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Kisses Down Low--A Sexy BBW Erotic Romance Short Story from Steam Books

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by Shanika Patrice

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  Shanika Patrice

  Copyright © 2013 Steam Books Erotica & Romance

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

  “Oh, Keith…”

  Jessica’s moans started off real soft as his hands massaging her neck began to relax her. The feel of Keith’s hands on her skin brought back memories of all the times before, when he would come to town and ‘lay hands on’ her, as he would call it. There was nothing truly spiritual about his touch, but it sure made her feel like she was having an out-of-body experience the way he made her feel just by the touch of his hand.

  Jessica had been trying to keep her guard up during this surprise visit from her ex, who claimed he was in town on business but wanted to treat her out for her birthday. When he called that Saturday, a couple of days after her birthday, he was already in town and conveniently around the corner from her apartment. Jessica, who had established a friendship with him, something she had never done with an ex before, decided to let him come over and treat her out to a day out on the town.

  As soon as he walked into her place, Jessica’s heart softened for him when she saw that big, bright smile and those perfect straight teeth. Without saying even one word, they hugged, taking in the feel of one another.

  It had been over a year since Keith stepped foot into her place. He was happy to be back; Jessica, although happy to see him, still felt hesitant about the whole turn of events of the day so far. She told herself that she would play it straight and be cool, showing Keith that his presence no longer rattled her or that he had any kind of effect on her at all.

  As he stood there in front of her, though, Jessica knew she couldn’t convince herself of this. Not at all.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jessica had met Keith through an online dating site over three years ago after she broke off her engagement to her boyfriend of five years. Once she became engaged and basically changed her life around to accommodate her fiancé, he became too comfortable and did not make any effort to meet her halfway on the plans they made.

  Although she was the one who broke things off, she was just as hurt as if he had been the one to end things. True, her fiancé did change and start showing his true colors, but she was hoping that he would make some kind of effort to reach out and make things right once she put it out there to him that she did not think their relationship would work out anymore.

  Jessica was sad, yet relieved to not be in such a one-sided relationship, so a few months later she had decided it was time to get back out there in the dating world. Her friend, Sophie, had suggested she try online dating, so she went with the first one that popped up in her Google search.

  Jessica was a beautiful, voluptuous woman who turned heads and attracted attention easily, so it was not a surprise when she received a number of online suitors to choose from.

  When she saw Keith’s message, there was something about his profile that grabbed her attention. While many of the others came on to her instantly with a variety of corny and sex-related pick up lines, he simply said hello and complimented her on her smile. A day or so later she responded by thanking him for the compliment, and responding to something on his profile that she had in common with him. They were both heavily into movies, music and pop culture. On top of that, Jessica thought, he was quite handsome, too.

  From that online exchange, the friendship of Keith and Jessica would begin; two weeks later they were more into telephone exchanges, outweighing the online communication; two weeks after that, Keith had driven the hour distance to come meet Jessica for the first time in person.

  She had told Keith that she would take care of everything, including providing dinner and a place to stay, for the two days he would be there. Although she did offer to do this out of the kindness of her heart, she assumed that Keith would at least offer to take them out on one of those evenings and take the lead in this thing that was blossoming between them. With the exception of running to the grocery store and to the takeout restaurants they frequented, they stayed inside, entertaining one another and watching cable.

  They did not go all the way during this first visit, but Keith gave her a little preview of what he had to offer Jessica when he practically begged to please her orally.

  “You don’t mind if I kiss you here, do you?” he would ask in the middle of one of their movies as he rubbed his nose in her covered crotch area after they had been cuddling that last night.

  Jessica, who had not received that type of pleasure in years, gladly accepted the offer. Her ex- fiancé refused to please her orally, saying that it wasn’t his thing. She thought of him as she looked down at Keith nodding her head in approval. Keith slowly raised Jessica’s dress and pulled down her brown satin panties, revealing her crotch, causing excitement to rush through Keith’s mind and body.

  “I love it. Don’t ever shave or wax it. Promise me…I love it hairy.”

  “I promise, baby.”

  Keith let his tongue take over, leading him right to her hot spot. His face was in Jessica’s crotch deep as she instinctively arched her back and grabbed his head, reacting to how good Keith was making her feel.

  Soon all images of her ex-fiancé were out of her mind and it was all about Mr. Keith Wilson. As she ran her fingers over his natural waves on top of his closely-cropped black fade, she gently pushed his head into her more forcefully making his nose rub her clitoris just right while his tongue continued exploring her insides. The more she did that, the louder noises he made, showing how much he was enjoying her flavor.

  The times Jessica had experienced getting her pussy eaten, no one had gotten into it the way that Keith was getting into it. He ended up spending so much time between her legs, she was practically begging for relief after having climaxed multiple times.

  By this time she was ready to see what he could do with his dick, but she refused to take it there so soon. Keith was understanding and respected Jessica’s decision to not go there so soon, saying that he was happy with just pleasing her this time.

  Although they had a wonderful time during that visit, acting as if they had known each other for years, Jessica could tell something was not quite right as Keith prepared to leave that last day.

  “Hey, is everything ok? You look kind of sad; I mean, I’m sad too but I’ll be able to visit you in a couple of weeks,” Jessica said with a smile as she sat next to Keith, affectionately rubbing his knee.

  “Yeah, I just need to ask you something and I’m hoping it doesn’t make you think about me any less,” Keith responded.

  This caused brief panic in Jessica as she thought to herself, here comes the bullshit! “Just ask me—what is it?”

  “Well, I was in such a rush to come see you and did not want to cancel our date. My brother was supposed to be paying me back some money he owed me that I planned to use for my trip here, but he hadn’t connected with me before I needed to hit the road to get here to you on time. So I came here broke. I’m wondering if you could loan me like $10 so I can make it back home without running out of gas?”

  “That’s all? Of course!” Jessica responded, relieved.

Her initial thought was that Keith was about to announce he had additional kids he hadn’t previously mentioned or a girlfriend or wife that was in the picture. She had the money to loan so this wasn’t a big deal to her although there was a slight tinge of something that she just brushed off.

  “So, what would you have done otherwise? If you had not asked me for some money?” Jessica asked as she pulled a $20 bill out of her purse and handed it to Keith. “You would have just gotten on the road and risked running out of gas?”

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Keith responded with a chuckle. “Thank you for this and I’m sorry I had to even ask, but I’ll pay you back when you come in a couple of weeks and make it up to you big time. I just had to come get to you, Ms. Jessica Collins.”

  They ended the visit with a passionate kiss and hug that warmed the both of them, reminding them of what took place intimately between them and what would most likely continue when they saw each other in a couple of weeks.

  In the meantime, the daily telephone communication continued, and Keith even started talking long-term plans: his desire for Jessica to become his wife, and for her to meet his 11-year old, son whom lived with his ex-girlfriend. Keith was a great hands-on father in spite of his past with his son’s mother. Jessica had never dated anyone with children before, but she was excited about the possibilities with Keith, which included his son.

  When the week of Jessica’s visit had come, they spoke all the way up until that Thursday night. She told Keith that she would be heading in that direction the next day after work to first visit her friend Sophie, who lived halfway between her and Keith. The plan was to spend the night with Sophie, and then awake early that next day on Saturday to do breakfast before finishing the 30-minute drive to get to Keith.

  He said he was excited about her visit, although Jessica thought something was different about his tone during this particular phone call. She felt that tinge that she had felt before, but she brushed it off, yet again.

  “I’m sure it's just nerves,” Jessica said aloud trying to convince herself.

  Jessica and Sophie had been the best of friends since undergrad. Sophie started working for the university immediately after graduation, so she remained in the predominately college town. Sophie had married her college sweetheart, Frank, one of Jessica’s fraternity brothers that she introduced to Sophie, so Sophie and Frank were like family to her.

  When Jessica arrived at Sophie’s place, she was welcomed with hugs and the aroma of a home-cooked meal that they prepared for her visit. As they chatted over steaks, potatoes, veggies, and rolls, Jessica shared with Frank how she met Keith—since she and Sophie spoke at least once a week on the telephone she was pretty caught up; Jessica wanted a male perspective on this relationship, though.

  “So what do you think, frat?” Jessica asked Frank after giving him the short version of how she and Keith met online, his background, and their first visit.

  “Well, I’d have to meet the brother before I can fairly say, but one thing’s for sure,” Frank responded.

  “What’s that?”

  “You seem head over heels right now so I’m not sure if what I said would mean much anyway. As long as he didn’t ask you for any money when he came, then you’re good. When they asking you for money upon first meeting, you need to run!”

  Sophie and Frank laughed.

  Jessica joined in, but what they didn’t realize was that Jessica was trying to cover up the sinking feeling in her stomach as she went back to that first visit when Keith asked her for gas money. She wanted to ask Frank more questions and give scenarios to make that feeling go away and defend Keith’s actions, but she decided to leave it alone for now. Jessica wanted them to like Keith, and she knew that once they met him they would love him just as much as she already did.

  After dinner, Frank left the ladies alone to have their girl talk and catch up over glasses of Riesling as they lay out on the floor in the television room with reality shows playing in the background.

  “So you really like this guy, huh?” Sophie asked as she put the last of her rollers in her black, short-length bob before wrapping it up with a scarf.

  “I really do. I’m looking forward to seeing what he has planned for us, too. I’m so anxious!” Jessica responded with a giggle.

  “That’s right, you plan on giving up the goodies for real this time, don’t you?”


  They both laughed. Jessica shared practically everything with Sophie as she twisted her own curly mane for the night. Sophie was aware of how long it had been since her friend had sex, and she was also aware of the sampling that Keith had given Jessica when he came to visit. Sophie was truly rooting for her friend because she had seen Jessica give her heart to a number of men in the past only to have it broken each time. Sophie hoped Keith was different.

  The next morning before hitting the highway, Jessica called Keith to let him know she was on her way to his place. When he didn’t answer, she left him a voicemail letting him know that she would be there in half an hour.

  Jessica said her goodbyes to Sophie and Frank, promising them that she would let them know when she made it there safe and sound, as well as contacting them later in the day to assure them that everything was fine for her first visit to Keith’s home.

  That tinge came back to mess with Jessica, especially as she got closer to her destination and she had not heard anything back from Keith. She brushed it off again and turned up the volume on her favorite Mary J. Blige CD and began to sing along loudly, trying to get herself back into the feel-good mood she had been in all that week.

  “Real love!” Jessica wailed out of tune. “I’m searching for a real love.”

  Keith had given her directions to his apartment, so she drove straight there before she attempted calling him again. She noticed that his car was nowhere in the vicinity of his building, so she picked up her phone, once again getting his voicemail. She left another message letting him know she was outside of his apartment waiting for him to return.

  Jessica was beginning to get a bad feeling about all of this, especially as she thought back to how she had not spoken to Keith in almost two days.

  Could he have forgotten that I was coming, Jessica thought to herself.

  She knew that was ridiculous because last time they spoke they were talking about her upcoming visit. Finally, she decided to walk up to Keith’s building and try knocking on his door, just in case he was there. Like she figured, there was no answer. She could see through the blinds that no one was inside, either, at least not in the living and dining room area.

  Jessica called Keith again to let him know she was going to run down the street to grab something at the nearby Dairy Queen she saw when entering the city, and probably stop by the nearby shopping center until he called her back. That was at 11:43 am; by 3:00 pm Jessica was still at the shopping center waiting for a callback from Keith.

  By this point, Jessica was devastated. She had already made up her mind that she was being stood up, but her whole focus now was to see Keith face-to-face and make him aware of how livid she was with him.

  Jessica drove back to his apartment to find his car still not there and his apartment still apparently unoccupied.

  Jessica sat out in her car watching the activity of Keith’s neighbors, noticing some were peeking outside their windows and doors trying to figure out who she might be. Jessica felt humiliated, which is one reason she chose not to call any of her sorority sisters who lived in the area. She knew as soon as she saw them that she would break down, and that would lead them to want to get together and go find him. That would make the whole situation worse.

  Finally, after several more voicemails being left on Keith’s phone and around the time the sun began to set, Jessica decided to call Sophie.

  “I was just thinking that you did not call and say you made it safely! Perfect timing… are you having a good time?” Sophie said excitedly waiting for the details.

  “No,” Jes
sica managed to get out before she broke down letting the tears fall that she had been holding in for the past few hours. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Oh my God, sweetie what’s wrong?!”

  Jessica gave Sophie the details of her day since she arrived to Keith’s place up until that moment that she decided to call. Although Sophie offered various explanations and reasons that Keith may not be responding, inside she knew that this asshole was like the rest of them who had broken her friend’s heart.

  “Honey, why don’t you just come back here. You can come rest up and stay as long as you like, then go home when you’re ready. I’m sure he’ll call you apologizing and explaining what happened. You all will laugh about this down the line.”

  “Sophie, I hope you’re right. I’m going to wait it out for about another hour and then I’ll call you when I’m headed back your way, ok?”

  “Ok honey—be careful.”

  Jessica would end up staying another three hours, finally writing a note and leaving it inside his screen door and then calling his phone one more time only to have it go straight to voicemail. Jessica had cried so many tears already that day that she didn’t feel the need to release anymore.

  She started up her car and decided she would just head straight home. Her eyes were already puffy and red; she did not want Sophie and Frank to see her like that.

  By midnight, Jessica was entering her own complex and walking into her own apartment. She called Sophie to let her know that she decided to go home instead. She then called and left Keith one final message.

  “I’m home now, just in case you were the least bit concerned.”

  ~ ~ ~

  It would be over a week later before she heard from Keith, and that was because she happened to call him again and he obviously was not expecting it to be her on the phone.

  “Hello?” Keith answered.

  Jessica was shocked that he finally answered, it took her a moment to respond, but she was even more shocked by his calm tone.


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