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Aedan Of Highever

Page 45

by Milton Garby

  "Loghain instigates a civil war while the Blight is on our very door steps?" Eamon asked aghast. "Long I have known him. He's always been a sensible man, one who has never desired power."

  "I was there the day Loghain announced he was taking control of the throne." Teagan informed. "He's mad with ambition I tell you."

  "Mad indeed. Mad enough to kill Cailan, to attempt to kill myself and destroy my lands." Eamon confirmed as if sorrowfully.

  "There are even those who are already calling him 'King Loghain'." Aedan added grimly.

  "Whatever happened to him, Loghain must be stopped. What's more, we can scarce afford to fight this war to its bitter end." Eamon explained.

  "A pity." Aedan added. "I was looking forward to killing him myself."

  "You may yet get your chance. We have no time to wage a campaign against him. Someone must surrender if Ferelden is to have a chance fighting against the darkspawn." Eamon continued. "I will spread word of Loghain's treachery, both here and against the king. But it will be a claim made without proof."

  "What do you propose we do then, brother?" Asked Teagan.

  "We need to call a Landsmeet. The nobles and freeholder's of Ferelden decide who rules over them in a time of crisis. To that end we need to forward someone who has a stronger claim to the throne than Loghain's daughter, Anora." Eamon explained.

  "You mean Alistair?" Aedan affirmed.

  "Yes." Eamon concluded.

  "Are you sure, Eamon?" Teagan asked.

  "I would not propose such a thing if we had an alternative but the unthinkable has occurred."

  Leliana could see that Alistair was already beginning to panick at the prospect of being a king and decided to ask on his behalf. "Aren't you two also candidates for the crown?"

  Eamon looked on that question warily. "Teagan and I have a claim through marriage, that's true, but we would seem like opprutunists no better than Loghain. To truly unite the people of Ferelden against the Blight we need someone of Theiren blood."

  "And what about me?" Alistair complained. "Doesn't anyone care about what I want?"

  Eamon looked at Alistair with a fatherly gaze. "You have a responsibility, Alistair. Witout you, Loghain wins. I would have to support him, for the sake of Ferelden. Is that what you want?"

  "I…but I…no, my lord." Alistair said with a defeated look.

  "Then I will call for the Landsmeet in Denerim and there the Ferelden lords will decide who will lead them. Then the business of fighting our true foe can begin." Eamon then looked on Aedan. "What say you to that, my friend? I do not wish to proceed without your blessing."

  "Why the hell do you need my blessing?" Aedan asked bemused. "When it boils down to it I'm just a guy swinging a sword."

  Eamon seemed puzzled by that statement. "I doubt that. No mere sword-hand can do all the great things you have done. Without you and all those with you none of this would be possible. I wouldn't wish to proceed unless you approve as well."

  Aedan was humbled by that sentiment. "Then I say we proceed with the Landsmeet."

  "Very well I will send out the word." Eamon said but then he looked over to Teagan. "But before we proceed I believe there is still the matter of the mage…my son's tutor. He still lives, I understand."

  Teagan went to the dungeon to retrieve the apostate and they all had a little makeshift tribunal. "Jowan." The Arl started sternly. "What you have done is not in question. You tried to assassinate me and set into motions a series of events that almost destroyed everything I hold dear. What say you in your defense?"

  Jowan looked on with guilt. "Nothing you grace except that I'm sorry. I expect no mercy for what I have done."

  "I see." Eamon then looked over to Aedan. "Grey Warden, have you anything to say on Jowan's behalf?"

  Aedan could see the Jowan was genuine in his regret for what he had done and understood why he was so desperate escape the Circle. "I'd say guilt has tortured him enough and he seems earnest in his desire to repent."

  Eamon was reasonably perplexed. "That is…unexpected. And what would you have me do? As the injured party, my ability to see the merciful path is….strained."

  Truth be told, none of this was any of their business. "Give him back to the Circle, let them decide what to do with him."

  "True enough and wisely said." Eamon agreed. "Jowan I hereby turn you over to the Circle of Magi. May the Maker have mercy on your soul."

  "Thank you, my lord." Jowan said dismally.

  With that the guards took away Jowan, and Aedan and Eamon went back to matters of the Landsmeet. Arl Eamon sent messengers to all the nobles of Ferelden while Aedan sent Leliana, Wynne and Shale to Soldier's Peak to order the commanders of all the assembled forces to bring their armies to Redcliffe. Having a very large army sitting in the middle of Ferelden will give the other lords something to think about, especially since this force will be supporting the Grey Warden. In addition Aedan wanted the commanders of each force he had gathered to send a contingency of soldiers to meet him in Denerim. Having them there will show the lords at the Landsmeet their strength.

  Just as they had gotten readying the forces for depature Alistair came over to Aedan. "Uh, Aedan listen we need to talk."

  Oh, great. Alistair being the one to initiate a serious conversation meant trouble. "Sure, Alistar. Is something wrong?"

  "No, well, sort of." Alistair looked confused and desperate. "It's just that….I can't believe you and Eamon want to make me king."

  Aedan could see were this was going. "What? You afraid you'll be a bad king?"

  "No. I don't want to be king at all." Alistair practically whined. "I was just content with being Alistair not…King Alistair."

  "I never wanted to be Teryn." Aedan stated solemnly. "My brother was going to succeed my father when his time came and I was perfectly content with being the volatile younger brother who would lead a career in the military. Instead I get recruited into the Grey Wardens under duress and now I have nothing to look forward to except a long walk into the deep roads to die with only the darkspawn to keep me company."

  Alistair hadn't though of that. Now he kinda felt like a jerk for brining it up but before he could say anything more Aedan put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Alistair. I know you'll make a great king."

  "Yeah, 'Alistair, The Savior's Bastard'. That'll make for a great title." Alistair jibed blithely.

  "Actually, if you take a moment to just think about it you'll realize that you have more in common with King Maric than you think." Alistair was confused for a moment, how could he have anything in common with the nation's beloved monarch? "Maric didn't grow up in a castle, he was born in the wilderness with Orlesian forces looking to kill him before he was even crowned. And throughout most of his life he lived under persecution just as we are persecuted by Loghain. Hell, look at King Calenhad! He was the third son of a Denerim merchant and a cleaner of dog-shit before he became the Silver Knight."

  Alistair saw Aedan's point but was still unsure. "Yeah, but how's that going to conivince the lords of the Landsmeet to support me over Anora who is a popular and proven ruler. She's had years of education and training to be a ruler and I can barely take care of myself let alone a whole nation."

  Aedan wasn't put off by that. "Alistair, I know Queen Anora, and I can say with full confidence and without bullshit that I'd prefer you over her and day of the week." Okay now Alistair was confused. "You've lived amongst our people, you know what it is our people face every day, and most of all you're completely selfless; you're completely willing too lay down your life for another, Anora and Loghain think too highly of themselves to do that. No matter what the queen may say or how capable she may be, Anora is her father's daughter. She'll let half this country be devoured by the darkspawn if she could rule over the survivors. She might weep, maybe even erect a monument in honor of their sacrifice, but they'll never be anything more than a means to an end to her."

  Well, this didn't exactly inspire confidence but
Alistair was touched that Aedan though so highly of him. There was nothing to do about it now but they'll talk about it again when the time comes. There was still one thing he felt like he needed bring up with Aedan. "There's one other thing I think I need to talk to about before we leave."

  "Yeah, sure, what is it this time?" Aedan half mocked.

  "Since we're on our way to Denerim there is someone I want to look up while were ther, before we begin the Landsmeet."

  "A friend of yours?"

  "Well, not a friend exactly and not that kind of friend either. You see I have a sister or half-sister actually. Her name's Goldanna." Aedan remembered that apparition from the Fade but he thought it was just the demon playing a trick on Alistair. "I don't think she knew of my existence but I still want to try meeting her."

  Aedan wasn't sure that was a good idea. "And what do you expect she'll do?"

  "Honestly I don't know, but I have no other family and I at least want to meet her."

  Aedan understood the loss of family better than anyone. And if Alistair had any family left it'd be worth the effort to see them before the Blight was finally on them. "Yes…we can do that, Alistair."

  "Thanks. I appreciate it."

  The Capital City of Denerim….


  Once again they returned to the capital and heart of the Fereldan nation. One of the oldest cities in all of Thedas, even older than Val Royeaux and Hossberg. The seat of King Calenhad and Teryn Hafter. The birth place of Andraste and the home of Her Birth Rock which pilgrims always come to kneel before and lay down their prayers. The city reflected the strength and spirit of the Fereldan people; old and anarchic, but proud and strong. No one who has ever wished to rule Ferelden and her people ever did so without first controlling Denerim. At this time the city was full to bursting with commoners filing through the gates to try and board ships to outrun the Blight, and now all the nobles and freeholders were arriving in droves to address the landsmeet. Aedan's foreign companions, even Morrigan, with the exception of Sten, were awed by the harsh and turbulent beauty of the city. However, to Aedan this city held little surprise to him. He had been here several times when he was younger when he visited the royal children and when he won several tournaments.

  Arl Eamon sent word to his staff in Denerim to prepare his summer manor for their arrival, and as they made it to the city their entourage was met by the rather large contingency of soldiers from the army Aedan had gathered. Not long after their arrival at the manor they got the distinct pleasure of Loghain's unannounced arrival. Aedan felt pissed when he saw Loghain and his loyal lap-dog, Cautherine, striding into the house of a man they attempted to assassinate like it was their right, but Aedan's blood boiled like a cauldron when he saw Howe walking alongside him! It took every ounce of Aedan's will power to nut run over to him and carve that smug look right of his face with a rusty kitchen knife!

  Arl Eamon, however, remained completely calm. "Loghain. This is…an honor. That the regent would find time to greet me personally."

  "How could I not address a lord so important as to call every lord in Ferelden awar from their estates whil a Blight ravages the land." The teryn responded discourteously.

  "The Blight is why I am here, Loghain. With Cailan dead Ferelden needs a king to lead us against the darkspawn."

  "Ferelden has a strong leader!" Loghain shot back. "It's queen. And I lead her armies."

  "Perhaps you're getting too senile to wage war properly. Considering how you tucked tail and ran at Ostagar, and your repeated failures to guard this land against the darkspawn." Aedan insulted.

  "Ahhh. Bryce's son. You have my sympathies about what happened to your Order. It is unfortunate that they chose to turn against Ferelden." Loghain said with disappointment in his voice.

  Loghain's false courtesy only served to anger Aedan further. "The sympathy of a man who betrayed his own king when he needed him means less to me than what a pig shits out."

  "You should curb your tongue, boy. This is my city, and no safe place to speak of treason. By anyone." Loghain spoke with a scowl that could peel the bark off a dog. "There is talk that your illness has left you feeble-minded, Eamon. Some might think that you're no longer fit to advise Ferelden."

  "Illness?" Eamon asked incredoulously. "Why not call your poison by its true name? Not everyone at the landsmeet will so easily cast aside their loyalties as you and these sycophants you call allies have."

  "How long you've been away, Eamon." The teryn scoffed. "Do you not recognize Rendon Howe? Arl of Amaranthine and Denerim."

  "And the new Teryn of Highever." Howe sneered at Aedan. "What with the Couslands so shamefully being wiped out. Down to the last child."

  That was all Aedan could take. He ripped his gauntlet from his hand and threw at Howe's feet. "This man murdered my family! I demand blood-rights!"

  "You have no rights! Your family surrenderd them. When I revealed them to be traitors to the king." Howe taunted as he kicked Aedan's gauntlet back at him. "Playing nursemaid to royal bastards is one thing, Eamon, but housing the son of a traitor? Are you going to start housing Orlesians too? Oh, that's right, I forgot about the wench you married. It would seem you're quite comfortable with treason."

  "Well, at least you got the royal part right." Alistair commented sourly.

  Aedan felt like he was going to explode with rage. "You think you can insult my family to my face!? I'm going to cannibalize you while you're still breathing!"

  "You are either very bold or very stupid to threaten the teryn in front of witnesses, traitor." Cauthrien interjected.

  Aedan's attention and bloodlust turned to Loghain's most faithful lackey. "Maybe you want to answer my challenge instead, Cautherine? Maybe you want to stop hiding behind your master like a whipped dog and see what I'm really capable of!?" Aedan reveled in the thought of test Starfang against the Summer Sword.

  "Perhaps I do!" The woman-knight answered. "I can end the threat you pose to Ferelden right now!"

  Both warriors' hands dangerously reached for their swords. "Enough!" Loghain demanded. "This is neither the time nor the place, Cautherine." His knight obediently sheathed her sword. "I had hoped to talk you down from this rash course of action, Eamon. Our people are frightened, our king is dead and our land is under siege. We must be united if we are to face this crisis. Your own sister, Queen Rowan, fought tirelessly to see this land restored. Would you see that all her efforts were in vain?" The ring in Loghain's voice was almost sincere.

  Eamon's face twinged with sadness at the mentioning of his beloved sister. But he would not be deterred. "Is that what you did, Loghain? Think of my sister? Did you think of her when you sent an apostate to poison me? Or when you abandoned her only son to die?" Eamon's words obviously stung Loghain. "The Maker may forgive you, but I can't. And Rowan certainly would not either. Our people deserve to see a Theirin on the throne, and Maker willing, it will be Alistair to lead us through this Blight."

  "Oh, is that all?" Alistair asked sarcastically. "And here I thought being a king would be easy."

  The anger returned to Loghain's eyes as he got face to face with the arl, but Eamon was not intimidated. "The emperor of Orlais didn't think I could beat him either!" Loghain growled. "Expect no more mercy from than I showed to him and his chevaliers. There is nothing I won't do to protect my home!" Loghain and his entourage turned and left he castle grounds brusquely and with arrogance, as if what they said would not harm them. As they walked away all Aedan could do was fantasize about stringing up Howe by his own hamstrings!

  "Well, that was…bracing." Eamond said relieved, as if he could finally come up for breath. "I didn't expect Loghain to show himself so soon."

  "And I didn't expect you and him to have been so close." Aedan admitted. "Or did I misunderstand something?"

  "No, you're not that wrong." Eamon sighed. "Loghain and Maric were inseperable during the war, he and my sister were quite close. I remember the day her got on one knee and swore fealty to Maric, swo
re the he would never stop fighting to see Ferelden free. He was just as heartbroken over her death as Maric was."

  "And then he leaves Maric and Rowan's son to die at the hands of the darkspawn. And makes allegiance with that bastard, Howe." Aedan spat.

  "And conspires with a bloodmage to poison me, I know. But please, Lord Cousland, I beg you, don't do anything rash just yet. I know you crave vengeance against Howe, but he is too close to Loghain to be touched right now."

  "He could be walking hand-in-hand with the Maker for all I care, I'm still going carve him up like a Wintersend turkey and eat 'im!"

  "Your time will come soon enough." Eamon implored. "But for now, please, let us try to win things through the landsmeet. It is the only way to truly get the people of Ferelden on our side."

  "Very well, Eamon." Aedan relented. "What should we do first?"

  "We are still waiting for many of the nobles to make it to the city and I still have preparations to make. If you have any business in the city you'd best deal with it now. I will see you in my study when you're ready."

  Aedan decided now was probably the best time to make some final preparations, get word about what's happening in the city and maybe see the sights while they still could. Aedan wanted to take this time to fulfill certain promises he made to his companions and maybe attempt to reconnect with Morrigan. But first he decided he would fulfill his promise to Alistair and go see his sister.

  Goldanna's house was at the edge of the Market District near the alienage. It was a very…humble place, from what Alistair said she made a living doing laundry. "Alright, Alistair. Here we are."

  "This…this is my sister's house." Alistair stated, obviously nervous. "I'm almost certain of it. This is, yes this is the right address. She…she could be inside. She would go in and check?"

  "Wouldn't you rather see her on your own?"

  "Nooo. I-I don't want to impose. I mean, maybe she's not even in there. Maybe we shour try coming back another time? You know, when things are better?" Alistair blabbed nervously.


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