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Page 9

by S Raven Storm

  “Met him on the way,” Scotty said, motioning Luke forward. When the two omegas drew near, Scotty reached out his hand, when the omega took it, Scotty pulled him closer, snapping his neck. Before the other man could sound the alarm, Luke put him in a choke hold until his body went limp.

  “Stay here,” Scotty said, before walking down the side of the hill, it only took a minute, before he returned and said, “Let's move out.”

  The Blackstone pack was ready to tear the town apart for their alpha. Tatum didn’t want unnecessary bloodshed, he knew these were Bristol’s people. And made it clear that only those who tried to stop them or were loyal to Rex, would meet the Blackstone justice. Bristol baby, stay strong, I’m coming.

  Tatum’s legs went weak when he heard, I will, just hurry.

  She’s here, He shouted, she said we need to hurry.

  We can’t just rush in Tatum let’s plan this out, Luke stated, before calling one of the zetas up.

  When Gamma Rhone saw Rex strutting around like a peacock, he cut him off, stopping him from going towards the small wooden shed. He had enough insight and spies to know what Rex was up to. And if it was the last act he performed, he was going to free Bristol.

  “Do you know what you’ve done, son?”

  “I’m not your son, I’m your alpha. You’d do good to remember that, old man.”

  “As alpha it’s your job to protect the pack, instead you’ve brought hell fire down upon us,” Gamma Rhone broadcast for all to hear.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rex growled, as he tried to walk around Gamma Rhone.

  “Everyone knows you’ve kidnapped Bristol from the Blackstone alpha. What do you think he’s going to do about it?”

  “I don’t give a shit about that pompous ass. She’s mine, he took her from me!” he yelled as he kicked at the dirt.

  “She was never yours, and that pompous ass, as you call him, has an army, not to mention strong alliances. We are no match for his pack. We are sitting ducks ready to be slaughtered.”

  Rex, slapped the gamma’s face drawing growls and hisses from onlookers. He shouted to Gamma Rhone and his audience, “Then run and hide. I’m not afraid! Plus, by the time he finds out what’s happened to his bitch, she’ll be mine. I will use her until she has my pups,” Adding an evil, wicked cackle.

  Gamma Rhone decided to ignore the physical and verbal disrespect he’d received and said, “So you think it’s going to be some time before the Blackstone pack finds out where Bristol is?”

  “Yes, maybe a day or two after they finish chasing their own tails.”

  “Do you know the name of the alpha leader of Blackstone?”

  “No, should I?” he asked as he crossed his arms, waiting for the Gamma to enlighten him.

  “If you’d spent your time learning the things an alpha needed to know, you’d have the answer to the question. His name is Tatum the tracker. That is what most call him, his other name is Tatum the tall. You see, not only can he track anyone or anything, anywhere, he stands taller than every wolf in this region. Some say he is a descendent of the dire wolves.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me?”

  “I was hoping to shed some light on a dark situation. But if you insist on going down this path, all I ask is that you let me speak to Bristol first.”

  “Sure, I want you to tell her you approve of our union and advise her if she doesn’t cooperate, her little friend in there will meet the same fate her mother did.”

  “I will tell her what she needs to know, of that you can be sure.”

  When the light from outside filtered in the room, Bristol and Kaylyn turned their heads. Bristol called out, “Please leave it open so we can get some fresh air and a little light.”

  Walking into the small weather beaten shed, Gamma Rhone shook his head. “I’m so sorry you’re being treated so unkindly.”

  “Gamma, how did you find us? We…” Kaylyn shouted, then stopped.

  “Do I know you, my child?” He asked, wiping his glasses on his calico shirt.

  “You look like my gamma,” she whispered, as tears gathered for the first time in her eyes. She knew Tatum and the pack were close by for Bristol told her so, but she wanted out of the filthy room, she wanted to go home, now.

  “You look a lot like your brother, who is gamma of the Blackstone pack.”

  “My brother? You said my brother?”

  “Yes, Gamma Tate. He is a lot like you in more ways than one.”

  “My brother is alive and he’s the gamma of Blackstone? Well I’ll be damned. I came to give you good news and here you are giving me the best new of my life,” he stated, as he brushed a tear away.

  “What news do you have for me?” Bristol asked, happy to see a friendly face and hoping he was going to tell her he’d seen Tatum.

  “I must whisper this, for this camp has many ears,” he said, before bending his head to her ear. “You mother is alive and well.”

  “My mother!” shouted Bristol.

  “Hush girl before you get us all killed. Yes, she was inches away from death's door, when I convinced Rex to let me bury her properly and without fanfare like he wanted. Instead I took her to a healer I know and she’s nursed her back to health.”

  Bristol began to cry; her tears were one of joy and sadness. Before she could find out more, Rex without any decorum yelled, “Did he tell you, bitch, that you will be mine, with the blessings of the pack’s gamma, making it legal and righteous?” He was with another man Bristol had seen around the village, another nobody, wanting to be somebody. She assumed he must be Rex’s so-called beta.

  “Rex, I’m so sorry...”

  When he began to smile she finished with, “Sorry I didn’t kill your pathetic ass when I had the chance. At least with me killing you it would’ve been kinder, quicker and so much better for you, than what is to come.” She smiled, but Bristol’s eyes were as cold as ice.

  “You think your ridiculous comments will stop me from having you, Bristol. Your threats of killing me shows me that your alpha dog taught you nothing.”

  “You call it ridiculous, but my killing you would’ve been a lot swifter and more merciful than anything Tatum is going to do to you, that I promise you,” Bristol said, as she held on to her untied rope. She was ready to strangle Rex with the rough, thick piece of hemp, but knew right now was not the time.

  “You think I’m afraid of the great Tatum. Yeah, Gamma Rhone told me all about him. I’ll spit in his face once I kill him or maybe I’ll wait and make him watch me fuck you until you scream my name.” Rex laughed.

  “No, you’re not afraid, you’re too stupid to be afraid. This is one time your trickery and games will not help you. He’s going to rip you to shreds and toss you around like the useless little omega you really are.” She laughed before he slapped her face, causing the chair to rock back and forth on its weak legs.

  “What a big and powerful alpha you are, slapping a woman, tied to a chair!” shouted Kaylyn. She’d been so busy concentrating on Rex, she forgot the other man in the room until he hit her.

  “You like this spitfire?” he asked his beta, who nodded his head and rubbed his obvious erection.

  “I don’t think this is necessary,” Gamma Rhone said trying to defuse the situation.

  “Come with me gamma, and stop meddling in other people's’ business” he stated as he pushed the gamma out the door. With the door still open Rex turned and said, “I’ll kill you if you touch my bitch.”

  Kaylyn could taste the blood gathering in her mouth and spit it out onto the man's boots, which gained her another slap across the face.

  The moment the Blackstone pack entered Rolling Hill’s camp, the people ran and closed their doors. Some ran inside and watched from their windows, or sat on the porch. Some of the men bowed down to the pack. The Blackstone pack were huge, rough looking beast and too many for the small pack to handle. Tatum called to Scotty, You know this place, find them, find Bristol. Bristol, I’m here,
can you tell Scotty where you are?

  No, but it’s a small barn or shack. Tell Scotty, the idiot left the door open, but hurry Kaylyn’s in trouble.

  Tatum relayed the message and Scotty took off running, he passed all the closed doors and large buildings. Scotty saw Gamma Rhone standing on the side of a small shed. He didn’t want to shift back to his human form, so using his instinct he ran towards the building.

  Gamma Rhone, closed his eyes knowing this would most likely be his last day on earth, when he saw the gray wolf running toward him at break neck speed. However, his preparation was unwarranted. Gamma Rhone felt a breeze pass him, then the sound of a loud crash that shook the wall he was leaning against. He decided now would be the best time for him to leave and do what needed to be done on his end.

  The first thing Scotty saw when he approached the entrance of the shed was a man slapping the face of his beloved Kaylyn, then ripping her shirt open, exposing her creamy breast. He saw Bristol shift, but it was too late, for he’d slammed the man across the room against the wall. His brute force knocked the air from the man’s lungs, but he wasn’t finished as his eyes glowed and his hackles stood on edge. Scotty gripped the man's throat until he heard bones splintering under his creature’s strength. Scotty shifted into his human form, untying Kaylyn. He gathered her in his arms, holding her tightly, then passionately kissing her supple lips.

  “I will never let you go, never,” he whispered.

  “I’m going to hold you to that promise,” as she drew his head to hers and kissed him soundly.

  Bristol was happy to see the two of them finally give in to their feelings, but she had a man of her own to get to. She took off in search of Tatum. She wanted to be there when he passed judgement against Rex.

  Tatum noticed a group of twenty wolves gathered to do battle for their pack and leader, Rex. The numbers were laughable, especially against his pack. Even if it was five times the number, his pack would bury them all. They were ruthless and loyal to him, and now to Bristol.

  Cyrus and Buster, Tatum’s Eta and Epsilon, walking ahead of the pack, shifted into their human form. They stood in wait to see who would turn first. Instead a tall, wiry men walked ahead of the pack.

  “I’m Rex, alpha of Rolling Hill. I guess you’re Tatum! Well, I suggest you take your happy ass back home, Tatum. I know you came for Bristol, but she’s mine. She was mine long before you met her.”

  “I’m Buster, the epsilon of the Blackstone pack. There is no need for bloodshed here today. All we want is our she-wolf, our alpha, Bristol, back. There is no need for your people or your camp to be affected by this. We see you’re small and simply wish to have back what was taken.”

  “I’m not giving you shit! What, your alpha is too afraid to face me, so he sent you?”

  “No, he abides by the protocol of an alpha, by sending his epsilons and etas first.”

  “Protocol, who cares about protocol!” shouted Rex

  Kill his supporters, but leave him. Half to the right and half to the left. One wolf a piece should do, ordered Cyrus.

  Before Rex could utter another word, dust was flying and the cries and howls of the wounded permeated the air. It was over so quickly, he didn’t have a chance to assist any of his pack. The Blackstone pack slowly walked back to their original position, as Rex struggled to see through the thick dust that swirled around him. When it settled, he stood in disbelief for the carnage was terrible. His pack laid scattered in the dirt. To his surprise and regret, not one of his pack survived the melee.

  Rex, inhaling deeply, finding it hard to breathe. He took three steps back as the colossal wolf approached him. His hunches automatically bent in surrender as he exposed his neck as confirmation of his submission, slowly tilted his head upward to the colossal wolf before him. When the giant wolf shifted to his human form, Rex began to relax. He was tall and muscular, but still in human form which made him vulnerable. That thought alone gave him strength.

  Tatum could smell Rex’s testosterone increasing and wondered if he was devising some delusional plan. Tatum took his time approaching Rex, as he waved his hand to some of the men standing around observing what was taking place, a couple gathered a little closer as if debating on whether they wanted to join Rex or stay neutral.

  Tatum stopped directly before Rex, stood with his legs apart and his chest out and in a booming voice that almost made Rex piss on himself, Tatum said, “You trespass on my lands, kidnap my mate and think there will be no repercussions, no consequences? Well, let me help you with this. The only reason I didn’t bring my entire pact to this pitiful little village is because I know Bristol has fond memories and an emotional tie to this inessential place, and I respect the love of my mate and her love for Rolling Hill...”

  Before he could finish Rex interrupted, “Isn’t that sweet? I guess I should thank you.”

  “No need, because you… you, mangy dog will die today. I just wish it was something in me to make you live to regret your foolish actions, but there isn’t,” he announced, without compassion, as he turned to the trivial crowd. “If any of you wish to join your so-called alpha, you do so with the understanding, you too will meet the same fate. But I think you have enough love for Bristol and respect for the memories of her parents to stand against this vile creature.”

  The crowd moved back, denouncing all allegiance with Rex, “Looks like you stand alone.” It was at that moment Bristol walking gracefully through the crowd, nodded her head in agreement to Tatum as she continued to walk toward him. Tatum, shifting into his wolf, rubbed his head against Bristol’s neck when she joined him, standing side by side.

  Rex was angry, his eyes burned with disgust as Bristol and Tatum showed their affection for one another.

  “I challenge you today for your lands and Bristol,” he sneered, then swiftly shifted to his wolf form, letting Tatum know he wasn’t backing down. Sure, he was caught off guard at first, but he wanted Bristol. She could solidify his position with the pack and he wanted her because she didn’t want him, and for that, he will make her pay.

  The moment he shifted, he began to circle Tatum, he tried to back him up, but Tatum stood his ground. Rex lunged at Tatum’s hind legs and received a kick in the face for it. When Rex stood on his hind legs attempting to grab Tatum’s throat, Tatum nipped him on the side of his face. When he tried again, Tatum grabbed him by the nape, slamming him to the ground and with his mighty claws he tore through Rex’s underbelly, from chest to balls. The cut so deep you could see his intestines. Bristol approached the injured Rex and without a word, she looked him in the eyes, then ripped his guts out, flinging them across the yard.

  Tatum, shifting back to human form, decided to speak to the people of Rolling Hill. “I’ve defeated your alpha, but I have no need to rule over you. My mate, Bristol, was once part of the strong and wise house of alpha Midas. I respect that. So, I need to know if your loyalty is with this slime. If so you have the option to leave, but if you are ready for a new pack alpha, one who is kind, smart and able to make this village a place to be proud of, let me know now.”

  Shouts rang out amongst the people.

  Luke and Bristol stood by his side, all now in their human form, “Where is Scotty?” Tatum asked. Then with their pack link he said, Scotty I need you front and center, now.

  On my way, he replied, looking down at Kaylyn, he said, “We need to go.” He wanted more than her sweet kisses and he knew she would give it to him. If Tatum hadn’t summoned, he might have put his theory to the test. When Scotty reached the crowd, he saw the destruction that had taken place in his absence and wished he’d been able to witness the death of Rex. He’d been holding Kaylyn’s hand and released it, watching her take her place next to Bristol.

  “Scotty, Luke is correct in his assumptions about you. You are too valuable to me to be anything less than a leader. I won the position of alpha of Rolling Hill, and it is mine to do with as I please. I know before Rex’s trickery, you held the station of beta. However,
I deem it necessary that you remain here at Rolling Hill as their new alpha and continue your allegiance to me and Blackstone,” Tatum announced, letting his voice resonate through the crowd, so they could understand clearly his plan for the Rolling Hill pack.

  The crowd clapped and shouted in glee. Some even shook his hand and patted him on the back. Scotty was in shock. He looked to Luke, who in a short space of time, became more like a father than a friend. Luke nodded his head in agreement. Bristol, in true form almost knocked him over.

  “I’m proud of you. I’m going to miss your ugly mug, but I think this is a perfect ending to an awful day,” she cried.

  Scotty looked over at Kaylyn, their eyes locked. Scotty held his hand out to her. When she reached him, he kissed her lips then whispered in her ear, “I want you as my she-wolf. Let's wave the banner and have a double ceremony.”

  Kaylyn looking up into Scotty’s sexy gold eyes said with joy and happiness, “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Everyone began to laugh as they all gathered around congratulating the couple. No one noticed the couple approaching until a hush fell over the crowd. Bristol, turning her head in the direction in which the crowd was looking, placed one hand over her heart and the other on Tatum’s arm as her knees began to buckle. Bristol couldn’t believe her eyes. The woman walking with Gamma Rhone, used a cane for support as she dragged her left leg behind her. The right side of her face was slightly disfigured, she appeared small and aging, but it was no denying that the woman was her mother. Tears of joy streamed down Bristol’s face. She tried to let the air circulate to her lungs, for it was as if she’d stopped breathing.

  Finally, she ran to her mother, crying as if she was the little five-year-old that scraped her knee and needed her mother to kiss it and make it feel better. “Mother!” she cried unable to find any other words, she repeated it as if it were a chant. “Mother.” The two held each other, not willing to be separated again.

  Leona’s voice was weak, but she managed to say, “I love you my child. I prayed daily that you would find happiness and never look back.”


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