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Luring the Biker (The Biker) Book 7

Page 18

by Cassie Alexandra

  I felt so bad for the child. She looked terrified. “Honey, don’t worry. You and I will be fine. Okay?”

  She didn’t reply.

  “Your dad knows where he is and won’t let him get to us.”

  Ruby frowned. “But, what if he’s wrong?”

  “Wrong? What do you mean?”

  “What if the man isn’t where he’s supposed to be?”

  I suddenly remembered Dom had said that Ruby had psychic gifts, too. Thinking about what she was saying sent chills up and down my spine.

  Dom said we were safe, I reminded myself. And she was just a child. It was natural for her to be frightened in a situation like this.

  “Ruby,” I said, looking her in the eyes. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you, okay? In fact, if we see anything suspicious, we’ll drive away. Okay?”

  She nodded.

  Releasing a breath, I shut the door and went around to the driver’s side. As I was about to open the vehicle, I saw a reflection in the glass. I gasped in horror.

  “Surprise,” said Blade, shoving a gun into my back. “I’m… back.”

  Chapter 51


  “He left,” repeated Phoenix.

  “What do you mean left? When?” I asked.

  “I just got the call. Blade took off in the van.”

  My heart skipped a beat. I tried calling Peyton back but her phone must have been completely dead. I left her a message: “Blade is on the move. We don’t know where he’s going. I’m going to meet you at your place, just in case,” I said and then hung up.

  “Do you think he’ll go after her again?” asked Tank, frowning.

  The fact that I couldn’t get ahold of her, my rage toward Blade clouded my mind. But I wasn’t going to take any chances. If anything happened to her or Ruby, I’d never forgive myself.

  “I don’t know. He might,” I said, heading toward the door. “I’ve got to make sure she’s okay.”

  “I’ll come with you,” said Jordan.

  I nodded. “Thanks, brother.”

  “Call us if you need anything,” said Tank as we headed out of the room.

  “Will do,” I replied.

  We walked into the tattoo parlor where Devon was sweeping up.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, noticing my expression.

  There wasn’t anyone in the studio, but I didn’t have time to explain what was happening. “Long story. You’re going to need to ask Phoenix,” I said, walking past her.

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “Was that the woman who was kidnapped a few months back?” Jordan asked.

  “Yeah. Along with Phoenix’s Old Lady. Same guys are involved.”


  We got on our motorcycles.

  “Maybe we should split up?” suggested Jordan, slipping his helmet on. “In case he heads to your place.”

  I frowned. “Why would he head to my place?”

  “Think about it—your girlfriend was attacked. Where is the one place she’d feel safe?”

  He had a point.

  “Let me give you my address,” I said.

  He put his sunglasses on. “I already have it.”

  I gave him a curious look. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “Just in case.”

  “In case of what?”

  He smirked. “In case of anything. I have everyone’s address. Not just yours. So, don’t be offended.”

  It suddenly came to me—he was the notorious Judge. Finding people was what he did. Even if he no longer disposed of them, he still liked to be ahead of the game. And knowing what he was stepping into was probably a priority for him.

  “I’m not offended.” I smiled. “Judge.”

  He didn’t reply. If there was one thing he wasn’t, it was a fool. He knew I had psychic gifts, and to deny who he was would have been fruitless.

  “You have my number?” asked Jordan, backing his bike out.


  “I didn’t think so.” He took out his phone and the next thing I knew, mine was ringing. “Just, do me a favor—don’t list me in your contacts as the Judge.”

  “I won’t. Don’t worry, brother. Your secret is safe with me.”

  “I appreciate your discretion. That life is behind me.”

  “You can never leave everything behind you,” I replied. “You can only hope that it doesn’t come back to haunt you. Especially, the regrets.”

  “I have no regrets,” he replied, looking ahead.

  “You’re a much better man than me then,” I replied.

  He was about to say something, but changed his mind. I was sure he had some regrets buried away. We all had crosses to bear, and he was no exception.

  We parted ways; I headed toward Peyton’s, while the Judge took off toward my apartment.

  Chapter 52


  “Please, just let her go,” I begged. Ruby’s cries in the backseat were breaking my heart. She was frightened beyond belief. I’d promised to protect her. We hadn’t even made it out of the parking lot and I’d already failed. Now Blade was driving Dom’s truck and we were at his mercy.

  “Shut up, bitch. You cost me ten-grand. I don’t want to hear anything coming out of your mouth.”

  “Ten-grand?” I repeated. “So, this is about money?”

  “It was until you fucked everything for me. Now I’m going to kill the both of you and dump your bodies into the Mississippi,” he replied, smiling coldly.

  Ruby cried harder.

  I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was enjoying this. The man got off on terror.

  “If it’s money you want… I can get you some,” I said in desperation.

  “Really? How much?” he asked, turning onto the freeway. He winced every time he had to raise his arm, so I knew he was still in a lot of pain.

  “Twenty-grand,” I lied, my mind racing on ways to get us out of this situation. Unfortunately, I didn’t know where we were headed and he’d duct-taped my wrists together.

  He snorted. “Oh, yeah? How are you going to get me twenty-grand?”

  Ruby suddenly stopped crying. “At her house,” she said in an oddly calm voice.

  “What was that?” he said, looking back at Ruby through the rearview mirror.

  “I have money at my house. In the safe,” I lied, wondering why she’d said that. “I also have Percocet. It’s almost a year old, but it will help with the pain.”

  “You’re not fucking with me, are you?” he said, looking at me. “Because, if we get there and there’s no money or Percocet, I’m going to cut out both of your tongues and shove them down your throats.”

  I swallowed. “It’s the truth. Just take us there and you’ll see.”

  “Yeah. I will see. Let’s just hope, for your sake, that you’re not messing with me,” he said, getting off on the next exit, so he could head north.

  I didn’t know what I was going to do when we arrived at my house, but something told me that I’d bought us more time.

  Chapter 53


  He was in a hell of a lot of pain, but the promise of drugs and money steered him forward. Blade wasn’t even sure if she had that kind of cash. Hell, the truth was, he didn’t even really believe she did. But, he needed something for the pain and couldn’t just pop into a drugstore with those two in the truck. As for the kid and the dog, he’d get rid of them the first chance he could.

  When they pulled up to Peyton’s house, he shut off the engine and pointed his gun at her. “We’re going inside. I swear to God, if you pull any funny business, I’m going to shoot the kid first. No questions asked, you feel me?”

  She nodded quickly.

  He took the keys out of the ignition and stared at Peyton. It was hard to concentrate with the pain and he knew he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. If he didn’t hate her so much, he’d have been impressed. It took a lot of courage to stab someone.

  “Stay where you are. I’m getting out fi
rst,” he demanded.

  “Okay,” Peyton replied.

  He opened the door, his gun still pointed at her. Sliding out of the vehicle, he turned and opened up the club cab door. Before he could do anything, the puppy jumped out of the vehicle and began running around outside.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “I hate dogs.”

  “Chilly!” hollered Ruby.

  “Get out of the truck,” he ordered, talking to Ruby as he kept an eye out for nosy neighbors.

  She climbed down and looked around the yard. “What about my dog?”

  “Fuck your dog,” Blade replied, not caring anymore. “Just shut up and do what I say.”

  Her lip began to tremble.

  Blade waved his gun at Peyton. “Your turn. Get out of the truck.”

  “I can’t open the door,” Peyton said, holding up her duct-taped wrists.

  Sighing, he accompanied the kid over to the other side of the truck and opened up the door. “Out,” he ordered Peyton.

  She scooted to the edge of her seat and hopped down.

  “Let’s go,” Blade said, slamming the door shut. “Show me some money.”

  Chapter 54


  I knew once he found out I didn’t have it, or the Percocet, I was dead. And as for Ruby, he would probably shoot her the moment we stepped into the house. The guy was heartless. Our best shot of getting out of this alive, was not going inside.

  I climbed up the steps and stopped abruptly. “Shit. I don’t have my key.”

  “There’s always the backyard.” Sighing in irritation, Blade grabbed my arm and pulled me backward, making me stumble.

  “Ouch. My ankle,” I lied, sucking in my breath. I reached down and rubbed the bottom of my leg, pretending that I’d hurt it badly. “Dammit.”

  “Quit being a fucking baby,” he said and glared at me. “At least you weren’t stabbed by some bitch, like I was.”

  Ignoring the comment, I looked up at him. “I don’t think I can walk on it.”

  Grumbling to himself, he leaned down, lowering the gun at the same time. “You probably sprained it. Let me have a look.”

  Straightening up, I kicked him in the face, as hard as I could. Blade screamed and blood rushed out of his nose as he fell backward.

  “Run, Ruby!” I hollered, scrambling to try and get Blade’s gun, which he’d dropped on his way down.

  The little girl didn’t even hesitate. She raced around the other side of the house and disappeared.

  Blade grabbed my arm. “You fucking cunt!” he growled, backhanding me so hard that I saw stars.

  The next thing I knew, he was on top of me, his face bloody and his eyes burning with anger and hatred. He punched me in the face with his good fist.

  I cried out in pain.

  “Hurts, don’t it?” he spat, raising his hand to do it again.

  My ears rang and my jaw was on fire, but I knew that he was still hurting a lot more than I was. Before he could punch me again, I dug my nails into his shoulder where I’d stabbed him earlier.

  Screaming in agony, he tried pulling my fingers away and that’s when I bit the side of his hand.

  Howling, he raised the gun to my temple and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter 55


  I found Ruby running across Peyton’s lawn as I approached on my Hog. I shut down the bike and ran to her.

  “Daddy!” she cried, throwing herself at me.

  “Where’s Peyton?” I asked, holding her tightly. I was so relieved to see her that I also had tears in my eyes.

  “The bad man has her.”

  Her words made my blood run cold. “Stay here,” I said, releasing her.

  I ran up to the house and around to the driveway just as Blade held the gun up to Peyton’s temple and pulled the trigger. Miraculously, there was only a click. Either he was out of bullets or the gun had somehow jammed.

  I ripped it out of Blade’s hand and dragged him away by the neck, ready to pummel the guy.

  “Where’s Ruby?” asked Peyton, standing up.

  “By my bike,” I said, putting Blade in a choke-hold.

  She ran off.

  Wanting to do much more than just strangle the asshole, I released him and stood up.

  “Get up!” I demanded, picking up his gun. I stuck it into the back of my jeans. “Come on, tough guy. Get your ass off the ground.”

  Blade looked up at me from the grass. He looked exhausted and pale.

  “I said, get up!” I growled. “Let’s see how you do against someone more formidable. Like the guy you set up to take a bunch of falls for.”

  He grunted and raised his hand in the air in defeat. “Fuck it. Just call the cops. I’m done. I’m in no shape to fight you.”

  I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up to his feet. “You’re not going to screw me out of kicking your ass,” I said backing away from the imposter. Everyone was right; he did look somewhat like me. But, for anyone to mistaken us as twins was pathetic.

  “It wouldn’t be a fair match,” he said, wiping his bloodied nose with the back of his hand. “Not without a weapon. I’m hurt.”

  “You want a weapon?” I said, reaching into my jeans. I pulled out a pocket knife and threw it at his feet. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  Grunting, he reached down and picked up the knife. “I’m still not going to fight you.”

  I was about to haul off and punch him anyway, but that’s when Chilly showed up. She started rushing toward me, but ended up getting too close to Blade.

  “Chilly,” I hollered.

  Blade snatched her up into his arms. “This your dog?” he asked, a cruel light in his eyes.

  “Put her down,” I warned, curling my hands into fists.

  Blade began backing toward my truck, the knife dangerously near my dog.

  “I’ll put her down if you let me take off,” he said.

  I took a step toward him.

  “I’ll kill him,” he threatened. “Your daughter will never forgive you.”

  “It’s a ‘her’,” I snarled.

  He grinned. “Even better. I hate bitches. Especially yours. All three of them.”

  I stared at him angrily. “Put that dog down and fight like a man.”

  Sirens began to sound in the distance.

  “I think I’m going to have to take a raincheck, pal,” he said, standing next to the driver’s side door. “Our time is apparently up.”

  I growled in the back of my throat.

  Blade threw down the dog and tried getting into the truck, but he wasn’t quick enough.

  I grabbed him by the throat. “Your time is what’s up. Pal,” I replied, grabbing the knife. Stepping backward, I dragged it across his jugular and then pushed him away.

  Chapter 56


  Still stunned that I hadn’t been shot, I left the two men and raced around the house to find Ruby. I saw her standing by Dom’s Hog, looking frightened. I hurried over to the child and took her in my arms.

  “Where’s my daddy?” she asked, crying.

  It warmed my heart that she was already referring to him like that.

  “He’ll be fine,” I said, closing my eyes as I hugged her against me.

  “What in the hell is going on out there?”

  I turned around and found Neighbor Rick walking toward us with his shotgun again.

  “A man tried killing us,” said Ruby, before I could say anything.

  “Good thing I called the police,” he replied. “They should be here any minute. Where is this guy?”

  “On the other side of the house,” I said, nodding across my yard. We could only see the back of Dom’s pickup.

  “My daddy is taking care of him,” said Ruby.

  “He is, huh? You think he needs help?” Rick asked.

  “I don’t think so,” I replied.

  He frowned. “Why don’t you two come with me,” said Rick, motioning toward his house. “You’ll be safe there until the c
ops show up. You sure he doesn’t need any help?”

  Before I could answer, sirens sounded in the distance.

  “Good. Whether he needs it or not, help is on the way,” said Rick.

  I didn’t know what to do. Dom was probably beating the hell out of Blade, which he deserved. Maybe even killing him. I didn’t want Dom going to jail, though.

  “I’ll be right back. Watch her,” I said to Rick.

  “Wait!” he called as I ran back toward Dom and Blade.

  Ignoring Rick, I rounded the house and found Dom pacing and Blade lying on the ground, his throat cut. It was obvious he was dead.

  “Help me get him into the back of the truck,” said Dom, when he saw me.

  “No. There’s not enough time to hide his body,” I said, frightened. The sirens were only a couple of blocks away, if even that.

  “The cops will arrest me,” he said with a frantic look.

  “No, they won’t,” said Rick.

  We both turned to find my neighbor walking toward us, a determined look on his face. “Get out of here. I’ll take care of it.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

  Rick raised the gun and shot Blade in the neck.

  I gasped.

  Lowering the weapon, Rick glanced at me. “He was about to stab you with the knife. I stopped him,” said Rick in a grave tone.

  I nodded, grateful that he was helping us out.

  He looked over at Dom. “Now, you get out of here and go to your little girl. She needs you.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Dom said, his voice filled with emotion.

  Rick nodded.

  Glancing at me again, Dom turned and ran to find Ruby.

  “Our daughter was kidnapped, tortured, and killed when she was away at college,” Rick explained, looking down at Blade’s dead body.

  “I’m so sorry,” I replied softly.

  His lips tightened. “They caught the bastard and he went to jail. He’s still there. From what I hear, not even sorry for the crimes he committed.”


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