Driven to Temptation: Road Trip Romance

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Driven to Temptation: Road Trip Romance Page 2

by Ava Catori

  “I thought it was sweet,” I caught myself saying.

  He shook his head, and not wanting to risk his image, stopped singing.

  While I took pleasure in teasing him, I was bummed he’d stopped. It was neat to see a different side of him that wasn’t about getting panties off a woman, or proving he was some kind of a bad ass.

  I figured talking could help pass the time. Besides, I was worried about Brody. How could I not be? The entire thing rang weird to me, and the tension in Brody’s voice made me jittery. “Do you think he’ll be okay?”

  Brody and I were like two peas in a pod. Everybody said we were perfect for each other, but the chemistry wasn’t the same for me as it was for him. I was upfront with him, though. It would be wrong to lead him on. Only, now that he was in trouble, I realized how much I cared for him – maybe even more than I wanted to admit. I wouldn’t be able to function if something happened to Brody.

  Nick glossed over it all. It was like the man was void of any emotion. “He’s an adult. He’ll be fine,” was all he said.

  “Flying would have been faster.” Maybe we made a mistake driving. “Did you get the oil changed? It’s a long drive.”

  “Did I get the oil changed? Really? Do you think I’m not capable of taking care of my vehicle? Seriously, you know what I do for a living, right?”

  I shook my head, trying to defend the question. “I was just saying…”

  “I’m a lot more responsible than you give me credit for. Seriously, don’t you get tired of nagging? Don’t you get tired of being some damn control freak? I have no idea how my brother has a thing for you.”

  I sucked in my cheek and bit my lip, while he rambled on. “Finished?”

  Nick nodded.

  “I was just saying it, because your oil light just came on.”

  Nick glanced down and muttered. “Shit. We’ll get one on the way.”

  “Now would be a good time. There’s obviously a problem,” I answered.

  Nick said nothing. He simply reached over and switched the music to his station and grumbled, “Stupid light wasn’t on five minutes ago.”

  Chapter 4 – Nick

  Stupid light wasn’t on five minutes ago. I shook my head and reached for the radio. Figures, Ms. Know-it-All had to be right. I’m a flipping mechanic. I know my car. I would have changed it this weekend, but the trip caught me off guard. Fuck. There’s no way I can handle spending days on end with this chick. She was the reason men lost hard-ons. Girls like her were always in your face, pissing on you about how they know better, and how you need to listen more… and dear God, I wondered how long it had been since the last time she was fucked. When she was screaming out his name, did she remind him to take out the trash or to wash the car?

  The only way I’d be able to ‘do’ her would be with duct tape over her annoying mouth and fucking her in the ass, so I didn’t have to see her look of disapproval. I chuckled at the image, and shook it off. Nah, even duct tape wouldn’t be enough. She was one I’d never be desperate enough to do.

  Brody on the other hand wanted to get his dick wet in the worst way. He’d been hung up on Amanda for so long, that when he finally started dating girls that reciprocated his feelings, he dumped a nice, hot girl the second Amanda came back from college. What the hell? Clair was sexy, sweet, and the full package, but Brody could only ever see Amanda. A fucking shame, I tell you.

  It’s not like Panda didn’t tell him she wasn’t into him that way. For a while, I thought maybe she was into girls, because it’s not like Brody wasn’t the kind of guy girls fawned over. He was a big boy, broad shoulders, and girls seemed to like him, but they weren’t Amanda. Why? I didn’t get it. Maybe I never would. Either way, my brother fell hard for the girl. He said he was good, had gotten over her, and moved on…but he proved himself wrong time and time again when she’d come calling.

  Best friends, they claimed – but without benefits, what’s the point?

  Chapter 5 - Amanda

  We stopped for food and grabbed sandwiches that were served with seasoned fries, and refueled our bellies. Thankfully, we were close to the hotel. What I wanted to do was dive face first into a big slab of chocolate lava cake, but the extra sugar wouldn’t do me any favors. With the first of several long drives behind us, I needed to be careful about my eating.

  Seven hours on the road was enough to last me a lifetime, but we were still a long way from El Paso. It was going to be a never ending week.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about my job. Did I really just get fired? I mean, I rarely took off. I told her it was an emergency. I’d need to find something ASAP when I got home, or I’d be in trouble. Sure, I tucked away a tiny bit of savings, but I’d drain through that quickly. Stupid student loans would drain me dry.

  Nick pulled into a parking spot at the hotel, and together we went inside. The crisp teal and silver coloring looked as if it had been recently updated. The fixtures were shiny and fresh, leaving me to wonder when this particular branch opened. You could still smell the faint fumes of newer carpeting, so they either remodeled or built it not too long ago. The highly polished floor looked as if it had fifteen layers of clear coat over it, and glistened as if it were new.

  I stood by Nick’s side, worn and weary as he checked us in. Stepping in closer, I picked up the essence of his cologne. I hadn’t noticed it prior, but he smelled kind of good. Better than kind of bad, I guess.

  The Hampton’s location was surrounded by a nice mix of restaurants and was next to a mall and airport. It was a clean and a safe bet, so I was happy. He actually did a good job selecting the hotel. Everything was going along swimmingly until the hotel clerk called us Mr. and Mrs. De Luca. Nick didn’t correct him. I groaned deeply inside, as not to make a scene. Finally, I decided to make the point that we weren’t together. No way did I want to be associated as his wife.

  “You’ll be in room 429,” the clerk said, handing us our keys.

  “Oh, we’re not…we’re not married,” I finally spit out. I gloated, having won that battle. Then I realized, I looked like a cheap date instead. Great. The smile slid off my face.

  With keys in hand, we stumbled to our room. I was good and ready to crash into bed. Sleep was calling to me. On entering, I took in the familiar layout of a typical mid-level hotel room. Two beds, a dresser, a desk, a small table, and two chairs furnished our stop over.

  I dropped my bag onto the floor by the chestnut brown dresser and then climbed on one of the beds. Sinking into the comforter, I’d found my spot for the evening. I’d curl up and get lost in sweet slumber.

  Nick decided to grab shower to decompress. We both needed some space, so it allowed me a few minutes alone. The timing was perfect. It gave me the chance to switch into the t-shirt that I’d be sleeping in.

  I waited and listened for the water to turn on. Once it sprang to life, I lifted my current shirt over my head. I thought he was in the shower. I thought he’d be in the bathroom, but apparently, he forgot something. Nick opened the door to get his bag. In a panic, I gasped. “Nick!”

  Nick’s eyes locked on mine and then slipped lower.

  I shot my hands up over my breasts, which were thankfully still covered by my bra. A few seconds later, I’d have been half-naked.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you’d be stripping down. If I’d known, I would have waited for the show,” he said with a wink, before turning back to the bathroom.

  A red, hot flush filled my cheeks. I sucked in air and tried to calm myself. I mean, really, what’s the big deal, right? I wanted to play it off like it didn’t matter, act cool, when in reality I was mortified. I didn’t need him thinking I’m some kind of prude. I mean, at the beach, I basically wear the same thing in the form of a bathing suit. Either way, I cursed myself for not timing it better. I glanced over my shoulder, like somebody might barge through the door, before finishing the job.

  I quickly pulled on my Pima cotton t-shirt and finagled my bra off from below it. I wasn’t risking
him walking in on me as my lingerie hit the floor. No need to give the lothario inspiration. He had a bold reputation, and I didn’t want him getting any ideas.

  The shower faucets squeaked as Nick shut off the water. Stepping out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, I tried not to notice him standing there…dripping wet…in nothing but a towel…and…no, don’t look. My gaze drifted to the side.

  It was obvious why girls flocked to him. He was damn good looking, and that body…wow. Every muscle was cut perfectly, as if a sculptor had chiseled each inch and curve into a masterpiece. His ass was high and tight, his shoulders broad, and oh dear God his arms looked even buffer with water droplets highlighting them. His height was emphasized in his, umm, nudity and towel. I took one quick peek at his chest as he turned toward me, and then shot my gaze to the wall. No way did I want to get caught looking.

  “Were you just checking me out?” His voice was laced with amusement.

  Busted. Deny. Deny. Deny. “Who me? No, nope, not at all.”

  Nick teased me. “Not even a peek?”

  He walked over and stood before me. It was a challenge, a duel of the minds. I knew what he was doing. He settled right in front of me. There was nowhere else to look. I tried to keep control. I wouldn’t let him get to me. Oh dear, no, no…don’t. He was pitching a tent. Crap. Why did I have to notice it growing? I cleared my throat, trying to control the tone of my voice. “You’re a pervert.”

  Nick stood before me – erect, proud, and tall. “Do you like what you see?”

  Holy cow. It’s big. Really big. Yup, it’s a big one. Don’t stare.

  He wrapped his hand around his cock, over the towel. “Try not to be scared of something so …enormous.”

  I groaned.

  Nick laughed.

  “Fine, you have a big dick. Get over yourself. Not like I care,” I finally spit out.

  I was surprised when his tone changed. “Actually, it’s been a long day. Do you want to maybe go get a drink or something? I need to blow off some steam before I’m able to sleep.”

  I curiously eyed him as he went to pull a fresh shirt and jeans from his bag.

  “Yeah, sure, it’s still early.” I thought that I’d wanted to sleep, but he was right. It was a long day. I was overtired, and relaxing for a while would be good.

  “When we drove down the main drag to the hotel, I noticed a place we could walk to,” he mentioned. “Walking sounds good after that drive.”

  While I noticed him get a shirt and jeans out of his bag, I didn’t see him get underwear. “Don’t you need…?” Oh. Then it hit me.

  He shot me a look and then answered as if he’d just won an award. “I go commando.”

  “Doesn’t that…never mind. I don’t want to know.” I shut my trap and grabbed my clothes. The sooner I stopped talking, the more comfortable I’d be. With my clothes in hand, I went to the bathroom to get redressed.

  I wanted to hate him. I wanted to think he was the biggest asshole that I’d ever met, but something else happened. I found myself growing attracted to him. It scared me more than was willing to admit. Not him. Please, not him.

  We left the hotel and walked no more than two blocks to the tavern. Neon signs adorned the windows, while inside it offered low-lighting. It had a distinct shot-and-beer-joint feel. At the bar, baskets of buttered popcorn dotted the countertop. The bartender placed two cardboard coasters in front of us.

  “What’ll it be?” he asked.

  We placed our order and I slid a twenty on the bar to cover the cost.

  Nick pushed the money back toward me as he spoke to the bartender. “Her money isn’t good here.”

  “Come on…you need to let me pay for something. I don’t expect a free ride,” I argued, not wanting to feel like a leech.

  Nick sighed. “Later. For tonight, let’s pretend to be friends, okay? And this friend is buying your drinks.”

  “This doesn’t mean…” I stopped myself before I said the words.

  He shot me a look.

  “I’m sorry.” It was an automatic response. His past record gave me reason to think this way, but he was right. I wasn’t even giving him a chance to be a good guy.

  “So, let’s talk about you and Brody,” he said, cutting to the chase. “What’s the deal? I know how he feels about you, and has for a while. What’s going on in your head? You keep him around, but never let him in. What’s holding you back? You’ve friend-zoned him for way too long.”

  I took a gulp of beer and swallowed hard. The drink was ice-cold from the tap, and I wasn’t in a hurry to answer.

  “You can tell me,” he encouraged.

  I didn’t know what to say. Brody was Nick’s brother. Honesty seemed like the best approach. “I don’t know. Sometimes I can see him that way, but then I worry about chemistry. We’re comfortable with each other, almost too comfortable, but without a spark where does that leave us? It’s not that I don’t think he’s attractive, he is, but after so many years, he feels more like a brother than somebody I’d date. What if something happened? I’d lose my best friend.”

  He nodded as if he understood.

  I dreaded my words would get back to Brody. It’s not that I hadn’t been straight with him, it just felt weird saying it aloud. I didn’t want to think about it. It worked how it was. Why did we need to question things? I understood his brother’s concern. Was I yanking Brody’s chain, leading him on? I’d been honest from the start, and Brody said he’d made peace with it. I pretended to believe him.

  What surprised me more than anything was how easy it was to talk to Nick. We had a few more beers, and the conversation flowed freely. This wasn’t the Nick I usually saw or recognized. This one was actually normal. Nice. Not a dick.

  I changed the topic. “So tell me how you won the Escalade. I’ve heard bits and pieces…”

  Nick’s phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and mouthed “Brody” to me. The conversation was one-sided. I couldn’t hear Brody’s end. “What is it? Right, okay, we’re on our way. We’re in Virginia, and we’ll hit the road first thing in the morning. Just hang in there. It’s going to be okay.”

  When he hung up the phone, he settled our bill.

  “What was it?” I sensed the tension in his face. Something changed. He went from relaxed to uptight in a matter of moments.

  “The guys that he’s staying with, they’re bad news. He thinks they might be dealers. A lot of shady characters are coming in and out of the house, and he’s getting nervous.”

  I panicked. I hated not being able to control what was happening. “Why didn’t you tell him to leave?”

  Nick shot me a look, reminding me that Brody was an adult and could make decisions like a big boy. “Don’t you think he’s thought of that?”

  “We should call your mother. Maybe she can wire him money or book a hotel room for him. Hell, I’ll book one and he can stay there,” I said. My heart raced, wondering if he’d be okay by the time we got there.

  “He said he’s staying put for now, and doesn’t want to set off the guys. If he bolts, he’s worried they’ll think he’s onto something and not want him to talk. He was whispering, paranoid they’d hear something,” Nick explained.

  “We need to leave now. I don’t want to wait. We can drive straight through, take turns driving,” I said, anxiety thundering through me.

  “He’s going to be okay.” Nick’s voice was as smooth as silk as he worked to calm my nerves and fear.

  I was scared for Brody. I looked at Nick, feeling desperate. “What if he’s not?”

  Nick reached out for me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll get there, safely. Driving all night won’t do anyone any good. Let’s head back to the room, grab some sleep, and hit the road early tomorrow.”

  I nodded, not sure what else to do. My mind was tragically busy; thought after thought cascaded in a perpetual motion. We had to get to him, and now. Waiting would be a mistake. Thoughts blew through my head like loose papers on a b
lustery day.

  Nick assured me, sleep was the answer for now. Well rested, we could reassess our plans. Walking back to the hotel, he stayed a step behind me. I thought he was being a gentleman, until I glanced back. His eyes were focused lower than I’d anticipated. He was watching me walk. Some gentleman - his gaze was directly on my ass! That man was nothing but a dog when it came to women. I shot him a nasty look. “Seriously?”

  He looked up and smiled with a schoolboy grin. “You are kind of cute. I can see what Brody sees in you. Maybe, if you shed some-”

  I snapped and my mood dampened. Dampened was an understatement. I grew downright stormy in under a minute. “Don’t you dare go there and tell me I need to lose weight. I know I gained weight over the last few years. You don’t have to tell me. Besides, it’s not like I’m your type anyway, so back off! I may not have buns of steel, but it doesn’t make me less of a person.”

  “Whoa, where did that come from?” He was jarred by my tight-lipped response.

  I turned and glared at Nick, peeved. “What did you expect me to say?”

  “Well, if you let me finish talking before rudely jumping in, you’d realize you came to the wrong conclusion, Ms. Insecurity. I was going to say you’re cute, but you’d be downright hot if you shed some of the make-up you hide under. You slap it on like war paint.”

  “What?” I was flummoxed.

  “I mean, sure, from a distance you’ve got a great look going for you. And the curves, let me put this out there, I like an ass I can sink my hands into and squeeze. Soft curves are sexy, so you’re off base there. But if you scraped off some of the foundation, I could see if you had freckles. Freckles are cute. And your lips, all that lipstick and gloss… sure, in a picture it’s fine, but up close how can I possibly tell if your lips are a soft pink or more of a deeper hue? And seriously, a man can’t see you blush under all that paint. Not to mention the thick eyeliner on your eyes. It takes away from the flecks of gold that highlight your green eyes. I’m just saying, take it up a notch and go a little more natural. I know, I know, everyone is all up in the selfies and girls like Kim K, but let’s be honest, she’s two different women. We never see the real her, only the image she wants to put out there. Gorgeous girl, but what’s underneath it all? Fresh-faced and simple is what revs a guy up. We want a real woman, not a Barbie doll. Those are the kind of women you take to bed, but they aren’t the marrying type.”


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