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Page 3

by Unknown

  He sat there too long, dreaming. He heard the vehicle leave. Rising from his chair, he made his way out of the Saddlery shop and across the yard to the main house. A package sat by the front door. ‘Must have been UPS,’ he thought. Good! He had been waiting on some custom silver belt buckles for a special order. Taking the six front steps in two leaps, he grabbed the package from the floor, opened the door, and let himself in.

  Laying the cardboard box on the coffee table, he grabbed a beer and headed back to the yard. The belt buckles would have to wait. One of these days, a cold front would head this way and he would want to put a fire in the fireplace, so wood needed to be split. He opened his mouth to call the dogs, but then remembered he had taken them to the vet for their annual check-up and shots.

  Today, it would just be him. Alone again. Going to the side of the house, he retrieved his axe. Chopping wood would go a long way to working off some of his sexual frustration. Maybe. Hell, it was worth a try. The wood was piled out front near the gate, a mix of red oak and hickory, as good for barbeque as it was for heat. He swigged the beer, and then set the bottle up on top of a fence post. Ky had employees who could have done this work for him, but he like to keep in shape and there was nothing better than real physical labor to put on layers of muscle—it beat the crap out of a gym, any day.

  It didn’t take long for him to find his rhythm and even a shorter time for him to get hot and decide to shed his shirt. As he worked, he reviewed his plans for the next few days. Tomorrow was his day to put time in at his animal shelter, Saturday was Angel Pantry day and not a woman in sight for the best date night of the week. Shit!

  * * * *

  Cooper drove slowly by the Landon place. Ah, sweet Lord! There he was. And the fact she had been a good girl was paying off in spades. The powers-that-be had seen fit to reward her by letting the sun beat down hot enough to cause Gorgeous to shed his shirt. She slowed to a crawl. Sometimes, he would stop working and watch her drive by. Today, he appeared too busy to notice. A movement at the side of the woodpile caught her eye. What in the world? Cooper was alarmed to see a huge snake crawling out of the stacked logs. The vibrations of the axe on the wood had obviously disturbed it. This couldn’t be good.

  Cooper pulled over and stopped. Trying to be as quite as possible, she opened the car door but did not shut it. The snake was right behind her neighbor and she was afraid to call out, for fear, any sudden movement on his part would cause the snake to strike. The rhythmic movement of the man and the axe had the snake, seemingly, hypnotized.

  She walked as silently as she could, until she was at the fence, right behind the snake. He was coiled and ready to strike. Cooper knew snakes, having grown up on in the deserts of southwest Texas. She quickly recognized that either the rattler had somehow lost his rattles in an accident, or someone had intentionally caught it and removed them for a hat decoration or whatever.

  It was now or never. Putting aside her normal reservations about being so close to a man, she decided his safety was more important than her own. Climbing slowly up on the fence, she spoke softly. “Don’t move, Mr. Landon. Don’t move a muscle.” The snake was huge! Coiled up, it was hard to judge, but it could easily top five feet.

  The beautifully muscled man slowed his movements, until he was still. “Is this a hold-up?” He asked the question softly, with a touch of humor in his voice.

  “No, but there is a major-sized rattlesnake right behind you, and it’s getting ready to strike.”

  Chapter Two

  Ky froze. He didn’t know which he was more concerned about, the idea of a dangerous reptile or the intriguing female voice that made him want to risk turning his head to look and see if the rest of her matched the incredible, husky, little voice.

  “Just listen to me. As you know, snakes can’t hear, but they can feel vibrations. I am going to jump off this fence. Hopefully, it will turn on me. When I scream ‘now’, you turn around and whack him with your axe. Please.” She did not hesitate—there wasn’t time.

  She jumped. The snake whirled around and immediately struck out at her. “Now!” She dodged backwards for all she was worth, slamming her body into a fencepost. The snake’s deadly fangs grazed her thigh, but from the look of things, distance and the thickness of her jeans saved her from a direct hit. Ky did his part and the snake’s head parted company with its body.

  Cooper tried to get up, but the post she had run into had obviously knocked the wind out of her.

  “Good Lord!” K. Landon looked from the snake to her. “Did he get you?” At her slight negative nod, he quickly picked her up. “Let’s get you in the house and make sure.”

  Cooper struggled. “No. No. I’m all right. I can walk, I’m too heavy for you to try and carry.”

  “I think I can bear up under your tremendous weight.” Ky looked down at his slight burden. He would have smiled at her consternation, if the situation hadn’t been so serious. Heavens! She was lovely. All he could think of were the words to one of his favorite Elvis songs, ‘Well hello, T-R-O-U-B-L-E.’ Thank God, for trouble.

  He looked down at her, expecting a smile, all he saw was a beautiful face flushed with embarrassment. She had gone completely still, as if trying to make carrying her easier for him. “Sweetheart, I was kidding. You’re light as a feather.”

  * * * *

  How did she get into situations like this? Cooper didn’t respond to the references about her size, she knew she was too heavy. Instead, she tried to persuade him that the trip was useless. “I don’t think it was more than a graze, if that. If you’ll put me down, I’ll just go back home and put some antibiotic cream on it.”

  It was weird; overriding the concern about his toting her was a feeling of rightness, of coming home. Maybe, the snake venom was finding its way into her bloodstream and messing up her thinking process. Even if it were, she would rather deal with the snakebite herself than have to deal with the confusing feelings that were flooding her heart. This was just too much. She was too much. Sneaking a glance at him, she had to admit that he didn’t appear to be straining under her weight. Still, Cooper was mortified to think that Ky was now privy to exactly how much she weighed.

  His nearness was playing havoc with her senses. And all that bare skin that she nestled against was stealing what breath she had left. She wasn’t afraid of him, but leeriness of a big man was hard-wired into her brain.

  "I want to see for myself." Ky’s tone brooked no argument. Bounding up the porch steps, he opened the front door and entered his living room. Cooper glanced around at the impressive overhead beams and the huge stone fireplace. She looked anywhere, rather than at the Greek God who was carrying her. He sat her on the couch and kneeling down, he began to undo her pants.

  "Please. I'll be fine." She could tell that he wasn't paying a bit of attention to her protests.

  “Ease your jeans down, honey and let’s see what that snake did to you.” Panic hit Cooper; she was not used to having a man’s hands on her body. Not unless he was hitting her, of course. Pushing at his hands, she wordlessly let him know she could handle it.

  Good Lord in heaven. It would have been better if the snake had just killed her. Taking her pants down in front of this man was worse than any snakebite could ever be. Here he was, more beautiful than any guy had a right to be. And here she was, with her big butt and her granny panties. "Hold on a second, let me get my clothes fixed just right." Closing her eyes in shame, she slipped the jeans down far enough the small wound on her thigh could be seen.

  * * * *

  Waiting for her to adjust her clothing to her satisfaction, he couldn't help but look at her. She made him smile. Yes, God did love him. The proof was right in front of him. Every feature, every attribute, every detail that would make a woman perfect for him were all combined in this delectable female Their eyes met, and she gave him a tiny, hesitant smile. He let his gaze roam over her, wishing it were his hands. Waist length dark hair hung in luscious curls and waves, his fingers itched to lo
se themselves within the thick tresses. Thick lashes fanned across perfect, high cheekbones framed warm chocolate brown eyes. Her face was sweet, and God, those lips! He got lost on the lips. Full, pink, pouty, kissable—Oh, Lord, he was getting hard.

  “Okay, you can look."

  Ky knelt by her, anxious to see what damage had been done. Damn! Just as he feared. “There are marks here, the fangs broke the skin.” Despite the seriousness of the situation, Ky couldn’t help but caress her smooth, warm flesh. “You might have gotten some venom in your blood stream. You will see a doctor.”

  He didn’t wait long enough for her to protest. Scooping her up, again, he strode out the door, across the yard, to the truck and gently sat her on the seat. Ky closed the passenger side door and grabbed his shirt, putting it on while returning to the driver’s side and crawling in. He grinned; she was still fussing. Ky could hear the words, but what he was concentrating on was her face. She was so cute. As she reiterated exactly why she was protesting the trip to the emergency room, she was attempting to fasten her seat belt–but she was getting nowhere. Ky had to bite his lip to keep from laughing out loud as she repeatedly poked the end of the belt at the receptor without ever hitting the hole. “Here, let me help you, doll,” he took it from her hand and clicked it into place.

  “Thank you,” she took a deep breath. Ky actually thought she was going to rest her case, but she got her second wind and took off again. He looked out the window and whistled a bit, trying to keep from laughing out loud. With her around, life would never be boring. And she may not realize it, yet–but, she was going to see the doctor whether she wanted to or not.

  * * * *

  “Really, this is completely unnecessary. I feel fine. Just let me off at my car, I can just go home and rest, I‘m sure I will be just peachy. ” Cooper finished buttoning her jeans, wincing at the pain. He wasn’t listening. Letting out a sigh, she decided to embarrass herself further, anything to bring him to a halt. “I don’t have any insurance and my budget is so tight, it creaks,” she finally confessed. It was obvious to her that she was concerned about their closeness, but only because she was embarrassed at his attention. Where was the fear? Where was the dread? God, she was enjoying herself. She was enjoying a snakebite. Pitiful!

  Ky reached over and placed his hand over hers. Sparks of awareness arced from his skin to hers, making her dizzy. Lord, please don’t let me pass out and miss any of this. Still, for her own sanity, she needed to put some distance between her and this sweet guy before she shamed herself any more.

  “You don’t need insurance. After saving me the way you did, don’t you know I will gladly pay any fee there might be?”

  Cooper could tell that he was sincere. “I can’t let you do this. But I appreciate the thought.” She really did.

  “You unselfishly put yourself in harm’s way to protect me. The least I can do is see to your injury. Now, sit back and try to relax. I’ll take care of you.” When she started to say something else, he looked at her sternly. “The discussion is over, love. Besides, you don’t look too good.” Cooper could feel a fine sheen of perspiration breaking out on her face, and her skin felt like it was on fire.

  “I know.” She knew she wasn’t pretty, but was now the time to talk about it? Her mouth was getting dry and she was feeling faint. She closed her eyes. Maybe, if she kept talking she wouldn’t pass out. “I’m just glad you weren’t hit. If you had turned around, that snake could have bit you right in your credentials.”

  * * * *

  If he had not been so worried about her, he would have chuckled. ‘Credentials’ had to be her way of referring to his manly business. This woman was adorable. As he held her hand, he glanced down, looking for a wedding ring. There was no sign of one. Great! “My name is Kyler Landon, by the way. Call me Ky.” He pronounced it Ki, with a long i. “Do you feel like telling me your name, sweetheart, and where you live? Is there anybody I should call?” They had left so fast, Ky hadn’t noticed the familiar car parked to one side.

  “I’m Cooper Lawson, your neighbor. I live in the little hunting cabin at the end of your dirt road. And there’s no one to call.” She was speaking slowly and her words were beginning to slur. “I think I’ll go to sleep now.”

  Oh, God; this is serious. “Don’t go to sleep on me, babe. Keep talking.” This is my neighbor! The driver of the cute little car! Hallelujah! “Cooper? That’s a different name.”

  “For a girl.” She smiled at him and his heart flipped over. “Old family name, my great grandpa on my mother’s side was called Cooper. He was hung for cattle rustling.”

  Ky would have laughed if he hadn‘t been so worried about her. “I like it. It’s different. When you are feeling better, I would like to buy you dinner. That’s my policy; it’s what I do for all of the beautiful women who save my life.” His eyes searched her face, memorizing every nuance. When he got off the dirt road and on to the blacktop, Ky floored the truck. She had to be okay. She had to be okay.

  “That’s sweet of you. But dinner won’t be necessary. And I’m not beautiful. You just said that I don’t look so good. Remember?” He would have argued with her about her looks, but she didn’t seem to be listening any longer. Her head dropped back on the headrest and Ky realized she was in more pain than she was letting on.


  He made the trip in record time, skidding into the driveway in front of the medical clinic. Flinging his door open, he raced to the other side, picked Cooper up, and held her close. Barely giving the automatic doors time to open, he barreled through. Hopefully, his buddy Drew was on call. “Drew!” He bellowed, oblivious to the stares of onlookers.

  From around the corner, a nurse headed toward him, followed closely by his college roommate, Dr. Drew Phillips. “What’s going on buddy?” What’s all the yelling about?”

  “Snake-bite. Rattler.” Ky looked down at her still, small body, and his heart pounded in his chest. “She saved me, Drew. This little thing took a bite that was meant for me.”

  “This way, Ky.” Dr. Philips led him to an examining room further in the clinic and pointed at a bed. The nurse followed closely with a clipboard. He knew it was her job, but it irritated him.

  “I’m paying the bill.” He spoke as if the nurse intended to shake Cooper down.

  Drew waved the nurse away. “We’ll get those papers filled out later, Lilly.”

  “Thanks, Drew." Ky laid Cooper on the bed, but he didn’t completely relinquish his hold on her, keeping a hand on her arm. It seemed imperative he maintain a connection with her. Another nurse came in and at the doctor’s directions, cut up the seam of Cooper’s jeans, revealing the red, swollen area where the snake’s fangs had sunk in.

  “It doesn’t look too bad. I’ve seen worse,” the doctor said quietly. He instructed the ER nurse on the amount of ante-venom needed.

  At the touch of the needle, Cooper’s eyes opened and widened in fear. “Ky?”

  “I’m right here, baby. I won’t leave you.” Ky knew his friend was watching him intently.

  “So that’s how it is.” Ky noted Drew’s cheeky grin. “Have you introduced her to your brother?”

  “Yea, that’s how it is. And no, I haven’t introduced her to my brother. We just met.” Ky confirmed the inside joke. “Drew Philips, this is Cooper Lawson, my next door neighbor and area snake wrangler.”

  Cooper shot him a look. “Hello, Doctor. And thank you. I told him my coming here wasn’t necessary.”

  “Actually, it was.” Drew winked at Ky. “Ky here probably saved your life. You should be extremely grateful to him.”

  Cooper looked chastised. “I am grateful. Very grateful. And if you’ll get me a bill, I’ll pay it off as I can. Don’t let Mr. Landon pay for this.”

  Drew held up his hands. “I’m not getting in the middle of this.” He patted Cooper on the knee. “You’ll be fine now. I prescribe a day of bed rest and no more saving handsome lads in distress, at least for twenty four hours.”

* * * *

  Ky followed Drew out, and Cooper took the opportunity to try to sit up. She looked at her leg, it was going to be a little sore for a while, but this was nothing compared to the things she had endured from Richard. Nausea rolled through her system and she shut her eyes and willed her stomach to settle. She didn’t want to be any trouble to anyone.

  A noise at the door caused her to look up. Ky stood there. Cooper caught her lower lip in her teeth, worrying it. She closed her eyes and prayed for strength. This man was so sweet and so beautiful. Being with him, yet not being able to touch him was going to be sheer torture. Despite her discomfort, she got a little amused at herself. She bet the next time she tried, her masturbation homework would be a breeze.

  Not being able to resist, Cooper met his gaze. He was looking at her with such tenderness; it made her want to cry. He is being grateful, Cooper. Grateful. That’s all.

  “You were so brave. I can’t believe you saved me.” Was Ky looking at her with admiration in his eyes?

  “I’ve faced worse.” Cooper slid from the table and Ky rushed to help her. She was very wobbly. “I need to go sign papers and arrange for payment.”

  “Oh no you don’t. I’m taking you home.” First, he tucked the bag of bandages and ointments the nurse had left for them under his arm. Then, before she could protest, Ky scooped her up and surprised them both as he impulsively kissed her on the forehead. “Cooper, I would like to see you again.”


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