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Aedan Of Highever

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by Milton Garby

  Highever Origins


  Aedan Cousland is the youngest son of Teyrn Bryce and Eleanor Cousland and has spent most of his life in Castle Highever. The teyrn and his wife have always noticed that Aedan is almost a complete foil to his older brother, Fergus. Whereas Fergus is humorous, good-tempered and has a dashing sense of charm that would make King Cailan jealous, Aedan is ill-tempered, has a dark sense of humor, and possesses what the bards would call a bad-boy sense of charm and is always ready for a fight. Regardless both the teyrn and his wife raised him to be an able and noble man and the proof of his character came in the form of a mabari pup that just showed up to the castle's door one day and rushed straight to Aedan's side and refused to leave. Aedan named the puppy Dane. While Aedan loves to hunt with his mabari and participate in tournaments he also loves to draw and paint, his mother taught him how in the hopes that he would learn both discipline and focus without having to bloody his fists. Under the tutelage of his teacher, Aldous, Aedan is highly educated and speaks several languages, including Orlesian, Tevene, Antivan and a little Dwarven.

  Unlike nobles from other countries who believe that their status is their inborn right Aedan was taught by his father that their status is a sacred trust given to them by the people who are sworn to them. Like a pyramid, those on top must be supported by those on the bottom or they will fall. So every noble, even the king, especially the king, must earn the loyalty of all those who are sworn to them, and it is this loyalty that has earned the Couslands the rank of Teyrn for six hundred years. Aedan constantly tries to live up to his proud lineage and he swore a solemn vow to his father that he would strive to honor it; to always place the needs of the people above his own, show respect and honor to all people no matter their race, be just and noble to his people and be as just and terrible to his enemies.

  When Aedan and Fergus both came of age Teyrn Bryce decided to send the boys abroad to further their knowledge of the world and broaden their horizons. Fergus went to Antiva and came back a few years later with a wife, Orianna. Aedan went to the University of Val Royeaux and came back only six months later with a renewed hatred for Orlesians and their values. He had gotten into an altercation with a chevalier over an elven woman when he stood up for her against his advances. Aedan ended being expelled and the chevalier ended up in traction. Bryce was extremely displeased that his son had gotten himself expelled from one of the fines universities in all of Thedas, but he was also proud that Aedan was willing to throw that away for the honor and safety of another and ultimately that is what is meant to be a leader; to always place the best of others before yourself no matter the personal consequences.

  Aedan spent only two months in Orlais but it took him six months to return home because he spent the winter in the Frostback Mountains with the Avvar tribesman. Aedan will always look back on his time with the Avvar fondly for while their home may be treacherous, the beasts cunning and dangerous and the people as harsh and unforgiving like the mountains, but Aedan found that their harsh environment whittled them down to their true nature. And Aedan found more honor, honesty and nobility in the tribesman than anyone he met in Orlais, because for them these are not principals that one should strive for, you either are or you are not. Aedan hunted, feasted and even prayed with these people and he was the first lowlander they accepted as a brother and taught him how to be a Berserker.

  In keeping with his barbarian roots Aedan is extremely fond of tattoos and wears his with pride, some of them he got from the Avvar. On his face he wears a traditional blue Alammari tattoo, he has the Cousland family crest over his heart. On his right arm he bears the heraldry of Highever and the symbol of Haakon Wintersbreath on his left. And on his back he bears the visage of the Lady of the Skies.

  Aedan is extremely pro-Fereldan, takes great pride in his barbarian roots and he doesn't take kindly to insults toward his people. The value he loves the most about his people is their sense of independence and freedom, and hates the Orlesian Empire, the Chantry, the Tevinter Imperium and the Qun as these are all powers that "would force themselves into another's home and put them on their knees". In keeping with Fereldan values he believes that people of any race must learn to be able to make their way in life on their own and have no one else define who they are. The one thing that Aedan makes no secret of is the fact that he is not an Andrastian, in fact he hates Andrastianism and the Chantry altogether and despises it when anyone assumes he worships The Maker. He feels that the Maker is unworthy of his prayers because He thrice turned His back on His creations and has not once ever made His presence known except through Andraste who He left to die, whereas the Old Gods have made their presence known throughout all Thedas. He despises the Chantry because he believes that they use the Maker as an excuse to grab power and take control over people through zealous superstition.

  With word of the darkspawn massing an army in the south Aedan yearns to test his mettle against the monsters like how the likes of Hafter and King Maric did when they forced the invaders out of the valley and back where they came from. And now with his father gathering their forces and has called on Arl Howe, their closest ally he hopes to finally put his training to the test and win honor and glory for his family and country.

  In combat Aedan is a vicious warrior who prefers to dual-wield a sword and an axe with masterful dexterity that can only be described as savage grace. He is both a Reaver and a Berserker turning his anger and pain into strength making him a powerful and terrible sight to behold on the field. In battle Aedan knows no mercy, no fear and no equal.

  "Many people revere knights. Everyone fears barbarians." –Aedan Cousland.

  Waking in Highever

  Aedan felt the sun's light beaming on him through his window and he realized it was morning. Too bad. He looked right next to him and saw that his sleeping partner was still snoring softly under the sheets, it almost seemed a shame to wake him up. Almost. Reaching over Aedan shook him gently, "Hey, did you sleep well?" His companion moaned softly. "Time to wake, sleepyhead." His companion huffed in protest. "Come on, if I have to wake the so do you." Groaning in frustration his companion finally bounded out of bed and gave two excited barks. Ever since Dane was a puppy he always felt more comfortable sleeping in his master's bed, but he had the good sense to sleep outside the door when Aedan had actual "company" in his bedroom. Dane was a giant of dog even by mabari standards, taller than a dwarf but just as wide, with a chestnut colored coat and the most understanding eyes. Even today Aedan has no idea where he came from, if he believed such things he'd swear some higher power just dropped him off on his family's doorstep.

  Aedan walked over to the basin next to his dresser, washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror sighing, "Twenty years". Saying it made it seem small, but it took Aedan twenty long years to finally reach this since he was a child he worked hard to bring himself to this moment. Every day of training in the courtyard with the master-at-arms, the hours he spent studying under Master Aldous, and the previous winter he spent with the Avvar had brought him to what he saw in the mirror and Aedan knew it. Every muscle in his body was strong, toned, taught and ready. And what did he have to show for all his sweat and dedication? His tattoos were the symbols of his pride, but his skin bore no scars, no sign of his accomplishments. Master Argyle always said that a warrior must have scars because any idiot can get tattoos, but it takes a real warrior to survive the scars he receives. And if what he heard was right he could finally put all the hard work into achieving this perfection to use.

  Dane barked at Aedan chidingly.

  Aedan could sense the disapproval in his dog's voice. "What? You think I'm being vain?"

  Dane yipped in acknowledgment.

  "Don't give that! It too
k years of hard work and dedication to get like this! Admiring my own craftsmanship does not make me vain!"

  Dane huffed and shook his head.

  "Oh, and this coming from a dog who kisses his own ass!"

  Dane barked sharply and denied that statement.

  "Come on! We have a busy day. Master Argyle is expecting us in the training yard and Father is preparing the men to join the king's army. And Mother is having Lady Landra visit toady." (I hope she's bringing that charming lady in waiting of hers, with the beautiful green eyes) he thought to himself mischievous smile.

  Aedan arrived in the training yard with Dane in tow, wearing leather armor and carrying a training sword and war axe strapped to his left hip. Master Argyle was in the middle of the yard barking orders at the new recruits with his booming voice. Argyle had been the master at arms in Castle Highever for as long as Aedan could remember. He was broadly built, almost seven feet tall and 300lbs of pure mean, he had a scar trailing over his left eye and had a black and grey beard so big that you'd almost mistake him for a dwarf if not for his freakish size. Argyle had been trained by the ash warriors and during the Battle of White River he saved the teryn by taking an Orlesian sword in the eye. After the rebellion Bryce asked the veteran to come back to Highever with him to train his soldiers because the teryn knew that a hundred ash warriors was worth a thousand trained soldiers. Argyle had been teaching Aedan and his big brother since they were both old enough to touch a sword. And while he was an aggravating, mean, hard-nosed and hostile son-of-bitch, there is no one else Bryce would trust to train his sons. Aedan remembered when he was fourteen when he began to really train with Argyle…..

  He had set Aedan up against an older squire and told them to fight like their lives depended on it. Aedan fought back hard, was faster than his opponent and quickly got the upper hand. And just when Aedan was about to finish him off another squire came up from behind and clubbed him upside the head. Aedan was out like a light. When woke up he asked, "What the fuck happened!?" Argyle looked down at him "Ya gat yer arse kicked. Thas wat tha fuck happened."

  "You told me to fight like my life depended on it!"

  "So I did. Ya still lost."

  "I didn't know someone else was going to attack me from behind like damned cut-purse."

  "Ye're inna courtyard fulla arm'ed men who wanna kick yer arse. Whadja think was gonna happen?"

  Aedan felt his blood boiling, "That's not fair!"

  Argyle looked down at the snot-nosed, little noble-brat, "Guess what, boy! Shit happens!" He roared pointing at his gouged eye. "Insteda focusing on one opponent ya shoulda been focusing on tha whole damned field. But since ye weren't payin' attention ya got killed. Shit like that gets not just ye killed but all ye're men killed and thas' when ye're really fucked. Ye want that kinda shame followin' ya!?

  Aedan slowly, shamefully shook his head.

  "Tha's why we train. Tha's why as soldier and more importantly as leader ye must train to be better than mos' men, why ye must focus and see the entire battlefield not just the sorry bastard infronta ya. Now are ye gonna just sit there with that knot on ya head, or are ye gonna get up and get some payback?"

  Aedan stopped rubbing the bump on his head, stood back up and shouted, "Alright, which one of you sorry sons-a-bitches hit me in the head!?"

  Another squire raised his hand, smiling smugly, "I did 'your lordship.'"

  Argyle chuckled, "Patrick, great. Ya knocked out an unaware fourteen year-old. Le's see how ya do 'gainst a pissed off fourteen year-old." Aedan charged Patrick with his training sword and gave him three bumps on the head.

  Aedan rubbed the spot on his head where the bump used to be, it took almost a month for it to go down. Dane looked up at his master and whined thoughtfully, "Yeah I remember, boy. Just thinking about it gives me a headache."

  "Oy!" Argyle barked. "Maybe now that ye and yer bitch have gotten yer beauty sleep we can finally start the real training, eh?"

  Aedan smiled sarcastically, "I am well rested enough. I think I can oblige you."

  Argyle snorted, "I was talking to the dog!" Aedan's smile left his face.

  "Ooohhhh" went the entire courtyard.

  Aedan waved Dane away and entered the arena, his sword drawn. At this sight all the other recruits stopped their drills and gathered around what promised to be an entertaining spectacle. Aedan could hear the serving girls hiding in the corridors, giggling at the sight of all these handsome, well-built men sweating in the sun. He looked up at the balcony and was surprised to see master Aldous watching who was followed by his mother, Lady Landra and her son, and that charming lady in waiting with the green eyes, Iona. Aedan gave her a wink as he assumed his battle stance. She blushed deeply.

  "So how many you want me to thrash this time?" he asked with confidence.

  "I don't recall saying!" Argyle replied sternly. He pointed at the recruits and two entered the arena, one with a great sword and the other with a twin daggers.

  "Two men?" Aedan asked disbelievingly, "That's hardly fair. Better make it three."

  "How about we make it six!" Argyle waved his arms and four more men came in all armed with swords, shield and maces. The only question Aedan had was how was he going to beat them without killing them?

  They all stepped cautiously toward Aedan, circling him. Their tension was palatable, Aedan remained relax but ready. The first to attack was one with a shield and mace. Aedan used the length of his blade and sharply jabbed him hard enough in the ribs to crack them, he took his mace and threw it at the head of the man charging behind his friend. The man used his shield to block the mace but the instant he lowered it he only found Aedan's fist in his face, he instantly crumpled to the ground. The rogue lunged at Aedan from behind with his daggers; Aedan merely stepped to the side and smashed his elbow right into the rogue's jaw; he was out like a light. Typical rogue. Always attacking from behind while the others attack from the front.

  Three down, three to go; two shields and swords, one greatsword. Aedan drew his war axe in his left hand while greatsword swung at his head. Aedan ducked under the blade and swung his axe right at the wielders shin, bringing down to his knee; Aedan swung back around and struck him in the head with his sword-pommel. Aedan went on the offensive after shield-and-sword #1 using his axe to knock the shield right off his arm, swung his sword at his opponents leg bring him to his knees and finished him with a solid kick to the head. All that was left was shield-and-sword #2. He stabbed lunged at Aedan with his sword, but Aedan parried and locked the sword with his axe, Aedan used his sword to knock down his final opponents shield arm and then he kicked him so hard in groin the Empress felt it over in Orlais!

  Aedan's final opponent let out a scream that could shattered glass as he doubled over and cradled his broken pride. All the serving girls quickly hurried out of the halls to their injured beaus and helped them out of the arena to nurse their wounds. Aedan heard his mother and Lady Landra applauding him generously, Iona clapped more than generously. Aedan smiled at her and she knew that his smile was for her. Aedan looked around the now empty arena, "Is there no one else?" he challenged.

  "Oy!" came a gruff, booming voice. Argyle entered the arena carrying a massive and fearsome looking maul. His weapon looked like the bastard son of a war hammer and a battle axe; a giant axe head with an ugly hammerhead right behind it. Argyle called it "The Bear's Maul". He beckoned Aedan to face him. He dared him.

  The whole arena grew quiet. Aedan resumed his stance, he knew Argyle would show him no quarter so he couldn't either. Aedan made the first move and attacked with both his sword and axe, but Argyle blocked him with the shaft of his maul and kneed Aedan in the chest. Hard. Aedan quickly recovered as Argyle took a swing at his head, Aedan darted under the attack and back-hand swung his axe at Argyle's flank. Argyle caught the axe by the shaft, snatching it away and socked Aedan in the head sending him backwards. Dazed Aedan tried to get his bearings, Argyle came down with an overhead swing, aiming to split his younger opponent
in half. Aedan dodged to the side and aimed his sword right at Argyle's neck, but Argyle blocked the sword with his arm. The sword was blunt! Aedan forgot that it was only a practice sword! Argyle grabbed Aedan by the neck and head-butted him, hard, twice, then three times causing Aedan to drop his blunt sword. Argyle lifted Aedan in the air and threw the little noble-brat almost ten right feet across the arena!

  Iona couldn't bring herself to watch and turned her face away, grabbing Lady Landra's hand. Lord Aedan handled the other men so well it was almost like he was dancing, but then that monster with that horrible weapon entered the ring and now the monster was beating him senseless. "Lady Eleanor, please stop this!" she begged, her voice almost cracking.

  "Hush, dear girl. Trust in my son's training." Eleanor assured her.

  Iona looked back down to the ring, Aedan was still on the ground and monster was getting close. He stood over Aedan's body and reared his giant weapon over his head. Sweet, bloody Maker! He was going to kill him!

  Aedan was flat on the ground, weaponless. Now Argyle was standing over him his giant maul over his head ready to finish him off. Aedan was dazed. Aedan was hurting. But most of all, Aedan was PISSED! Argyle brought his weapon bearing down on the young lord, but it never connected. Aedan was back on his feet, with the haft of the maul caught firmly in his fists and he had a look on his face that would make an ogre piss itself. Argyle tried using his strength to push the little lordling back, but was shocked to find himself being pushed back by his smaller opponent. That's when he realized the little lordling was going berserk!

  There was no more thought in Aedan, no planning, no strategy, there was only anger and action. He smashed his fist right into the old man's nose, feeling it break beneath his knuckles, causing the man's eyes to well up with tears and his nose and mouth with blood. Aedan quickly picked a up a shield that had been left behind and proceeded to bash it into Argyle's face not once, twice, but three, four then five times! Aedan jammed the edge of the shield in to his opponent throat, Argyle double over choking. Then the berserking young lord discarded the shield, grabbed the old man by his beard and yanked him over his head like the man weighed nothing and threw all three hundred pounds of the veteran right on his back! But that wasn't enough! Aedan then grabbed his opponent by the ankles and threw him twelve feet across the arena! Aedan ran over to Argyle body, got on top of his chest and proceeded to just pound the shit out old man's face! Aedan reached toward his boot, yanked out his hunting knife and held it to his adversary's face. "YIEELLD!" he demanded


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