the hotel.”

  Of course he did. “That still doesn’t answer my original question. You’re clearly staying in this room, so why am I staying in this room?”

  “You were quite rude to me in the airport and on the plane. I thought you might like the chance to make it up to me,” he said with a small smile. Tired, Se
lena asked the first question that came to mind. “Is my job dependent on what happens in this room tonight?”

  “I can see where you might be that impression, but I’m not that sort of man. I take a personal interest in my employees, and it’s clear that you’ve had a bad day. I’d like to see how I could help. I can’t have you being rude to more people on the flight back, now can I?” Joshua crossed the room to the mini-bar and poured himself a drink. “Whiskey?”

  “No,” she muttered. “Look, I just need to rest and relax. My boyfriend of two years just announced that he’s been cheating on me with my friend. Apparently they’re in love. So yes, I am having a bad day. And I promise not to take it out on any more passengers.”

  He whistled. “I thought it might be something like that. Of course, I only heard part of the conversation. Were you two having problems?”

  “Problems? Greg and I never had problems. From the first date, everything about our relationship was so easy. That was what was so great about us. We didn’t fight. We enjoyed each other’s company. When he moved in, we found a routine. Everything worked. And now, suddenly, that wasn’t good enough for him. Cheating bastard,” she spat.

  Joshua downed his whiskey. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a relationship that was easy.”

  “Now you can understand why I’m upset.”

  “That’s why you’re upset?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Selena shrugged. Was there another reason she should be upset?

  “Relationships are hard. When you find one that’s easy, then that’s supposed to be the one.”

  “I don’t think that’s true. What about your relationships before Greg?”

  Suddenly, she felt uncomfortable. “Look, I’m not really willing to dive into my love life with someone that I just met.” She walked over to the window and stared out at the city below. Even this late into the night, London was lit up and buzzing with activity. In the reflection of the window, she saw him step up closer to her. Her muscles tightened, and she couldn’t believe when she felt a spark of lust.

  What the hell was wrong with her? “I came here to help you, Selena. I just wanted a conversation.”

  Her breath hitched. “Bullshit,” she whispered. “You don’t bring a woman up to your penthouse hotel room to talk.”

  In the window, she saw a slow smile spread across his face. “You are attractive. I won’t lie and tell you that I haven’t had other things on my mind.”

  She felt her mouth go dry. “What kinds of things?” He was so close that if she leaned back even an inch, she’d be touching him. It was slowly driving her insane that he wasn’t touching her. God, he was a completely stranger, and her body was so ready to wrap itself around him.

  “I could show you.”

  Abruptly, she turned and slid away from him. Her heart was racing as she put her hand up on the wall to brace herself. It was a bad idea. She told herself that over and over again. “I don’t even know you.”

  “Be honest, Selena. You didn’t react to anyone else on that plane. You didn’t snarl at anyone else. You felt a reaction to me, and it scared you. But you don’t have to be scared now. I’m offering you a night to indulge. Forget about your ex. Forget about all your problems.” He moved closer to her, and she pressed her back against the wall. Her eyes dropped to his lips. He was so close. She could taste him if she wanted. And God, she wanted. Maybe it was the fact that she’d gone almost twenty hours without sleep. Maybe it was that she was still raw from Greg’s betrayal, and maybe it was simply because Joshua Guard was unbelievably sexy, but Selena was tired of resisting him. He tipped a finger under her chin to lift her head and stared intensely at her. “The decision is yours, Selena. There is no pressure and no consequences either way.”

  “Why? Why me? You could have any woman in this city,” she whispered. With a small smile, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You intrigue me. That’s very rare these days. I spend my life around people who try to please me, and you’re so brutally honest. I want to taste you. I want to bury myself within you. I want to know what makes you tick.”

  His words were her undoing. With a sigh of surrender, she lifted up to her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. As soon as she kissed him, she lost all control of the situation. Immediately he had her hands cuffed above her head, and he slanted his lips over her as he urgently and desperately drank from her. His free hand skimmed down the thin layer of her shirt and slipped under to caress her skin underneath.

  When he finally released her hands, she wrapped them around his neck and tried to pull him in closer. Selena barely knew this man, and yet everything about him was intoxicating.

  Suddenly, he pulled away and took a deep and haggard breath. Without saying a word, he slipped her shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra. Unsure of what she should do, she pressed the palms of her hands against the wall behind her and waited. He never broke eye contact as he danced his fingers along her skin. It was as if he was searching for a reaction from her. The air around them thickened, and she visibly reacted with ever touch. Her sides had always been sensitive, and she parted her lips when he skimmed his fingers over them. By the time he reached her breasts, she was panting and desperate with need.

  “I’m tempted to see if I can make you come without ever touching your sex,” he whispered in a low voice. As he pulled on her nipple, she whimpered. “But I’m far too impatient right now for that. Next time.”

  Without warning, he dropped to his knees and pulled down her pants. Only the thin layer of her black panties separated her ache from his touch. He caressed her with his thumb through the fabric, and her legs trembled. She wouldn’t last much longer.

  “God, yes,” he muttered. Ripping her panties down, he hooked one knee over her shoulder and slid his tongue along her slit. She nearly lost her balance as the intense pleasure washed over her, and only his grip on her hips kept her from falling. He didn’t tease her. The whole night had been a tease. When he raked his teeth over her clit, she was done for. Scraping her nails along the wall, she cried out as the orgasm hit her in one sudden wave.

  Her knees buckled, and she would have fallen completely had he not reached up to catch her. “So sweet,” he murmured as he kissed her. She hooked an arm around his neck for balance and tasted her juices on his lips.

  “More,” she murmured. “Please.” Her other hand pulled at his shirt. She didn’t have the patience to slip the buttons through their tiny holes. Instead, she heard the ripping of thread as she searched desperately for skin. When his shirt finally hung open, she ran her hands over his abdomen. His taut muscles rippled under her touch, and she reveled in the power. The man who had been in control this whole night was hanging by thread. She wanted to push him over. She wanted to know what it would b like if he finally lost control.

  “Selena,” he growled. “You’re playing with fire.”

  “Shut the hell up, Joshua,” she muttered as she released him and slid down along the wall. Making quick work of his pants, she slid them down and licked her lips when his erection finally sprang free. God, he was beautiful. Without a second thought, she wrapped one hand around his base and slid her lips over him.

  “Ah, fuck,” he moaned. He pumped his hips slowly, and she danced her tongue under him. His thighs quaked under her hand, and she knew that he was almost there. “No, baby. Not like this.”

  He drew away from her and bent down to help her up. She offered him her lips, and he picked her up. Wrapping her legs around him, she rubbed her slick crevice against him, and he staggered as he tried to make it to the bed. His eyes were wild as they finally fell backwards, and she was ready for him. Without preamble, he pushed her knees up and sank into her.

  “Yes,” she moaned as he filled and stretched her. He was bigger than anything she’d every taken before, and he slid over that sweet spot inside of her. Digging her nails into his shoulder, she couldn’t help but gasp. He fit inside her perfectly. It wasn’t just physical. Nothing was awkward abo
ut this. Nothing was lewd. Their union was natural and right. She felt completed.

  “You feel perfect,” he whispered in her ear as he slowly began to pump his hips. “Look at me, Selena. I need you to look at me.”

  She locked eyes with his, and everything else in the world melted away. There was only him and the way that he made her feel. Special. Loved.

  God, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t handle it. Pressing her hands the mattress, she pushed until he flipped them. Straddling him, she felt more in control. She couldn’t handle the sweet lovemaking. She wanted to lose herself in him, and as she rose above him and plunged down, she did just that.

  Rotating her hips, she moved over and over him faster and faster until sweat covered her skin. He leaned up to capture a nipple in his mouth, and she gasped. “Joshua,” she moaned.

  “Stay with me, baby,” he muttered. “Let’s do this together.”

  She fell forward and grabbed a fistful of sheets to hold on to. She was so close. Everything inside her was wound so tight, and she was going to break any minute. “I can’t,” she panted. “I’m going to…oh….”

  Suddenly, he reached down and pressed his thumb to her clit. Everything inside her snapped, and her whole body quaked with her climax. She bowed her back and screamed his name as the white-hot pleasure raced through her body. He dug his fingers into her hips and anchored her to him as he shouted his own release.

  A simultaneous orgasm. She’d never been on the same wavelength a Greg to achieve that. She’d never been on the same wavelength as anyone like that. She couldn’t hold on to that thought for long. As she collapsed on top of him, exhaustion and satiation gripped her in their arms. Drifting off to sleep, she felt Joshua’s fingers stroke her back. “Mine,” he whispered. She was asleep before she could even consider the implications of the single word.


  She woke to the sounds of his steady breathing. The soft sheets slid over her body as he moved and swung an arm over her. She froze in shock and waited, but he didn’t wake up. Her memories from last night’s event slammed into her head, and she cringed. She hadn’t just slept with her boss. She’s slept with the owner. She’d slept with a multi-billionaire. And half the time, she couldn’t even pay her rent on time.


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