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The Reluctant Bride (Regency Undone)

Page 5

by Firth, Claire

  ‘Oh, Sophia ...’ Ralph confused her by taking her hands in his. ‘I can see the sooner we get this ordeal over for you the better. There is nothing to be fearful of. Do you not know I would not harm a hair on your head?’

  She stiffened, unwilling to be seduced by the warmth in his voice. It was all pretence she reminded herself fiercely – he did not care for her. Once she had given in to him his duty would be done and he could return to his carefree life in London - and she would continue here alone. More isolated than ever.

  Before she could withdraw her hands Ralph released them himself, as if uneasy at the unexpected truce between them. But his fingers continued to rest lightly beneath her elbow as he escorted her into the house.


  As she prepared for dinner that evening Sophia’s thoughts were occupied by all that had occurred that day – and what possibly was going to occur that night. Despite herself her pulse quickened and she frowned irritably at her weakness. She needed to marshal her thoughts sensibly together; to remind herself of her aversion to her husband and keep that one thought uppermost in her mind. Why had her convictions suddenly become blurred? Because of the way he’d made her feel earlier today in this bedroom? Because of the fact he’d shown another more thoughtful side to his character by buying Bella for her? Neither of those things altered anything significant in their relationship and yet she could banish neither of them from her mind. A subtle shift in her emotions had occurred today, and it disconcerted her. It left her feeling that perhaps it was not such a dreadful thing after all to be the wife of the Earl of Avalon. And that way of thinking she was sure could only lead to unhappiness.

  A tap on the door from her maid interrupted her thoughts.

  ‘His Lordship asked me to inform you that your guest has arrived My Lady.’

  Sophia picked up her comb and teased a wayward strand of hair back in place. ‘Thank you, Millie. Please tell his Lordship that I will be down presently.’

  Downstairs in the drawing room Ralph and his cousin Guy were waiting for her.

  ‘Good evening Sophia,’ Guy greeted her.

  ‘Good evening, Guy. Is Charlotte not with you?’

  Guy’s expression closed over. ‘No. Sadly she had made other plans for this evening and asked me to convey her apologies.’

  Sophia smiled. ‘No matter,’ she said lightly. ‘It is always a pleasure to see you at any rate.’

  Which was not exactly true. Guy was a sombre character who always appeared as if he detested life - and though he may have reason enough to, it irritated Sophia immensely.

  However, tonight she was surprised to realise she felt differently about him – almost as if she had come out of a long period of mourning herself and was now viewing the world through different eyes. It suddenly struck her that Guy’s sobriety was borne of unhappiness and she did not like to see people unhappy.

  Thus she made a concerted effort to be entertaining and draw him out over the course of the evening, and she was rewarded by not one but several reluctant smiles as he responded to her light hearted banter. Several times she caught his thoughtful gaze moving from her to Ralph and though her husband said nothing she could tell he was pleased at her efforts. It occurred to her that perhaps he might put her lightness of spirit down to their activities earlier on, which was something she did not want - at least she did not think she did.

  Her feelings for him had become so confused and blurred at the edges; she wanted to still hate him for orchestrating a marriage she had not desired, yet when she remembered the touch of his hands on her body... the ease of the way they had talked this afternoon ... she feared very much that she might be in danger of finding her husband attractive. She stifled a little choke at the realisation.

  Ralph’s gaze locked on her, his look deep and brooding but with a glint to his eye that transported her immediately back to their shared liaison in her bedroom. ‘Are you alright Sophia?’ he enquired politely.

  ‘Y ... yes. But I feel perhaps it is time for me to retire and leave you gentlemen to your brandy. If you will excuse me ...?’

  ‘You must come over to Sheldon Hall next time,’ Guy said, rising and kissing the back of her hand. ‘Rest assured I will not keep your husband too long before I depart.’

  Ralph escorted her to the door. ‘I will join you in a little while,’ he murmured for her ears only. ‘Keep the bed warm for me...’

  Sophia’s cheeks were crimson as she fled.


  She was still wide awake when she heard Ralph’s footsteps on the stairs some time later, despite her attempts not to be. She held her breath as the door creaked open and he softly entered the room. Her heart was pounding. She sensed him moving nearer the bed and felt a peculiar tingling between her thighs just at the thought of him joining her there…

  ‘That will not work you know,’ he chuckled slipping in beside her. She was lying with her back to him and he reached out to draw her tightly into the curve of his hard body.

  ‘I know you are awake...’

  His warm breath tickled the back of her ear causing a strange tremor to shiver down her neck. She tensed, waiting for his next move.

  It never came.

  ‘Goodnight Sophia...’ he said softly. She could hear the smile in his voice. ‘Sleep well...’

  And within a very few minutes she felt the tension ease from his body as he drifted comfortably behind her into a relaxed state of sleep.

  Which was all very well for him, she thought crossly, as for a long while she lay there trying to quell her rampant nerves.

  Should she try to draw away from him? But she was frightened she might disturb him – and of what he might do if she did.

  And anyway, as her own body began to relax she realised she quite liked the feel of his arms around her, keeping her warm.


  When Sophia awoke next it was morning. She felt luxuriously comfortable despite a gnawing restlessness in her stomach that she couldn’t comprehend. Gradually she became aware of the solid chest on which her head was lying, the strong muscular arms enfolding her as if they would never let her go. It felt good here. Safe.

  But then she realised that it was not safe at all - for the chest she was lying on was bare and there was a large hand lazily encircling her hip which was the reason for that strange gnawing ache deep inside her. Her eyes flew open.

  ‘Oh! You have no clothes on,’ she exclaimed, her eyes staring at his torso in shock. He chuckled, taking advantage of her movement to cup her breast with his hand. She could feel his erection pressing into her and a sensation not dissimilar to an electric shock prickled between her legs.

  ‘It may surprise you to know,’ he murmured lazily, his lips dipping to graze her nipple through her gown, ‘that when a man and woman make love they are usually naked.’

  Colour suffused her cheeks. ‘But ... but we are not about to make love Ralph ... not yet ...’

  ‘Not unless you want to, I agree…’ he murmured, ‘but ...’ he nipped her already stiffened nipple with his teeth, his hand snaking beneath the hem of her gown to slide its way warmly up her thigh. ‘Something tells me it may not be as long as you think before we do ...’

  She gasped as his fingers suddenly twisted in the delicate curls of her mound, tugging gently until a fierce heat began to throb through her. Before she could decide if she should be objecting more strongly, they dipped to the slick gap between her lips, searching for and finding the little pink nub … teasing it until it began to swell beneath his ministrations.


  A strange weakness invaded her limbs. She was powerless to object to anything. It no longer felt an intrusion that his fingers invaded her most private of places; it felt wonderful - and she didn’t want him to stop.

  When she arched involuntarily towards him he groaned, moving his lips to her mouth so that he could take his taste of her. Gently at first, and then more searchingly, his tongue probed - his skilful fingers continuing to stroke
her dampness until she was gasping incoherently against his lips.

  Her hands had somehow found their way to his shoulders - strong broad shoulders that rippled with smooth muscle. She found herself gripping them tightly; revelling in the naked feel of him - so many sensations taking over she had no choice but to follow wherever they might lead.

  ‘Touch me,’ he rasped against her mouth, ‘Lower…’

  Could she? A judder ran through her as he swirled his fingers in ever increasing circles, each one drawing such an exquisite sense of pleasure from her that all she could think was that she wanted more. Wicked wants consumed her. She wanted to kiss his warm skin, explore it with her hands, feel his body on top of hers pressing her hard into the mattress - all unfamiliar, shocking needs that surely she should be resisting; yet she could deny him nothing as she allowed her fingers to drift lower, exploring the hard muscles of his back almost reverently. He shuddered in response and she sensed he was barely in control of his emotions. Yet it did not frighten her - it excited her. And those wonderful sensations she’d experienced yesterday were building up in her again. Maybe this time …

  His shaft was rigid against her stomach and he groaned as she took it tentatively in her hand. It felt wondrous to the touch and huge, and she could not stop herself from exploring the smooth length of him.

  Her lips were level with his chest and she gave into that temptation too, pressing her mouth delicately to his skin as she explored the taste of him; losing herself in the pleasure of discovery.

  Her hand seemed to have taken on a life of its own, sliding up and down almost reverently to begin with, then increasing in speed as she gleaned the pleasure it was giving him. His breathing had become shallow; his words unintelligible as he thrust against her palm, yet his sure fingers were still stoking her dampness, causing her to undulate against them as she pressed herself mindlessly into him. She was aware of the sound of someone moaning and realised with a shock that it was her but she could not stop herself; could not do anything that would put an end to this wonderful rush of sensations she was experiencing.

  It was like a douse of cold water when his fingers suddenly stilled – his hand clamping onto hers to cease her motions.

  ‘Ye Gods, Sophia. If you carry on like that I will not be able to stop myself from spilling.’

  She almost groaned her frustration as for a long moment they lay there not moving. She sensed he was trying to contain himself and while she did not understand it, she did not stir against him - even though she was wracked with needs she could barely control.

  Just as she was beginning to wonder if he had perhaps fallen asleep, she felt him stir, his warm hands taking hold of her night gown and gently raising it above her head. His eyes were lit with a strange fire as he stared at her in the dim light, and she crossed her arms over her chest in embarrassment.

  ‘Do not do that,’ he growled softly, drawing her hands apart. ‘Do you not know you are beautiful?’

  He lowered his lips to her breast, teasing the soft peak with his tongue until she felt dizzy with the pleasure of it. Then he was moving on; burning her skin with his trail of kisses as he moved lower. She had never felt such feelings as these.

  ‘Ralph…’ she whispered shakily.

  ‘Hush ...’ His voice was thick. ‘I promise I will only take you if you want me to, but I want to pleasure you. Show you that it need not be the terrible ordeal you are expecting.’

  His lips continued their way over her hips before she could say any more, trailing soft little kisses that scorched her skin as he worked his way lower. The pleasure was intense, every nerve-ending in her body tingling at his feather-light touch. A gasp escaped her as his mouth settled above her knee and his teeth gently nipped there. She found herself biting her lip, gripping his head with her hands as her legs drifted achingly open to him of their own accord. She could not have stopped them had she tried. And then his tongue, warm and delicious was creeping along the inside of her thigh, stroking delicately upwards. A soft moan escaped her as she felt his lips nuzzling gently over the hairs on her mound.

  ‘Perfect …you are perfect,’ he whispered in a ragged voice.

  The shocking feel of his mouth on her sex made her buck beneath him, but her protests died on her lips as he slowly grazed the full length of her with his tongue.

  ‘Oh,’ she gasped.

  ‘I have dreamt of tasting you ... of hearing you cry out thus ...’

  Another spasm shuddered through her as he began to pleasure her; his wicked tongue turning her breaths to soft hungry pants as he flicked expertly at the sensitive pink nub she had barely known existed. He devoured every inch of her with a steady, relentless rhythm that intensified the tingling sensation until it infused her entire body.

  She gasped again, clutching his head tighter, feeling the pleasure build.

  ‘Oh … that is so nice.’

  Higher and higher her feelings soared. She didn’t think she could bear it if he stopped now. She was no longer in control as she writhed against him seeking release.

  ‘Ralph!’ she screamed.

  And then she was flowing over the edge; her head twisting wildly, her body arching upwards, as wave after wave of sensation such as she had never experienced before, exploded within her. She did not want it to end and clung tightly to him for as long as she could.

  When it was over, she lay there breathless and stunned. She felt Ralph plant a tender kiss there before moving slowly back up her body. When their faces were level again, his eyes glittered into hers with an intensity that made her catch her breath. She could feel him, hot and hard nudging at her entrance. ‘Well wife,’ he murmured huskily, rocking gently from side to side on top of her, ‘what feel you now about this terrible act you say no lady would enjoy?’

  His eyes were filled with tender amusement but there was another look also that she could not identify, that held her captive.

  She did not know what to think, but already, where he was swirling gently at her entrance, she could feel a return of that tingling sensation that had so consumed her. She gave a soft little moan, feeling herself opening to him, knowing that she wanted above all to feel him inside her.

  ‘I …’ she whispered

  But whatever she had been about to say was lost; interrupted by a timid knock on the door.

  Swiftly, Ralph pulled the bedcovers over them both before issuing the command to enter.

  It was Sophia’s maid. She looked embarrassed, bobbing a curtsey as she apologised for intruding.

  ‘Only it is Mr. Browning, My Lord – the Estate Manager. He says he has an early appointment to see you.’

  ‘Oh.’ The frustration in Ralph’s voice was evident. ‘Indeed – I had forgotten. I will be down soon. Or better, ask him to return in one hour please.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ The maid bobbed another curtsey and withdrew. Sophia felt mortified, sure that it would soon be around the servant quarters that the master had finally bedded his wife.

  ‘Now, where were we?’ Ralph murmured softly, turning back to take her once again in his arms.

  But the interruption had acted as a timely intervention - and even though a part of Sophia wanted to experience more of the pleasures he had just shown her, another part of her needed time to assimilate what had occurred – to try to understand this enormous shift that seemed to be taking place in their relationship.

  ‘I do not like that man, Browning,’ she said quickly, as a distraction.

  Ralph’s eyebrow raised in surprise. ‘I was not aware you knew him.’

  She averted her gaze guiltily. ‘I do not ... that is ... not personally. But I have heard talk among the servants. He is not a kind man I fear.’

  Ralph shrugged as he played with a wayward tendril of her hair, wrapping it gently around his finger and tugging her gently towards him.

  ‘It is not his job to be kind Sophia. His responsibility is to see to the smooth running of the Estate – a job he has done reasonably enough over the last few
years. Now, enough of him …’

  ‘But you have no idea of the job he has done,’ Sophia retorted. ‘You have not been here to oversee it these last few years. A Manager is as good or as bad as his employer allows him to be and my impression is that he …’

  ‘Enough, I think.’ Ralph was scowling at her. ‘You know nothing of how I run this estate and it is not for you to criticise me on matters that are of no concern to you.’

  ‘I beg to differ, Sir. I am your wife and naturally it is of concern to me when I hear the tittle-tattle of our neighbours about the absent Earl of Avalon.’

  Why was she doing this? Driving a wedge between them?

  She could tell that Ralph was wondering the same thing as his face darkened even more, and he drew back from her. But there was another expression in his eye that, unlikely though it seemed, looked like hurt.

  ‘I think you overstep the mark, Sophia,’ he said stiffly. ‘I am not sure quite why we are having this conversation now but as you so clearly disapprove of me it is perhaps best that I take myself off and get ready for my appointment.’

  ‘As you wish.’ Sophia tucked her legs beneath her and turned on her side away from him. She could feel his gaze on her back for a long moment, before he threw back the bedclothes, pulled on his robe and strode from the room.

  She lay there for a long time, confused by everything that had happened between them. She didn’t understand her feelings at all. Did she not dislike her husband? Disapprove of him? Yet what they had just shared had left her experiencing warm feelings towards him that she could never previously have imagined. She shook her head. Why she had let him be so intimate with her? That had certainly never been her intention. And why did it seem to matter to her now that she had obviously upset him?

  Because she no longer disliked him, she realised with a sense of shock. In fact, if she wasn’t careful, she suspected she was very much in danger of perhaps becoming too fond of him.

  It was an earth shattering realisation – and one she wasn’t ready to face at the moment.

  Throwing back the bedclothes she allowed herself no time for further contemplation, as she scrambled out of the bed and called for her maid.


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