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Aedan Of Highever

Page 38

by Milton Garby

  "But werewolves and my family have such a rich history together." Aedan sneered. "You can't expect me to leave without carrying on the family tradition of hunting you."

  "Hrrr! You know nothing! Were are no true werewolves." The beasts snarled angrily. "I suggest you leave now! Before we devour you!"

  Not real werewolves? What could he mean? Still, Aedan wasn't going to be threatned by a creature his family helped wipe out; it would make him ashamed to be a Cousland. Aedan stepped up to the creature, his eyes burning red and killing aura surrounding him. He got so close to the werewolf he could feel its breath on his face. "Take a good look at me, creature. Do I look like someone you want to fuck with?"

  Swiftrunner stared down his human adversary. This one was different from anything he had killed before, like something dark resided in him; something...tainted. "Hrrr! Very well! I will not throw my brothers and sisters at you like unthinking brutes." He answered. "Come, brothers and sister! Retreat back to forest's heart. We will let the forest deal with this one." And as quickly as the appeared, they disappeared back into the darkness of the Brecelian Forest.

  Back in the Dalish Camp….

  It had been almost two days since the Grey Wardens and their strange entourage left to find Witherfang, and Zathrian hoped to all the Creators that they killed the wretched beast and all those vile werewolves soon so that he may cure their warriors before the curse claimed them as well. He was surprised by how well the clan had taken to these outsiders, not only had they saved their halla but they also brought some joy to the clan by bringing Cammen and Gheyna together.

  All of a sudden he heard a horn blowing signaling that the hunters on outskirts of the camp have found something. Mithra had returned from the forests and she was carrying one of the hunters he sent out earlier to find Witherfang.

  "It's Deygan." Mithra informed him. "He was injured, but by the Creator's mercy he wasn't bitten by the werewolves."

  "Oh, thank Mythal." Zathrian sighed.

  "With all due respect Keeper, I think we should thank the shemlen, he was the one that found Deygan and brought him back to us."

  That was surprising had the Warden returned just to bring back one of their own? If so, he was most grateful. Zathrian saw Aedan go over to master Varathorn and he presented the Craftsmaster with a very large amount of ironbark. Varathorn looked ecstatic, it appeared he wanted to reward the Warden with one of his arms or armor but the Warden turned him down, surprising them both. Then he walked over to Athras, what business could the Warden have with him? That's when Zathrian saw Aedan give Athras a red scarf, Zathrian recognized it as it was once Danyla's. Then Warden walked over to him and he looked less then pleased.

  "Greetings, I understand you're the one to thank for brining Deygan back to us." The Keeper said.

  "It was no trouble." The Warden acknowledged. "There were some things I discovered in the forest that I need to talk to you about.

  "Oh? Go on then."

  "Do you know anything about a rhyming tree that called itself the Grand Oak?"

  "We call them Sylvan, they are usually trees possessed by powerful spirits, and I am surprised that you found self-possesed enough to speak let alone rhyme." Zathrian informed. That's when he sensed that the elder mage that accompanied him was carrying a new staff, more than likely a branch from this Grand Oak. He could sense that it had powerful magic on it, perhaps this is what will guide them to that accursed ruin and if so he had a way of following them should the need arise.

  "Did you know of a half-mad human hermit that lived in these woods?" Aedan asked as if nauseous.

  "I believe I do, yes. Years ago a shemlen came to these woods seeking to hide from your Circle of Magi. While he was here he erected a great tower that could be seen from leagues away, but then one day the tower just vanished, I assumed he did as well."

  Aedan still thought that freak in the woods was creepy and still felt annoyed by some of his questions, but was surprised that Wynne and Morrigan both were wary of his power.

  Zathrian noticed Aedan's facial expression become stone hard.

  "Were you aware that the werewolves could speak?"

  "Speak? You mean speak actual words? I doubt that. They are savage beasts with minds afflicted by rage."

  "Well these ones did, one of them was named Swiftrunner, and he told me that you have wronged him and his."

  "What they feel against me and my clan is what any visious animal would feel. All a werewolf is capable of understanding is hatred and savagery!" Zathrian defended angrily.

  "Odd, you speak as if you knew about the werewolves." Aedan inquired.

  "They have been part of these woods for centuries, of course I would know about them."

  "Good. Then you'll know about this one; Danyla."

  Zathrian stared at Aedan with cold eyes. "I know who Danyla was. She ceased to be when the curse took hold of her."

  "Yeah? Well, she told me that there is a way to end the curse without killing Witherfang."

  "Hmph. Since you insist that the beasts can speak it's obvious that the creature was trying to deceive you to prevent you from killing its pack leader."

  "Really? Somehow I doubt savage animals want their love sent back to their spouses before they are put to rest. I already told the truth to Athras." Aedan seethed out.

  Aedan could tell that Zathrian's anger was beginning to rise but he didn't care, he knew that the old Keeper was hiding something from him.

  "I see. I hope that be telling him you didn't just add on to his grief."

  "Oh, so it's alright for you to lie to him and wrong for me to tell him the truth?" Aedan called out.

  "I have led this clan for centuries. I know what's best for my people and if you want our support against your Blight you will bring me Witherfang's heart." The Keeper announced.

  This old man was beginning to remind Aedan of Loghain. Aedan decided now was the time to go back to forest to find Witherfang and hopefully the truth about these werewolves. Witout saying anything more he took his leave of the Keeper and his clan, but Aedan knew that Zathrian would probably be trouble before this whole affair was said and done.

  Back in the forest….

  Thanks to the Oak Branch they finally got passed that damn mist that barred them from following the werewolves. Just as they walked passed the mist who should they run into but Swiftrunner?

  "The forest has not been diligent enough, still you come." The werewolf observed. "You are stronger than we anticipated. The Dalish chose well. But, you do not belong here outsider. Leave!"

  "I am not leaving until I know the truth of the attack!" Aedan yelled back.

  "You care nothing for the truth! You've come to destroy, as all your kind have! We will not risk bringing you to Witherfang!" The Warden and the Werewolf were practically nose to nose.

  "What is Witherfang to you? Is your leader?" Wynne asked.

  "He is not our leader, but he is our only hope and the treacherous Dalish wish to destroy him!"

  "Why such hatred for the Dalish? What did they ever do to you?" Leliana asked.

  "You know nothing and I am not about to enlighten you. Witherfang protects us, with him we have names, and we are beloved. We have warned you enough and you chose not to heed it, the threat you pose ends now!" And with that Swiftrunner and his brethren attacked.

  As savage as they were, and despite their augmented strength and speed, Aedan and his companions made short work of them until only three, including Swiftrunner, were left alive. Just as Aedan moved forward to finish them a giant white wolf lept from the wood and knocked Aedan on his ass! This new beast was the size of a horse and strangely, it had green vines adorned with thorns were wrapped around his legs. Was this creature Witherfang? The great white wolf snarled at them and gave a great howl then he and the rest of the werewolves fled deeper into the woods.

  As they followed the werewolves they soon ran into another very large pack, but rather then fight them this group started retreating into these an
cient ruins that stood behind them. "Into the ruins quickly my brothers and sisters!" A werewolf cried. "Protect the lady!"

  Lady? What lady? Aedan didn't have time to think about it, instead beheld in awe of the ruins of they retreated into.

  "Well, here we are. Going into flea paradise." Alistair commented.

  They had finally made it to the bottom of this haunted, ancient ruin. At first glance on the outside the place didn't seem all that large, but apparently all the rest of this temple was underground! They had to fight their way through skeletons, demons, giant spiders, and even a fucking dragon! When at last they reached the bottom tier floor Wynne bade them to stop. "There is something else here in these ruins." The old mage sensed.

  "Besides the werewolves, undead and giant spiders?" Alistair asked sarcastically.

  "Yes. Something from else. Something…from the Fade." Wynne answered.

  "A demon? An abomination?" Aedan inquired.

  "No, not all." Wynne answered almost confused. She tried to feel into the Fade and determine what it was she was feeling. "It feels almost…serene? Like a comforting spirit."

  That was odd. What would a benevolent spirit be doing in this godforsaken pit? As they made their way through the final floor of the ruin they happened upon a room of slain undead. Judging from the shredded wounds and claw marks these walking corpses were mauled by the werewolves who had taken up residence in this part of the ruins. This meant they were getting closer to their quarry and that they had to be on even higher alert: no beast was more dangerous than it was when in its den. When they made their way to the room past the slain corpeses Aedan felt a sudden difference in the air, something was waiting for them. "It's a trap!"

  From out of the very shadows of the ruins massive, black, shadowy werebeasts descended upon them. One of them managed to sneak up on Aedan and bit down on his shoulder! The creature's massive jaws went down from Aedan's shoulder to his sternum, but thankfully his armor gave him protection from the beast's fangs. Aedan pulled out his hunting knife and jammed it into the werewolf's eye, killing it instantly. The warrior threw the beast's dead corpse off of him and at the creature's brethren who attacked them.

  In such close quarters the werebeasts had the tactical and numerical advantage over the intruders. It didn't help them. At all. With Starfang in hand Aedan cut down one after the other that tried to pounce on him, while Shale squashed every single one of them that got too close. The werewolves' claws couldn't penetrate Alistair's armor and his dragonbone sword cut through their hide and coarse fur like paper. Morrigan charged a bolt of lightening that charged through several of the beasts, electrocuting them to death and leaving behind the horrid stench of singed fur in the air. Dane lived up to his name as fearlessly charged the werewolves and ripped their flesh and crushed their bones in his powerful jaws.

  When their numbers began to rapidly dwindle the remainder of the werewolves retreated further into the ruins.

  As they moved further down they came across another pack of werewolves, but while they were all snarling visciouscly at them they did not attack.

  "Stop, my brothers, be at ease!" This new werewolf beckoned his fellows. "We do not wish anymore of our people hurt. I ask you now stranger: are you willingly to parely?"

  "Parley!?" Aedan asked angrily. "Motherfucker, I've tried parleying with you this whole time, and now only after I've killed scores of you, you stupid mutts are willing to talk!?"

  "Swiftrunner didn't think it would matter, but The Lady wishes to speak with you, she believes you are unaware of things you should know." The werewolf informed. "She means you know harm, provided your willingness to parley is an honest one."

  "This could be a trick, Kadan." Sten warned warily. "They could hope to lure us into a trap."

  "What use is fighting?" The same lycan pointed out. "If we were capable of killing you Swiftrunner would have succeded by now."

  Oh, now they figure it out. Aedan thought to himself.

  "Who is this Lady you speak of? Is she Witherfang?" Wynne asked.

  "No she is not Witherfang, she will tell everything and more if you are willing to listen."

  Aedan looked at the werewolves for a moment. He was curious as to who this Lady and Witherfang were and why the werewolves had such a hatred for Zathrian and his clan.

  "Fine, take me to your Lady." Aedan finally said.

  "I warn you, if you harm the Lady I will return from the Fade itself to see you pay!" The werewolf threatened.

  "Don't bother with the threats, creature! You already admitted you're no match for me. Now stop wasting my time and take me to this Lady."

  As they entered the inner sanctum of this ruin Aean began to reconsider his position, the whole room was filled with werewolves and they all looked either angry or hungry. As the all began to snarl and lowed at the Grey Warden and his company as something emerged from the background. A beautiful, bare-naked woman approached them. Under most circumstances Aedan would've thought the woman bold, but her skin was pale green and her limbs seemed to be made of wood. As she walked all the angry beasts seemed to calm around her.

  "Welcome." The woman greeted in beautiful songlike voice that seemed to echo through nature itself. "I am the Lady of the Forest."

  Aedan could tell she was a powerful spirit, so undermost circumstances it would be smart to be cordial, but if this spirit was so damn powerful and wanted to speak to him she should have said something before him and his came all the way down to this haunted sphincter in the forest!

  "Really? You look more like the Lady of the flea infested hell-hole." Immediately his companions wished he hadn't said that as Swiftrunner came at him with threatening speed. He took a slash at Aedan, but Aedan nimbly ducked and gave Swiftrunner a powerful uppercut under his jaw that sent the werewolf reeling back towards its master.

  Swiftrunner got back on his feet rigidly and went over to the lady. "Do not listen to them, they will only deceive you, my lady!"

  "Peace, Swiftrunner!" The spirit urged. "Your want for conflict has only brought harm to those you would see protected, do you truly want more death to come to us?"

  "No, my lady, anything but that." Swiftrunner said while kneeling to the spirit.

  "Please, forgive Swiftrunner, he fights against his very nature." The Lady beckoned to Aedan.

  "I don't forgive beasts that try to kill me. I slaughter them!" Aedan retorted.

  "But these are not beasts and the very nature they fight is a curse brought upon them by those who have sent you. Zathrian has not told you everything." The Lady explained.

  "How do you know what Zathrian has or has not told us?" Zevran inquired.

  "Because there are things he would not tell you. You see…it was Zathrian who created the curse that these poor creatures suffer, the curse that his own people now suffer."

  This bit of information caught everyone off guard. If Zathrian created this curse why didn't the rest of the clan know this, unless Zathrian had been deceiving them too?

  "Centuries ago…" The Spirit continued. "When the Dalish first came to these lands, a tribe of humans lived close to this forest. They sought to drive the Dalish away. Zathrian was a young man then. He had a son and daughter he loved greatly, and while out hunting one day the human tribe captured them both."

  "Hrrr….the humans tortured the boy…killed him…" Swiftrunner picked up. "The girl they raped and left for dead. The Dalish found her, but when she learned she was…with child she…killed herself."

  Aedan was disgusted. "Am I supposed to feel sympathy for this tribe? They deserved what they got and worse!"

  "Indeed they did." The Lady agreed. "And they did get what they deserved, and worse."

  The Werewolf walked forward and continued. "Zathrian came to these ruins and summoned a terrible spirit, then bound it to the body of a great wolf. So Witherfang came to be. Witherfang hunted the tribe down. Many were killed, but others were cursed by his blood, becoming twisted and savage creatures…"

and savage as Witherfang himself it." The Lady finished.

  "Deceit is the nature of men." Sten pointed out.

  "So the elf misled us?" Shale asked.

  "Tis not truly surprising is it?" Morrigan commented.

  "Are you really surprised, Shale?" Alistair added.

  "No. Just trying to picture squishing the elf's head…and there we go."

  "They were driven deep into the forests. When the human tribe finally left for good, their cursed brethren remained, pitiful and mindless animals." The spirit carried on.

  "Unitl I found you, my lady. You game me peace." Swiftrunner said kneeling once more.

  "I showed Swiftrunner that there was another side to his bestial nature. I soothed his rage, and his humanity emerged. And he brought others to me."

  "All of this is very tragic." Aedan interjected sardonically. "But that doesn't explain why you attacked the Dalish. What do you truly want? Revenge?"

  "No, not revenge. Not yet." The Lady answered gravely. "We seek to end the curse. The crimes commited against Zathrian's children were grave, but they were commited centuries ago by those who are long dead. Word has been sent to Zathrian every time the landships have passed this way, asking him to come, but he has always ignored us. We will no longer be denied."

  "So we spread the curse to his people, now he will be forced to come." A werewolf said angrily.

  Now everthing made sense. The anger and intelligence of the lycans, Zathrian's indifference towards them and why both parties seemed to have a personal animosity toward's one another. Aedan had now grown very angry at Zathrian, he had his vengeance three hundered years ago and he was now taking it out on those who had nothing to with it! Hell, the miserable bastard was letting his own people suffer the curse and rather than speak to werewolves, he wants Witherfang killed just to avoid another solution. Just as Aedan felt the veins in head tighten the Lady beseeched him again.

  Aedan stared down the Lady and her lycan guardian. "Why should I be willing to help any of you? Your attacks on me and the Dalish clan just prove how unworthy you creatures truly are." The warrior spat hatefully.


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