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Page 23

by Michael Timmins

  "Daniel! Daniel! It’s me, Shae," Shae yelled at him.

  Slowly, recognition gleaned in his eyes. Measuredly, he got to his feet and examined his body. He was covered in short brown hair. He noticed his face was elongated as he looked down his nose bridge, which was now at least a foot long, ending in a blackish nose. Daniel held his arms before him; they, too, were also covered in hair, long and scrawny. His hands ended in claws. Most of his clothes were torn since he had gained in height and girth. He flexed his muscles and could feel them bunch beneath what remained of his clothes. He felt his muscles in his lower back contract and release as his tail swished from side to side. Shae had grown stronger when she had changed, he could tell it also happened with him. He looked back up at Shae, or what he knew to be Shae.

  This was the first time he had to really look at her in this form. He realized what she looked like. Like a rat, walking on two legs. Yes. That was it, a rat. He knew now she changed into some sort of humanoid rat creature. And now, he changed into it as well.

  “Watch this,” Shae said in a gravelly voice only slightly like her regular voice. He saw her wince in pain, and suddenly her body began to shudder. He heard bones break and skin tear. In moments, she reverted back to her girl form. Her clothes, rested in strips on her body, occasionally swept up by an errant breeze to reveal her pale flesh underneath.

  “I wasn’t sure if that was gonna work, but I’m glad it did.”

  “How did you do that?” Daniel barely recognized his voice. It was like talking deeply through a running fan.

  “Well, when I started changing in the car, I tried to remember what I looked like when I did change. As soon as I got that image in my head, it sorta… stuck? I don’t have a better word for it and then the change, well, it went quicker, and less painful.”

  “That’s a relief. I felt as if I would die when it started. I don’t know how you lived through the first time. I’m impressed. How did you change back?”

  It appeared his praise had an effect on her. She seemed to blush a bit and smiled.

  “I just brought an image of what I normally look like to mind. Once I did, it stuck again, and I changed back. Why don’t you try it?”

  He was a little afraid to. It had been very painful when he had changed the first time. So much so he lost consciousness. However, he couldn’t remain like this forever. He visualized an image of himself. He got it as close as he could remember, but wasn’t sure. Apparently, it was close enough. Pain shot through his body and he doubled over. His bones broke and fused in different positions, his skin tore when the bones moved but his skin just healed itself right away. His skin burned and itched like flaming poison ivy as his body reabsorbed the protein strands of his hair. It was over in seconds, but he felt it took hours. He stood and once again looked at Shae. He suddenly realized he admired her and her strength. She had been through so much pain it seemed that pain enough to bring him to his knees only made her wince.

  “What do you plan to do with the car?” Daniel asked her.

  She looked at it, and moved around to the front.

  “Looks like you just busted the right side. I think it might still run.”

  Daniel looked back up the slope towards the road.

  “Umm. Yeah, but how are we going to get it back to the road.”

  Shae looked at the car, and then back up the way they came. She gave him a triumphant smile. He guessed what she had in mind before she initiated the change. In moments, she was the creature again, back against the tree and pushing the car. It began to move, and once she got her legs behind her, it made more progress. Daniel did not want to change back and help, but he couldn’t let her do this alone. His pride, what was left of it, wouldn’t let him. He formed an image in his mind of himself as the creature. The pain struck, dulled only slightly this time. He did his best to ignore it. Shortly, he was next to Shae, and the car was quickly back up to the road. The two changed into human form and got in the car. It started fine and they were on the road, continuing their trip west. Both relieved they now seemed to be in better control of the situation, they just didn’t know what to do with it.

  Chapter 5

  Mark Abrams opened the door to their new house and ducked inside. One of their neighbors, the Doug Kenslie, was washing his car when Mark pulled in. From the corner of Mark’s eye as he pulled in the driveway, he saw Doug Kenslie watching him and looked as if he was trying to decide whether to approach Mark. Mark took the decision from him by quickening his step and making it in the house before Doug could call out or approach. Mark learned his lesson at the last house they lived about getting to know the neighbors. This was their third house in six months.

  They had done their best to remove themselves from those closest to them. It had been months since he talked to his family. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to them, it just made it easier to not have to lie, or avoid the questions he really didn’t have the answers to.

  The house was a simple two story, with three bedrooms and one and a half baths. It was a rental. They managed to sell their first house to buy the second one, but they weren’t having any luck selling the second one, and they couldn’t buy another house while still owning the other one. Plus, renting made sense. Who knew how long they would be able to stay in this one before they had to move on?

  They acknowledged their circumstances — they had yet to unpack most of their belongings, even though it was their second week here.

  Mark wandered through the maze of boxes and made his way to the kitchen. He could hear a conversation in one of the back bedrooms as he set the manila envelope with his resumes, followed by the want ads, on the kitchen counter. He spent most of the day in downtown Topeka looking for work. All to no avail. It was a tough job market, even for an insurance salesman.

  Mark opened the fridge. It was basically empty, another example of their crazy lifestyle. He grabbed a beer. He popped the cap when the reason why his and Amy’s life was so crazy walked into the kitchen.

  Sylvanis, his eight-month old daughter watched him. Though, to anyone else, they would assume she was at least twelve years old. She was barely four and a half feet tall. She had blonde hair and one could easily make out her bright green eyes from across the room, for they seemed to carry their own light. A small rounded face and a well-formed nose sat above soft, full lips. She was a pretty girl, full of life, and a wonder to behold. She filled him with joy, and if it wasn’t the fact she also scared the crap out of him, he would be the happiest father in the world.

  He remembered when they had brought her home from the hospital. Amy and he were still in shock from the events surrounding the birth of their daughter — from the strange light, the change of sex, to the certainty of his wife’s decision their daughter should be named Sylvanis. Something she still could not explain. They quickly recovered though as the daily minutia of raising a baby took hold.

  That lasted about a week. It quickly became apparent something was wrong with their baby. Within a week of getting her home, she grew eight inches and showed surprising awareness of what was going on around her. At least, she did when she was awake. She slept almost eighteen hours a day. Amy insisted they take her to the pediatrician. The doctor ran some tests to check to see if Sylvanis’ thyroid was producing too much HGH, or human growth hormone. It occurred in people suffering from a genetic disease that caused gigantism.

  He remembered the look on the doctor’s face when she brought the test results into the room with her. She struggled to tell them what she found. Apparently, Sylvanis’ HGH was off the charts. She had never seen anything like it. It wasn’t gigantism, but she wasn’t sure what it was. She insisted they bring her back in a month for her to check on Sylvanis’ progression.

  By the end of that month, Mark and Amy had moved out of state. Their two-month old baby was walking and nearly two feet tall. They had a pretty good idea what would happen if the doctors got a hold of her.

  It wasn’t just the phone calls from family
and friends prompting them to move. A neighbor spotted Sylvanis in the window watching her and stopped by later to inquire about the young girl she saw. Something about the girl drew her attention for some reason, and she needed to find out more about her. Mark, never being a good liar, was unable to come up with an adequate answer.

  The neighbor began to press about their daughter and how she never got to see the little girl. In fact, she hadn’t heard even a baby’s cry come from the house. Mark quickly excused himself and all but shut the door in his neighbor’s face.

  They packed up and moved out by the end of the week. That was two houses ago. His daughter didn’t show any signs of slowing her growth either, so they might not be here long. He felt bad about keeping her in the house, but what could he do? He couldn't risk someone seeing her one day looking twelve, and then seeing her again in two weeks looking twenty.

  It bothered her a lot, though. When Sylvanis did make it outside, it was like another person came out. Her face would light up at the smallest insect, the roses, even a growing weed. The weirdest thing was, from the smallest insect to the growing weed seemed to brighten when she was around them. The insects never ran away, the roses bloomed much fuller, and the weeds grew that much quicker. He thought he was delusional until Amy said she noticed the same thing.

  When he would insist she stay inside, she seemed to physically darken, emotionally, as well. He didn't know what to make of his daughter. He believed there must be a reason for her to be like this, but he didn't know why. He wondered if even his daughter would have the answers.

  His wandering thoughts were broken by the sound of his daughter’s voice.


  He looked up from his beer.

  "Yes, honey?"

  "You just seemed lost, Father."

  "Did I?"

  She frowned at him, obviously aware he was deflecting.

  "Yes, Father. I called for you twice before you looked up."

  "Well, I guess I got a little lost in thought, sweetie."

  "It's because of me, isn't it?" she asked seriously.

  He could lie to her and say it wasn't, but he knew she would see through the lie.

  He sighed.

  "Yes, it is, Sylvanis. I don't want you to think I am upset or angry at you. Or, that I don't love you. It's just you present your mother and I with some serious problems, and some serious questions, with very little answers." He gave her a quirky smile. "Not to mention, a lot of stress."

  She crossed the room and sat next to him.

  "Father, I never doubt yours and mother’s love. I know you aren't angry or upset at me. I'm not stupid, Father. I know I am different. I have seen TV. I know how someone my age should look and act. I know why you keep me inside. It is for my own safety. I am sorry I cause you and mother so much stress and trouble."

  He couldn't help but marvel at her. Of course, she would see TV and see how a baby should be. She would figure out she was different, and in this case, being different could be dangerous.

  He gave her a hug, and a little laugh.

  "You have no need to apologize, sweetie. You did not choose this. You have no blame for what is happening."

  She seemed to consider this, and could not disagree with the logic of it. She nodded her understanding and looked back up at him.

  "I know I perplex you, Father." It was always father with her, never dada, or daddy. "All I can say is I feel the answers are here." She pointed to her head. "I think I am not ready for the answers yet, and maybe you aren't ready yet, either."

  Mark sat back. He couldn't believe she talked like this. She was eight months old. She shouldn't be talking at all. Let alone like an adult.

  "Come on, Father, let us go out back. With the big fence we have, there shouldn't be any chance of anyone getting sight of me. I need to spend time outside."

  "Need?" he asked.

  She nodded and took his hand. He shook his head in wonderment and let her lead him outside.

  Things went smoothly for a couple of weeks. Mark landed a job. Amy also found a job. Sylvanis spent most of her days out back. She grew more and looked almost sixteen. She was starting to look like a young woman. She even had her first period. Amy somehow took it all in stride. Mark was having a great deal of problem. Like most men, he had difficulty in general with female puberty. Add to the fact his daughter was having these issues fifteen years before she was supposed to, and he was feeling a bit overwhelmed. His daughter was becoming more and more introverted. She spent a good deal of time alone, outside kneeling in the grass as if communing.

  One night Mark returned home from work late after dinner. He couldn't find his wife and daughter anywhere inside the house. The kitchen table was set, and some of the food even looked eaten, but left, unfinished. Mark felt a stab of worry.

  Searching the house, he headed out back to find his wife standing, staring deeper into the yard. He was going to call to her, but instead, his eyes found what she was looking at.

  Sylvanis stood, naked before the garden. Her arms were stretched upwards towards the heavens. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the light of the half moon, blonde hair shining and luminescent. Her body was lithe and slim, hips only slightly flared in her new-found womanhood. Her legs were shapely and well-formed leading to a rounded yet small backside. He could hear her muttering something, and he was sure it wasn't English.

  "She has been like that for two hours."

  He wasn't even aware Amy knew he was there.

  "We were sitting at the dinner table when she told me she had something she needed to do. I asked her what, but she ignored me. She stood and went out here." Amy hugged herself. "I followed because she was acting weird. Even for her. When I followed, I saw her undress and go to where she stands now." Amy looked at him. He could see her eyes were puffy and red from crying a little.

  "I called out to her, repeatedly. I even went to her and tried to get her to respond. When I looked into her eyes, I could tell she was no longer aware of what was going on. Her eyes were glassy and dull." She looked back at Sylvanis.

  "When she started speaking in that language, I retreated back here." She sniffled, as if trying to stop from crying again. "I didn't know what else to do. Mark, I'm afraid."

  Mark moved to her and put his arms around her. She buried her face in his shoulders and started to cry again. He held her tight, but never took his eyes from Sylvanis. He couldn't tell, but he believed she had grown some more since this morning.

  He was about to attempt approaching her when she lowered her arms to the sides. She turned towards them. There was definitely something different about her. He wasn't even sure if he was looking at his daughter anymore.

  Her eyes cleared and she noticed them. She approached them, seemingly unaware of her nakedness.

  "Father. Mother. Things have become clear to me. I have sent the call out for help, but I fear it is only a matter of time before she comes for me, and with her, very dangerous people. It would be safer if you left. I can't assure your safety. If the help I called doesn't arrive before she does, I'm afraid I won't be able to even assure my own safety."

  With that, she walked around them and into the house.

  Samuel sat at his kitchen table in his mansion just outside of London, watching Kestrel. She sat in his living room, intensely studying the book of American history sitting on his coffee table. The book, one of many on the table was part of Kestrel’s attempt to understand what had happened since she had gone asleep all those years ago. The TV played in the background, a documentary about Green Peace. He remembered the night he tried to turn the TV off since she had her head buried in books, and he figured she wasn’t paying attention to it. He had been wrong. Somehow, she was able to absorb the information in the book, all the while listening to the documentary, and snapped at him for trying to turn it off.

  She was still wary of the computer. Even though he had showed her the ability it had to access vast amounts of information in seconds via the internet, she s
till preferred hard copies.

  They had been at this for months now. Kestrel spent almost every waking moment studying about anything she could get her hands on, though mostly she focused on history. After all, a lot had happened. She studied history, science, economics, and mathematics. Languages were also something she studied at great length. She already had all but mastered the English language, both old country and new. Latin, she had already known in some small degree, which aided her in learning French and Spanish. She had started to dabble in Mandarin as well.

  When she wasn’t studying, she was communing with nature, to speak with the Earth and to also try to detect where Sylvanis was hiding. Apparently, even though Sylvanis should be just a babe, she was shielding herself, or at the very least not opening herself up to the Earth and had thus far escaped detection. Kestrel was angry, but she knew her moment would come. She would do what she had failed to do in the past and take the fight right to Sylvanis.

  It had been a grueling eight months. She had immersed herself in gaining as much knowledge as she could. This world she now lived in was immense. When she went away, it seems only a fifth of the world was known. There were races of people, types of animals and ecosystems she hadn’t even known existed. She was fascinated, and yet angry at the advancement that civilization had made. Man was flying now! Flying into space! Walking on the moon, living in space, exploring the depths of the ocean, living in buildings taller than the tallest trees. Driving around in cars, trucks, trains and Segways. They could talk at great distances in moments and even communicate with people on the other side of the Earth in real time. But, to do these things, they had raped the Earth. They had stolen her precious resources, they had cut down her trees, killed her children, dug deep and scarred her body. They never seemed to get enough! Not for the first time had she wondered why it took the Earth so long to wake her. She had read the histories. There were countless times where the Earth had been ravaged much worse than it was today. Sure, it was still bad out there, but the industrial revolution? Progress without restraint or consideration to the damage being done? Why not then? Why now? When laws were in place, regulations were enforced and mankind generally seemed to want to do what was right by the Earth? Well… it mattered not. Mankind had been allowed to progress too far. Their way of life was increasingly taxing upon the Earth, regardless of how much they tried to safeguard against it. She would do what must be done.


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