Driven to Temptation: Road Trip Romance

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Driven to Temptation: Road Trip Romance Page 1

by Ava Catori

  Driven to Temptation (Road Trip Romance)

  Ava Catori

  Copyright 2016, Ava Catori

  Cozy Kiss Publishing/Ava Catori Books

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  This wasn't good. Nick wasn't the kind of guy I wanted to be trapped in a car with. Insufferable, he pushed every button I had - and not in a good way. All signs pointed to disaster.

  When Nick's lips brushed against mine, it threw me for a loop. This wasn’t supposed to happen! He was everything I avoided. His bad boy attitude and reputation left me cold. Forced to admit growing feelings, I lied to myself. It was easier. If I gave in, my life would never be the same


  Chapter 1 - Amanda

  Chapter 2 - Nick

  Chapter 3 - Amanda

  Chapter 4 – Nick

  Chapter 5 - Amanda

  Chapter 6 – Nick

  Chapter 7 - Amanda

  Chapter 8 – Nick

  Chapter 9 - Amanda

  Chapter 10 – Nick

  Chapter 11 - Amanda

  Chapter 12 – Nick

  Chapter 13 - Amanda

  Chapter 14 – Nick

  Chapter 15 - Amanda

  Chapter 16 – Nick

  Chapter 17 - Amanda

  Chapter 18 – Nick

  Chapter 19 - Amanda

  Chapter 20 – Nick

  Chapter 21 - Amanda

  Chapter 22 – Nick

  Chapter 23 - Amanda

  Chapter 24 – Nick

  Chapter 25- Amanda

  Chapter 26 – Nick

  Chapter 27 - Amanda

  Chapter 28 – Nick

  Chapter 29 – Amanda

  Chapter 30 – Nick

  Chapter 31 - Amanda

  Chapter 32 – Nick

  Chapter 1 - Amanda

  This wasn’t good. Nick wasn’t the kind of guy I wanted to be trapped in a car with. In fact, I didn’t want to be stuck in a boat, train, or plane with him either. He’s insufferable. No, seriously. He thinks that he’s God’s gift to women. The only way, and I mean the only way I’d spend time with him was if I was forced into it…and that’s exactly what happened. Okay, so maybe forced is a strong word, but you get my drift.

  On the other hand, his brother Brody, was one of the most amazing people I had a relationship with. How those two were related was beyond me. They couldn’t be more opposite if they tried. Brody was sweet, generous, and caring. He was an all-around good guy, total marrying material. He was the kind of guy that you knew would always treat you right.

  Brody had been my best friend since the sixth grade. We really hit it off right away, and all these years later, we’re still two peas in a pod. Nick, well -- I merely tolerated Nick. Two brothers, the same mother but different fathers, and wow were they ever night and day. Somedays I wondered how they could be related, as different as they were.

  In any other situation I’d have bailed, but when the call came through and Brody was in trouble, there was no question in my mind. Nothing else mattered. I’d do whatever it took to help him, even if it meant sharing time and space with ‘Nick the Dick’ as I fondly call him.


  “Amanda, I have some bad news. Don’t panic, but I’m in trouble,” Brody started. “I’m about to add Nick to the call. I need some help, but I don’t have a lot of time to explain. I need you to behave. Please, don’t get into a pissing match with him. What I’m about to say is big.”

  I sighed, less than thrilled to be in a three-way call, but at least I’d know what was going on. I snorted, then added, “Me? You need to worry about him.”

  “Yo,” Nick answered. Smooth talker, obviously. “What’s up, bro?”

  “Nick, Amanda’s on the line, too. I’ve got a problem. A big problem. I’m going to need a hand.”

  “What’s going on,” I asked, anxious.

  “Let me get through this before you start asking questions. While I was in Mexico, my car was stolen. That’s not all, my wallet was stolen too, and I’m in a serious jam. It took a lot of doing, some major hassle, and tons of finagling, but I finally made it back across the border. They were this close to keeping me in Mexico. I’m dead broke, I don’t have my credit cards, and my passport and driver’s license are gone. Without it, they won’t let me rent a car or book an airline ticket. Without my ID, I’m screwed.” His voice was edgy, yet restrained. I knew Brody better than that. I was pretty sure he was close to freaking out if he hadn’t already.

  After a long pause, he finished. “Can you come and get me?”

  “Damn, Brody, that’s some kind of mess,” Nick answered with a laugh. “What kind of bullshit did you get tangled up with?”

  “It’s not funny,” I blurted out. I hated how even important moments were all a game to Nick. How do you laugh at somebody’s car and wallet being stolen? What an asshole.

  “Nick, I need you to come and get me. Maybe you could fly down and we could drive back together? The thing is…I’d need you to rent the car. I don’t have any credit or credentials on me.”

  I broke in, knowing that if I could take control of the situation Brody would get back safely. “If he’s going, I’m going. I don’t trust Nick to do things right. You’ll end up in some weird situation, and then I’ll have to bail you both out of jail.”

  “Yeah, you know how I feel about flying. What do you say you stay put for a bit, and I’ll drive down to get you? Where exactly are you?” Nick started calculating the distance.

  Brody hesitated. Finally, he caved in. “I’m in El Paso, Texas. I’m staying with a couple of guys I just met. Not like I had a choice, and they seem pretty cool about my circumstances. Do me a favor and don’t mention this to Mom. I don’t want her to worry.”

  I felt like he was leaving out important information. He remained vague on details, refusing to offer more at this time. “Did you check in with your dad?”

  “No, not yet. To be honest, I have no intention of mentioning it to him. I don’t need to hear that I screwed up,” Brody confessed. “Can you just come get me? I’ve been through enough.”

  Brody and Nick shared the same mother. While Brody was still close to his dad, Nick’s father had more issues than Nick did. It was probably better that he kept his distance. His history didn’t do him any favors.

  “I’m on it. You can count on me. Let me call work, tell them I’ll be out for a few days, and I’ll be on my way.” Nick made it sound so easy, like there wouldn’t be any bumps in the road, but I knew better. There were always bumps in the road. He just didn’t think first. He acted, ended up in trouble, and then waited for someone to fix things. You’d think he was still a kid, but the freaking asshole was almost thirty!

  “You’re not going without me,” I said, pushing my way into the rescue.

  Nick groaned, not trying to hide his disappointment. “Great, now Panda’s going to turn what could have been a quiet drive into a non-stop bitch-fest.”

  Apparently, he wasn’t my biggest fan either. Big surprise.

  “Don’t call me Panda.” I didn’t mind when Brody called me that. In fact, I thought it was cute, but I didn’t want Nick calling me by a pet name.

  There was more urgency in Brody’s voice than he meant to let on. “Just hurry, I don’t know how long these guys will be cool with me sticking around.”

  I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I hated that he was being sketchy on the details. “Brody, where did you meet these guys?”

  “Yeah, right, I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later,” he finished, completely blowing off my question, which was totally out of character. Something was seriously wrong.

  Nick jumped
in. “I’m on my way. I’m going to book some stopovers, set a GPS, and I’ll be there in a couple of days.” If there was someone Nick would move the heaven and earth for, it was his brother. The two were as thick as thieves.

  “I’ll book the rooms,” I chimed in, not trusting Nick with that part. I knew what he was capable of. That guy was a snake in disguise.

  “I’ve got it handled. You go pack some shit and lip gloss. I’ll be there in an hour,” he added. “Brody, you’re in good hands. I’ll be there soon. Hang tight.”

  My shit and lip gloss? What’s with the stupid caveman attitude?

  “Thanks. Nick. I owe you one,” Brody answered. I hated the agitation in his voice. He was nervous. Let alone his car and wallet being stolen, the journey he must have gone through to cross the border back into the states, and now staying with strangers? It didn’t sit right with me.

  Nick told me to be ready in an hour. I needed to pack and get in touch with work. That was going to be fun.

  After we hung up, I dialed my work number. I’d need to take off for a few days, and while it went smoothly in my head, I was met with a cold response when I actually made the call.

  “No notice, and you’ll be gone for a few days.” The pinched, nasal voice on the other end mocked me. Veronica was a class-A bitch on wheels. “And you expect your job to be here when you return?”

  “It’s an emergency. I wouldn’t do this to you if I had another choice.” I pleaded, as I carefully watched my footing.

  “We all have choices, Amanda. You’ve obviously chosen to decide something else is more important than your job. Good to know,” she added with a sarcastic snit.

  I swallowed my pride and begged, “Veronica, please. You don’t understand.”

  “I think you’re mistaken. The correct words are – I don’t care. If you aren’t here for your shift tomorrow, find another job when you return from your ‘emergency’. We have a massive sidewalk sale going on. Now is not the time to walk away.”

  I bit my tongue. “I’m sorry it has to be this way. I won’t be in tomorrow. I suggest you cover my shift.”

  “Very well, consider your employment terminated. Good day,” Veronica said before hanging up the phone.

  I groaned loudly into the phone. Not that anyone was on the other end by this point. “Ugh!” It’s not that my retail job was going to be my lifetime career, but for now it paid the bills… apparently, not any more. I tried to keep a stiff upper lip. It was only a stepping stone, right? And when one door closes another opens. I knew my reasoning was a blind attempt to make myself feel better. I’d probably end up regretting my choice down the road financially. No matter, Brody came first. I wouldn’t leave him stranded.

  Chapter 2 - Nick

  Brody and Mom were the two best people in my life. Mom was always there, and Brody was my most trusted friend and brother. Dad was another story; not like he even deserves that title. Brody and I were born of two different fathers, but shared a mother. We stuck together and took care of each other. If Brody was in trouble, I’d bail him out, no questions asked. He’d saved my ass more times than I could count.

  I just wasn’t sure about his side-kick coming along. Amanda could be a little stiff, like a stick in the mud. She was uppity, bitchy, irritable, and full of angst. I wasn’t sure what my brother saw in the snippy control-freak, but he couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Aside from her lush, curvy figure, it left my scratching my head. It was truly a mystery. He was smitten though, and if the girl was going to come along, it might give him some comfort to see her when we got there.

  Being that I’m a few years older than Brody, we played in different social circles. Usually his taste in women was better. For some reason, he kept coming back to Amanda. They’d been close friends since about the sixth grade. When his hormones kicked in, there was no going back. In his twenties, he managed to date other girls, but always returned to Amanda’s side like a faithful dog. Hell, the minute she graduated and was home from college they were inseparable once again.

  It would be different if she returned his feelings. He was all googly-eyed, but she only saw him as a friend. He didn’t get it… and if he’s still not ‘getting it’, it wasn’t going to happen. She had him so far in the friend-zone, he didn’t know which way was up or down. Stupid bitch leads him along like a dog on a leash and he follows obediently. I don’t get it, but if she wants to come along, whatever. I’ll put up with her bullshit for a few days if it makes him happy.

  I got in touch with work, explained what happened, and then packed a bag. I planned on traveling light and fast. A quick easy route should have us there in a few days, and before we knew it we’d be on our way home. Now, if I could just deal with Amanda’s bullshit, I’d be golden. I’d been known to tune out a girl or two that insisted on jabbering while we fucked – and if I could tune them out, I could figure out a way to tune her out.

  A quick hop on the web before leaving, and I booked a hotel room in Virginia. We’d drive a little over seven hours and then park for the night. I loaded up my bag, revved my engine, and made my way over to Amanda’s house. When I got there, she was nowhere to be seen.

  Wasn’t she watching for me? I laid on the horn and waited.

  Chapter 3 - Amanda

  Nick pulled up and honked like some sixteen-year-old on a date. My stomach knotted. The next few days were going to royally suck, but if it meant that Brody would get home safely, I’d adjust and deal with his asshole brother. Okay, asshole was a little harsh, but what else do you call a guy that has issues with authority, got busted drag racing not once or twice, but three times, sleeps around with way too many women, and parties too much with the wrong crowd? Oh, and refuses to grow up. At twenty-nine, I would have expected he’d have grown out of the ‘never-ending’ phase he’s in, but nope. Responsibility isn’t a word in his vocabulary.

  He was a womanizer, thought his shit didn’t smell, and had a reputation for being a bad boy. Nothing I couldn’t handle. In my eyes he was a small child that needed discipline, and that’s how I’d treat him. I refused to get pulled into his crazy ways. I’d keep my thoughts to myself, get lost in my mind, and focus on getting Brody back.

  I walked outside with my bag in hand.

  Nick hit the power button to the passenger’s side window. As the glass pane lowered, he yelled at me like he’d been sitting there all day. No more than five minutes had passed. “Come on, Princess Panda,” he roared. “We don’t have all day.”

  I drew a deep breath. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I pasted on a fake smile and tossed my bag in the back of his pearl-white Escalade. On his salary, it wasn’t a car he could genuinely afford, but one that he wore like a badge of honor. He’d won it in a poker game, and gloated that the guy never saw it coming. Who puts their car in as a bet? What kind of poker game was it? I didn’t ask, since I probably didn’t want to know the truth.

  “You ready? It’s going to be a long day. Our first stop will be in Roanoke, Virginia. I booked a hotel over by the airport,” he started. “The sooner we get moving, the sooner we’ll get there.”

  “Wait, I was going to handle the hotels,” I said. I figured I’d secure one on the road with my phone, as we wore down from the drive. That way we’d remain flexible.

  “Consider it one less thing you have to do. Besides, it’s a solid location, a good stopping point, and I moved faster than you did.” He wore a shit-eating grin.

  I wanted to wipe his smarmy smile off of his face. I arched an eyebrow, testing him. “What exactly did you book? I’m not sleeping with you on this trip, Romeo.”

  “What do you think I booked? I got a hotel room at a decent place. Don’t worry; it’s not a sleazy, two-bit hotel. And who the hell said I wanted to sleep with you? Don’t be mistaken, I have zero interest in a chick like you.”

  I reiterated. “A chick like me? And I meant how many rooms and beds did you book?”

  “Ah, well, I got one room, because that’s what the bud
get allows, but I got two beds. You’re more than welcome to climb into mine if you want to snuggle up, but I figured you’d want your own space. Besides, you’re not my type,” he added in the final jab, just to make his point.

  “Perfect. You’re not my type either. Stay in your bed, I’ll stay in mine, and it should be a non-issue. Anyway, how much do I owe you?” There was no way I wanted to be in debt to Nick.

  “Don’t worry about it. Give me some credit. I’m not going to make you stay at some hole-in-the-wall place.” Really? I thought he was all about hotel rooms by the hour, cheap women, and cheaper booze.

  I conceded. I could deal with one room, though I’d prefer two. Unfortunately, my budget was no better, since I still had massive student loans to pay off. As long as he stayed in his bed, we’d be fine. I dreaded this trip even more than I expected to when he turned up the radio.

  Head-banging music blared loudly. My temples throbbed instantly. If I had to listen to this for hours on end, I’d have the world’s biggest headache. I begged for a change of station, and only after asking in a sickly sweet tone did I get my way, for a little bit. The deal was one hour of my music, then one hour of his. It would have to do. At least I’d get an hour of sanity between his hours. I flipped the radio to a lighter station.

  “Seriously, this is what you’re going to listen to? How am I supposed to stay awake with this lullaby crap?” He shook his head and grunted.

  I turned and stared out the window. It was going to be a long freaking drive.

  His voice was low, but he knew the words to the song. I gave him a side glance, to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. Seems our head banger grooved just fine to the sounds of Colbie Caillat’s song “Bubbly.”

  I cleared my throat, teasing him. He looked at me confused. “What?”

  “I didn’t know you were a big fan of Colbie Caillat.”

  “They play this stuff at work. Just because I listen to heavier stuff on my own time, doesn’t mean I’m tied to one kind of music,” he answered defensively.


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