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Page 6

by B L Morticia

  “Great. What’s to eat?”

  “Steak and potatoes with salad.”

  “Cool.” I took a seat at the table and plucked my phone from my pocket. When I noticed a response from Noah, I smiled and tapped the screen.

  Hey, Steven.

  Sorry for the late response. I’ve been at work. Sure, we can chat. I’ll be home around seven.


  “Seven?” That was right now, but since I was about to eat, I’d hold off until afterwards. I texted back, “I’ll call after dinner if that’s all right”. Perhaps after that, I’d feel more confident about asking him out.

  Once I finished eating, I showered, changed into my sweats, then fell backwards on the mattress. I dialed Noah’s number, waiting for him to pick up.

  “Hi Steven.”

  “Hey. I hope it’s not too late to call.”

  “Nah. I’ll be going in late tomorrow since I did some overtime. Being junior partner, I got it like that,” he laughed.

  “Good. Where do you work by the way?”

  “It’s a company called Inbrotech. I work at the office downtown.”

  “Okay.” I made a mental note of that. Perhaps I could send him some flowers later on. “You like it there?”

  “I do. Love working with computer programs. I started as one of the developers and got promoted last year to junior account manager.”

  Listening to Noah speak about his career made me smile. I was happy he’d made such a big jump in the corporate world. “Yeah? Well, congrats. You’re doing good for yourself then.”

  “Yep. What about you? Are you just making music?”

  I adjusted the pillow under my head. “Pretty much. I’ve written music for other bands and some money comes from StarHaze songs. Like I told you before, I’m recording my own music again. In fact, I wrote a song in the last two days I hope you’ll listen to.”

  “Really? I haven’t been on it in a few days, but I’ll check it out.”

  “Make sure you do. I uh, kinda wrote it for you.”

  Noah gasped. “Steven… you’re not serious.”

  “Totally am. I know we barely know each other but, I couldn’t help it. When we talked last, all the feelings came flooding back. It definitely inspired me.”

  “Wow, I’m… I’m speechless. I mean, look, I gotta tell you something and I hope you won’t get mad about it.”

  Hearing that, I cocked an eyebrow. “I doubt I would be but tell me anyway.”

  “That first letter you got? I didn’t send it.”

  That took me aback and I pulled the phone away from my ear. I inhaled and closed my eyes, wondering what the hell that meant. I placed it back. “Huh?”

  “My friend Laze sent the email. I needed to tell you the truth, because I’m sure the tone of it and my skeptic answers didn’t match up.”

  “Hmph, I see. Sooo, you didn’t wanna talk with me?”

  “No, I did. Laze figured I’d take a while to contact you, so he did it for me,” Noah chuckled. “I definitely wanted to reconnect, but I was scared of getting rejected again.”

  I sighed inwardly and nibbled on my bottom lip. I could understand his hesitance. “I bet. After the way I treated you…”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “No. If anything, Laze should be my best friend,” I joked.

  “Yeah. Anyway, um… pardon me for sounding unconvinced.”

  “As you should be.” I got it. This made taking things slow more important while also proving I wasn’t the man who’d walked away anymore.

  “I’m just gonna have to work a lot harder.”

  Chapter Eight


  The conversations with Steven the last four nights made me smile. Part of me was saying, resist and retreat, while the other encouraged me to go full speed ahead. After we chatted last time, Steven asked for my work address and if he could he send me something. I said sure. I had no idea what that would be. Perhaps a song or two for my own personal collection.

  Happy about the progress, I went into work grinning like the well-dressed cat who’d eaten the canary. What could I say? Steven was still the man in my book, no matter how much time had passed.

  “Good afternoon, Noah.”

  “Good afternoon, Lacey. Any messages?” I asked, a little too cheerful.

  “One from Miss Lassiter, and oh, you got a package as well.”

  “Really? Who’s it from?”

  “There’s a card here that says, from Steven.”

  Hearing Lacey mention the name, I dropped my head, shaking it.

  “New admirer, I take it?”

  “Yeah. I suppose you could say that,” I responded with a grin.

  “Okay. Well good luck with that,” she smiled back, handing me the box and piece of paper.

  I took it and headed into my office, closing the door behind me.

  “You’re such a sap, Steven.” When I made it to my desk, I dropped Miss Lassiter’s message on top. Although I was excited, I carefully tore the wrapping on the package, lifted the top, then moved the tissue paper.

  “What’s this?”

  Inside was a card, drowned in rose petals. I picked it up and eyed the fancy writing.

  It read…

  Noah James. You are cordially invited to dinner at the Steven Sharpe household. Please RSVP by calling, 206-876-9908 as well as giving your choice for our meal.

  Thank You.

  Steven Sharpe

  “Steven…” I fanned myself with the card and clicked my teeth. He meant it when he said he’d try harder to get close to me. Though this was cheesy as hell, I had to admit it was very creative. A way to ask me out without voicing it, while hiding it as a gift.

  Clever indeed.

  With this kind of effort, I had to call Steven to let him know I got the message.

  The pushback from my anxieties was strong, but I waved them away for now.

  “Noah. Hey.” The anxiety was evident in his voice.

  “Steven… I…”

  “You don’t like my gift?”

  “I like it, but… I wasn’t expecting you to ask me out so soon.”

  “Why not? Noah, we’ve been learning more about each other and, I wanna finally see you in person. The picture you sent me wasn’t enough.”

  “I get it, but…” I bit my lip and placed the card along with the box atop the desk. I gulped hard and closed my eyes tight. “I’m scared, Steven.”

  “I know you are. I am too, but damn, babe, we can get through our fears together.”

  “We could but…”

  “You’re not ready.”

  I could hear the disappointment in Steven’s voice, but I had to stand firm. We still didn’t know one another enough to jump this quickly into something long term.

  “I get your hesitation, but I’ve got strong feelings for you.”

  “Yeah but…” I stopped talking because I didn’t know how to say let’s wait without further hurting him. “Listen, um, I need to go. I’ve got work to do. One of my clients has called and they might need me for something.”

  Steven sighed into the phone. “Alright, Noah. Can I call you tonight?”

  “Sure. I should be home after six. If I don’t answer, leave me a message or text if you want. I’ll try to call back.”

  “Okay, Noah. Just know I meant what I said. I’m not bullshitting you.”

  “Yeah, okay. Talk with you later.” I pushed the disconnect button and put the phone down on the desk.

  * * * *


  When I heard the click, I gritted my teeth together and dropped the phone on the bed. My first reaction was to ask Eva to make a special trip to the liquor store, but I didn’t need that. I should’ve expected Noah to be surprised and in denial, because it was just that crazy of an idea. Still, I decided to voice it because my feelings had grown even in this short amount of time.

  Although Jules had relayed his advice, I didn’t take it. Living on borrowed time, I’d learned to take th
e bull by the horns. In truth, I’d wanted to tell him the very first time we’d talked again, but I waited, hoping he would be more receptive.

  I suppose I should’ve waited a little longer.

  Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I lifted my guitar from the floor. I strummed it lightly and plucked a couple of notes of Cursed Heart. I knew it was Noah’s favorite tune, but for whatever reason, instead of it making me feel worse, it relaxed me.

  Perhaps because it took me back to that night at the Hideaway…

  * * * *

  Ten years earlier…

  The performance had been good. Many fans congregated at the front of the stage, some clamoring for autographs, while others wanted more. I, however, just wanted a few moments of solitude because Cursed Heart was a difficult tune to sing. It was about having faith in someone you loved, only to have them disappoint you after it all. That song, as well as many others, were attributed to my dad. Too bad I didn’t have a lover to sing about, but considering our style of play was more nineties, I felt the angsty tones with hidden messages fit the bill.

  After many of the fans had left, I made my way to the men’s room on the side. Sure, I could’ve used the one backstage, but I figured one of my many groupies would be waiting with some drugs and/or alcohol. I didn’t want any of them right now. I just wanted to take a piss and gather my thoughts. There would be plenty of time to reacquaint myself with my harem later.

  As I walked in, I lowered my zipper and leaned over the bowl to do my business. The moment I finished, I flushed, then locked eyes with a good-looking man, staring at me as if I were Jesus reincarnated.

  God was he hot.

  Gorgeous brown skin, beautiful light green eyes, a narrow nose, and a little facial hair on his chin. Along with the leather jacket, filled with buttons on the lapels, he donned an old-time Alice in Chains t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Everything fit so well on him, he might as well have been born with those clothes on.

  “You’re Steven Sharpe.”

  “The one and only.”

  He shook his head, smiling wide. “Damn, I never thought I’d meet you.”

  “In a place like this?” I held out my arms, looking from left to right. “Anything’s possible. This ain’t Madison Square Garden.

  “No, it’s not, but… why are you using… the normal bathroom?”

  “Normal? I mean…” I ran my hand over my goatee, chuckling. “Last I checked, I’m a normal human.”

  “Fuck, I’m so stupid,” he said, still grinning as if he’d hit the lottery. “I hate to be a fanboy, but could you sign my shirt?”

  “Fuck yeah, dude.” I ambled close to him and took the sharpie from his hand. I scribbled Steven Sharpe on the front. “I must be a big deal if you let me deface these cats’ shirt.”

  “You are,” he said, looking sheepish. “I own every single StarHaze recording. The songs, especially Cursed Heart, speak to me.”

  “For real?” My eyes bulged at that. “What’s your name?”

  “Noah. I’m like, fuck… this sounds so silly, but I’m your biggest fan.”

  “Shit… really?”

  “Yes. I love everything you’ve written. I can feel the pain in your songs, even though my dad is the most understanding guy I know.”

  “That’s good. Glad someone has a parent who gives a shit.” I moved back so I wouldn’t crowd him. I was surprised he hadn’t said something about me invading his personal space.

  “Yeah. Um… damn, Steven, this is like a dream come true. Meeting you, in this dive bar. I’m a little young to be here, but…”

  “How old are you?”

  “Truly, I’m nineteen,” he said, shrugging. “I had a fake ID. I know I’m young, but… I love some old music.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. At least you’re legal,” I said. “So, you love my songs, huh?”

  Noah proceeded to rattle off his top ten StarHaze tunes and what they meant.

  “I’m not a fan of Damaged fate, but the riffs kick ass. I suppose that was about your relationship with your Dad. I can’t relate, but I’m sure it could be used in other situations with someone you don’t really like.”

  I stood there astonished as I listened to Noah. “Damn, I’m impressed. I swear, not only are you hot, you’re really good for an asshole’s ego.”

  Noah laughed at that. “You think I’m hot?”

  “Hell yes.” I moved in closer, knowing this could get me in a lot of trouble if Noah squealed. At this very moment though, I didn’t care.

  I was still a little tipsy from the drinks before the set, but not by much. It was more the vibe Noah was giving me. Noah’s heated glance held my gaze. The alto tone in his voice. The smell of his cologne. It wasn’t cheap or overpowering. It smelled like sandlewood, very faint and mixed in with another scent I assumed to be his natural aroma.

  “I can’t believe… you… you actually. Shit…”

  I chuckled at his reaction. It was cute and dorky. Didn’t matter though, because I was into him. “So, um… wanna have some fun?”

  “What kind? Drugs? I don’t do those and I only drink beer.”

  “No, babe.” After latching the door closed, I stepped closer to him and dragged my hand down the center of his chest. “I wanna get to know your skin, your lips.” I pressed a kiss on top of his mouth and darted my tongue in between, only to remove it quickly. The excitement went straight to my cock and balls, zipping to every part of my body.

  “Jesus, you’re gay?”

  “I’m gloriously bi, but no question, I like men a little more.”


  “Can you do me a favor and keep this on the hush? Just for now, anyway. My guys ain’t homophobic, but they might not take too kindly to me being into dudes.”

  “Oh sure, sure. Your truth to tell. I’d never. I got too much respect for you.”

  As I listened to Noah, I couldn’t believe my luck. The first man I actually wanted to hook up with and it seemed he had enough respect for me to keep quiet about this. “Okay, good. Now, back to what we were doing.” I ran my hand along his jaw and grabbed his face. In less than a minute, I captured his lips with mine, kissing him as if the world outside didn’t matter.

  “Fuck, Steven…”

  “Oh yeah…”

  “I want you.” I continued to hold Noah’s face in my hands. I went from his mouth down to his collarbone, leaving a trail of nips and pecks. Wanting more, I moved one hand downward until I reached his waist.

  “May I?” I asked. My voice was full of need.

  “Fuck yes!”

  That response set me into action.

  Noah was shaking, still looking at me as if I were a god.

  Admittedly, it fueled my fantasy.

  As I fought with his jeans, I continued to cover his mouth with my own, tasting the beer on his tongue. Who knew the first man I’d have enough courage to fuck would be someone almost eight years my junior? At least he was legal because no matter what gender, I didn’t fuck around with anyone under eighteen.

  “Steven…” Noah exhaled.

  “Yes.” I slowly massaged his crotch through the denim. Once I finally won my battle with the zipper, I tugged his boxers to the side. Noah’s dick popped out all hard and leaking. Fuck I wanted his dick in my mouth, but I desired his ass a lot more.

  Despite my want, I held his cock in hand and gently caressed it. I tongued his ear and traced the side.

  “Steven… oh shit.”

  Noah’s words and clutches on my back spurred me on.

  I moved from his ear back to his lips, kissing him with the reckless abandon I’d been saving my whole entire life. “Damn, baby, you’re so hard for me. So wet.”

  Noah’s green gaze met mine. He smiled. “Yeah, because you do this to me. When you sing, this is what happens.”

  Holy shit.

  No one had ever said that to me, nor had they made such an impact in such a short amount of time. I never let myself become too attached with anyone when i
t came to sex.

  “Of yeah?” I traced his mouth with my tongue, then kissed him again. “Then lemme give you something to remember for the rest of your life.”

  “Really?” Noah sounded shocked.

  “Yeah, baby. Let me fuck you.”

  Noah’s grin stretched the length of his face. “Oh, Yes. By the way, do you have supplies?”

  “I always come prepared,” I answered with a smile. I didn’t have lube, but I’d make do with saliva and pre-cum. “No lube…”

  “I don’t care. Just get in me,” Noah groused, pushing his jeans down and raising his shirt.

  “Okay.” I grabbed the back of his neck, tugging him in close. When our lips met again, I suffocated him with my kisses and pushed my tongue inside his mouth. After I shucked my pants from my waist, I plucked a condom from my pocket. To get the latex wrapper open, I pulled away, still staring at him. “You sure, Noah? Like I said, it’s gotta stay...”

  “Between us. Yeah. I won’t tell anyone. Maybe my best friend, Laze. Is that cool?”

  “Yeah. Best friend is okay. Seattle press, no…”

  Noah laughed at that. It was such a sweet sound and I’d love to hear it for the rest of my existence.

  When I got the latex on, I yanked him into me, encapsulating his lips. I broke away again to turn him around, so I could see that luscious ass. Just as I suspected, Noah’s backside was luscious and round. I gave it a couple of playful smacks then spat on my hand. “I know this will feel good.”

  “Yeah…” Noah was shivering a little.

  “Calm down, baby. It might hurt a little, but when you relax it’ll feel really good.”

  “I know, it’s just. You know, first time.”

  “You’re a virgin?”

  “Yes… unfuckingfortunately.”

  “Not unfortunate at all. It’s the first time with a man for me too, so we’ll both learn tonight.” I kissed the side of his head and moved in slowly. I reached around to grip his cock and smeared some of his pre-cum on my hand. “Gonna prep you a bit.”

  “Kay.” Noah leaned forward.


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