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Page 10

by Unknown

  Ky scrambled around putting on his socks and boots. He stood and reached for his shirt. “I had a great time, Cooper. I’ll call you tomorrow about our dinner plans.”

  “Sure. I understand.” She lowered her head. He was rejecting her too. The only difference was - Ky was being nice about it. It hurt just the same. Stoically, she looked up, her mask back in place. “Thank you anyway, Ky. It was wonderful.”

  Ky leaned down and kissed her. But it was quick.

  Cooper didn’t walk him out. And this time, he didn’t look back.

  * * * *

  Good Gracious! Ky slapped his Stetson against his thigh. That was a first! Cooper had looked a bit disappointed, and she probably was–disappointed in him. Lord, if Ty ever found out–what a disaster that would be. The Landon twins had a reputation among the ladies for their stamina and their sensual technique and if his twin found out that he had shot his wad in his shorts–well, he’d never live it down—that was for sure. Opening the back seat of his double cab truck, he took out some towelettes and a rag to get the majority of cum off his skin.

  Climbing in the front seat, he looked back toward the cabin. God, he had hated to leave her. He still couldn’t believe how responsive she was. All he had done was suck on her nipples and she had sparkled like fireworks on a hot July night.

  Whew! Ky laughed as he cleaned himself up. Good thing he hadn’t been trying to actually make love to Cooper. What a macho idiot he had been coaxing Cooper back into the world of sex and sensuality, yet unable to maintain an erection any longer than a randy teenager. He had been so friggin’ excited. The lovely Cooper and her luscious breasts. Great! He looked down. Now, he was getting hard.

  Well, he had every intention of making it up to her. Tonight. He would order her the biggest bouquet of yellow roses he could find and treat her to a nice dinner and a bottle of champagne. And later, he would love her all night long.

  * * * *

  Pulling an afghan off the back of the couch, Cooper covered up her head and lay right where he had left her. For a little while, her life had been wonderful. But she had let her emotions get out of hand. Thinking back, she remembered how she had lost it when Ky had kissed her breasts. She had begged, demanded and, in general, went out of her mind. How he must have laughed at her!

  Cooper’s face burned at the memory of her reaching for him and him nearly breaking his neck getting out of the way. Richard had been right. She was repulsive. She had to give Ky credit; however, he had managed to play along for a good while. Long enough for her to feel things she had never felt before. She couldn’t be angry with him. It wasn’t his fault; it was just the way things were. The way she was. Unlovable.

  One by one, the kittens crawled up on the couch and lay at her feet. The dogs stationed themselves on the floor at her side. Finally, she slept.

  The next morning, she tried to concentrate on an order that had to be filled for the boutique, The Wild, Wild, West. They had requested silver necklaces with gemstone stations. Cooper had added small birds also made from different gemstones to make them one of a kind. Working methodically, she completed twelve before noon. Food hadn’t interested her, but she had managed to clean up the kitchen and everything she had left out from the dinner she had share with Ky the night before.

  He hadn’t called. But, then, she hadn’t really expected him to. He had made it pretty clear he had changed his mind about wanting to be with her. Cooper’s nerves couldn’t take staying in the house, listening for a phone that wasn’t going to ring, so she decided to spend the afternoon outside. The weather was incredible and the dogs were feeling their oats. They ran after every leaf and every scent. The kittens stayed closer to the front, but they frolicked in the grass underneath the spreading pecan.

  Not too far behind the hunting cabin, a stream meandered through the pines. Fairy moss covered the banks, creating a scene that made Cooper think of her childhood and the afternoons she had spent hunting crawdads on the banks of a narrow creek that had cut through her family’s land. Finding a clean place to sit, she watched the dogs splash through the shallow water as they chased dragonflies.

  Back at her house, the phone rang and rang.

  Chapter Five

  Reservations had been made at the best restaurant the area had to offer. East Texas wasn’t exactly the culinary capital of the world, but Ky had found somewhere they could have good food and still have some privacy. He had tried to call Cooper at least a half dozen times, but she wasn’t answering. He tried to remember if he had reminded her of their date before he left so hurriedly the night before. Surely, she hadn’t forgotten. Hopefully, she was as excited about it as he was.

  Ky wasn’t a suit and tie type of guy. So, here he was in black dress jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, and a black jacket. This was dressed up for Ky. He felt a little like Johnny Cash.

  Making a trip into town to the florist, he made good on his intentions and bought every yellow rose they had. The lemon yellow blooms were his absolute favorite. He hoped Cooper would like them. Crap! Checking his pocket watch, Ky realized that he was ready way too early.

  Trying to kill time, he plopped on the couch to watch a little TV. The first program he settled on was one of those mindless reality shows, which would do. He propped his feet up on the coffee table and got amused at the idiots trying to race around the globe to win a million dollars. But the first commercial they cut to was for a free form bra. It was only a hop, skip, and a jump from that little bit of lace to luscious Cooper’s tits. So, he switched the channel.

  Crossing one custom booted foot over the other, Ky tried to contain the burgeoning hard-on that had sprung up at his lascivious thoughts. Switching the channel, he found a thriller. Leaning his head back, he tried to get his mind off sex—nothing doing. The next commercial was for those his and hers lotions that stimulate sexual arousal. Hell! After about fifteen minutes, he gave up and headed to Cooper’s. It was just too hard to stay away.

  * * * *

  Richard watched her. In his own way, he missed her. Hearing her scream, cry, and beg for mercy had always turned him on. He moved slowly, there was no hurry. Carefully, he stayed downwind from those damn dogs she had taken in. He hated dogs. The book was what he wanted. If the authorities got their hands on that book, his life would really be over. Steve had called and told him the noose was tightening. Two rangers had moved into town and they were asking questions. He had also heard the Mexicans had doubled their efforts. The only thing in his favor was, right now, everyone thought he was dead. Even his wife. He still had time.

  It made sense to just walk in and turn that little shack upside down; the damn book had to be in there somewhere. But, she was just too tempting. He wanted time to have a little fun with her then take what belonged to him. So, he would wait until she was back in the house, and then he would pounce on her. That way, no one would hear her scream.

  A sound from the road broke the silence. Hell! Somebody was coming. The dogs heard it, too. So did she. She stood up and walked right by him, so close he could have reached out and grabbed her. A truck door slammed. She quickened her pace, and a hint of a smile touched her face. Fury flew all over Richard Hawkins. Another man was here to see his wife, and she was pleased.

  * * * *

  There was no mistaking the sound of that engine. The moment she heard it, everything within her wanted to race up the hill and run straight into his arms. But the events of the night before kept her gait to a slow, hesitant walk. She heard the truck door slam, and a few seconds later, he began to knock on her door.


  The dogs barked in answer and took off to welcome one of their favorite people in the whole world. Cooper was so nervous, her stomach was churning. When he walked around the side of the cabin and their eyes met, her mouth went as dry as the Sahara.

  “Baby, is something wrong?”

  The huge bouquet of long-stemmed yellow roses that he held in his hand was impressive, but not nearly as impressive as he
was. She ate him up with her eyes. Dressed all in black, he was the ultimate bad-boy, every girl’s wet dream, pure man-candy. He took her breath away. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she quickly turned her back to him; she couldn’t bear for him to see her cry.

  She heard his footsteps. He walked up to her, gently laying the bouquet on the ground at her feet. Putting his arms around her waist, he pulled her back against him. “I’m here to take you to dinner. You didn’t forget, did you?”

  “I didn’t expect to see you again,” she spoke slowly.

  His hands moved up, cupping her breasts, massaging her gently through her bra. All she could do was gasp; just that quickly he had her mindless with desire.

  “How could you think that, Cooper? There isn’t anything on God’s green earth that could have kept me away.” Insistently, he caressed her, wordlessly reminding her of the bliss they had shared. Surrendering, she laid her head back on his shoulder, and her hips pressed back into his groin. “That’s my baby.” Kissing the side of her neck, he let his hands slide back to her waist. “I’d better stop this, or I’ll be right back where I was when I left last night.” Cooper had no idea what he was talking about.

  He stepped in front of her and pushed her hair back over her shoulders. “Talk to me, love. Why would you think I wasn’t coming back? Didn’t you enjoy yourself last night?”

  “Of course, I did. But you didn’t.” Raising her eyes to his, she pointed out the obvious. “You couldn’t get out of here fast enough. When I tried to touch you, you couldn’t stand my hands on you.”

  He didn’t even let her finish speaking. “No, no, no, baby, no.” Taking both of her hands in his, he held her still. “You don’t understand. I should have explained, but I was embarrassed.”

  “Embarrassed?” He was right, she didn’t understand. “Why would you have been embarrassed?”

  Ky began to smile. Hell, she was more important than his damn pride. “Cooper, when I was sucking at your breasts and you came, making those sweet little sounds—I lost control.” He whispered in her ear. “You excited me so much, I came in my shorts.”

  “You had an orgasm?” She smiled. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

  “A man likes to think he can go all night long, Cooper. Giving his woman pleasure, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm. I didn’t want you to know I hadn’t even lasted ten minutes. It’s been quite a while since I made love to a woman and never to anyone as sexy and desirable as you.” He cradled her to him. “You are so precious.”

  “Ky, you could have told me. I wouldn’t have cared. I would have been happy just holding your hand. You see, I thought maybe you had discovered Richard was right, that I was…”

  Pulling her to him, he fitted their bodies together. “You were perfect. I have never experienced such a sweet surrender. Your nipples were like candy in my mouth. Cooper, last night meant more to me than you could possibly know.”

  Letting out a sigh of relief, she molded herself to him, softening her body to accommodate his hardness. “I’m so glad. I have never known more joy than I felt with you. Is it too late for me to get ready and go with you to dinner?”

  Ky kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll call and push the reservations. Go and put on a pretty dress and let’s get out of here.”

  Cooper hugged herself. She had never been so happy. Ky was the most wonderful man in the whole world and by some wondrous stroke of fate, he had stepped into her life and—she was afraid—right into her heart.

  Running the shower until it was hot; she brushed her teeth at the sink. For the first time, in a long time, she looked at herself naked in the mirror. She was so used to disliking what she saw; it was hard to be objective. Despite the occurrences of the night before, Cooper still couldn’t see what Ky saw. She turned around sideways and glanced at her butt. “God, it’s still there.” J-lo had nothing on her. Laughing at herself, she couldn’t work up even a speck of unhappiness. After a partial year of college, three years of marriage and two years of hiding from life, tonight was going to be special. Tonight, she was going to lose her virginity.

  * * * *

  “I’m ready,” she announced. Ky had kept busy tending to the animals and finding an appropriate vase for the flowers—anything to pass the time. What he had wanted to do was shed his clothing and climb into the shower with her. He had kept imagining the warm, inviting water sluicing over her incredible body.

  Slowly, he turned and absorbed the sight of her. “Damn, baby.” Dressed from head to toe in deep red, she set his blood to boiling. The dress was a sequined sheath, lovingly hugging every curve. A short bolero jacket only emphasized her mouth-watering figure.

  “I don’t want to go to dinner. I want to go to bed.”

  “I want that too, Ky.” Her eyes were dark pools of passion. Realizing he was going to have to be the strong one, he walked toward her grasped her hand and headed for the door.

  “We both want it, desperately. But right now, we’re going to dinner. I am going to show you how a man treats a woman he adores. I am going to wine you and dine you, and baby tonight… I’m going to bed you.” They had barely got out the door, when Cooper turned and stopped him in his tracks. She was half his size, but she took him by surprise. He wasn’t hard to steer. Showing uncharacteristic self-confidence, Cooper pushed him back against the door.

  “That’s the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me. Do you mean it, Ky?” She didn’t wait for him to answer; she framed his face and kissed him over and over. She sucked his lower lip into her mouth and chastised him with her teeth. All the while, she was petting and rubbing up against him, showing him non-verbally how much his words turned her on.

  Ky kissed her back, wholeheartedly, and then he clasped her behind the knees and picked her up, walking toward the truck.

  “Ky, put me down. I can walk. I’m too heavy,” she protested.

  “No, way baby. This way, we get where we need to go and I get to hold you close in the process. And as for heavy, how much do you weigh, exactly?”

  Cooper huffed in exasperation. “One-thirty-five,” she confessed softly.

  “A hundred and thirty-five pounds of pure sugar. Sweetheart, I’m six-four and weigh two hundred fifty pounds. I rest my case.” Opening the driver’s side pickup door, he let her slide in. “Don’t go far; I want you beside me while we drive. We’re going to hold hands.” When he bought the truck, he had debated the wisdom of the bench seats over the captain’s chairs, but now he thanked heaven for his foresight. He wanted to feel her sweet little body pressed up against his while they drove to their destination.

  Settling in beside her, he hugged her close. “I’m so glad you came into my life, Cooper Lawson.”

  He started the truck and reached for her hand. She brought their joined hands to her lips and kissed his, then holding it in both of hers; she tucked it close to her heart. “Talk to me,” she urged. “I want to know everything about you.”

  Heading for the nearest town of any size, Ky set his cruise on sixty-five and began to talk. “I have a brother who lives near-by. He opted out of all of the live-off-the-land scenario the way I have. He’s a Texas Ranger. We were roommates with Drew at UT. You’ll have to meet him; he’s on the road a lot. He spends a great deal of time down on the border. He’s been working on a case involving a Mexican drug cartel that’s causing a lot of problems in Texas. He plans to be back in town this weekend.”

  “What’s his name?” Cooper had leaned her head on his shoulder, and he couldn’t resist planting a kiss on her soft hair every mile or so.

  “Tyler,” he chuckled, knowing she would figure it out.

  “Twins,” she laughed. “So you’re Kyler. Kyler what?”

  “Actually, I’m Travis Kyler and he’s Trenton Tyler.”

  “So, if you’re Ky?”

  “Yeah, he’s Ty. Mother was bored when she was pregnant.”

  “Ky and Ty. I like it. Does he look like you? I mean, are you identical twins?”

bsp; “We’re identical, but I’m much better looking.” His sense of humor had Cooper giggling. “What’s your middle name, Miss Lawson? Lawson isn’t your married name, I take it.”

  “No. I couldn’t drop Hawkins fast enough. My whole name is Cooper Delilah Lawson,” she said with a straight face.

  “Delilah?” laughed Ky. “Delilah the temptress. Good name; fits you. I think I’ll call you Delilah in the heat of the moment, when I empty myself deep inside of you.”

  His tone started out teasing, but by the time he finished the sentence, he had them both turned on.

  Cooper recovered first. “Any sisters?”

  Breathing heavily. “No, just Ty. Mother and Dad are still alive and well. They’re retired and live out on some acreage we used to hunt on near Austin. They’ve been married for thirty-five years and are just as much in love as the day they married.”

  “What do you like to do for fun?”

  * * * *

  Cooper was entranced. She didn’t know if Ky realized he was doing it, but the entire time they were talking and driving down the road, he was stroking and rubbing her hand. Shivers of delight coursed through her, it dawned on Cooper it would be entirely possible for her to come very near having another orgasm, just from the touch of his hand on hers. Never would she have considered she could have this type of response to a man. She didn’t know for sure, but Cooper suspected it wouldn’t be every man, just this man.

  As they neared the restaurant, Ky stopped caressing her hand. “I better get a grip on myself a minute. If I keep touching you, I’ll be walking into that establishment with my dick leading the way. I used to ride rodeo. At my height and weight, I was more suited to bull dogging. Do you know what that is?”


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