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Aedan Of Highever

Page 26

by Milton Garby

  "Warriors, fight!"

  "What? Nug got your tongue?" Aedan tauntingly asked the Silent Sister.

  Hanashan continued to stare back at him, her stance unchanged.

  "What's the matter? Got nothing to say?"

  Still she remains unflinching.

  "I will break your silence." Aedan promised as he charged his silent opponent.

  Aedan swung fast, powerful and precise strikes at Hanashan, the smaller warrior was barely able to keep up and dodge him. One hit was all it would take. She ducked beneath one of his punches and jumped into the air and tried to land a powerful spin kick to Aedan's face, but Aedan quickly grabbed her ankle and slammed her back into the ground. With the Silent Sister dazed, Aedan grabbed her by the neck with both hands, lifted her in the air and proceeded to strangle the warrior woman. Hanashan's flight or fight instincts kicked in and she desperately landed several powerful Aedan's face, but he was unfazed, like he was immune to pain and injury.

  "Scream for me!"

  Hanashan glared in silence and defiance as she continued to hit him in the face, trying to escape his clutches. Aedan tightened his grip around dwarf's neck, until her hits became nothing but weak flails of the arms and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. When he was sure there was no more fight left in her, Aedan dropped the Silent Sister to the ground, still alive and in better condition than his other victims. Aedan was impressed and disappointed that she made no sound, but that's to be expected of warrior from her order.

  "And there you have it lords and ladies! Even the deadly Silent Sister couldn't match the Grey Warden's might! This is truly an historic day for this arena!"

  The crowed cheers for the Warden in roaring applause.

  "Now only two warriors remain. Fighting for honor of House Aeducan is Prince Bhelen's royal cousin Piotin! Piotin has led his unit to victory both in the Provings and in many thaig recovery expeditions. And challenging him for the honor of his country is Aedan of the Grey Wardens. Both men have fought and left a trail of broken dreams and bodies behind them to reach this moment. But who will claim Valos Atradem? Warden choose your battle unit."

  Aedan looked into his corner and saw that his companions had already made it there. "I call on my fellow Warden Alistair, Sten of the Beresaad and Zevran of the Antivan Crows!"

  "Fighters meet in the center of the ring."

  All combatants approached one another in the ring. Aedan stared down the little bastard who dared insult his homeland and his countrymen and felt his anger reach its climax upon seeing the smug look on Piotin's face. If looks were capable of executions, then the look on Aedan's face would have crucified, disemboweled and emasculated the dwarven warrior. Aedan had the look of a rabid dog, foam frothing from his mouth and all, he was so angry.

  "You've done well to make it this far, Warden." Piotin admitted. "But you and yours are still not Warrior enough to match me and my unit."

  "This one…is mine to slaughter." Aedan instructed to his companions. They weren't going to argue.


  Alistair and the others quickly pressed the attack on Piotin's unit, while Piotin charged Aedan. Piotin made precise and accurate strikes at Aedan's head and vital points, but the human easily evaded until….

  Piotin thrusted his sword right into Aedan's abdomen and Aedan didn't bother to evade. Shocked to see his opponent take such a blow without flinching, Piotin let go of his sword. The blade was just sticking out of Aedan like a tree branch, then Aedan slowly pulled the blade out and snapped it in twain.

  Piotin backed away. What was this man? No human should have survived that!

  Aedan marched to his opponent with death in his eyes. Piotin reached for his dagger and tried another stab at him, but Aedan caught his arm and crushed his arm guard in his hand, braking Piotin's arm. The dwarf screamed in agony, Aedan jammed his fingers into his enemy's mouth like a fish hook and ripped his right cheek off!

  "AAAOOGH!" Piotin howled in horrible pain.

  The pissed off Warden then picked up the screaming dwarf and raised his body over his head and smashed the dwarf's back on his knee! The dwarf's armor shattered, if Piotin hadn't worn it he'd be paraplegic now, but Aedan wasn't done yet. He raised the noble over his head once more and threw his enemy right out of the arena and into the crowd! The Proving watchers screamed as Piotin's body landed in the stands.

  Sten and Alistair finished off their opponents while Zevran t-bagged his.

  "And so the Ancestors have spoken!" The Proving Master declared. "Do you deny that this warrior, this Warden, has Valos Atradem?"

  The crowd roared their approval.

  "So be it! Grey Warden, you came before our people and tested your mettle against our best and before our Paragons! We are honored to reaffirm our friendship with your Order and declare you champion of this Proving."

  Aedan looked upon the cheering crowd, and after seeing them carry Piotin off in a gurney, felt his anger subside and addressed the dwarves of Orzammar. "It was an honor to take part in this Proving, Orzammar!" Aedan called. "I am honored to continue our friendship. For a Blight is coming!" Suddenly the crowed was dead silent. "It is my hope that the warriors of Orzammar and the Grey Wardens will continue our joined fight together against the darkspawn. No other people are more suited to such a task."

  Aedan leaves the arena, his entourage in tow, the crowd cheering him. He enters the fighter waiting area with rest of his fellows waiting for him. Wynne tosses him a towel, which Aedan graciously used to wipe the blood, sweat and tears from his skin. When he was done he walked over to Morrigan and kissed her passionately, much to the distress of everyone else, and she gladly reciprocated. Aedan separated his lips from Morrigan's and sat down, putting his clothes and armor back on. "What did you learn about the two contenders for the throne?"

  The others told Aedan what they discovered about Prince Bhelen and Lord Harrowmont. Telling him about their policies, their strengths and their flaws. Aedan sat there for a moment and contemplated who he should see about getting his troops

  "Well fought, Warden." Aedan looked over to see a dwarf wearing traditional silverite mail and carrying an axe. What did this guy want? "It is not often an outsider participates in a Glory Proving, let alone become its champion. Piotin is one of the best warriors in Orzammar and you thrashed him like a novice."

  "I know. I was there. And you are….?"

  "Oh, forgive me. My name is Vartag Gavorn, I act as second to our esteemed Prince Bhelen. He heard of your victory and of your need to combat the Blight."

  "Are you saying your prince is willing to honor these treatise?"

  "Combating the darkspawn is one of my prince's top priorities. Sadly, with this conflict over the throne, he is unable to honor the word of our kingdom."

  "Then let me meet with him, and we can discuss how to break this stalemate."

  "My prince wants nothing more, however, he cannot see someone who has not proven his undoubted loyalty."

  Aedan didn't have time for anymore of this shit. "Well, if your prince doesn't want the support of the topsider who has just claimed Valos Atradem in the eyes of the Paragons, then perhaps Harrowmont will grant me the audience I seek. And now that I have put the fear of the Blight into your people, there's going to be an even greater call for action."

  Aedan saw the look in Vartag's eyes and knew he had him. There's just no way he could let such a valuable supporter slip through his fingers. "Very well, Warden. I shall take you to see his Majesty now, if that's what you wish."

  "That is what I wish."

  "I warn you, be on your best behavior and keep your weapons sheathed."

  In the Royal Palace….


  Prince Bhelen stood in his quarters, overlooking some maps of the Deep Roads and a few treaties. When Aedan and his entourage entered he quickly turned his attention to them. "Welcome, Warden." The prince greet graciously. "I am glad to have you here. It is not often topsider wins a proving so epically or gorily. I didn
't realize that the Wardens could be so ruthless until after I saw what you did to my cousin, Piotin."

  "I'm ruthless? That's a bit insulting coming from a man ruthless enough to kill his own brothers." Aedan could see that stung the prince, and he could feel his bodyguards reaching for their weapons.

  "If you believe that than why are you here?" Bhelen inquired.

  "Let's get something straight here. I wouldn't take the time to piss on your head if your beard was on fire. But right now, I got darkspawn tearing up my homeland and need someone who's got the balls to get the wheels turning and get me the soldiers I need."

  "Then we have a common goal." The prince confirmed. "We may not like each other, but we do need each other. Harrowmont would hide behind protocol and tradition rather than take the action that is necessary to combat the Blight."

  "Then you'll honor the treaty."

  "Yes. And sworn on the mail of my Ancestors, as soon as I am king, I will send all available troops to the surface to fight the darkspawn. But unfortunately there is another faction in play here."

  "And who might that be?"

  "I'm glad you asked. Have you heard about a woman called Jarvia and the Carta of criminals she runs?"

  "Only that she's been mopping the floor with your guardsman and pretty making you and Harrowmont look like total idiots."

  "Heh, just so. They know Orzammar is divided now and has no time for them. It's made them bold. If I can show that I can eliminate such a threat my position will be made stronger for it."

  "And you'd like me to eliminate them for you."

  "If you can get rid of them, I promise I will send as many troops as you need when I am king."

  "Alright. When I come back here I will have Jarvia's head and you better have my troops ready."

  The Warden turned about face and marched out of the room with his people following after him. Perhaps having this human's support and having him eliminate the Carta would finally show this city of incompetent Harrowmont really was. Bhelen looked back to the map on his desk and traced the routes going from Orzammar to Caridin's Cross.

  An Hour and Half later….


  Bhelen heard a huge commotion running through the palace, he saw a serving girl running away as if she just saw an ogre. Judging from the looks on his guards' face it was coming his way and it was frightening enough to make the stand still. Vartag suddenly started vomiting in disgust. The Warden waltzed right into Bhelen's room, covered in blood and slammed Jarvia's head right on to his desk. Her spine was still attached to her skull and clenched in the Warden's fist, as if he had pulled it out of her body with his bare hand.

  Bhelen tried to maintain his composure. "Well, Warden. You've certainly…outdone yourself. I was just hearing about a commotion in Dust Town, that someone waltzed straight into the Carta's lair and slew them like genlocks."

  "I did what needed to be done."

  "And you did well. And as promised I will send the troops you need when I am king."

  "When will that be? I cannot wait on you and your fucking politics while the darkspawn destroy my homeland."

  "There may be a way to break the stalemate. How much do you know of the Paragon Branka?"

  Bhelen told Aedan how Branka went into the Deep Roads, with her entire House, searching for an ancient treasure called the Anvil of the Void. Recently there has been discovery in the tunnels of activity reaching further into the Deep Roads than anyone has ever gotten before, and proof the Branka and her house still live. If Aedan could get the city's only living Paragon to support Bhelen it would instantly break the stalemate and nobody would dare challenge him further. Aedan hated the idea of traveling further from his homeland, but he knew he had no choice. In order to get the dwarven soldiers he needed he had to get to Branka. And as a Warden, whether he liked it or not, the Deep Roads was a part of his reality.

  Aedan and the other's left the Diamond Quarter for the Commons to supply and ready themselves for the venture ahead. When Leliana left his sight Aedan arranged for a local nug wrangler to find him a big, but domesticated to give her a surprise present. She had told him earlier about how she would love one as a pet, but Aedan didn't see the point. May as well put a leash on a sewer rat. But perhaps the bard would appreciate the gesture enough to found over her new pet instead of annoying him.

  As Aedan perused the stalls he found something that instantly caught his attention. A mirror. A golden hand-mirror encrusted with precious stones that glittered like stars in the dim light of the city. He was instantly reminded of the story Morrigan told her of when she was a child, how she stole a beautiful hand mirror, her only heart's desire. And Flemeth smashed it to the ground, breaking her childhood heart. Aedan tried to convince her that she no longer needed to live as Flemeth would, but he knew she would need some guidance to get away from Flemeth's influence. Perhaps a sign of his genuine affection for her would help.

  "Um, excuse me do you…have minute?" Chirped an unknown, young voice.

  Aedan looked around for the owner of the voice but saw no one. Was he hearing things again?

  "Down here."

  Aedan looked down and was shocked to see a young dwarf girl, the smallest he'd ever seen. She looked like she was barely out of her adolescence. She had a sweet face and bright red hair.

  "You look like you're not from around here." The young adolescent obsereved

  "Did my unusual stature or charming accent give me away?"

  "Oh, wonderful! I've been hoping to meet with an outsider for some time now. I don't suppose you've heard of something called the Circle of Magi?"

  "Heard of it? Little one, I just got done with some business with the Circle not too long ago and my companion here is a Senior Enchanter of the Circle." Aedan answered pointing at Wynne.

  The bright-eyed m young dwarf curtsied in excitement. "Oh, my lady, it is truly an honor! Is it true you can wield magic as if you had lyrium in your veins?"

  "Don't let the glamour fool you, child." Wynne answered warmly. "Magic is a large burden and dangerous responsibility."

  "My name is Dagna of the Smith Caste. I wanted to know if the Circle would accept me for study."

  Aedan quirked an eyebrow. "It's common knowledge that dwarves cannot do magic."

  "I don't want to use magic, I want to study the theory of magic. It would be an invaluable exchange of knowledge. Orzammar would learn about one of the greatest natural forces on the surface. And the Circle would gains direct access to our knowledge of lyrium smithing."

  "You're not worried about losing your Caste and clan for this?"

  "Orzammar doesn't need another smith making weapons and armor. That isn't going bring us any new knowledge or help us beat back the darkspawn. But magic is one of the greatest forces in the world. If we can learn its secrets, maybe we can regain our greatness."

  This young woman had an idealistic and almost revolutionary mind. The fact that she was passionate enough to discard what would make her a dwarf to her own kind was admirable. And she was so cute, it was almost heinous. How could Aedan say no? "I can bring your request to the Circle if you truly wish it."

  "That would be wonderful! Tell them my name is Dagna, daughter of Janar of the Smith Caste. Tell them I've already begun reading the Tevinter Imperium's 'Fortikum Kadab' and it's just fascinanting!"

  The young girl bolted past Aedan and the others to ready herself for her travel the Circle when her request was brought to them.

  "She's so enthusiastic and adorable." Leliana cooed. "I am glad we are helping her."

  With their preparations complete, Aedan and the other's walked towards the guarded tunnel that led from Orzammar to the Deep Roads. That is until some foul, ungodly stench assaulted their noses and left a disgusting taste in their mouths.

  "Stranger! Stranger!" called a grubby looking dwarf running their way. He had a messy braided beard with four locks hanging from his cheeks a shaved chin and short red hair. It was Oghren, the dwarven warrior he saw arguing earli
er about the Paragon Branka, who saw fit to leave him behind when she took their whole House into the Deep Roads. After getting a whiff of him Aedan couldn't blame her! The rancid and almost unholy stench just radiated from his very being! It was…vile! Like week-old vomit on top of flat malt liquor, held together by wet farts and shaken all together with nug piss!

  "Stranger, ya seen Grey Warden here abouts?" The stinking mass of dwarf asked.

  Aedan gagged on the very air with this dwarf standing around. "You STINK!"

  "You're not telling anything half the city hasn't already told me. Anyway, ya seen a Grey Warden around here?"

  "I'm the Grey Warden, you moron!"

  "Really? If you're the best they've got then their standards have lowered in the recent years."

  "That coming from a stench-ridden, drunk, sword-caste wannabe means less than what my dog shits every morning! What do you want?"

  "I hear that Bhelen's sending you into the Deep Roads to go after Branka, if that's true you're going to need me."

  "Right, you're her ex-husband."

  "I'm still her husband, dammit!" Oghran growled. "More than that, I'm the only one that cares about her as person. This whole, stinkin' city thinks of her and thinks only of a symbol to be left in the Deep Roads where she can't defend anyone, I knew her before she was just that! I know what she wanted and how she was going to get there and you know everything Bhelen's scouts have discovered that lead to her trail. If we pool our knowledge we're sure to find her in no time. Otherwise, good sodding luck."

  "Oh, for the love of….Don't I have enough armed lunatics following me around!?"

  "Perfect! What's one more?"

  "This seems to be my punishment for some horrid sin I committed in a past life."

  "If we're going, let's get moving. Branka's not going to sodding find herself."

  With this newest freak in Aedan's ever growing, walking sideshow, they marched forth into the Deep Roads. Many souls of all races had been lost inthe shadows of this godless void in the earth. And not just to the darkspawn who made this place their home, their are older and more deviant things than darkspawn that had been lost to memory here, and they laid dormant, waiting to be discovered. These infinite tunnels and infested caverns were said to be the end of the world, and the closest thing to hell a man could get to while he was still breathing.


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