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Aedan Of Highever

Page 31

by Milton Garby

  "And how do they now I'm a witch?" Morrigan inquired.

  "Oh, they don't. They just now you're Chasind. 'Witch' wasn't actually the word they used for you."

  Alistair and Oghren laughed at Morrigan, she shot a deathly glare at them.

  One of the chieftain's men showed them to the one of the barns where they stored some of their winter supplies and where they would be sleeping. It was warm enough at least and aside from the owls roosting in the rafters it was relatively clean. They all gathered around the massive fire in the courtyard and tried to recover from the cold. Their hosts were even kind enough to bring them some soup and bread.

  Wynne had read about the Avvar during her time in the Circle and she had to admit what she found in the books about them fell utterly short. While they were certainly a wild people, Wynne could see their ingenuity. This keep was truly a testmant to their ability to build, much like their dwarven neighbors. In fact, as she recalled, the Circle tower was originally built by Avvar hands before the Tevinter Imperium took it over and eventually changing hands over to the Circle. As she looked around she couldn't help but admire this people for what they must endure everyday to survive.

  Sten sat quietly by himself. If he thought the Fereldans were barbarians, then these people definetly were. They lived far on the fringes of the world living like animals, clinging to the safety of caves to escape the elements. Yet, every man, woman and child in this keep had a purpose. Everyone was doing something, all of them were contributeing to the function of the keep. While they seemed little better than animals, Sten had to admit that they seemed formidable, every warrior and even children seemed ready for combat. Sten had to remember that survival was the first method of training.

  Before Zevran came to this country he thought Ferelden was nothing more but a cold backwater infested with dogs and barbarians, but after spending time here and interacting with its people…he still thought it was a cold backwater infested with dogs and barbarians, but these were something else entirely. How could anyone want to live in a place like the Frostbacks and like it? Being here made him miss Antiva's warm climate, it soft rains and the familiarity of her cities and dangers. This land and its dangers were completely foreign to him.

  Morrigan sat herself across from Aedan and ate her stew in silence. She noticed the look of…contentment on his face, like he felt his place was here. She hadn't seen that look on him since she found him in the Fade. After seeing the remains of those Chantry fools on the keep's gates, she could see where Aedan got his mean streak. Judging from how Aedan and the chieftain reacted to one another it was plainly obvious that they knew eachother, and more painfully obvious that he and that woman were on more than familiar terms. Morrigan couldn't shake off that stinging sensation in her chest ever since she saw that woman holding Aedan like that. What did she call him? "Mo dearthair?" It sounded almost like the pet name Aedan called her so affectionately. She could see the appeal, certainly. Aside from her beauty it was obvious the woman was a mage and a shapeshifter…just like her. She even had the same golden eyes as Morrigan. Was this why Aedan dallied with her? Was she a replacement for this Avvar woman?

  Morrigan finally decided to break the silence and scratch her curiosity. "So…tell us Aedan, who was that woman we saw earlier?"

  "Oh, yes." Zevran agreed. "If I stumbled upon a beauty such as that I would never want leave."

  "Oohhh, Mo Deathaire!" Chimed a melodious voice. "Ye dinnae tell them about me? I'm hurt." Said the Avvar woman as she sat herself very close to Aedan.

  "Oh, yes, sorry." Aedan said. "This is Siobahn, she's the Bear-Hold shaman's apprentice."

  "Pleased to meet you all." Siobahn greeted. "Any friend of Mo Dearthaire is a friend of mine."

  Morrigan glared at the blonde mage intensely. Siobahn noticed and just smiled at her, mockingly. "You and Aedan seem to know each other very well."

  "Oh, Aedan dinnae tell any of you?" Siobahn asked with mocking innocence.

  "Well, he mentioned that he was recued by your people when he came through this way, when he was returning from Orlais." Alistair answered.

  "Actually, it was Siobahn who found me in the snow after I got caught in a storm." Aedan informed.

  "Aye, I was out searching for any game that might have been moving out of the snow and any ingredients I could use for salves. Imagine my surprise when I instead stumble upon a handsome Alamarri just left there in the snow like a gift from Haakon Wintersbreath himself." Siobahn explained as she affectionately hugged Aedan's arm.

  Everyone could feel the anger radiating off of Morrigan. If it was a weapon everyone this side of the Amaranthine Ocean would be dead. Aedan was too busy looking at Siobahn awkwardly to notice so Alistair tried to difuse the situation. "So, uh, this great soup! I don't remember that last time I stew like this. What kind is it?"

  Siobahn looked at the Templar sinisterly. "Darkspawn blood will make you strong." Everyone froze in silence and stared at their bowls, except Oghren, he kept eating like a starved pig. "Bahahah!" Siobahn laughed boomingly. "Just joking! It is goat blood though. Do you like it?"

  After hearing what its main ingredient was, Alistair had to force himself to swallow another spoonful. "It's…delicious." He answered through teeth.

  "I'm afraid I can't eat anymore." Morrigan stated.

  "Oh, is the soup to much for ye, Chasind?" Siobahn's false courteously was aggravating.

  "Aha, after eating my mother's marsh cuisine for twenty years, this little bowl of soup of yours is nothing. It's just that I have suddenly lost my appetite. Perhaps a change of scenery will help rid me of this sick feeling I have in my stomach. Good night." Morrigan strutted angrily away from the fire and found a solitary corner next to the wall to read Flemeth's Grimoire.

  "I have things I must see to as well." Siobahn stated. "But please make yerselves comfortable during your stay. And Mo Dearthaire, the shaman would like to ye before ye leave." She winked at Aedan and went on her.

  Aedan sat by himself and continued to eat his dinner quietly until he could feel everyone staring at him. "What? What is it? I feel like you want to accuse me of something."

  "How can you let saucy piece of rump roast like that slip through you're fingers!?" Oghren demanded almost jealously.

  "Indeed." Zevran agreed. "Cannot you not see how enthralled that woman was with you? She was practically oozing with desire."

  "I wouldn't have put it in such terms, but yes that young lady seems incredibly fond of you." Wynne confirmed. "It's almost scandalous."

  "Yes. Especially when you're already lying in the arms of another woman." Leliana pointed out almost scoldingly.

  "Siobahn just likes to tease me. She doesn't actually feel that way about be me." Aedan answered casually.

  "Are you blind!?" Alistair demanded disbelievingly. "She was completely in to you, and she'd be several steps up from Morrigan. She may be an apostate but at least she's not a bitch."

  "Trust me, I'm definetly not her type." Aedan assured.

  "You're not? Then pray tell, what is?" Zevran insisted. "Perhaps I'm her type."

  "Well, for starters, you need to be good looking."

  "Ha, I have that covered."

  "You need to be accepting of her people and their ways."

  "Mmm, the cold will take some getting used to and I'll need to overlook some of their practices, but I could do it. Go on."

  "Be sexually adventurous."

  "Ohhoho, she is going to love me!"

  "And have a complete lack of penis." Aedan finally said flatly. Judging from his face, he wasn't joking.

  "I'm sorry, what?" Zevran asked completely shocked.

  "Yeah, imagine my surprise when I found out. So unless you're willing to go around a corner with a sharp knife and cut down your pride like a pine tree, she won't even give you a pity touch."

  "But the way she was…."

  "Like I said she likes to tease me and everyone else around her."

  "Well that's…disappointing." Ze
vran admitted.

  "You're not the only one who thinks so. But since she's the clan's shaman no one here will say anything about it. That, and she has reputation for turning into a bear and mauling men who come after her."

  "Yes, I noticed she uses the same kind of magic as Morrigan." Wynne observed. "Is that magic common here?"

  "Yes, and it's something they guard closely, especially from the Chantry."

  "Eh? Is this where you learned to be a berserker then?" asked Oghren.

  "I first learned the ways from my teacher Argylle who was an Ash Warrior, and when I came here Maferath taught me more so that I may be the master of rage in battle."

  "I thought you said that they guard their knowledge dearly." Sten pointed out. "Did they so easily teach this to you?"

  "No. At first they wanted to kill me, being a Lowlander they didn't trust me. But Siobahn and Maferath believed that after surviving the storm I was caught in, that I must have the favor of Haakon Wintersbreath so they let me stay and taught me their ways."

  "I find the chieftain to be a bit unsettling." Leliana admitted.

  "Why? Because his name is Maferath?"

  "Well, yes. Maferath was Andraste's betrayer and to be named after the man who betrayed the Maker's prophet just seems…heinous."

  "You think these people give a damn what you or the Chantry thinks is blasphemous? The Maker and His prophetess mean nothing to these people! Maferath is an Avvar name, and the chieftain was named after his grandfather who was a great warrior. So tell me which do you think means more to him, his grandfather's legacy or the opinion of the Chantry. Those Chantry servants you saw hanging from the gate came were they were not wanted or needed with the intent that was not welcome to these people and they got what they deserved."

  Leliana looked at Aedan almost pityingly. "Why do you have such hate for the Chantry, Aedan? It has helped do many people."

  "I hate anything that would go into another man's house and put him on his knees!" Aedan barked angrily. "The Chantry, the Tevinter Imperium, the Qun! If it were up to me I'd let them all burn."

  Aedan got looks from both Leliana and Sten. Alistair decided to try and diffuse the things before things got out of hand. "So, uh, where do you think Morrigan went?" he asked absently, "Maybe one of us should try finding her before she says or does something she shouldn't?"

  Aedan could take a hint and got up to go look for Morrigan before his temper got the better of him.


  Morrigan was still sitting in the corner she found by the wall, the nearby torch gave her enough light to read the Grimoire. She was still upset at seeing Aedan and that Avvar woman, Siobahn, so close together although she didn't understand why. Why was this bothering her so? She told him after the first night they laid together that she had no plans to hinder his independence, yet here she was feeling like the unappreciated wife. Morrigan noticed the shaman approaching her but tried to ignore her and keep her eyes on the book.

  "So, ye're the little Chasind lass whose taken hold of Mo Dearthaire's heart." The shaman's foreign, melodious voice interrupted.

  Morrigan glared at the golden-haired woman from behind her book. "I am not fond of sharing, Avvar. Just so you know."

  "Oh? And do ye think yerself worthy, let alone capable of keeping him?" Siobahn approached Morrigan as though she were ready to challenge her.

  "I don't know what you may have had with Aedan and I don't care, that time is over!" Morrigan declared standing up to Avvar woman. "He is mine now. And I willing to fight for what is mine."

  "Oohh. Ye say that with such confidence. But do ye really think yer pathetic Chasind magic can match my own?"

  "Perhaps, perhaps not. But I promise you after it's done you will remember me for the rest of your life."

  Morrigan and Siobahn stood facing eachother, neither one taking their eyes off another. Morrigan would not back down from a challenge, especially not some Avvar woman. Then, unexpectedly, Siobahn started laughing loudly as if she just heard a very funny joke.

  "I see why he chose ye!" She laughed. "Ye're most certainly his kind of woman. If he hadn't already claimed ye, I most certainly would have."

  Morrigan stood their shocked, slightly confused and a little disturbed. Was this all just a joke to this woman?

  Aedan appeared behind Siobahn with a confused look on his face. What just happened here? Siobahn turned from Morrigan and walked away from her.

  "She's definetly worth holding on to, Mo Dearthare." She said walking past Aedan. "If ye don't hold keep her close or I might take her from ye." Siobahn whispered something to Aedan before she walked off.

  Aedan stood for second with a confused look on his face. "What was that all about?"

  Aedan approached Morrigan but she crossed her arms and turned her back to him. "Why don't you go and ask her yourself. I'm sure she'd love to make up for lost time with you. That is what she wants isn't it?"

  "Is something wrong?"

  Morrigan eyed her lover accusingly, full of hurt. "No, nothing at all just the way you and the Avvar woman carry on with each other. Am I just a replacement for that woman to you?"

  Aedan tried to smile reassuringly at her. "Morrigan there is and has never been anything between me and Siobahn."

  "Then what is this name that she keeps calling you so affectionately?"

  "Mo Dearthaire. It means 'My Brother'."

  "I want to know now." Morrigan finally demanded.

  "Know what?"

  "I want to know what it is you've been calling me."

  Aedan placed his hands on her face and looked her gently in the eyes. "Mo Siuile Orge Whurnin. It means My Golden Eyed Darling."

  Morrigan felt her heart flutter in chest and cheeks burn. This is what he'd been calling her all this time? Part of her was embarrassed and wished she didn't ask, while the other part felt…happy to know what he called her so affectionately. "W-well, just so long as you know I will not tolerate anymore women blatantly throwing themselves at you."

  Aedan continued to smile at her. "Of course, my golden eyed darling."

  "And if you ever call me that in front of anyone, I'll gouge your eyes out."

  Suddenly that sly, mischievous look in appeared in Aedan's eye, "You know, Siobahn said that she her hut was going to be empty while she tended to the shaman, and that we were more than welcome to make ourselves…comfortable was she was gone."

  Morrigan said nothing, but the carnal look in her eye screamed volumes. Aedan grabbed her hand and led her to Siobahn's empty hut, both of them barely able to contain themselves. The moment they passed through the taut hide-door they began viciously tearing each others clothes off and viciously attacked each others bodies with their mouths.


  After Aedan's outburst the rest of them just sat there around the fire in awkward silence. Leliana was a little shaken from what Aedan said. How could he think of the Chantry that way? How could he not see all the good it has accomplished?

  Alistair could still feel the tension in the air. Perhaps some of his famous wit could help ease things. "So, uh, have you noticed? Morrigan and Aedan are, uh, you know….?"

  Leliana to Alistair with her finger against her lip. "Have you nothing better to do than spread idle gossip? And besides you're not being very discreet. He'll probably hear you."

  "No-oo, he can't hear us, he's not even near us, look!"

  "Hmmm. You don't think…you don't think he's serious about it do you?" Leliana asked quietly. "That woman is a vile a fiend."

  "Ha! Now looks who's being an idle gossip! Me-ow!" Alistair laughed.

  Leliana blushed with an embarrassment. "You're the one who started this, I might remind you. And I…well I'm ending it."

  "What do you women even see in him anyway?" Oghren asked almost jealously.

  "Surely that's not a serious question Oghren." Wynne answered.

  "'Bout as serious as a stroke. I mean, I've been killing darkspawn since before that boy was knee high to his pap, and I
could barely get all the women in the Warrior Caste to give me the time of day."

  "Well, for starters he's young and handsome." Wynne explained. "And he can be incredibly charming when he wants to be. And that whole air of danger that surrounds him is just so…exciting. If I were younger I would have undoubtedly been smitten with him. If I was younger, that is."

  "What about me, Wynne?" Zevran asked playfully. "Would you be smitten with me if you were younger?"

  "Hard to say. I doubt I could see you through all that self-coneitedness and ego you have blocking your face."

  Everyone busted out laughing at Zevran. Leliana noticed several dirty-looking children peering at them from around a corner. No doubt they were curious about the outsiders who were taking refuge in their home. Leliana waved to them and they retreated behind the corner bashfully. Several of them pushed one of their number forward and the little girl shyly walked up to Leliana and gave her a small bouquet of wild flowers. "Oh! How precious. Thank you!"

  The little girl smiled at Leliana and ran back around the corner giggling while her friends were standing around Shale and started touching her legs, maybe even considering climbing her. Normally Shale would have squashed the little twerps at this point, but because of the promise she made Aedan she grudgingly restrained herself, even as the little brats started to climb her like she was a damned treehouse.

  And then more of them showed up and gathered around the strangers. They pointed a gasped at the sight and size of Sten, but stoic giant ignored them as if they weren't even there. Wynne decided to try and entertain the children by conjuring up a ball of blue magic and flew it around them. The children all laughed and chased after the flying ball trying to catch it. Some of the children even started playing fetch and tag with Dane.

  After a while Morrigan and Aedan returned to their comrads and it was noticed by everyone the very…satisfied look on the couples face. Apparently they did a lot of making up. Once more they all sat around the fire and talked nonsense as they waited out the storm. When dusk began to set the all the villagers came out from their huts and ceased their chores, and gathered around the courtyard as if they were waiting for something.


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