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Aedan Of Highever

Page 24

by Milton Garby

  Aedan dangled the scorpion closer to Faryn's face and it took a few swings at him with its pincers. Zevran shook the bag a little, riling up the scorpions inside and chuckled deviously. When Aedan was certain he'd gotten the truth out of Faryn he tossed the scorpion back in the bag and walked away, leaving the grave-robbing merchant crying under his stall.

  "I have to admit Aedan, I didn't expect you to be the extortionist type." Zevran chuckled

  "I'm not. I'm just the type you don't want to lie to."

  "A fact that I won't soon forget. And I'm certain that charlatan won't either."

  The two rejoined the others and judging from the looks on their, and all the other merchants, it was obvious they saw what transpired. It wasn't like Aedan was being very discreet. "What was that all about?" Sten inquired.

  "That merchant tried to sell me bullshit, and I wasn't buying it."

  Seeing as that was the only answer he was probably going to get Sten inquired no further. They all decided to wrap up their business and make their way through the gates. As they approached they noticed the gate guard arguing with some human. The only thing that was said between the two that Aedan caught was the mention of "King" Loghain. And instantly felt his anger peak.

  "You insult all of Ferelden with your actions, dwarf!" The man barked. "King Loghain demands the allegiance of your lords, or deshyrs, or whatever it is you call them in your assembly. I am his appointed messenger!"

  "I don't care if you're the king's wiper!" The guard rebutted. "Orzammar will have none but its own until our throne is settled."

  The two stopped arguing when the…diverse group of people approached the gate. Alistair could practically feel the murder radiating off of Aedan and felt it was best maybe he do the talking for once.

  "Uh, good day!" Alistair sputtered. "We, er, we have *ahem*. We have important business in Orzammar, ser."

  "None more important than mine." The messenger glowered.

  "As I said to this fool…" The guard explained. "The gates have been sealed shut. King Endrin returned to the stone not a month ago. The assembly is deadlocked in choosing a successor and the gates shall remain closed until they make a sodding decision."

  "Ah, I understand. But you see the Wardens were hoping to call upon our traditional dwarven allies." Alistair presented the dwarven treaties. "These treaties obligate you to help us."

  "The Wardens killed King Cailan and nearly doomed Ferelden! They're sworn enemies to King Loghain!" Imrek argued.

  "Well, that is the royal seal of King Bemot and the deshyrs of the Assembly. And only the Assembly can address it at this time. You may pass these gates, Grey Warden."

  Imrek became excited. "You're letting in a traitor and a foreigner!? In the name of King Loghain I demand that you execute this…stain on the honor of Ferelden!"

  That was the breaking point for Aedan. He backhanded the mouthy messenger so hard he was sent flying off the gates doorstep! Aedan quickly dispatched his two guards by snapping the soldier's neck and punching the mage so hard in the throat his windpipe was smashed. Aedan strode menacingly toward Imrek with murder in his eyes.

  Completely dazed by Aedan's fist, Imrek tried to stumble to his feet and drew his sword. "I-I will not go down easy! I serve King Loghain!" he declared.

  Aedan quickly silenced the messenger by shattering his jaw with a devastating right hook! Imrek fell like a shattered statue. Aedan grabbed the man's head in both hands and proceeded to crush it like a melon! "Loghain…is not…king!" Aedan screamed into his victims dying eyes. The mouthy messenger gurgled and his teeth fell out of his face as Aedan applied so much pressure blood was trickling out of Imrek's nose, ears and eyes. And he kept squeezing until he felt the man's skull crack in his hands and his eyes popped out of their sockets!

  Content with his little bit of murder, Aedan tossed Imrek's body aside like it was a ragdoll and went back to the gate.

  "You did me a service, Warden." The guard thanked. "That fool Imrek has been bothering me for a week. Are all humans so touched? Uh, no offense."

  "None taken."

  "You are free to enter Orzammar, Grey Warden, though I doubt you will find much help."

  Aedan and company entered through the gates and were amazed at the massive hall behind it. This was the famous Hall of Heroes. Every Paragon that had ever existed had their statue gazing over this expansive hall. Fountains of lava and columns of mighty stone that held up the weight of the mountain. And in front of the fountains stood the intricately carved statues of the dwarven Paragons, which every dwarf in the hall looked upon with reverence.

  "If there's one thing about that can be said about these people it's that they have a remarkable aptitude for carving stone." Morrigan commented.

  "Is it just me or do all these statues look all alike?" Sten asked

  While the entrance hall was truly impressive, they were all astonished by the breathtaking majesty and foreign beauty of the mighty city of Orzammar. An entire darkly illuminated city carved out of the very stone and foundation of the Frostback Mountains and extended through massive tunnels into very deep of the earth. It was a world within the world.

  "It's..big…" Leliana gasped.

  "For such a small people they certainly like their ceilings high…." Wynne observed.

  "Why would such a small people have such large buildings?" Sten asked. "They must have an impressive array of ladders."

  As they entered they were witness to a brutal argument over the succession of throne by none other than they two contenders for it, Prince Bhelen Aeducan and Lord Pyral Harrowmont. The argument became so heated that a murder broke out between their men and both politicians ran back to the safety of the Diamond Quarter.

  Aedan couldn't help but wonder what wonderful future this city would have with either candidate ruling over them. After all, both men seemed like such reasonable, upright and ethical men. First things first, he'd go to the Chamber of Assembly and see who had the authority to send him the troops he needed against the darkspawn.

  As Aedan made his way up the Diamond Quarter to the Chamber of Assembly he could see why the dwarven nobles were so high and mighty: they lived in obscenely large manors that could house their whole freaking family tree, and they were so high up in the city all they did was look down on everything and everyone, which fit perfectly with their rank and caste system. Anyone who isn't as high as they, are looked down upon as something lesser to them and if you had no caste you were literally nothing to them. While Aedan knew his culture was far from perfect, he knew that in his society anyone of any class could make something of themselves by sheer force of will, not by relying on one's clan, class or who their dead ancestors were.

  The Chamber of Assembly was higher than even the royal palace, marking its importance in dwarven society, even the doors were vastly larger than palace's. The hallway leading into the chamber was dimly lit by strange glowing crystals and it doors were guarded by grizzled, fearsome looking warriors.

  "The Assembly is in session, Warden. Enter quietly if you wish to observe." The guard informed.

  Aedan entered into the room and was surprised at how many representatives were housed in this room and the fact that Orzammar had so many noble houses. He was also surprised and somewhat disturbed to see how many guards were posted in this chamber. Apparently the Steward had doubled the guard to prevent blood from being spilt by the deshyrs. And right now it seemed they were all about to come to blows over trade contracts. Trade contracts?! This city is on the brink of civil war and the world is about to fall victim to the Blight and these morons were about to kill each other over fucking trade agreements! When their heated argument turned into outright death threats Steward Bandelor aggravatingly called for recess.

  The assembly reminded Aedan somewhat of his people's Landsmeet. Various clan leaders with a bone to pick with one another meeting once a year to settle disputes over land, justice and vengeance. The difference being every freeholder, not just nobles, had a voice in the La
ndsmeet, and while all representatives who attended were armed and bought their own guards, and it wasn't uncommon for brawls and duels to erupt in the Landsmeet.

  "Stone forsaken fools and dusters!" The steward cursed as left the chamber. He was so preoccupied with his anger he almost didn't notice Aedan. "I'm sorry this the Assembly of the clans. Only deshyrs and occasional guests are allowed in."

  "Do Grey Wardens count as special guests?"

  "Oh, I clean forgot about the gate guard's message. I'm sorry, Warden, had we known of your arrival we'd have arranged a proper greeting. Welcome to Orzammar, Warden. I hope you can forgive our unrest. The loss of our king has hit us hard."

  "Unfortunately, I'm not here for a visit, I'm here on official business. As you can see, these treaties…"

  "I'm sorry, Warden." The steward politely interrupted. "But these cannot help you. Respect for your role is great, but you will not receive a proper hearing from the Assembly until our throne is settled."

  "A Blight is coming, steward. Your people should know best of all that the darkspawn aren't going to wait on politics."

  "And we do. But to us the darkspawn are a constant threat and none of the noble houses are going to let our warriors leave this city without proper leadership for fear that their political rivals attacking them."

  "Then who the hell does have the authority to send the troops I need?" Aedan grunted angrily

  I am at a loss myself, Warden." The steward sighed exhaustedly. "It lies with Prince Bhelen of House Aeducan or Lord Pyral of House Harrowmont, and they are slow to trust anyone in these uncertain times. I would suggest talking with Dulin Forendar, Harrowmont's man, can be found at the Harrowmont estate. Vartag Gavorn, secong to Prince Bhelen, is often seen here at the assembly. Either one of these men could help arrange an audience with the man you seek. I wish there was more I could do for you."

  This recurring joke of fates was really becoming a pain in the ass for Aedan and he really wished he had something to hit right now. "I thought I heard something about a Proving when I came into the city."

  "Yes. Prince Bhelen arranged for a Proving to honor his father."

  "Good. Watching other people die in agonizing pain for the pleasure of the blood thirsty mob should make me feel better."

  Aedan stormed out of the Assembly Chamber less than satisfied and marched over to the ledge of the walkway overseeing the lakes of lava. He was getting very tired of playing errand boy to everyone in this goddamned country when their supposed to be lending him aid against the Blight! In a fit of anger Aedan kicked the railing and watched the shattered pieces fall into the lava below.

  "Hey!" Shouted some bearded dwarf noble full if indignation. "This railing was carved in the days of King Garen! Show some respect, topsider!"

  Aedan looked down at the miserable, grub of a man with fire in his eyes. "If this rail is so important, maybe I should just kick you into the lava instead?"

  Fear instantly sprouted in the nobles eyes. "N-now you listen here…"

  "No you listen, you putrid, fucking maggot!" Aedan cursed, scaring every dwarf in the next three stories. "I don't give two nug-shits about your goddamned traditions and history! Get away from me before I punch a hole in your chest, rip out your heart! And eat it!"

  The noble quickly scurried off and suddenly everyone in the immediate vicinity gave the angry, barbaric human a wide berth. Even everyone in his company thought it best to give him some space. Finally Wynne and Leliana, cautiously, approached him.

  "Aedan." Wynne called gently. "Aedan, what is wrong?"

  "What's wrong? The better question is 'what's right'" Aedan answered angrily. "It seems everywhere I go everyone has some kind of problem they want me to fix. Everyone has some kind of excuse or peril that prevents them from honoring their word and aiding me against the Blight. I'm supposed to be a Warden, not a goddamned errand boy!"

  "I know it's hard right now." Said Leliana. "But you can't lose faith."

  "Faith? Faith in what, Leliana?! Where, oh where, is the fucking Maker, Ancestors, Creators, or Korth when you need them. The only gods that seem to be doing anything is the fucking Old Gods! They may be trying to destroy the world, but dammit, at least they make their actions known!"

  "Faith is not always with a person's gods, Aedan." Leliana reasoned. "Faith should also always be in one's self, and in the people around you. You haven't failed the world yet, and we haven't failed you. Take strength in that."

  For once, just once, the naïve nonsense from Leliana's mouth actually made sense to Aedan. He had to carry on, had to keep moving and save this world, because apparently no one else was in a hurry to do so. Aedan tried to breathe the anger out of his lungs and focus. "So what's the plan, Aedan?" asked Alistair.

  Aedan thought for a moment. Who was the better candidate for him to get support from? He barely knew this city or of its people and politics. Aedan was trained for war and governance, not for information gathering, but he had several people who were. "Zevran, Wynne, Leliana." Aedan called. "I want you two to go around the city, talk to people. Try the tavern, the shaperate and the arena and find out everything there is to know about the candidates for the throne. If anyone asks tell them you're asking on behalf of the Warden. Alistair and Shale, you'll go with Wynne. Morrigan and Sten, you're with me."

  "And where are you going, Warden?" Sten asked.

  "I'm going to the Proving Arena. And I'm going to show these dwarven fuckwits how to really fight the darkspawn."

  All of them left their separate ways to perform their given tasks while Aedan made his way to the arena. At this point beating people up for the amusement of the massed sounded like a well-desereved vacation. Wynne, Alistair and Shale went to the Shaperate of Memories. Leliana to Tapster's Tavern and Zevran scoured the rest of the city, questioning and charming people into giving them the answers Aedan needed.

  In the Shaperate of Memories….


  Being raised in the Circle of Magi Wynne had been surrounded by books all her life, in fact reading was one of her favorite past times, but the Shaperate was something else entirely. Entire volumes and series of books based on just a single life time of a dwarven knight, entire genealogies of whole family trees and the complete history of the whole dwarven race. She could spend a year in this place and not even scratch the surface of all the information recorded here. Alas, she was not here to browse their impressive array of books and history. She saw some of the clerics and record keepers reporting to an elderly dwarf with tired eyes and long, intricately knotted beard which had bleached with age. Despite his advanced age and hunching stature, he nonetheless carried himself with quiet dignity and was given the reverent respect of his peers. She could only conclude that this man was the Lord Shaper.

  "When last I walked these hall, Endrin was king and Orzammar was at peace. The Memories often speak of the swiftness in which change overtakes us, but it is different to see it firsthand."

  "I doubt any of us are ever truly ready for the abruptness of any change, Lord Shaper." Wynne responded.

  "Forgive me, my lady, I should not bore a stranger with such thoughts. I am Czibor, Lord Shaperate of Memories." The dwarf introduced.

  Wynne curtsied politely. "I am Wynne of the Circle of Magi, Lord Shaper. I come on behalf of the Grey Wardens."

  "It is a pleasure to meet you. The Grey Warden's visit has been recorded in the memories, along with all who accompany them. Holy Ancestors!" Suddenly the shaper's attention turned solely to Shale. He approached the becrystaled golem and stared with awe and wonder.

  "Where did you find this golem? I don't recognize its design. We have but a few dozen left here in Orzammar and we'd pay a good sum for a new one."

  "I'd sooner jump into a pit of lava." Shale responded grimly.

  "Unfortunate." Said the shaper who seemed rather unfazed the golem just spoke to him.

  "Now, how may I help you, Wynne of the Circle of Magi?"

  "I am curious to know about the two can
didates vying for the throne."

  "Ah, yes the defining matter of this generation. Lord Pyral Harrowmont has been Lord-General of Orzammar for as long as the younger generation can remember and served as King Endrin's second for almost his whole reign. He is a pious man, and a firm believer in our traditions, and he has authored many compromises in the ever shifting winds of Orzammar politics. In Endrin's final hours it is said he appointed his second as the heir to the throne."

  "Hmm, it sounds to me like he'd be the ideal king for your people."

  "Perhaps, and perhaps not. While he is a firm administrator and has a mind for politics, times such as these call for men of action."

  "And is Bhelen a man of action?"

  "Most certainly. Although not all his actions can be considered good. Prince Bhelen's candidacy rose in the wake of the death of his siblings and father. Prince Trian, who was the appointed heir, was supposedly slain by King Endrin's favored child and was sent into the Deep Roads to die, King Endrin died of heartache not long ago."

  "It seems the sudden deaths in the family worked quiet well in Bhelen's favor."

  "Yes, that is why so many oppose him right now. The case against his sibling was too quick and one sided to be considered a fair trial, and many now believe that Bhelen set the whole thing up, some even believe he was responsible for his father's death."

  "Sweet Maker. He sounds like a thoroughly devious man."

  "Perhaps, and perhaps not." Shaper Czibor's calm demeanor and neutrality were a surprise to Wynne. "As I said it has not been proven that he had anything to do with his sibling's death and his older sibling's guilt was recorded in the Memories. Lately he's has been spending much of his time here reading the histories and policies of past kings. Especially that of King Eithnar Bemot who dissolved the Assembly and decreed that the Warrior Caste must answer directly to the king in times of war."

  "So he is willing to take action against the darkspawn?"

  "So it would seem. But at what cost?"


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