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Page 14

by B L Morticia

  “Okay.” Steven quickly swiped his tongue over his lips and flashed his sexy smile.

  “Fuck.” I mouthed to myself and got out before he could do something else that aroused me. Once we both made it to the front of the car, we joined hands and walked up the stairs of my parents’ house.

  “Nice place.” Steven squeezed my hand.

  I did the same and nudged him with my shoulder. “Yep. It’s where I grew up.” Even though I had a key, I rang the doorbell.

  “Who is it?” My mother called from the other side.”

  “It’s Noah and Steven, Mom.” I said in response and waited for her to open it.

  “Ready?” I mouthed to him.


  Mom opened the door, smiling wide. “Well I was wondering when the two of you would come in. Your dad stopped me from coming out here and knocking on the window.”

  I laughed, as did Steven.

  “Glad you didn’t. Mom, this is Steven. Steven, my mother, Nettie James.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Mrs. James.” Steven held out his hand.

  Mom accepted it with a wide grin. “No, no. It’s Nettie. Welcome to the family.”


  “C’mon, all your brothers are here,” Mom said, as she invited us in.

  “You mean, everyone except for Mike.”

  “No, no. Mike is here too.”


  Knowing our last conversation online didn’t go well, my breath caught in my chest. “Mom, did he stop by on his own?”

  “I told him he had to. This is a family dinner and I want the two of you to get along. I threatened to disown him if he didn’t,” Mom said.

  I sighed heavily and squeezed Steven’s hand. Steven knew about Mike’s homophobia and informed me he’d be fine. He eyed me and nodded.

  I did the same and we proceeded to the front room.

  “Sons and girlfriends, Daddy, look whose here.”

  “Hey there.” My dad walked up first, hugging me, then introducing himself to Steven. Then my brothers, Julian, Leon and his girl, as well as Rodney and his lady walked up, all saying hello to both of us.

  Once they moved to the side, Mike walked up with a smirk on his face. “Hey. Like I said, you didn’t have to unfollow me on Facebook.”

  “Well, you made it clear I wasn’t welcome, so. Anyway, we can chat about that later. This is my boyfriend, Steven. Steven, this is Mike.”

  “Hey, good to meet you, Mike.” Steven held out his hand.

  “Likewise.” Mike accepted the handshake. “You look every part of what Noah would go for, too. Noah has always been an Oreo.”

  “Mike, stop that!” My mother scolded him.

  I stiffened and bit my bottom lip. The last thing I wanted was Mike to act like an ass and he was doing exactly that.

  “Hey, hey, I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. He listens to some peculiar shit, so… No offense, Steven.”

  “None taken.” Steven smiled wryly.

  “Hey, um, Steven. Come on and I’ll show you around a moment.” Julian patted his shoulder. “Your boy has a ton of stuff in his old room you might be interested in seeing.”

  “Oh? All right, that would be awesome. Thanks.” Steven patted me and smiled, then winked.

  Julian grinned at me and ambled in the other direction with Steven. Thank goodness my brother had the forethought to take Steven away right now. I was about to let Mike have it.

  “Listen, can you behave for one night? I know you can’t get over the fact I’m gay, but don’t embarrass me in front of my man.”

  Mike frowned. “I didn’t embarrass you, punk! I wanted to say just like you to get a white guy, considering you only listened to white music.”

  “Boy I didn’t raise you like that, and I won’t tolerate that now,” my dad said sounding angry.

  “Mike, you will stop this now,” my mom added.

  “Mom and Pop, I didn’t say anything wrong. Your boy always been into white music, so he might as well go get a cracker for a boyfriend.”

  “I swear, you better be glad we’re in front of our folks right now,” I grumbled. Every part of me wanted to show Mike how much of a man I was.

  “Mike, stop that, okay? You don’t have to treat Noah like that. Respect him and his man!” Rodney yelled.

  “You need to sit yourself down, Mike.” That was Leon’s girlfriend, Leena. “Who he loves ain’t none of your business.”

  “Ya’ll need to chill. I’m not disrespecting him. Maybe ya’ll will be okay walking on eggshells around him, but I’m not. I don’t like big brother dating outside his race or being a freaking queer. I was able to stomach him being gay just for ya’ll, but now he’s got a white guy? Dude.”

  “Mike, you are out of line, man.” Rodney said.

  Angry, I clenched my fists at my sides and stepped up to him. Fuming, I grit my teeth. “I didn’t fall in love with his race, Mike. I fell in love with the man who is Steven Sharpe. And quite frankly, I don’t give a damn that you don’t approve, okay?”

  “Alright. That’s fine. Just know I’m here for Momma and Daddy, and my real brothers. Not you and your white boyfriend. Got that?” Mike eyed me pointedly.

  “Yeah. He was in the hospital recently. If you can’t respect me, at least hold back your cruelty so you don’t stress him out, okay?” I stomped away from him and left, ignoring the calls from my parents, who were asking me to come back.

  Despite what Mike had said, I wouldn’t allow him to ruin my night with my family. We were gathering to meet my man who I hoped to marry someday, not to hear Mike’s complaints about my boyfriend’s race or my sexual identity.

  Chapter Twenty


  Despite Mike being sort of an ass, dinner at Noah’s parents’ house was awesome. They were very welcoming, as were his other brothers Julian, Rodney, and Leon, and their girlfriends. Mike was quiet, but he made a habit of clicking his teeth if Noah and I talked about certain things, like our place and the plans we’d made to go on vacation soon to see The Dalians in Vegas. No matter what, I didn’t get rattled. Bottom line, Mike had no say so in our relationship. It was his problem he was homophobic, not ours.

  Admittedly, I was glad to leave because Mike’s glares had gotten under my skin. I never understood why people cared so much about what others did in their bedroom, but to each his or her own.

  “Noah?” I called out to him from the bedroom. When we got home, he asked to take a shower alone, just to clear his head. I got it, so I didn’t question his reasoning.

  “I’m here.”

  Noah walked out, looking tense, with the towel tightly wrapped around his waist.

  “Come here.” I waved him over.

  Noah dragged himself over to the bed slowly and sat down. He appeared distraught, but I wouldn’t allow his mood to be sour the entire night.

  I leaned over his shoulder and gripped him tight. “Look, I know tonight was rough with Mike.”

  “More than.” Noah shook his head. “I can’t believe how much of an asshole he was to you. I mean, I’d hoped he would tone it down for your sake, but he really doesn’t care.”

  “Hey, it’s all right. No matter what, he’s still your flesh and blood. I’m not gonna let him get to me.”

  “So, you weren’t bothered by anything he said?”

  “Yeah, I was, but what could I do? Like I said before we went in, I was there for you and your parents... not your brothers or their girlfriends, just you and your folks.”

  Noah shifted around to face me. “I’m glad. I’m sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. Hopefully, someday he’ll come around, but if he doesn’t, oh well. There’s nothing you can do.”

  Noah nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck, holding me close. “I love you Steven.”

  “Love you too. Now, enough about the folks.” I moved back and dropped my gaze. I licked my lips and grinned. “Seems like you’re wearing too many clothes.” />
  Noah flashed a wry smile, showing nearly perfect teeth. Those green eyes met mine and all of a sudden, I was mesmerized. “I’m not wearing any.”

  “You are. The towel.” I loosened the knot around his waist and it fell onto the mattress. “That’s better.”

  Noah laughed. “You are such a horn dog, you know that?” Noah crawled over to me, leaning his body into mine, driving me onto the bed.

  “I am. I clenched his backside and slapped his ass cheeks a couple of times.

  Noah groaned and covered my lips with his. “That hurts so good babe.”

  “Oh yeah?” I smacked his buttocks again and ran one finger down the crack of his ass until I found his tight channel. “Ready for me to fill you?”

  “I am. Let me ride you into the mattress. I want you to scream my name and wake our neighbors.”

  I laughed and sank my finger further into his hot channel. Hard as hell, I moaned into the kiss and wrapped one arm around his waist while I continued probing him with the other. “Damn, I love you so much.”

  “Love you too.” Noah pecked my lips and reached into our top drawer to grab the condoms and slick. He tore the packet with his teeth and handed me the bottle. After Noah fitted me with the latex, I slathered my dick with the lube. The sensation of being wrapped tightly made my balls tense. “Hop on the ride, babe.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Noah

  Completely under his spell, I watched Noah, thrusting his body into mine. Wouldn’t be long before my climax would come to a head, only so we could rest up and do it again.

  Despite the hatred we’d faced earlier, none of that would touch us here.

  * * * *


  Saturday’s dinner had been hard, but Steven did everything he could to make me forget. We made love the rest of the weekend, spending Sunday in bed, only taking breaks to eat or go to the bathroom. The television stayed off as did our phones. There were no disruptions, not even from Eva because Steven informed her she was only needed Monday through Friday. She had started making enough food, so we wouldn’t have to order out which was really sweet of her. Eventually, I wanted to ask her to teach me to make some of Steven’s favorites, so she wouldn’t have to go through the additional trouble.

  When Monday came, I practically floated into work. My secretary mentioned I’d been glowing ever since I started dating Steven, which I had to agree was a great thing. With my rock and roll prince in my life, everything was perfect.

  “Mornin’, Noah.”

  Well almost everything.

  I looked up from the few folders on my desk and nodded. “Good morning, Dane. What can I do for you?”

  Dane shoved his hands in his pockets. “Wanted to see how things were going. I heard through the grapevine that you’re seeing some washed up rockstar.”

  I sighed. “Where did you hear that?”

  “It’s the talk of the office,” Dane laughed. “Everyone’s noticed you happier. They say the guy stopped in a couple of times too.”

  “He has. When he’s bored at home he’ll come meet me for lunch. Dane, with all due respect…”

  “I know what you’re gonna ask. You know, Noah, remember what I was telling you about scratching backs and all?”

  I exhaled. “Mhmm.”

  Dane shrugged. “Well you’re not really doing that man. This company doesn’t promote many minorities. We picked you because you’re smart and not like the others.”

  “The others…” Noah bit his lip until it nearly bled.

  “Yeah, you know, you’re not one of those, loud ones. Anyway, Miss Lassiter is asking for your specific, expertise. She’s into black guys, Noah. Likes em young and well hung,” he laughed. “Not that I know about that last part, but I’d assume…”

  Noah closed his eyes, thinking of what Steven had said.

  ‘He’s an asshole. I’ll take care of you. I’ve got enough in the bank…’


  Noah couldn’t do that. He’d been promoted and even if it seemed like a move to fill some kind of quota, he loved this job. “Really, Dane? You’re gonna go there?”

  “C’mon, Noah. So, like I said about scratching backs.”

  Noah bristled and took another deep breath. He was two seconds from jumping across the desk and decking this man. “Dane, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.”

  “Noah. Miss Lassiter…”

  “That’ll be enough, Dane!”

  I gasped, and my mouth gaped open when I noticed Dane’s uncle, Martin.

  The expression on his face said it all. “What in the hell are you doing?”

  “Uncle Martin,” Dane laughed nervously, rubbing his nape. “I was just…”

  “Breaking every harassment rule in the book! Why would you talk to our newest account manager like that? I will not tolerate that behavior from anyone that represents Inbrotech, especially my nephew.”

  I cocked an eyebrow, unable to say a word.

  “What? Uncle, this is how the corporate world works.”

  “That was how it worked. Or how some still operate, but not mine. I want you to take Noah’s advice and leave, this very second. Go clean out your desk and turn in your passes. You’re fired.”

  “What? Uncle, you can’t, you…” Dane glared at me, then back at Martin. “Why? I was only kidding.”

  “No, you weren’t. I’ve heard from other employees how you and Brett have treated people here. I didn’t believe it at first, but after coming down here and hearing you harass Noah the way you did, I’m convinced you can no longer work for my company.”

  “Uncle… I…”

  “Don’t Uncle me. I want you out. Right this minute. Security is out there waiting to escort you to your office and off the premises.”

  Dane huffed and stomped out the door, not saying a word. From the moment he stepped into the hallway, I heard him screaming obscenities about me and Martin.

  I stood in disbelief and gulped hard. “Um… wow.”

  Martin walked closer and nodded, half smiling. “I’m truly sorry about that, Noah. I didn’t want to believe that my nephew was so bigoted, but there it was on full display. Seems I picked the right time to come down and congratulate you on a job well done.”


  “I was coming in to say congratulations. We got the Biosphere contract from our competitors, all because they appreciated your professionalism, and your work. And since I need a new senior account manager.” Martin smiled wide. “How about you take the position?”

  “Wha… oh my…” I sat down in the chair, feeling light headed. I couldn’t believe what Martin had just said.

  “Take some time to think about it son. I can’t think of anyone more deserving than you. And contrary to what my nephew said, this wasn’t to fulfill some quota. As you know, we have a minority program in place to diversify this company.”

  “Yes, I do.” I didn’t want to tell Martin what I had initially thought, so I kept my mouth shut.

  “Good. And please accept my apology again. Think about my proposal, all right? Take the whole week if you need to. I’ll be doing Dane’s work in the meantime, but I want you to take this promotion.”

  “Yes, sir. I, um, I’ll definitely sleep on it.”

  “Good. Let me know as soon as you can. I have a meeting with the board. I hope you’ll join me at the next one.” Martin nodded and walked out of my office.

  “Wow.” I sat there, still dumbfounded by what just happened. The CEO just offered me a position. The worst part of my job was gone.

  I had Steven.

  I could be promoted again within a year, to do the job I’d gone to school for.

  Now… everything was perfect.



  Six months later…

  Thankfully, I finished out the year without having another episode. I’d visited Doctor Bryce every month, kept my blood sugar down, while still following the strict diet to the letter. Taking insulin wasn’t as bad as I thou
ght, more of an annoyance than anything. At least there had been advancements in that sort of thing, because according to Noah’s dad, it was no fun twenty years ago when he was first diagnosed.

  Noah accepted the position as the senior account manager at Inbrotech. By being a senior, he could work the schedule he wanted. He’d go in early while I was still sleeping and leave at around three. With more responsibility came more money, though. By him making this larger amount, I didn’t have to work as much with bands like Pretty Brutal. In all actuality, Noah now made enough for me to retire if I wanted. However, like him I didn’t desire to be a kept man.

  Speaking of Noah and family, things were moving along swimmingly. The entire family, except for Mike, had welcomed me with open arms. Noah and I had visited his parents for several meals and his brothers would drop by. Leon and his girlfriend actually got engaged, and Leon asked me to play at their wedding. I’d be writing a special song for them too as a wedding present. I hoped they would like it.

  The rest of his brothers had treated me well also. Julian and I shared our love for Game of Thrones and other television shows, and Rodney had become a fan of my music. Both even stopped by our place to hang out just to shoot the shit.

  As for our relationship it had blossomed. We’d tested negative and couldn’t keep our hands off each other. These days I wanted his skin on top of mine every opportunity we got.

  With my relationship going well, my recharged music career followed suit. I’d played three sold out shows at Haber’s and was invited to play for the New Year’s Eve show, which was also a success. I’d be committing the best ten tracks on my website to record and release the album in March. I’d follow that up with a small club tour doing ten dates over a month’s time, which meant I could get plenty of rest. If that went well, perhaps I’d do another.


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