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Skull Kings MC: the collection

Page 10

by Sage L. Morgan

  Or not.

  Thanks for visiting beautiful Canyon City! proclaimed a sign.

  I could just keep driving until my tank ran out of gas, start a different life in whatever town I happened to be in at the time. No more motorcycle clubs with complicated codes of behavior, no more sexy, flirtatious sheriff’s deputies, no more predatory bosses.

  My foot pressed into the pedal, almost on its own accord. My engine gave a roar, and my car lunged forward. The town was just a speckle of lights, now. In a few moments, I’d be too far away to even be able to see it. The farther along I drove, the faster my heart buzzed in a shrill sort of exhilaration, not unlike the feeling I got holding Josh’s hand in my living room.

  And then, I saw it.

  A dot shimmering on the road, too large to be an animal and too small to be car. It approached me with frightening speed, level with my car for only a brief second before rushing past, but that one second had been enough. I recognized the driver, but it wasn’t Liam. Noah’s bearded frown was immediately recognizable beneath his goggles. Shayna rode behind him, arms wrapped around her man’s thick waist, dark hair whipping like a flag in the wind.

  They rode past me without seeing me, pointing their trajectory back into town like a compass. Canyon City was a mess, and here they were driving back into the thick of it, intent on fixing things up. And here I was, running away.

  I braked and reversed.

  I waited at home, elbow-deep in bleach as I cleaned the kitchen for something to do. I’d called Shayna, who told me that the guys were in church and probably wouldn’t emerge for hours. Cell phones weren’t allowed, so I left Liam a text, hoping he’d see it when he turned his back on.

  It had taken me a little over half an hour to think of the right thing to say. I’d assumed he knew that Josh had been over, but I didn’t know that for sure. I’d assumed that he was angry at me, and although it was probable, I also didn’t know that for sure. Eventually, I was able to condense all of my fears, anxieties, and apprehension into one simple phrase.

  Can we talk?

  An engine growled outside my door. My heart gave a leap, and I hurried to the window. It was only a tow truck.

  I sighed.

  * * *


  There was a hand on my shoulder shaking me awake. I lifted my cheek off of my fist and opened my eyes. “Huh?”

  Liam’s face hovered in front of mine, bent with concern. “Babe, did you fall asleep out here?”

  I sat upright. My muscles were tight and sore. I’d fallen asleep on the couch, my body bent into a comma over the armrest. “What time is it?”

  “It’s about eleven p.m. I brought you some dinner in case you were hungry.” Liam lifted a grease-stained paper bag. It smelled like barbacoa and fresh tortillas from the carniceria.

  We got plates out of the cupboard and set them up on the coffee table. I tried to catch Liam’s eyes as he poured some iced tea into two tall glasses, but he kept angling his face away from me. I wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or not.

  “What did Noah have to say?” I finally asked.

  Liam sat down in front of his plate, staring at his food but not eating. “Remember when I told you the sheriff’s office thought the Skull Kings were dealing drugs in town?”


  “Well, so did the Feds.”

  I dropped my fork. “What?’

  Liam sighed. “It was around the same time that Logan started petitioning to join the MC. It’s kind of obvious, now that I think about it. But back then, he seemed like just another snot-nosed prospect.”

  My stomach rolled into a hard, nervous knot. “What exactly are you telling me, Liam?”

  His shoulders dropped, and he raised his hand to his forehead. “Logan is an undercover FBI agent. He got assigned to the Skull Kings because that’s where the U.S. government thought the drugs were coming from. He was already initiated by the time he realized the truth, so it was too late to join the Scorpions. He’s been playing double agent against them, pretending to be their rat while he built his case.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  We sat together in silence. Then, a strange realization needled into my thoughts. My mouth went dry instantly. I licked my lips. “Josh Hamilton knew,” I said softly.

  Liam raised his eyebrows. “Of course he did. The sheriff’s office and the FBI are working together.”

  I gripped my steak knife tight, my hand shaking. I could feel heat flooding up my neck and into my face.

  “Aspen, are you okay?” Liam rose from his chair and reached for my arm.

  I shook my head. “I was so stupid,” I muttered. “He knew the whole time. He was just using me.”

  Liam’s groping hand stopped in mid-air and fell to his side. He drew in a long, ragged breath. “Aspen. What are you talking about?” His voice was steady but edged with fear.

  “It’s not what you think,” I said quickly. I explained how I’d met with Josh at the R&R, how he’d played dumb and let me believe that Logan was a traitor, even encouraging me to tell the club. “But why would he do that?” I asked, directing the question more to myself than to Liam.

  Liam sighed. “To get back at me.”

  I looked at him in shock. To my surprise, Liam’s face broke out into a grin, the first one I’d seen in days.

  “Remember when I told you we went to school together?” he asked. “Senior year of high school was when I started getting invited to Skull Kings hangouts. I also started dating this girl at the time, Charlotte. Of course, Hamilton was studying for the police academy, and he became obsessed with law enforcement and all that shit. He took it upon himself to warn every girl in town to stay away from me, because I was a gang-banger or something.”

  I shook my head. “Wow. So what happened to Charlotte?”

  “Charlotte was actually pretty cool. He tried to wedge himself between us, but she knew Hammie was nothing but a scumbag. She lured him into an empty lot, and we jumped him.”

  My jaw fell open. “Did you really?”

  The grin faded from Liam’s face. “At least he learned his lesson early. The Skull Kings are tough but fair. We don’t mess with anybody unless they mess with us first.”

  “Well, it seems that history has a way of repeating itself.” I had to explain myself at Liam’s confused expression. “I invited him over after I came to stop you guys at the clubhouse.”

  “I know,” Liam answered, confirming my suspicions.

  I raised my eyebrows. “Aren’t you mad, though? Are you going to...I don’t know, jump him again?”

  Liam snorted. “No.” He reached out and cupped my cheek in his broad, dry hand. “I know you, Aspen, and I know that you can handle whatever scheme Josh Hamilton tries to pull on you.”

  My eyes burned. I closed them gratefully. “It’s crazy. You trusted me to be alone with him when I didn’t even trust myself. I feel like a shitty girlfriend.”

  I sensed Liam shaking his head. “It’s what happened at the end that matters. What happened right before you chased him out of this place?”

  “I told him I loved you.”

  I opened my eyes. Liam’s hand was still on my cheek. It fell to my shoulder, and his fingers dug themselves under the collar of my shirt.

  “I love you, too,” he whispered.

  It was almost like the first time again when we kissed, butterflies and all. His lips scorched my skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into me. We could’ve been one single person as we moved together, making our slow way to the bedroom.

  He lifted me onto the bed. Our hands moved frantically as we undressed each other, the two of us dying and hungry to fall into each other’s bodies. Finally, he slid his hard cock into me, tight, wet, and aching. My lips found his in the dark. We kissed fiercely.

  “I love you, Aspen,” he said again.

  I lifted my hips up to meet his, thrust for thrust. I could feel a vein in his cock ticking
inside of me, his heartbeat in the space between my legs. There was something ethereal and beautiful about me holding him down there. He was inside of my body, alive and fragile.

  I grazed my teeth over his shoulders, dug my fingers into his back. Mine, a voice in my head whispered. Mine, all mine. I marked him with my lips, sucking his skin gently between my teeth. He groaned as he slid on top of me, pumping himself into me, cutting me open. The room grew thick with the smell of sex, our mingling sweat, our cries.

  Liam gave a few more quick thrusts before he froze. He jerked himself out. Veins traced up his thick, red neck as he came, spilling himself on my stomach. I watched my breasts heave, my belly fall up and down as I panted.

  “God, Aspen. What are you doing to me?” Liam said as he collapsed. His body fell onto the bed beside mine, shifting the mattress and the sheets. He threw an arm over his eyes and tilted his face to the side, hiding half of his face as he smiled.

  I balanced myself on my side. Liam’s sticky cum slid down my skin to stain the sheets, but I didn’t care. I let it pool there as I grazed my fingernails idly over Liam’s naked arm. His breaths grew steady and even as he fell asleep. Meanwhile, I continued to touch his arm, tracing the tattoos that had grown so familiar to me. I could probably draw them with my eyes closed at this point.

  I felt a heavy sense of belonging fall over me. I could see my future coming together before my eyes, each day comfortingly symmetrical, safe in its sameness. I imagined myself trapped under Liam’s body, every day in this very room. Liam was all mine, and he was the only man I ever had to worry about. The thought left me feeling full and satisfied.

  I arranged myself on my back and linked my elbow through Liam’s before closing my eyes. I fell asleep easily, feeling like I was home for the first time in a while.

  Oil dripped off of the burgers and into the grill. Sparks flew as the fatty drops ignited against the flames.

  “Shit!” Shayna cried, flapping her oven mitt against the smoke.

  I pried the spatula out of her hand. “I’ll take over,” I said.

  “Good girl,” Shayna said. She swatted my butt playfully as she floated away to oversee the hanging of a banner against the clubhouse garage. “Higher! On the left! No, the left!”

  I flipped burgers and ignored the guilt that soured the pit of my stomach. The sign had been Shayna’s idea. I didn’t have to look up to read what it said. The words were burned into my mind: Get Well Soon, Logan!

  His beating had landed him in the hospital. Obviously, he couldn’t rat out his fellow members. The story he gave was that he was jumped by some strange guys wearing leather jackets with red sleeves. Somehow, the confusion over his betrayal had led to everything tied up in a neat little bow, with the Scorpions in deep heat over Logan’s supposed assault. They were pointing fingers at each other, spilling beans about drug running, grand larceny, money laundering, anything to cut a deal with the D.A. And not surprisingly, the center of all the finger pointing was Ryan. I felt justifiably smug anytime I thought about him sitting in his holding cell, waiting for his day in court.

  Then, I thought of Logan, battered and broken in the emergency room. It was my fault for showing Liam that photo, for letting Josh manipulate me. He’d known what the club was going to do to Logan and thought it would scare me away. It only left me paralyzed with guilt.

  Shayna’s minivan pulled in, driven by Noah with Liam in the passenger seat. Logan remained hidden behind tinted glass in the back. I hastily retrieved a paper plate and slid a juicy burger patty onto some soft buns.

  “Thanks, babe. I’m starved,” Liam said as he crossed the lot.

  I jerked the plate out of his reach. “It’s not for you.” I turned my gaze onto Logan. He hobbled toward his welcome back barbeque on crutches, smiling carefully. One eye was still swollen shut.

  I hurried over to meet him. “Hungry? I made this special.”

  Logan examined the burger. “Medium rare, huh? My favorite.”

  I helped him settle into a picnic table. “I’m sorry,” I said immediately. “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have been sticking my nose into your business.”

  Logan shrugged and winced. He rubbed his shoulder, squeezing out the pain he apparently felt there. “You did what any good old lady would’ve done. I don’t blame you. This kind of stuff comes with the job.”

  I sat down beside him. “So what now? The Scorpions are pretty much dissolved. Your job’s finished.”

  Logan chewed thoughtfully on his burger. “The case isn’t over, yet. And outside the MC and the sheriff’s department, nobody knows I’m an undercover agent. I’ll probably stick around, ride it out. So long as nobody blows my cover or anything.” He winked.

  “I promise I won’t blow your cover,” I said.

  “We’ll see about that. In the meantime, you can make things right with me, starting with a nice cold beer.”

  “I’m on it.”

  I crossed paths with Liam on the way back from the keg. His face fell when he reached for the beer in my hand, only to watch me jerk it out of his reach again.

  “Let me guess. Logan?”


  Liam smiled with his lips closed. “Make sure he knows that at the end of the day, you’re my woman,” he said loudly for the whole yard to hear.

  Laughter floated through the air. Liam and I shared a smile. I managed to serve Logan his beer before he was swarmed by the other old ladies, and he was back in his old element, grinning wickedly from the middle of a den of women.

  I pulled Liam toward the keg. “Let your woman pull you a drink,” I said.

  Liam shook his head. “Not yet.” He turned his gaze to the sky, painted in evening shades of pink and orange. “I want to take us on a ride, first.”

  We promised everybody we’d be back within the hour. I straddled the seat behind Liam, touching my pelvis to the base of his back. The bike sputtered and roared as we turned away from the clubhouse.

  I squeezed myself into Liam’s back, letting the wild scent of his hair blow back into my nostrils. A couple months ago, I’d been lonely and single, perched precariously on the tail end of an abusive relationship. And now, here I was, wrapped in leather, smelling of tequila and smoke, happy as a clam.

  Liam’s Harley was as far from a noble steed as you could get, but he was the Prince Charming at the end of this strange fairy tale, riding me into the sunset.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for purchasing this story. If you have enjoyed it, or if you haven’t, please consider leaving a review! Your opinion helps keep the online marketplace fair and honest, and also helps me provide better writing for my readers to enjoy.

  This bundle contains the three separate stories included in my Skull Kings MC series. It has been a lot of fun to write, and I have more stories to tell! If you would like to stay updated on future releases, join my mailing list! Guaranteed confidential and spam-free. I will only use your email address to send you info about new releases, giveaways, writing tips, and more, and you can opt-out anytime. I love hearing from fans, and I send out a free story on major holiday, so what is there to lose?

  For other updates, you can follow me on my blog at or on twitter @SageLMorgan.




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