Heart of the Staff: Complete Appendix
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(reindeer moss) and lives in moist underground caverns. Its fungal symbiont takes up nutrients saprophyticly from the moist cave walls and emits a strong bioluminescence which allows its plant symbiont to photosynthesize in turn, releasing sugars to the saprophyte. Glow lichen is common throughout lava tubes in the Pitmaster's Kettles and in deep cavern systems throughout the southern half of the Northern Continent. Luxuriant growths can light up caverns with their greenish yellow ambience at least as bright as artificially lighted rooms.
go - ga (Archaic Modern Niarg).
go (to go) - gon inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
goad, a - brod n. (Gwaelic Elven).
goat - drfnyrifyrri (trollish).
goblin - gobelyn (Archaic Modern Niarg).
God forbid! - Dew dyfen! (Gwaelic).
God save you! - Dia duit! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
goes - goeth, gooth 3rd sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
going - goyng (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Gollmore dwarves - the breed of Spitemorta's dairy goat.
gone - gane (Beakish).
gone - geen (Archaic Modern Niarg).
gone - ygon (Archaic Modern Niarg).
gong pit - privy pit.
good evening - novezh vat (Headlandish).
good - good (alone or before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
good - goode (loosely before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
good blade - llafn da (Old Niarg Standard).
Goodbye! - Slan! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
goodbye (to the one staying) - slan agat (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
Goodbye little brother! - Slan leat dearthair beag! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
Good enough, Demonica (Witch)? - Nyrpfoninyrfinirfna Fnadirryaphny?(trollish).
good heavens! - che! (Headlandish).
goodness - goodnesse (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Go on! - Lean ort! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
gorge - altan n. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
gorget - a collar of fine chain mail.
gorge wren - Catherpes obscurus R., a rusty grey-brown wren on the higher elevations of the arid Fire Domes and southern Douar Benniget Mountains of the south west Dark Continent, with a plaintive descending whistle.
got - gat 1st pers. pl., 3rd pers. sing. past (Archaic Modern Niarg).
got - gate 3rd pers. sing. past (Archaic Modern Niarg).
got - ygete (Archaic Modern Niarg).
gothfargh (Gwaelic) - a breed of heavy black battle unicorn.
gotten (are gotten) - are gottyn 3rd pers. pl. pres. perf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
gotten (has gotten) - hath gottin 3rd pers. sing. past perf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grand - mawreddog a. (Old Niarg Standard).
grandchild - grauntchild (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grandchildren - grauntchilder (Archaic Modern Niarg).
granddaughter - doughtres doughter (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grand hill - rhiw mawreddog (Old Niarg Standard).
grandmother - d'puyf fmoo n. (trollish).
grandmother - graunte mooder (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grass - ntnrof (trollish).
great - -dyr (trollish).
great - grete (Archaic Modern Niarg).
great - mawr a. (Old Niarg Standard).
greater - eke adj. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
greatest - gretteste (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Greatest Burning, the - Mwyaf Fawr Llosg n. (Old Niarg Standard).
great-grandfather - grete-grauntfadyr (Archaic Modern Niarg).
great indigo lyoth - see lyoth.
greatly - greetly adv. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Great Staff - Ffon Mawr (Old Niarg Standard).
Great Staff - Yiphndyr (trollish).
Great Staff of Power - Ffon Cryf Mawr (Old Niarg Standard), Gastron's Staff of Power.
Great Staff of Power (Dreadful Stick) - Maidjey Atchimagh (Gwaelic Elven).
Great Staff of Power (Evil Rod) - Olc Slat (Goblish-Beakish).
Great Staff of Power (Evil Shaft) - Drok-Palather (Gwaelic).
Great Staff of Power (Horrible Baton) - Bata Millteanach (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
Great Stick - Dsin Stinfnopidyr (trollish).
Great Stone Tree - see "the Great Stone Tree."
Great Unicorn - Eochaid n. (Goblish-Beakish).
greedy - trachwantus a. (Old Niarg Standard).
Greedy Killers - Lladdwyr Trachwantus n. pl. (Old Niarg Standard) - see Elf Killers, above.
green - grene a. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
green - gwyrdd a. (Old Niarg Standard).
grime - gyrn n. (trollish).
grinding - grindinge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grip - gryppe n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grits, porridge - gryttes (Archaic Modern Niarg).
ground - grounde (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grow - ygrowe (Archaic Modern Niarg).
grown - ygrowe, ygrowen (Archaic Modern Niarg).
guarded, watched - warded (Archaic Modern Niarg).
guardians - gardiens (Archaic Modern Niarg).
guards - wardes n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
guess (to guess) - to gesse inf. (Arcaic Modern Niarg).
guessed - gessed (Archaic Modern Niarg).
guest - geste (Archaic Modern Niarg).
guidance - gydaunce (Archaic Modern Niarg).
guilt - gilt (Archaic Modern Niarg).
gulf - goulf (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Gwaelic or social trolls, Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R. - see Elf Killers.
had - hadde 1st pers. sing., 3rd pers. sing (Archaic Modern Niarg).
had - hadden 1st, 2nd and 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
had - hadst 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hag - hagge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hags, hag's - hagges (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hail - nyrruy v. (trollish).
hair - heer (Archaic Modern Niarg).
haired - heered adj. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hairsticksuplikegrass - vyrdsyfnyfantnrof (trollish).
half ass - Semiequus asinus R. For reasons altogether unknown, the wizard Razzorbauch altered a population of whole asses so that their front quarters became so reduced in size that they no longer reached the ground. At the same time, he enlarged their tails to create a heavy cantilever balance. The result is a true breeding feral population of the only known saltitorial perissodactyls. They live in small harem groups of up to a half dozen, browsing in the thickets of edge of the Chocolate Swamp.
halt, stop it - nyrvyrnirrtrad (trollish).
hand - honde n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
handiwork - hondiwerke (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hands - an daouarn n. (Headlandish) (a specific pair).
hang (to hang) - hengen inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
happen - happe intr. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Hark to me round the ring, all that are present! - Gosloweugh a. orthyf.vy, myns us omma! (Gwaelic Elven).
harm - harme (Archaic Modern Niarg).
has - hath 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
haste - hast n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hate - hate 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hate - haten 1st pers. pl., 2nd pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hate - hatest 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hate - hateth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
haunts - hauntes (Middle English) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
have - han 1st pers. pl., 2nd pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
have - hast 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
have - have 1st pers. sing., 1st pers. pl. 2nd pers. sing., 2nd pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
have - haven 1st pers. pl., 2nd pers. pl., 3rd pers. pl., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
/> have been - han ben (Archaic Modern Niarg).
have seen - han seyn (Archaic Modern Niarg).
having - havynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hawk - hok (Gwaelic).
he -
he - hee sing. masc. nom. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
him - hym sing. masc. acc., dat. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
his - hise sing. masc. possess. adj. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
his - hise sing. masc. possess. absol. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
she - she sing. fem. nom. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
her - hir sing. fem. acc., dat., possess. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
it - hit sing. neut. nom., acc., dat. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
its - his sing. neut. possess. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
they - they plur. nom. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
them - hem plur. acc., dat. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
their - hiera, hira, heora plur. possess. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
head - hed, heuid n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
head - pen n. (Old Niarg Standard).
headache - droug-penn n. (Headlandish).
healing - helynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
healing - slanaghey a. (Gwaelic Elven).
hear - heere 3rd pers. sing., 3rd pers. pl., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
heard - hered 1st pers. sing. past (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hearing - herynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hears - herith (to harken to) 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
heart - calon n. f. (Old Niarg Standard).
heart - herte (Archaic Modern Niarg).
heart - kalon n. (Headlandish).
heart - viyei n. (trollish).
heartening - herte-ful (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Heart of the Forests - Calon Fforydd (Old Niarg Standard) see "the Great Stone Tree" a source of renewal for the primeval Fairies, from which later came the Heart of the Staff.
Heart of the Staff - Calon Mawr (Old Niarg Standard).
Heart of the Staff - Kalon-Bras (Headlandish).
Heart of the Staff - Strink Euzhus (Headlandish), Horrifying Crystal.
Heart of the Staff - Yphndyr Viyeidyr (trollish).
heated - het ppl. a. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
heaven - hevene n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
heavy - pouezus a. (Headlandish).
heavy - pounner a. (Headlandish).
(he) can wait - kan to wayten (Archaic Modern Niarg).
he died - bu farw (Old Niarg Standard).
he killed them - neipsdeed (trollish).
hell - gnydydaf n. (trollish).
hell - the ill pairt (Beakish).
hell -