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Aedan Of Highever

Page 3

by Milton Garby

  "Hello to you, too, Gilmore." Aedan sighed.

  "Pardon my manners, my lord, but I fear your hound has the kitchen staff in an uproar once again. Nan is threatening to leave."

  Aedan laughed, "Nan's just blowing off steam. She was my nanny before she started working the kitchen, she won't leave."

  "Your mother disagrees, the staff are too scared to approach him so she wanted you to fetch him before things get out of hand."

  "You know these mabari hounds, they'll listen to no one else but their masters. Anyone else risks having an arm bitten off.

  "Oh, don't be so dramatic. Dane knows better than to hurt anyone."

  "Ha! I'm not willing to test that! Your mother asked me to find you so you can resolve the situation."

  "Alright," Aedan sighed, somewhat annoyed by another distraction, "let's go to the kitchen."

  "Uh, before we go there's something I'd like to ask. Is it true that there's a Grey Warden in the castle?"

  "Yes, his name's Duncan. I just met him in fact."

  Gilmore could barely contain his excitement. "Then is it also true he's been asking after me?"

  "Yes." Aedan assured, "He intends to recruit you for the order."

  "Maker's breath! Are you cetain!? Can you imagine? Me! A Grey Warden! It would be everything I dreamed of! I probably shouldn't get ahead of myself. But still just the chance to join their ranks is exciting."

  "Why would you want to join the Wardens, anyway, Gilmore?"

  "Are you saying you wouldn't join the Wardens if you were given the opportunity?"

  "Why would the Grey Wardens recruits want me?" (Or rather, why would I want to join the Wardens?)

  "Surely, you jest, my lord! After that display in the yard I think the Wardens would be fools to overlook you! You're capable and easily the equal of any warrior twice your age, if not better!"

  "I'm content with serving my country and hopefully one day leading my father's troops into battle; to me there's nothing better than that. But we should stop wasting time and go get Dane before he gives Nan a heart-attack."

  After taking care of the issue with Dane in larder and the number of rather large rats he discovered, Aedan continued to make his way to his search for his brother and found his mother in the atrium with Lady Landra, her son and the charming, green-eyes elven lass, Iona. His mother was showing off a bejeweled Orlesian gown his father brought back from Orlais.

  "And my dear Bryce brought this back from Orlais last year. The marquis who gave it to him was drunk I understand and mistook Bryce for the king." His mother explained laughing. Aedan approached her, making his presence known and noticed how Iona beamed as he came closer. "Ah, and here's my youngest son now. I take it by the presence of that troublesome hound that the situation in the kitchen is handled?"

  Dane approached Eleanor and lovingly nudged his head against her leg trying to get some affection. Eleanor happily scratched Dane behind the ears. "Yes, mother. Nan is back to work as we speak."

  "You've always had a way with her, dear. Darling, you remember Lady Landra, Bann Loren's wife?"

  "I believe we last met at your mother's spring salon." Lady Landra reminded.

  "Yes, I remember. It is good to see you again my lady."

  "Your too kind, dear boy. Didn't I spend the whole night shamelessly flirting with you?"

  "Right in front of your family, too." Her son pointed out.

  (Yeah, my ass still feels like a pin-cushion.)

  "This is my son Dairren, you fought in the last tournament together."

  "And you beat me handily as I recall." Dairren shook Aedan's hand.

  "Nonsense, you fought well, Dairren."

  "And this is my lady-in-waiting, Iona. Do say something, dear."

  Iona tried her best to keep a straight and dignified face and not seem flustered as she tried to say something to Lord Aedan, she didn't really succeed. "It is great honor to see you again, my lord. I've heard so many great things about you." And seen some good things, too.

  "Don't look Eleanor, but I think Iona has a crush on your lad." Landra giggled

  "Lady Landra!" Iona shouted indignantly.

  "Hush, Landra." Lady Eleanor chided, "You'll turn the poor thing scarlet." Iona already was.

  Aedan smiled at Iona warmly, "Perhaps we could speak later, Iona?"

  "As it pleases you, my lord." Iona answered warmly.

  "I think I shall rest now, my dear." Lady Landra informed. "Dairren, I'll see you and Iona at supper."

  "Perhaps we'll retire to the library." Dairren walked away with Iona behind him; Aedan winked at her as she passed, and this time she winked back.

  Now that mother and son were alone, Eleanor approached her Aedan, "You should say goodbye to Fergus while you still have the chance."

  "Where can I find Fergus?"

  "If he's not out with his men he's probably upstairs with Oriana."

  "Did you now there's a Grey Warden in the castle."

  "Yes, your father mentioned that. You haven't gotten it into your head that you might want to join the order, have you?"

  "No. I serve Fereldan first and always."

  "Good. For a moment I was worried."

  Aedan looked at his mother seriously, "Mother, did you tell father not to let me accompany him and Fergus to Ostagar?"

  "I was worried you'd bring this up." Eleanor sighed. "There's enough here at the castle to occupy you. I don't need you chasing after danger like your brother."

  Aedan couldn't believe this! "Mother, I've been training for this my whole life! I'm needed out there! With them I could make a difference!"

  "You are here! That makes all the difference. Trust me you'll get your chance for excitement soon enough."

  Aedan was tired of being treated like a child. This wouldn't be the first time he went out of Highever and into danger. His time with the Avvar should have proven that, but instead it just made her more protective of him. It seemed all his mother wanted him to do was to stay home and make more grandchildren for her while minding the castle doors. He would love nothing more than to be able to leave this castle and finally fight on a field of battle against the enemies of his people "I should go, Mother." He said disappointedly.

  Eleanor placed her hands on her son's face lovingly, "I love you, my darling boy. You know that, don't you?"

  Aedan placed his hand on hers, "Mother, I'm hardly a boy anymore."

  "Yes, I know. I turned around and here you are, a fine man in your own right. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. Go do what you must."

  Aedan turned and walked away from her, his spirits down. His mother's constant worry always made him feel low. He walked over to the library. Perhaps he should finally talk to Iona instead of this passive flirtation he'd been teasing her with all this time?

  Eleanor watched as her youngest son walk away. Was he mad at her? It was possible. He wanted nothing more than to be able to serve his country with distinction and she was denying him that dream, but ever since that terrible winter she dreaded the thought of losing her sons; Aedan especially since Aedan constantly looked for a fight. Aedan had grown up on the tales of King Maric and Teryn Loghain, how the two of them fought against the unjust rule of King Meghren and how they forced the tyrannical Orlesian Empire out of their country and made them a free people once more. That's what Aedan wanted; to fight injustice and tyranny in any form. Aedan loved to read history. Loved to research their family history, the history of their people, but most of all he loved to read about battles and wars that were fought for a cause, just and unjust ones. Growing up Aedan was taught that a man or woman must find a something to live and strive for, and to be able to attain with their own strength of will, for that is the Fereldan way. Now she feared that the cause he was searching for would lead him to his grave.

  Aedan made his way to the study, Brother Aldous, ever the task master, was busy teaching two young squires about the history of Highever, with limited success. He looked over to the library and saw Dairren sit
ting at a desk with a book in front him. Iona was standing in front of a shelf trying to grab a book that was almost too high for her to reach. Aedan took this opportunity to admire her heart-shaped ass. Iona managed to grab her book and turned around to see Aedan and Dane before her.

  "That is a wonderful hound! He seems very noble and intelligent!" Dane barked happily at her comment. "Greeting once again, my lord."

  "I haven't seen many elven ladies-in-waiting." Aedan pointed out trying to get to know her a little more.

  "Lady Landra has been very good to me. I have been lucky. If I may…I notice that your mother has no ladis-in-waiting of her own. Is the usual for a woman of her rank?"

  "My mother doesn't care to be fussed over."

  "Ah, I see. Your mother is certainly a very capable. And I noticed how the servants are treated in Highever. It speaks very highly of your father to show such compassion."

  Aedan smiled at her, "In Highever there is no Alienage. Here everyone is a citizen and is treated as such."

  "Then the people her are very fortunate indeed. In many places elves are not treated so well."

  "How did you come into Lady Landra's service?"

  "My family has been in service to hers for many years. Landy Landra elevated my statues as a reward for our loyalty. I hope this position will pass to my daughter."

  "Oh? You have a daughter?"

  "Forgive me, my lord. I shouldn't have mentioned her."

  "There's nothing to forgive. I'll bet she has your beautiful eyes."

  "She…does. Many people say she looks a great deal like me. I'm the only one who sees her father in her."

  Suddenly Aedan felt like an utter ass. Had he been flirting with a married woman? "And where is your husband?"

  "He…died. A wasting illness two years ago." Iona answered with sadness trailing her words.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

  "No, it's alright. You didn't know and I've made peace with what happened."

  "Tell me more about your daughter." Aedan insisted.

  "Amethyne is my life. This is why your mother tries to shield you from the coming battle. You'll understand when you have children of your own."

  "Is there anyone else in your life, Iona?"

  "Not anymore. I have little time for such things."

  "Surely you jest! A woman as beautiful as you. I would think you'd fighting them off with a stick!"

  "You flatter me, my lord. I'm not so pretty that men are lining up to court me. You make me blush." And she was.

  "I think we should really to get to know each other better Iona."

  "Aren't we doing just that, my lord? Or did you have something else in mind?" Iona asked with deep interest.

  Aedan decided to finally put the nail in the coffin, "I was thinking we could meet privately. Perhaps latter in my chambers?"

  "I see. I think I'd like that." Iona replied with a gratifying smile. She came close and placed her hand affectionately on his chest, "If I came to your room tonight when everyone is asleep would that be agreeable, my lord?"

  Aedan tilted her chin upward, their eyes met, "It would be most agreeable. And please call me Aedan." He brought her lips gently to his. The kiss was deep but gentle. "Until tonight then, Iona."

  "Y-yes. Until tonight, Aedan." Aedan left the library to continue his duties and Iona found it hard to stay standing, she was so dizzy. It had been so long since anyone kissed her that way, let alone a handsome lord. Now she could find out what those strong, dangerous hands would feel like on her skin; she couldn't wait until tonight.

  Aedan finally got to his brother's room, after many distractions, although his talk with Iona was a welcome distraction, but he finally got to his brother. Fergus was with his wife and son. He could hear Oren talking to his father.

  "Is there really going to be a war Papa? Will you bring me back a 'sward'?"

  "That's 'sword' Oren. And I'll bring you back the mightiest sword I can find, I promise. I'll be back before you know it."

  "I wish victory were indeed so certain. My heart is… disquiet." Oriana spoke with worry in her voice.

  "Don't frighten the boy, love, I speak the truth. Ah, and here's my little brother no, come to see me off. Now dry your eyes, love, and wish me well."

  Aedan strode into the room with a broad smile on his face and hugged his older brother, "No darkspawn could harm Fergus!" he declared.

  "He is as mortal as anyone, despite his refusal to believe it himself." Oriana reminded.

  "Now, love, no need to be grim."

  "I wish I could go with you, brother."

  "I wish you could come. It'll be boring, killing all those darkspawn all by myself."

  "Surely your father wouldn't place both his heirs in danger." Oriana interjected.

  "Mother and father have been fighting about it for days. It's too bad: I could have really used you at my side."

  "Did you know there's a Grey Warden in the castle?"

  "Really!? Was he riding a Griffon!?" Oren exploded.

  "Shush, Oren. Griffons only exist in stories now." His mother chided.

  "I'd heard that. Did he say why he's come?"

  "He intends to test Ser Gilmore for recruitment." Aedan informed.

  "Really? I hope the best for him. But if I was a Grey Warden I'd have my eyes on you, Aedan. Not that father would allow it."

  "I wouldn't allow it, Big Brother. I've absolutely zero interest in joining the Wardens. But that is neither here nor there. I have a message from father; you are to ride ahead to Ostagar without him."

  "Then the Arl's men are late. You'd think they were all walking backwards! ~Sigh~ Well, I'd best be on my way. So many darkspawn to slay, so little time."

  "I would hope, dear boy, you planned to wait for us before you leave." Their father walked into the room with their mother at his side. With all the distractions Aedan had run into he wasn't surprised that his father concluded his business faster than he did. They went to the front gates to say their fond farewells and saw Fergus off as he led all their men out of the castle. Aedan noticed the aching expression on Oriana's face as Fergus kissed her and their son goodbye. It should have been Aedan he went. Aedan had no wife, no children to look after and if he fell in battle he wouldn't leaving that behind. Before Fergus mounted his horse he shook hugged Aedan, "Well, I guess you'll be the head of the family now. You'll protect them all, won't you?"

  "I promise, brother, no harm will come to them while their under my protection." Aedan promised.

  "I'll hold you to that, Aedan." Fergus mounted his horse and sallied forth, leading his men.

  Aedan's room was spacious, there was a large strongbox and armoire next to his bed. On the far side of the room was a portrait of the Cousland family. The teryn and his wife had less grey in their hair, Fergus was standing above his wife who was holding an infant Oren in her arms and Aedan, who had no tattoos on his face, sat next to his good-sister. His desk had papers scattered on it. Iona took a closer at papers and saw that they were handmade illustrations of mabari, horses, and primitive looking humans were furs, and various people around the castle. She could scarcely believe how detailed and accurate they were! It was as if these picture could come to life at any moment!

  "They're not complete yet. So please forgive any lack of detail." Aedan's warm voice came from behind her.

  "My lord, these are amazing! Did you make these yourself?" Iona exclaimed.

  "Please, just Aedan. And yes I did. My mother taught me how to draw and paint when I was young."

  "These are amazing! They look like they're about to come to life!"

  "I'm glad you like them. I hope you like this one as well." Aedan produced a piece of parchment and handed it to Iona. Her heart almost stopped. It was a picture of Amethyne! It looked exactly like her, even her eyes. It stole her breath away.

  "Aedan, this is beautiful! How did you…?"

  "I just looked at you and pictured what a child of your would look like and put her image on paper
. Do you like it?"

  Iona walked up to Aedan and embraced him lovingly "I love it!" Aedan placed his hand on her face and gently brought her lips to his. Iona wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened their embrace as he wrapped his arms around her body and brought her closer her to him. Their lips separated and Aedan started to plant soft kisses trailing down her neck as his hand skillfully undid the laces of her dress. Her dress fell to the floor, she now stood before him completely bare. Aedan lifted her of the ground, she was light as a feather and gently set her on his bed. He blew out the candle on his night stand and resumed his loving of the women next to him. As he began to trail kisses on her collarbone and make his way toward her breasts they both knew that this would a most unforgettable night.

  Highever Burning.

  Iona cuddled into Aedan, her breath kissing the Cousland crest over his heart. The two of them slept soundly in each other's arms, both blissfully unaware of what was happening outside. Except for Dane. They both woke to the sound of his angry barks. He was so quiet during their loving she forgot he was there, but now he was snarling at the door like it was threatening him. "Your hound is making do much noise. He seems so angry!"

  "Maybe there's something wrong outside?" Aedan suggested.

  "I thought I heard some yelling when I woke up but now I hear nothing."

  Dane continued snarling at the door as if it were threatening him.

  Iona wrapped a simple robe around her. "I'm going to see if there's something going on outside." The instant she reached the door an assailant broke thought it and loosed an arrow. The arrow found its way to Iona's heart, her death was instant.

  "IONA!" Aedan screamed.

  Her assassin turned to Aedan but before he could draw another arrow Dane tackled him to the ground and the assassin gave a pained, gurgled scream as the massive mabari tore his throat out. Two more assassins charged into the room, swords drawn. Aedan grabbed the sword he kept near his bed and quickly stabbed the first one through the mouth. The other threw a back-handed slash at Aedan's neck, but Aedan parried the blade and grabbed the man by his throat and crushed his windpipe in his hand.


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