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Aedan Of Highever

Page 18

by Milton Garby

  Aedan took his head away from her and forcibly removed what little clothing they had on. He gazed on Morrigan's nude form, her beautiful, raven hair had fallen from the knot she kept it in and now cascaded over her shoulder, barely covering her breasts. The light from the fire shining wonderfully on her alabaster skin, like flawless porcelain. And the gaze she gave him, there was no more doubt in his mind, she needed him as much as he needed her.

  Morrigan's breath was stolen from her as she gazed on Aedan in all his glory. He was everything she imagined and more, especially in the one area that really mattered at the moment. Every muscle, every single one, was taught and strong and his tattoos seemed to dance with the flickering light. She looked at him and her gaze told him exactly wanted to her. Aedan descended upon her and Morrigan welcomed every bit of her Alamarri lover into her being. Those other men that she had been with may as well have never even existed. The passion of these two savage people went on through the rest of the night and they knew, there'd never be another like them. They knew that when tomorrow came, they'd face danger once more, they knew that they might find death, but at least tonight, they could savour this.

  Men of Redcliffe and the Parting Glass

  Morrigan woke the next morning and was surprised to find herself still wrapped in Aedan's arms, her head resting on his chest, both of them laying in front of the now dead fire. Their bodies were covered in bruises and bite marks that they'd remember fondly for a long time. She had never been so completely spent in one night that she blacked out and slept so contently, no other man had satisfied her so utterly. Her hair was disheveled and flowing down her back and her arms were slung around Aedan's torso. She smiled to herself as she looked at how peaceful his was as he slept and listened to his gentle heartbeat. Morrigan was so…uncharacteristically content, just to stay like this in his arms.

  That is until Alistair all but pissed on her contentment. She heard Alistair approaching her and realized that she and Aedan were only wearing a blanket. She covered Aedan's head with the blanket and pretended to be asleep. Hopefully Alistair would just go away.

  "Morrigan." Alistair called as he walked up to her camp. "We've got to get moving soon. Are you awake? Have you seen Aedan anywhere?" Alistair pulled yanked the blanket off of Morrigan and revealed the two naked bodies underneath. If the was ever a time he wished the Maker would just smite him, now would have been good.

  "Alistair! You moronic, blind, Templar-fool! GO AWAY!" Morrigan screeched, waking Aedan up immediately.

  "Sweet, Holy Maker!" Alistair cried in equal parts shame and horror. "Oh, couldn't you have gone to your tent?! Oh, all the alcohol and hypnotism in the world can't make me forget that what I just saw! Sweet Andraste. I wish I were blind!"

  "If you don't leave this instant I'll grant your wish!" Morrigan threatened while trying to cover herself.

  With Alistair finally gone Morrigan quickly tried to put her clothes back on and forget that the idiotic Templar just saw her naked. "Ugh! Fool Templar!" she fumed as she dressed herself. Her anger quickly dissipated when she suddenly felt Aedan planting soft kisses on her bare back.

  "Not quite the pleasant wakeup call I was hoping for." He said softly in her ear.

  "Blame your fellow Grey Warden. 'Tis truly a wonder that he is the senior Warden between the two of you, truly." Morrigan huffed. "You should probably go and make yourself ready for the day, Aedan."

  "Are you so eager to be rid of me, Morrigan?" Aedan chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

  "Hmmm. Hardly, my dear Warden. But, alas, there is…a time and place for such…misadventures." Morrigan answered as he continued to kiss her.

  "I can't wait." Aedan promised.

  "I wouldn't be so eager were I you. My tastes can lean towards the…painfully perverse." The golden-eyed witch warned seductively.

  Aedan bit down gently on Morrigan's slender neck causing her to gasp in pleasure, "In case you haven't noticed, mo suile orga whurnin, pain and I are on familiar terms."

  "What did you just call me?"

  Perhaps I'll tell you someday, but for now I should take your advice and get ready for the day."

  Aedan kissed her cheek and quickly put his pants on and left her. She decided to wear one of her more…conservative leather jerkins to conceal the love marks Aedan riddled on her skin. She could her Zevran congratulating Aedan for his "conquest". As she fixed her hair she couldn't take her mind on what Aedan called her. "Mo suile orga whurnin?" It was definitely something from the old Alamarii tongue, but alas, it was not something she was taught. Perhaps later she could…convince Aedan what it meant. Morrigan finished packing her things and joined the others as they left the campsite. She wanted to walk next to Aedan, but he was speaking with Alistair and for obvious reasons she wanted to stay the hell away from him.

  As Alistair walked next Aedan he could feel Morrigan glaring at him from behind, perhaps she thought if she kept glaring daggers at him she could stab him in the back. Alistair shuddered at the thought of Aedan being lured into the bloodsucking grasp of the Chasind bitch. "Seriously, Aedan. Of all the women in Thedas why her? I mean, there are easier ways to kill yourself, like throwing yourself in front of an ogre for example?"

  "You really don't like each other do you?" Aedan asked rhetorically.

  "Well, aside from the fact that she's a complete and utter BITCH…!" Alistair said loud enough for her to hear "…no I don't like her at all."

  "She's not as evil as you might think, Alistair. And besides if you were raised by someone as batshit crazy as Flemeth you don't think you might have an attitude problem?"

  "Alright, fair point, but it's your funeral. Just next time…maybe wear some pajamas or stick your axe in the ground, you know just to let the rest of us know that you two are…getting to know each other."

  "Oh, jeez, Alistair! You still can't be embarrassed about that, can you? Haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?"

  Alistair just stood there in awkward discomfort, his eyes shifting back and forth.

  "Wait, are you serious? You've never seen a naked woman before?" Aedan thought for a moment and realized that Alistair's silence was telling him one of two things. "Alistair, please tell me you're not upset with Morrigan 'cause your jealous she got to sleep with me."

  "What?! I'm not jealous! I'm horrified!" Alistair answered indignantly.

  Oh, that's good! Aedan thought to himself. Alistair's answer could only mean one thing. "We're fighting the apex of evil on a regular basis, hell you willingly went through the Joining and you mean to tell me you've never been with a woman?!"

  Alistair blushed in embarrassment, "Well, it's not that I've never thought about it, but you know…"

  "What? You've never had the opportunity?"

  "Well living in the Chantry isn't…exactly a life of rambunctious boys. They taught me how to be a gentleman." Alistair explained as-a-matter-factly. "Especially around women. That's not so bad, is it?"

  "Excuse me, I didn't meant to eavesdrop but is what I'm hearing true?" Zevran interjected. "Alistair, my dear friend, I'm surprised at you. The death rate of Grey Wardens is one of the highest of any profession, even higher than being an assassin. In the Crows we were always given a bountiful opportunity to seek out any vice, pleasure and sin we so desired, because for all we knew we'd probably be dead the next day."

  "I don't even want to know what you'd consider to be a vice and sin, Zevran." Alistair groaned.

  Aedan couldn't take any more of this. It was way too sad and painful. "Alistair, we are the only Wardens left in this country, we're fighting the Blight and we both survived the Joining, so I say that entitles us both to a little vice to ourselves. So I suggest that you make a surefire effort to stay alive, because when we get to Denerim I'm taking you to a place called 'The Pearl' and when you leave I guarantee you will die a happy man."

  "Ooh, yes!" Zevran agreed. "I've heard of that place even back in Antiva. When you go please let me tag along. I promise I c
an cover my own expenses."

  "I'm not sure if I should be excited or terrified." Alistair groaned. "But alright, I solemnly promise not to die until we get to Denerim."

  "Good man." Aedan declared and pat Alistair on the back.

  As the company continued their long walk to Redcliffe, Aedan remembered everything he had learned about the Arling. His father taught him that the Fortress of Redcliffe was one of the most strategically important castles in all of Ferelden. A fact that became pivotal in both the conquest and liberation of Ferelden from Orlais. No invading force had ever been able to hold Ferelden without first controlling Redcliffe. This fact made the knights and soldiers of who served the Guerrin family some of the most formidable in the country. The Guerrin family themselves have always been capable administrators and leaders. Arl Eamon himself was one of the most powerful and well-respected men in the all of Ferelden.

  Aedan's felt great relief when they finally approached the gates of Redcliffe village. Perhaps here they could get the support they desperately needed. Aedan's thought were interrupted when Alistair stood in front of Aedan's path with an uncharacteristically serious look in his eyes. "Wait. Look, can we talk for just a second?" The former Templar requested.

  Aedan could see that there was something serious on his mind. "Is something wrong, Alistair?"

  "I need to tell you something I, ah, probably should have told you a long time ago."

  "Alright. Go ahead." Aedan sighed.

  "You remember that I told that Arl Eamon raised me, right?"

  "Yes, you said your mother was a serving girl and the Arl took you in."

  "Right. Well, the reason he did that was because…King Maric was my father. Which made Cailan my…half-brother, I suppose." Alistair confessed with a fear and shame reserved for embarrassing childhood memories.

  Aedan stood there completely stunned and felt like he'd just been bitch-slapped by the backhand of utter stupidity. He grabbed Alistair under the chin and took a thorough observation of his face and couldn't believe that he never realized that Alistair actually looked exactly like King Cailan! "How did I not see this!?" Aedan yelled in shock. "You look just like Cailan!"

  "I would have told you but…it never really meant anything to me." Alistair explained. "I was an inconvenience, a possible threat to Cailan's rule and so they kept me a secret. Eamon never even told his wife. I've never talked to anyone about it. Everyone who knew either resented me for it because I represented King Maric's fallibility, or the coddled me….even Duncan kept me out of the fighting because of it. It's why he wanted me at the Tower of Ishal back at Ostagar. I didn't want you to know as long as possible. I'm sorry."

  Aedan took a moment to register this potentially volatile yet useful information. Alistair was a son of Maric and Cailan died without heirs, this could tip the scales in their favor. "Don't you know what this means, Alistair? By the laws and customs of our people, this makes you an heir to the throne!"

  "Sweet Maker, I hope not! I don't think so…you don't think so, do you? I'm a bastard, nobody even knows about me."

  "Does Loghain know about you?"

  "Why wouldn't he? He was Maric's best friend and closest confidant, I'm sure even he had a hand in my being sent to the Chantry and keeping me a secret."

  "And you thought it wise for it to remain a secret?"

  "It's just that…I hate how it's shaped my whole life. My blood has never been important enough to me and I've always been told how I'd never sit the throne. And that's fine with me, if the throne should fall to anyone it should be Arl Eamon. He may not be of royal blood but he's popular with the people. So there you have it. My dirty, nasty secret. Now can we please just move on, and I'll just continue to believe that you still think I'm some…nobody that happened to be lucky enough not to die with the rest of the Grey Wardens."

  "Alistair…you cannot think that."

  "Oh, Maker, I was afraid you'd say that."

  "You are the rightful heir to our kingdom!"

  "Aedan, I'm no king! I'm a Grey Warden and a bastard son!"

  "So? King Calenhad was the youngest son of a Denerim merchant and a cleaner of the dog kennels. Look at what he accomplished! Even Maric wasn't born inside a castle."

  Alistair sighed in exasperation. "Look, can we…discuss this at another time? Maybe after we see Eamon? I'd rather we discuss it with him present."

  "Fine. I suppose arguing about it now is pointless."

  Aedan and Alistair walked through the gates of Redcliffe leading down to the village and were greeted by Tomas who desperately asked if they were the reinforcements that were coming. When they told him they had no idea what he was talking about the young man decided to bring them to Bann Teagan who was leading the defense of the village. Tomas brought them to the village Chantry, it was a very large and sturdy building, the largest in the whole village, but what caught Aedan's attention the most was how full it was. Filled to bursting with the elderly, women and small children. Were they refugees? All the able bodied men were outside the chantry in makeshift barricades with looks of fear and anticipation plastered on their faces. What was happening here? Bann Teagan stood at the back of the chantry giving instructions to some of his men.

  "Welcome to Redcliffe." Teagan greeted. "Though I wish it were under better circumstances. I am Teagan Guerrin, Bann of Rainesfere, brother to the arl."

  "I remember you, Bann Teagan." Alistair reminded. "Though last time we met I was much younger….and covered in mud."

  "Covered in mud?" Teagan's eyes lit up in joy and relief as his memory jump started. "I don't believe….Alistair! Is that you? I can't believe it! You're Alive!"

  "Still alive. No thanks to Loghain's treachery."

  "Indeed. Loghain would have us all believe that the Grey Wardens died at Ostagar along with my nephew. I am glad to see it's not so."

  "You don't believe Loghain's lies, then?" Aedan asked.

  "What? That her pulled his men back to save them? That Cailan risked everything in the name of glory? Hardly. Loghan call the Wardens traitors. Murderers of the king. I don't believe it. It is an act of a desperate man." Teagan paused a moment and looked at Aedan. "So…you are a Grey Warden as well? Is it possible we've met? You seem very familiar."

  "I believe you knew my father, Bryce Cousland."

  "Yes! That's it. I'm…sorry about what happened to him. I wish he were here know. He and Eamon could have put a stop to Loghain before this madness ever happened. No doubt you're here to see my brother? Unfortunately…Eamon became gravely ill some time ago." Teagan began explaining. "The attacks started ago. Evil…things…surged from the castle. We drove them back, but many perished in the assault."

  "What kind of evil things are you talking about? Darkspawn?"

  "No. But I truly wish it were darkspawn." Teagan answered with fear painted on his face. "Some call them the walking dead. Rotting corpses made to life with a hunger for living flesh…"

  "It would take a mage to accomplish such a feat." Wynne explained. "One dabbling in bloodmagic and having a complete lack of a soul."

  "There are several rituals in which one might do such a thing." Morrigan commented. "None of them pleasant."

  "They hit again the next night." Teagan continued. "Each night they come, in greater numbers. And always their attack is announced by those horrid screams they make." Teagan was clearly disturbed by the mentioning of those screams. "With Cailan dead and Loghain starting a war, no one's answered my urgent calls for help. I have a feeling that tonight's assault will be the worst yet. Alistair, I hate to ask, but I desperately need the help of you and your companions."

  "It isn't just up to me." Alistair answered sorrowfully. "Though the Grey Wardens don't stand much of a chance against Loghain without Arl Eamon's help." Alistair alluded toward Aedan, hoping he'd take the hint.

  "You want my help? You don't even know me." Aedan pointed out.

  "I know Alistair. And I knew Teryn Bryce. I trust the caliber of men associated with them both."

  Aedan's path was clear. It was his duty to help these people regardless of what was happening beyond this village. "Very well, Teagan. We will help you."

  "There are no darkspawn here." Sten interjected. "Is this delay needful?"

  "Something you'd like to say, Sten?"

  "Defending this village is not our goal. Your duty compels you to fight the darkspawn, and they are not here."

  "My duty, Sten, compels me to defend my nation and the people in it. Is it not the antaam's duty to also fight for its people no matter their race or location?"

  "….I suppose so."

  "Thank you! Thank you, so much!" Teagan replied. "Please speak with Murdock, the village mayor and with Ser Perth. You can discuss with them the preparations for the coming battle."

  "Can you tell us anything more about the creatures that have been attacking?"

  "No more than what I've already explained. The most frightening memory we all have is that ungodly sound they make every night just before they attack. It's like listening to the void and all the wailing souls within burst forth."

  "I see." Aedan said thoughtfully. "I will see about preparing for tonight's attack."

  "Maker speed your way, my friend."

  Out in the village

  Everyone exited the village and set to work on making preparations for the oncoming battle. Wynne quickly began using her magic to heal as many of the villagers as possible, while Sten and Zevran looked to the defenses. Alistair busied himself with teaching some of the knights in tactics with dealing with the undead and Leliana helped with making more arrows and giving instruction to the villagers how to better use a bow. Morrigan kept to herself and watched the others.

  Aedan spoke with Mayor Murdock about getting some extra help from the smith, Owen. After promising Owen that he'd find his daughter the distraught smith set to work repairing the militia's equipment. Murdock was impressed and relieved when Aedan managed to convince that dwarven trader, Dwyn, to come out and aid them. Perhaps with these Wardens here the village might have a chance after all.


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