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The Reluctant Bride (Regency Undone)

Page 8

by Firth, Claire

  ‘I cannot allow my wife to wander around the countryside unaccompanied.’

  ‘Oh, but that is ridiculous – I have done so all my life. Why must you take away the only activity that gives me pleasure?’

  ‘Undoubtedly because I am a monster who treats you badly and forces his unwelcome attentions upon you. For that is how you view me is it not?’

  His expression was tight, his tone bitter and Sophia bit her lip suddenly aware that while that was how she used to view him, there was no denying that her feelings had undergone a radical change – and not only because of the intimate love making they had shared. He had been tender then, considerate - even at the height of his passion. And afterwards as they had lain together through the night he had made her feel cherished and protected. But her feelings had been slowly changing even before then, she realised.

  She found she was holding her breath as the true realisation hit her with incredible force. Isabelle was right, she loved Ralph. These past few weeks he had not at all acted like the irresponsible and brash man she had believed him to be. He had been good company, showing her kindness and respect despite her hostility towards him. And she had sensed in him an unhappiness not dissimilar to her own – one that was based on a sense of loneliness. She had been happier with him these last few weeks, she was forced to acknowledge, than her entire time at home with her parents. He had treated her as an equal and that was something she was not used to.

  She looked at him uncertainly. ‘No Ralph,’ she said softly, ‘that is not how I view you - I know you are no monster. I have always recognised the generosity you have displayed to my parents - and to me - though I may not always have shown it. And that was because I was so angry with you and them for treating me as if my opinion was worthless.’

  Her eyes sparkled with indignation. ‘All my life my father has treated me as if I was of no importance – making it plain I was a disappointment to him because I was a daughter; but to sell me like a chattel to the highest bidder, to pay off his debts. That was worse to me than the fact that you were buying me just so I could produce an heir.’

  She broke off, looking at her husband through incensed eyes.

  ‘Your parents’ loss was my gain,’ Ralph said steadily, an unfathomable light in his eye. ‘And from what I have seen of your father, I doubt your mother had little say in the matter. Do not be too hard on her.’

  He looked down at his wife. She looked beautiful in the blue taffeta gown she wore and he was overwhelmed by a sudden urge to take her in his arms and console her. He knew only too well the isolation and sense of hurt that came from feeling one had constantly disappointed. Had he not spent the last few years rebelling against his duty and the expectations of parents it had been impossible to please? Yet now ... with Sophia at his side, suddenly taking up his responsibilities seemed not only possible but a way of life to be embraced. If only she might learn to reciprocate his feelings. Incredible though their lovemaking had been it had shaken him how vulnerable it had left him feeling.

  ‘This marriage was never about heirs for me Sophia,’ he said cautiously. ‘Oh I do not deny that is what my mother wanted and I saw it as a way of healing the breach between us, but I have two cousins who are perfectly capable of carrying on the Earldom, one of whom already has a son. The great family name is not likely to die out in a hurry.’

  He hesitated and his eyes softened as they regarded her. Could he trust her with his feelings? He would undoubtedly feel a fool if she threw them back in his face, yet some instinct told him she would not do that. And he felt he could not longer continue in the situation of impasse they seemed to have reached.

  ‘That first time I saw you,’ he said slowly, ‘I could not believe it when you rejected my offer - and I didn't comprehend why I should feel so put out. I hadn’t really wanted a wife after all. Yet when you came back with your father I found myself holding my breath, glad of the second chance. And I was so proud of you when you walked down the aisle on our wedding day. You looked beautiful and I began to think that maybe this marriage was not such a bad thing after all.’

  His eyes were clear and steady as they regarded her. ‘That view has not changed, but it has altered. The more we have been together the more it would appear I have enjoyed being with you. Indeed I fear … though I have been fighting it … I have fallen very heavily and deeply in love with you. I cannot imagine my life without you now - to have children would be wonderful but if it is not to be, you are all I need.’

  ‘Oh.’ Sophia eyes were round in her face as she looked up at him astounded. ‘I cannot believe it. And … how can you say that when I have been so horrible?’

  ‘You have not said anything that is not true. I have been wasting my life - neglecting my estate - and it has taken the accusations of a wise and wonderful woman to show me that.’

  Although his eyes held a hint of amusement there was a note of uncertainty in his voice that made her want to jump up and reassure him.

  ‘I know full well the reputation I have,’ he continued, ‘but all I can say is that such reputations are much easier to acquire than they are to lose, and I wish you to know that since Deborah - although my life has been somewhat frivolous - I have behaved as a gentleman should at all times. If you can find it in your heart to … return some feeling for me, I promise you I will be constant in my love for you and always true.’

  Sophia found she was rising from her seat without being aware of it.

  ‘Oh Ralph!’ she whispered, ‘do you mean it? For I already do love you, despite the fact that I have tried so hard not to. These last few weeks I have come to realise how content I have been here at Avalon – how much I have enjoyed your company - but I have been so miserable, expecting that at any time you would return to London and leave me here alone.’

  She saw the hope spring to his eyes as he reached out to pull her gently into his arms. Her heart was pounding and so was his, she realised, as he held her against his chest in a long, hard embrace.

  ‘Can you really love me Sophia?’ he murmured into her hair.

  She buried her head into his chest, her lips roaming freely over the soft cloth of his shirt as she said. ‘To prove it to you I will even stop my visits to your tenants if you particularly wish me to. Although ...’ she drew slowly back and smiled; a sweetly knowing smile that made him catch his breath. ‘were we able to come to some arrangement about that I feel it would greatly increase my desire to please you in whatever way you might find desirable?’

  He laughed – a sound of pure happiness as he looked down into her teasing eyes.

  ‘I fear it is as I always suspected, Madam. You are a minx – and I will have to show you who is Master in this house. However ...’ his voice dropped to a husky growl as he lowered his head. ‘I’m sure we can come to some arrangement about that...’

  And as his lips claimed hers in a kiss that seemed to reach into her very soul, he swung her into his arms and carried her swiftly across the room, setting her on her feet again and ripping her gown off with one rough tug that dispatched it over her head and onto the chair.

  ‘I’m beginning to think that I shall need a larger allowance,’ she murmured as he tipped her onto the bed and crushed her body with his. ‘Either that or I’m going to have to teach you a few lessons in self control my love.’

  She gasped as he swiftly adjusted his clothing and entered her fully.

  ‘Oh, I think I have as much self control as I need,’ he murmured, watching her face as he buried himself deep within her. ‘And all we require is for my self control ...’ this as he thrust powerfully into her, ‘… to last just a little longer ... than your own.’

  ‘Oh ...’ she breathed, rising eagerly to meet each thrust. ‘Oh yes Ralph. You are right - that is exactly what we need.’


  I do hope you’ve enjoyed reading this novella as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Do pop over to Amazon to leave a Review if you’d like to.

  Coming Soon: Desperate
Measures – Isabelle & Guy’s Follow Up Story.

  Five years on and Ralph’s cousin Guy is divorced from his wife Charlotte and Sophia’s friend Isabelle is now widowed. Two people with a lot of baggage - both determined never to marry again. But circumstances force them together. Are they both destined to lead lonely reclusive lives or will passion thaw their cold hearts and allow the seeds of love to grow?

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