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Aedan Of Highever

Page 15

by Milton Garby

  "Oh, my darling boy. What is wrong?" Terna Eleanor, his mother, came behind him and placed her soft hand on his shoulder. Aedan could no longer fight back his tears and they washed down his face as he embraced his mother, it felt like an eternity since he last hugged her. "Nothing. It's nothing mother." He wept into her shoulder. "I…just had a bad dream is all. I'm just happy to see my family again."

  Morrigan had never been so annoyed in her life. First a demon traps her in the Fade and now some poor excuse for a demon was doing a horrible job of trying to pose as Flemeth. Trying to pass Flemeth off as the good and caring mother was as insulting to Flemeth as it was to her. "Away! Away with you, spirit! I grow tired of these games!"

  "I am your mother…do you not love me?" The spirit begged.

  "You are as much my mother as my little finger, right here, is the queen of Ferelden. I know you, fade spirit, you cannot fool me!"

  "Are you more clever than your own dear mother?" The spirit asked threateningly. "Surely such pride must be punished."

  The spirit smacked her across the face almost as hard as the real Flemeth would have. Almost but not quite. "There! That is for not showing respect!"

  "Now that is far more like it. But it comes too little, too late, spirit!" Morrigan cast a rune beneath its feet and stopped it dead in its tracks. The spirit turned into its real form and gave shrilling screech.

  "Release me, mortal! Or I will rip out your liver!"

  "You are hardly in a position to make demands or threats spirit. This rune binds you and I can leave you in it and in excruciating agony for the rest of the age if I wish." Morrigan waved her hand and the rune brightened causing the spirit to scream in pain. "Now, answer me: how do I leave this place?"

  The spirit laughed at her, "You cannot leave. The Sloth Demon has sealed all you mortals into different parts of the Fade. You cannot leave without first defeating the demons that guard the doors to the center of the sloth's power. And you cannot reach them without a spirit font. You are trapped here forever!"

  "Well, then. It looks like I'll get to listen to you scream forever." She waved her hand once more and the runes burned brighter causing the spirit even greater pain.

  "STOOOP! I know another way out!"

  "I'm listening, spirit."

  "One of the mortals in these circles, the sloth had to put the most effort into creating a dream that would fool him. The magical barriers surrounding it are the weakest to enter. In order to maintain the reality it had to be made near a spirit font. Reach him and you can leave the fade!"

  "Which one do you refer to?"

  "The angry one."

  That was all Morrigan needed to hear. The only one who could possibly fit that description was Aedan. "And how do I reach him from here?" She activated the rune once more.

  "Aaargh! I can open a portal from here! The other mortal's dream is on the other side! Release me and I'll open it!"

  "No need. You've given me what I want." Morrigan activated the rune one last time and left it on, hearing the spirit's screams as she walked away. Flemeth had taught her how to navigate the fade. How to hop from one spirits domain, to another and if she wasn't alone, how to reach to reach the dreams of others. The easy part of was shattering the dream they were in, the difficult part was getting them to want to shatter the dream.

  Morrigan needed to concentrate on Aedan in order to find him in the crowded nothingness of the fade. This would be so much easier if she had a token of Aedan's that she could use a focus to locate him. Wait she did have something. She reached into her belt and found the picture he drew of her. She could use this to open a doorway to him. Morrigan unfolded the paper and concentrated her magic on it. The parchment came to life and floated into the air and bursted into a flash of white light, revealing a doorway from this dream.

  Morrigan walked through the magic doorway and into Aedan's dream. She stood before a large and mighty keep. The castle seemed ancient but it was also well fortified, soldiers stood at their posts all around the walls and the crest of a white wreath on blue was streaming from the banners. 'Twas the same crest that Aedan bore over his heart. Was this his original home?

  Morrigan approached the front gates and met by the guards. "Halt! Who approaches?"

  "I am looking for someone named Aedan. Is he here?" Morrigan questioned.

  The guards seemed surprised. "Aedan? What could you want with him?"

  "That is hardly your concern." Morrigan waved off. "My business is with him and him alone, if you cannot arrange for him to meet then find someone who will."

  "That's where you're wrong, harridan! No one goes through these gates without permission from the teryn! And I doubt he'd allow some Chasind hag into these walls!"

  "Perhaps not. But I might." An older matronly woman walked in from behind them with a young boy holding a young woman's hand with her. Morrigan noticed how the guard's demeanor changed. "Now, men, what is this?"

  "Oh, m'lady teyrna. This woman claims that she has business with Lord Aedan, but she refuses to reveal what business she means."

  "I see." The older woman turned her gaze to Morrigan, and the witch could see the wisdom and authority in her gaze.

  "Young lady, this is my house and if you wish to be a guest then please tell us what you want here."

  Even if this was just a spirit posing as the lady of the house, Morrigan knew she'd have to play along. In order for Aedan to truly leave the dream he had to do so of his own free will. And he probably wouldn't be able to do that if she was thrown in the castle dungeon. Morrigan handed her Aedan's drawing. "Aedan gave me this."

  The teyrna looked at the drawing and smiled. "Well, this certainly looks like one of Aedan's work. And if he felt you were someone worth his attention then please, come in and be welcome. I will take you to him. Might I know you name?"

  "You may call me Morrigan."

  "I am Eleanor Cousland. This is my lovely daughter-in-law Oriana and my grandson, Oren." Oren bashfully hid his face behind his mother.

  Morrigan walked the halls of the castle with the teryna and the other two, and she still couldn't believe that this was Aedan's original home.

  "How is it you know my son? I don't mean to assume, but are you one of the Avvar he met in the Frostbacks?"

  Aedan was this woman's son? He belonged to the Cousland family? Now she understood where all his training came from, why he was so educated. Morrigan remembered what Aedan told her about his time with the Avvar. "Yes. I was one the tribesman that assisted him when he wished to return to the Lowlands."

  "Well, you must be truly something special to Aedan. He often tells me that he'll only illustrate people that he finds truly inspiring."

  That caught Morrigan off guard. She hadn't realized that drawing was so special to him.

  The young woman laughed quietly. "Perhaps, if you are fortunate, Eleanor, you might be speaking with another daughter-in-law." She said in a lilting Antivan accent.

  That stopped Morrigan in her tracks. Marriage? How could anyone think of such a thing? There's no way she could ever think of such a think of, even if 'twas with someone like Aedan.

  "I think she's pretty!" Oren blurted before bashfully hiding his face again. Morrigan noticed that the boy and Aedan shared the same eyes and hair color. There was no doubt they were family.

  They arrived in the great hall of the castle where two men who also shared Aedan's features were talking together. "Ah, there you are, love." Said the younger man as he strode to his wife and kissed her cheek and hugged the boy. He was a few years older than Aedan but Morrigan couldn't deny that he was also very handsome. "And who is this lovely woman?"

  "Your brother has a lady caller, Fergus." Orianna answered with a bright smile.

  "What? And here I thought pigs would fly before Aedan decided to take a woman seriously." Fergus laughed.

  The teyrn approached Morrigan, "Please, you must join us for dinner. We're going to be celebrating tonight before we leave for Denerim. I'm sure Aedan would l
ove to see you before then."

  "Please, you must come with me." Oriana insisted. "Let us get you into some proper cloths before we dine. I'll find you something that is sure to keep Aedan's eyes on you."

  This was a bit overwhelming for Morrigan. These spirits did a magnificent job at posing as humans, much better than the spirit that accosted her, they almost had Morrigan convinced. The Sloth Demon truly put in a lot of effort to fool him. It was almost heartbreaking.

  Oriana changed Morrigan in to dark red velvet Antivan dress, with a low cut neckline and gold embroidery and escorted her to the dining hall. In the hall everyone ate and talked and laughed together and seemed genuinely happy. Was this what it was like to have a family? Morrigan almost felt guilty about having to reveal the truth to Aedan.

  Finally Aedan entered the dining hall dressed in the Fereldan noble garb. His tunic complimented the colors of his house, sky-blue with white sleeves. His face was still tattooed, but the feature that caught her attention the most was the smile on his face. For all intents and purposes he was genuinely happy.

  Aedan's father approached him, "Pup, so glad you could finally join us! I believe you and this charming woman know each other. Perhaps you two should dance together."

  Aedan offered his arm, Morrigan accepted it. Perhaps, for just a moment, they didn't need to save the world. The two danced slowly to minstrels' soft music. Morrigan even allowed herself to smile as they made their way over the dance floor.

  "How do you find my family's hospitality?" He asked her softly.

  Morrigan looked at him sadly, "'Tis…most welcoming. I truly find myself envious of you."

  "Do…do we know each other, my lady."

  Morrigan smiled sadly at him and held his hand. "Indeed we do. Do you not remember?"

  Morrigan could see the conflict in Aedan's eyes. He remembered only bits, but he didn't want to. "I…I recall you from a…a dream that I had. No. No it was just a dream."

  Morrigan handed him the drawing he gave her and saw the realization come to his face "'Twas not a dream, Aedan. Do you not remember what has happened?"

  "The Blight…the Circle…Howe." Suddenly it all came back to him, the dream that was not a dream. He had to leave, if he stayed Loghain and Howe would win. He could not let his real family's death's go unanswered.

  "You know we cannot stay here." The Chasind woman finally told him.

  "You are…right, Morrigan."

  The shadow of Teyrn Bryce stood from his chair in shock. "Pup, what are you saying? You're going to leave?"

  "Oh, Aedan please! Please don't go." His "mother" pleaded.

  "The only thing that awaits you out there is more pain and heartbreak, brother." The fake Fergus reasoned. "Here you can forget all that."

  "NO! I can't forget my pain!" Aedan cried. "I need my pain. You are not my family, you are just an illusion created to make me forget! An insult to my family's memory! I refuse to live a lie!" Aedan shed the illusion of the tunic and was once more in armor, axe in hand. "All of you! BEGONE!" He commanded. The castle and all of its inhabitants melted away, the illusion was no more. They were once again in the fade.

  Aedan gazed off into the distance, mournfully wishing that this hadn't happened to him. "Morrigan how did you find me?"

  Before she could answer she felt herself slipping out of the dream, the two of them were fading from each other. "What? No, not this again. I refuse!" and she was gone.

  Aedan was alone once more. He looked at his alien surroundings. So this was the fade. Traveling it and finding the others would be no small task. Aedan found Niall who told him about the islands surrounding the middle ring, how to find his companions and about how all this occurred with Uldred.

  One by one Aedan find his other companions and reminded them of their purpose. Aedan had no idea Alistair had a sister, but convinced him that he would never truly see her if he stayed in this fantasy. He reminded Leliana of her vision and told her that she could not abandon her beliefs now. Sten was harder to convince even if he realized that he was merely living a fantasy, but Aedan reminded him that no matter how bitter it might be, warriors must never forget their duty.

  Aedan found Zevran in the midst of being tortured. At first Aedan thought he living out one of his sexual fantasies but then realized that it was him reliving his training as a Crow. Aedan reminded him that he already was one, what's more that he already exceeded the ability of what these "trainers" were trying to instill, and he did not need them. Zevran broke free of his bonds and dispatched the Fade-Crows quickly and like the others he quickly vanished from Aedan's sight as soon as the illusion was over.

  Finally Aedan found Wynne. She was standing amidst the bodies of dead apprentices and lamenting that she did not die with them. Her prison was one of melancholy and despair. Aedan understood that feeling, being so overcome with grief and loss that you want to die, sometimes Aedan wished he could just die and let it all end. But they must continue in order for others to live, so they would not suffer like they did. Aedan convinced her of the truth and reminded her that the Circle can be saved.

  After he saved Wynne they were once again separated. Where did they keep going? There was nothing for it now, he has to press on. Finally the path to the inner circle of the demon's dream was open. Using the spirit font he teleported to his domain. And there the demon was, in all his malign deviance.

  "What is this?" It inquired. "A rebellious minion? An escaped slave? Hahaha! My, but you have some gall. But play time is over." Suddenly all of Aedan's companions arrived and they were pissed.

  "If you go back quietly, I promise I'll do better this time." The demon reasoned. "I made you happy, I gave you what you wanted. Especially you, Aedan. I put most of my effort into giving you back everything you lost and it worked didn't it? You can still see your family again if you…."

  "SILENCE! You've peered into a place in my heart where none are permitted! YOU. WILL. DIE!

  "You wish to battle me? Oh, that is—garghk!" Before it could gloat any further Aedan went berserk and reaved simultaneously and lodged his axe in its head! The others soon joined him in what tuned into a demon beatdown-fest. The sloth wasn't given room to move, room to breathe, it realized too late that it angered the wrong mortals.

  Niall appeared one last time and told them what they needed to do and how to use the Litany of Adralla. Aedan gave words of encouragement before they left the fade, after all, it takes a special kind of man willing to die to do the right thing in the darkest of hours.

  Aedan's eyes shot open and he breathed a sharp breath to fill his lungs. How long has it been? It can't have been too long, the blood on the floor was still wet. Aedan took the litany from Niall's body and respectfully closed the brave mage's eyes.

  They made it to the door of the Harrowing Chamber and killed anything that got in their way. How the hell did they get drakes and dragonlings in the middle of the tower? Just before they entered the chamber they came across a Templar who was imprisoned in some magical barrier. At first he was convinced they were just illusions made by the bloodmages.

  "I will stay strong!" he cried.

  "Are you done yet? Because I really have other things I need to be doing."

  "Silence! You will not have me! Be gone!"

  After an awkward silence the Templar realized they weren't going anywhere. "Still here? But that's always worked before."

  Aedan did his best to stifle back his laughter. This Templar was making a total ass of himself. "Were you bottle-fed lyrium when you were a baby, or did your mom just drop you on your head?"

  "Don't blame me for being cautious. You haven't…seen the things they've done! How did you even get here?"

  "I slaughtered everything that got in my way. And now I think it's Uldred's turn."

  "Good! Kill them. Kill them all for what they've done! They turned some into…monsters. The sounds coming from the Harrowing Chamber…oh, sweet Maker!"

  "So first enchanter Irving is there?"

does that matter!? They've been surrounded by bloodmagic, there's no way to tell how badly they've been infected."

  "What're you saying?" Aedan asked.

  "You have to end it now before it's too late. To ensure this horror has ended…to guarantee that no abominations or bloodmage live, you must kill everyone in there!"

  "What he says makes sense." Sten agreed. "Do not discard it out of hand. These mages are out of control."

  "Now, wait just a moment." Zevran interrupted. "I have killed many people in my life by various means; steel, poison, farm equipment and one time with a well-trained herd of nugs. But this is no calculated assault, no measured act, it's simply slaughter. Are truly going to kill all these mages simply on the grounds of what might happen?"

  "Mages cannot be trusted to control themselves, elf." Sten stood by his qunari logic. "They are simply too dangerous to be left uncheck."

  "Any power can be abused, and these mages have more power than most, I don't deny that." Zevran agreed. "But you treat people like dangerous animals, then that's exactly how they'll behave. Are you truly willing to commit genocide on a whole people for the actions of a few?"

  "Zevran has a point Sten. You lost control and you should have been put down, but I saw fit to spare you so that I could make use of you." Aedan argued vehemently.

  "I am not as susceptible to weakness as these mage are." Sten denied coldly.

  "Tell that to the family you murdered." Aedan hissed through his teeth. "If a coldblooded killer like you gets to have a second chance, then why shouldn't they? And I have more uses for mages against the Blight than Templars whose experience comes from hunting scared children."

  "Very well. Do what you wish." Sten relented dismally.

  "You cannot tell malefacrum by sight. Just one of them can influence the mind of a king, of a grand cleric! You cannot take any chances!" The Templar argued.


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