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Aedan Of Highever

Page 40

by Milton Garby

  As they made their way out of the Dalish camp, Aedan's mind drifted back to Zathrian and how his hatred and want for revenge drove him to make his own clan suffer. About how Loghain's hatred for Orlais was now causing his own country to bleed during a time of Blight. And about how Aedan's need for vengeance was one of the only things that kept him going through all this hardship and suffering. Was Aedan's bound to fate such as theirs if he continued to live for vengeance? No! Loghain and Zathrian fell so low because they were weak! They let their vengeance and hatred control them instead of controlling it. Aedan had no such weakness. Aedan would not rest until all those who betrayed their country had paid the price, and he would never know peace until he tasted Rendon Howe's blood in his mouth.

  Aedan's Anguish

  The company of the Grey Wardens stood once more in Soldier's Peak. Once a deserted tomb infested with undead, demons and abominations; a horrid blemish on the proud keep born from the doomed patriotism of a lost cause. Now the keep was vibrant, full of life and ready to burst at the seams for all the inhabitants that now resided within. Dwarven legions from Orzammar kept their skills sharp in the Peak's training yard, while Avvar warriors sang songs of glory and victory around large bonfires. The mages that weren't posted at Redcliffe to maintain the arl's health were inside the keeps laboratory preparing enchantments, alchemical concoctions and maintaining their spells. The Dalish elves were finally arriving in their aravels with their white halla pulling them. But what surprised Aedan the most was the contingency of Ash Warriors who arrived with all their mabari. When he asked why they had come, their commander told him the Abbot Luwin of the Line had sent them; they were now kingsmen with no king but would fight for the protection and salvation of their country. This army that Aedan had gathered could now rival what they lost at Ostagar.

  But there was still one big problem; they couldn't combat the Blight if the still had Loghain to contend with. To defeat the darkspawn the needed a united Ferelden, and to that end they needed someone with enough authority and respect at the landsmeet to depose Loghaine: Arl Eamon Guerrin.

  They were all sitting in the dining hall, all enjoying a well-deserved hot meal next to a fire place and Aedan had just got done reading the note from First Enchanter Irving at Redcliffe. Aedan tossed it into the fire with long, agonized groan.

  "No changes, then?" Alistair asked with forlorn.

  "No changes." Aedan confirmed. "And the First Enchanter doesn't think it's going to change anytime soon."

  "Then our path is clear." Leliana declared. "We must go and find the Urn of Sacred Ashes." Aedan heaved an even louder groan at such a ridiculous suggestion.

  "If your precious, lovely, and enlightened Chantry…" Aedan mocked. "Doesn't even believe in such a relic, then why the fuck should I?"

  "I wouldn't be so sure of that." Wynne piped in. "Haven't you ever heard of Brother Genitivi?"

  And that's when memories rushed back into Aedan's head, memories of Brother Aldous cramming books and lectures into Aedan's soft, little skull when he was a boy. Most of the books Aedan had read concerning history and cultures of Thedas were authored by Brother Genetivi. "Yes, I've heard of him. From what I heard he used to be a lecturer at the University of Val Royeaux."

  "Ferdinand Genitivi is known for being a man of faith but also an idealist and a realist." Wynne informed. "Often times he was discredited by the Chantry for writing reports that contradict their teaching and has stood by them anyway."

  "That's right." Alistair joined in. "From what I heard back at Redcliffe he came into the Arl's patronage for pursuing the truth about the Urn of Sacred Ashes even though the Chantry deemed it blasphemous. If someone as far learned as Genitivi believes that the Urn exists even with the Chantry discrediting him, surely that's good enough reason to try and search for Urn."

  Aedan thought long and hard for a moment. He didn't want to waste time searching for something that was less likely to exist than the Griffons. If he searched and found nothing, they all could be dead and they will have wasted precious time while the darkspawn continued to plague Ferelden and Loghain continued to usurp the throne. But to defeat Loghain and reunite Ferelden the needed a strong voice in the Landsmeet that was a guaranteed ally.

  "Please, Aedan." Alistair pleaded. "For the Arl's sake."

  Aedan had absolutely no choice. For the Arl, his country, and for his revenge he had to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes. "Where was Brother Genitivi last seen?" Aedan asked.

  "The Arlessa gave me directions to his house in Denerim." Alistair answered. "We can find him there and find out what he knows."


  The group quickly made their way to the capital city of Denerim. The city was overflowing with people, high freemen and low freemen alike, trying to outrun the civil war and the Blight. They had no time to survey and explore the city's splendors and opportunities; they were here on a mission. They needed to get the information they needed before Loghain or Howe's spies found them.

  Genetivi's house was not difficult to find, it was right where the arlessa said it would just outside the Market District. Aedan knocked on the door and was greeted by Genetivi's assistant, Weylon. Weylon told them that Genetivi had been missing for weeks and that the knights from Redcliffe who were sent after him were missing as well. Weylon begged them not to continue the search but Aedan was adamant, so the assistant apprehensively gave them direction to the Spoiled Princess Inn near Lake Calenhad.

  "So, tell me, Innkeeper, has there been a Brother Genitivi around here?" Aedan asked.

  "Brother-? Uh, no there's been no man like that here." The innkeeper answered nervously.

  Aedan noticed the change of his tone. "Are you sure? What about some knights from Redcliffe?"

  "No, there have been no knights here." This time the Innkeeper was sweating so much he could fill a bath tub.

  "Look, I was told that these men came here and I'm not leaving without…."

  "Ser," The innkeeper interrupted. "The men you are looking for are not here." He told Aedan adamantly

  Aedan could tell that the innkeeper was trying to give him a hint, but was also trying to warn him. "Listen, I must find Brother Genitivi, and if you're in some sort of trouble I can help you."

  "They…are…watching me." The Innkeeper said anxiously. "For almost a year these knights have been coming here looking for this Geninitvi and they always disappear, and I have been threatened by these people to discourage any who are looking for him."

  Aedan kept his face on the Innkeeper to so that whoever was watching him wouldn't get suspicious. "Who's watching?"

  "I don't know. Please. You must leave, quickly." The innkeeper begged.

  Aedan looked over to his companions. "Listen, we have to leave now." He told the gravely

  "What, why!?" Oghren whined after just getting his booze.

  "NOW!" Aedan retorted.

  When they walked outside a group of heavily armored men were waiting for them. There was only five men but Aedan knew that they were very dangerous; they were Reavers like him. Aedan could tell.

  "For Andraste!" One of then yelled out.

  "Kill them quickly!" Aedan called to his companions. Leliana shot one of them in the eye but he still managed to swing viciously at Sten with a mace and an axe, but the giant finished him off by cutting him near in half. Zevran disappeared into the shadows and then reappeared to stab another Reaver in the jugular. One of them took his very large axe and swung it down on Morrigan, but the witch evaded and smacked her palm and held it to her attackers face, searing her handprint on his flesh. Morrigan kicked the dazed, screaming man into the other reaver that was putting Alistair on the defense. When the two attackers bumped into each other Morrigan let loose a spirit bolt into the seared one and he blew up! Bones, blood and gore flew around where the two attackers once were and Alistair was left groaning about the mess and bits of guts that were now in his hair. The final ambusher foolishly made the mistake of going after Oghren of all people. The dwarf sw
ung his Nug Crusher into the man's legs, breaking them like dried twigs and brought the hammerhead baring down on his attacker's skull.

  "Stop, Oghren! I need answers!" Aedan called to the dwarf. Too late, he had already smashed his maul into the puddle that was once this stranger's head. "

  Oops." The dwarf said simply.

  "Sweet Maker!" Leliana cried. "Who were these men?"

  Aedan went over to inspect the dead men hoping to learn what he could from their corpses. The armor wasn't of any make he had seen before; they were definitely Fereldan in origin but the draconic and arcane designs on the chest and pauldrons said it was Tevinter. "Leliana…" he called over. "Come look at this." Aedan tossed the bard an amulet one of the reavers wore. Its image was strange, it looked like a woman engulfed in flames holding a sword to the sky, in the likeness of Andraste. But she had dragon-like wings and horns that were shaped in the likeness a crown.

  "It…it looks like…like Andraste." Leliana observed incredulously. "Could this be a Tevinter portrayal of her?"

  "Unlikely." Aedan shot down. "This design looks like ancient Fereldan, similar to how the Ash Warriors portray their image of her on their arms and armor. This woman, however, could she truly be Andraste?"

  "The Chantry would never allow her be seen in such a manner." The former sister informed.

  "Strange." Alistair observed. "We go looking for the Andraste's Ashes and we are attacked by reavers who wear an archaic and unknown portrayal of Andraste."

  "Why, I believe this the first time Alistair has actually used his brain." Morrigan mocked. "Someone give him a prize."

  "Shut up, Morrigan, this is serious." Aedan chastised while Morrigan applauded mockingly. None of this could be random. Five reavers wearing armor that illustrated Andraste in a dragon-like fashion when they started looking for Genitivi and the Redcliffe knights. This was obviously a trap set by someone who knew where to send them and the knights from Redcliffe who were looking for Genetivi or the Urn as the innkeeper had said. "We need to go back and get some real answers out of Weylon." Aedan growled.


  In another two days Aedan, Alistair, Morrigan and Leliana found themselves back in Denerim. They moved quietly but quickly, they needed answers. Now.

  "Y-you're back? D-did you find anyth…!"Aedan's fist smashed into Weylon's mouth before he could lie any further. Alistair and Morrigan hurried into the scholar's home while Leliana kept a look outside to make sure no one heard their interrogation.

  Aedan proceeded to beat Weylon to make sure he knew he wasn't fucking around. "Now, tell us, why were there men trying to kill us!? Why did you set us up!?"

  "How is it you blasphemers are still alive!?" Weylon cried out. Obviously he still didn't know the creek he was swimming in, so Aedan grabbed all of his fingers in his right hand and broke them all backwards. Before Weylon could scream too loudly Aedan covered his mouth so the neighborhood wouldn't hear them. "Morrigan, Alistair, search this place, see if there is anything we can find out that he isn't telling us." Aedan commanded while Weylon was still yelling out into his palm. "I'll see what I can get from this prick."

  Alistair and Morrigan did as they were told and started searching in separate areas of the house. Before Aedan could proceed Weylon conjured a cold spell in his other hand but just before he could use it to freeze Aedan over Leliana shot an arrow through his palm. And just for that little attempt Aedan placed an accurate but powerful blow onto Weylon's left cheekbone and smashed it. "He's a mage?" Leliana observed. "There's no way the Chantry would allow a mage to act as an Apprentice Scholar to a Chantry Brother."

  "That's because that's not Weylon." Alistair informed his face was as sour as curdled milk as he stepped back into the room. "I just found the real Weylon back here, stuffed into a trunk with his throat cut."

  Aedan was agitated before, but now he was just plain pissed. Aedan took his hunting knife from his boot and put it to the imposter's nose. "Who are you and why are you trying to kill us?"

  "Because you seek the Urn of Sacred Ashes!" The false Weylon seethed out.

  "Why don't you want us to find the Ashes? Where is Ferdinand Genitivi?" Aedan was answered only with cold, angry silence from the mage. "Dammit! Talk or you're dead!"

  "For you, Andraste!" Fake Weylon called out and then stuck out his tongue and bit it off.

  "Shit!" Aedan cursed. "Morrigan, heal him quickly before he bleeds out!" But before Morrigan could work up a healing spell the imposter grabbed Aedan's hand and stabbed himself in the heart, killing him instantly.

  All four of them stood there in silence for a moment. They had killed people before and seeing a dead body was nothing new for them, but it was the first time they had seen a person commit suicide and in such a horrible fashion, too. "Bastard." Aedan spat while kicking the faux Weylon's corpse. Aedan searched the imposter's body in hopes of finding any clue that would tell them who he was or who sent him. All Aedan found in the man's pockets was another amulet with a draconic Andraste borne on its face.

  Just as Aedan was about to contemplate his next move Alistair walked over to him. "Here, look at this." He said while handing Aedan a book.

  "What is it?"

  "Brother Genitivi's journal."

  This could be the break they were looking for. Aedan skimmed through the books pages looking for any lead that could tell them of Genetivi or the Urn's whereabouts. Apparently, after deciphering certain runes on the Birth Stone of Andraste and certain ancient statues along the Coastlands, Genetivi was positive that the remnants of Andraste's personal followers brought her remains from Tevinter back to Ferelden. His final journal entry stated that he believed that Andraste's final resting place resided in the south of the Frostback Mountains near a village called Haven. Haven? Never heard of it, but thankfully there was a map drawn within the pages.

  Their path once more was clear, they needed to get to Haven and find out what happened to Genetivi and why these men were trying to kill them, and more importantly, find the Urn of Sacred Ashes to cure Arl Eamon.

  On the Imperial Highway once more….

  Several days later they once more reached the outskirts of the Frostback Mountains, but they were not taking Gherlen's Pass. They were taking a less traveled pass that seemed to have only been used by goats, but it was surprisingly easy to follow when it was found. They made camp for the night and would trek up the mountain at dawn's first light, after all, only a fool would search a new path in the Frost Backs at night.

  Aedan sat by himself near the camp fire drawing the likeness of Andraste he found on the fake Weylon's amulet. It was unlike any symbol of Andrate he'd ever seen before. Despite the Chantry's objections, his people often portrayed Her as a hooded warrior armed with a sword and shield. Orlais and the Chantry preferred to represent Andraste as a beautiful, gentle robed woman holding a bowl for offerings or a scroll for wisdom, often she'd be surrounded by a sunburst halo or engulfed in flames. The Tevinters would do same thing as the Orlesians but would instead feature her as a mage carrying a staff. Weylon and his acolytes, however, portrayed Andraste with reptilian features. Gleamed eyes and a scaled neck, sharp nails and crown-like horns. Instead of a sunburst halo or flames, she had a pair of dragon wings surrounding Her. Were these men apart of some cult that worshipped a different form of Andraste? And if so why make her seem so…demonic?

  As Aedan contemplated the illustration in his hands Dane trotted eagerly to his side and nudged him urgently. "What is it Dane? Something wrong?"

  Dane pranced hurriedly in a circle, yipping excitedly and then started yanking on a root in the ground as if it had threatened him. Aedan looked at his canine companion with his eyebrow raised. "And how did you find out?"

  Dane looked up at his master, sniffing loud enough for him to hear; that was his answer. Aedan motioned Leliana, Zevran and Sten over to him. "We're about to be ambushed." Aedan informed them calmly. "There's six of them, two are in the trees armed with crossbows and four are waiting to attack us in o
ur sleep. Bring them to me alive for questioning."

  His three companions looked at him with surprise. "Is it the same people who attacked us before?" Zevran inquired. "And how did you find this out?"

  "Dane told me." Aedan answered casually. "And no, these aren't the same people who attacked us. Apparently, these ones reek of cheap alcohol and bad body odor."

  They all looked at Dane with surprise, apparently he was much more intelligent than they gave him credit for. Dane barked happily at them. How could this dog know how many men there were and what they were armed with? The three of them disappeared into the tree line and, sure enough, they came back a few minutes later with six would-be assailants, all disarmed. Sten led them over to Aedan and shoved them on their knees before him. None of them fought back against the bronze giant.

  Aedan put down his parchment and pencil to attend his would-be attackers turned prisoners. "Alright, gentlemen." Aedan addressed. "You've caught me in a semi-decent mood this evening, so you answer my questions and I'll be inclined to let you…." The tattooed warrior stared down one of the men, a narrow-faced middle-aged man with crow's feet and goatee. The man tried to avert his eyes from the Warden's intense gaze, somehow this man seemed familiar to Aedan. Then realization smacked Aedan in the face with a club and he remembered where he saw this man before. Alistair and the others could practically feel the killing intent building up inside their leader.

  "You!" Aedan fumed at the man as he grabbed his face and forced him to look him in the eyes. "I remember you! You were there!"

  "P-please, ser! I-I don't…Ahhgh!" Aedan slashed the man across the face with his hunting knife.

  "Don't lie to me!" Aedan screamed with anger and pain in his voice. "You were there at Highever! You're one of Howe's commanders!" Dane snarled angrily at the man, baring his teeth threateningly. "You came with Howe the day my house was attacked. You were in the main hall with my father, Duncan and Howe!"


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