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Aedan Of Highever

Page 47

by Milton Garby

  Habren looked like she had just been slapped. "B-but father! He disrespected me!"

  "As well he should, since no one else will!" Bryland scolded. "Return home at once and hope that I don't decide to send you into a cloister."

  "But father!" Daughter protested.

  "Habren…" Father warned.

  The girl took what she had just purchased and scurried out of the market place without further word. Bryland walked with Aedan and his strange company into the tavern. He informed Aedan of how truly dire things were in the south. Bryland's own arling was being overrun by the darkspawn and he informed Aedan to avoid speaking with Arl Gallagher Wulff until the Landsmeet. Wulff had lost two of his sons to the Blight and his arling was completely consumed by the darkspawn, so he was understandably in a bleak mood, even more so now that he had to be here in the capital rather then with his own forces trying to take back his lands.

  Bryland gave Aedan a friendly warning, practically none of the nobles believed the lies Howe said about the Couslands being traitors but that will not mean the will just accept the Warden's royal candidate unless they have a reason first. As the Warden and the Arl parted companies Aedan saw the other powerful lords and freeholders of Ferelden just drinking and chatting away. The ones Aedan had met before were also there, Bann Sighard of the Dragon's Peak, Bann Alfstanna of the Waking Sea, and Bann Ceorlic. The topics on all their lips was the same; how now was the worst time for a Landsmeet when some of them are trying to hold their lands from the darkspawn. That Loghain and Howe was robbing them of their rights and freedoms. The most active one of all, who the hell is this Alistair and why should they follow some byblow?

  Nothing to do about any of them right now. They came here to deal with these Crows and it's best to get it out of the way sooner rather then later. The room they entered was a private suite and waiting for them was a man in his later years, the hair on his scalp was balding with the hair around his jaw and lips neatly trimmed close to the skin, his most distinguishing feature was his long, sharp nose. "So, you got my letter." The stranger pointed out with a very thick Antivan accent. "Forgive me, where are my manners? Master Ignacio, wandering merchant at your humble service." He introduced while giving a deep bow. Aedan crossed his arms, they both knew who this Ignacio really was but there was no point in saying it. "I was hoping there could be a few thing we can talk about."

  "Just see that the conversation stay civil, Ignacio." Zevran warned hostilily. "If this is a trap…"

  Ignacio was unamused with his former fellow Crow. "Zevran, is it? You are Taleisen's responsibility. Other Crows may try to kill you, but in my eyes you're already dead, so you are of no notice." The Master Crow eyed at Aedan like how a child eyes a new, shiny toy. "But the Warden here…he is of great interest to me."

  Aedan didn't like the sound of that. "So first you're hired to kill me and now you want to talk to me?"

  "I cannot stress enough that I wasn't hired to do anything." Ignacio defended adamantly. "An associate was and he has failed. And failed badly."

  "I'd like to see you do better." Zevran remarked.

  "Do you take me for a fool? That is a contract I would never take! Hmph!" Igancio responded haughtily.

  "Why do you suddenly want to work with me? What do you have to gain from it?" Aedan asked suspiciously.

  "Well, truth be told none of us wanted to take the contract. Our country holds the Wardens in high esteem, having saved our ancestors from the previous Blight four centuries ago. Zevran merely took the contract because it was there." Ignacio explained but then he noticed that the Warden's facial expression was becoming more like stone. "But…our other reason is more long term. You're an educated man, so surely you must know that Antiva has no standing army to combat the Blight should it spill out or your borders."

  Aedan was getting more and more pissed with this Crow by the second. "And yet your guild still accepted a contract from Teryn Loghain to kill the only Grey Wardens in the whole damn country. Not exactly long term thinking on your part and not the most politically astute from what I understand."

  Ignacio gave a slight, wry chuckle. "Yes, well, look at it from our perspective, Warden. There were only two Grey Wardens left in all of Ferelden and arguably Teryn Loghain Mac Tir seemed like the best man to solve this crisis. But now Loghain is causing more problems than he is solving, and from what we have gathered you are doing a fine job in building a new army to combat the Blight, so now we're willing to stake things on you."

  That still didn't explain why Ignacio wanted to speak to him in person. "Well, thanks for pointing out all of the obvious. Now what the fuck do you want from me?"

  Ignacio was smiling in full now. "As you're well aware of Loghain's political instability is causing a great deal of resentment in you lovely country. So now we have quite a few a contracts from some very wealthy lords who want the regent hindered severly. With a civil war insuing many lords are using this as an opprutunity to settle old grudges demand for our services is high, especially since those lords don't want to waste men and resourcese fighting each other. The problem is, however, because of the Blight and one of our own's stupidity…" he said glaring at Zevran. "We have lost many of our agents, so now we're…calling for assistance"

  Now Aedan could see what he wanted; Igancio wanted to hire him for a few assassination jobs. "Exactly why would I want to do your killings for you?"

  Now he had the Warden's attention. "Well, since the jobs are meant to cripple Teryn Loghain we would be more than happy to let it…slip to their powerful and wealthy clients that it was the Grey Wardens that made sure that we succeeded. And in addition we will, of course, make sure you are compensated for your time."

  This could be a perfect opprutunity to get several lords who are wealthy enought to hire the Crows on his side for the landsmeet, there was still just one problem though. "If I do this, I don't want anymore of you carrion motherfuckers haunting my shadow again."

  "That I cannot promise." The merchant answered simply. "Another guildmaster already has a contract on you. But if you help us and the next time the master wants to ask for help against you all he'll get is…silence."

  Aedan saw the point and the appeal. "Give me the contracts."

  The guildmaster handed Aedan several contracts for the lives of several persons who were aiding Loghain's bid for the regency. The first was for Ambassador Gainley who was trying to make an alliance with King Bhelen's political enemies by promising them outside support and supply to over throw the new king. The second was for a company of tal-vashoth mercenaries called the Kadan-Fe. Apparently they were one of the most disciplined, well trained and remorseless band of mercenaries out of the Free Marches. The last one was for a man named Paedan, one of Arl Howe's own stooges. An unethical and immoral reprobate of a mercenary who'd whore out his own daughter if it meant he could make a few more coppers than whoring out his sword arm for any dirty job there was. Apprarently he and his confederates were luring Warden supporters to their deaths by secretly inviting them to meet with "fellow supporters" at the Pearl using a password. The Pearl? Perfect.

  Aedan knew exactly how to approach these various problems. He sent a raven to Orzammar to be delivered directly into the hands of King Bhelen informing him of Ambassador Gainley's treachery. No doubt Bhelen would send a most grevious letter of apology as well as his heartfelt sorrow over the ambassador's tragic accident. The Kadan-Fe should also be easy enough to deal with. They were going to land at the edge of the Brecelian Forest, out of the eyesight of Loghain's opposers as well as his supporters. Aedan had a raven sent to the Dalish elves camped out in the forest to deal with these foreigners and to make sure not a trace of them would be found. As for Paedan at the Pearl? Aedan would deal with that personally. After all, he promised Alistair a good time there.

  Twenty minutes Later at the docks….

  Out on the Dock District beyond the Alienage and across the bridge from the Market District stood the Pearl, one of the best brothels in all o
f Ferelden, in all of Thedas! Most cities outside of Ferelden would try to hide their houses of ill repute, but in Ferelden not only were such places common, they were to be expected. The Pearl was especially famous for its varied services and whose workers always left the customer not only satisfied but craving more. Like any good business it was based on supply and demand, and let's face it, if their supplying whose not demanding? Aedan remembered the nights he stole away whenever he came to Denerim, much to the horror of his mother and humor of his brother. Aedan even got on the proprietor's good side. Outside the doors were some of the workers, both women and men, inviting all potential customers to come than go. Long legged elves, ample humans and cute dwarves showed off their assets without shame or care.

  Aedan led his companions through the doorway and into the building. Some of the women backed away in disgust when Oghren got too close, while others tried to entrance Alistair into joining them for a drink, which he shyly refused, but that only made them more eager. The inside of the brothel was most extravagant. Antivan rugs on the ground, Tevinter tapestries decorating the walls, dwarven statues standing in the halls and Rivaini incense filling the air. An assortment of every kind of wine, ale, liqueur, and beer filled the racks behind the bar. There were enough spirits here to make Oghren die of alcohol poisoning. All this finery was actually donated to the Pearl from grateful, satisfied and wealthy patrons. And everywhere they looked there were the Peal's most regal and attractive employees were eagerly showing off their wares.

  "Don't touch anything. Or sit anywhere." Wynne warned. "I doubt this place is cleaned nearly enough."

  "Ooh, yes! This what I'm talkin' about!" Oghren cried joyously. "Come and get it ladies! The pride of Orzammar is here to grace your lives!" All the women backed away from the smelly dwarf in utter repulsion.

  "You know, I grew up in a place like this." Zevran informed with a human man and dwarven woman around each arm. "The Crows weren't the only ones who taught me how to entrance and lure. Ask for an Antival Milk Sandwhich. You'll be glad you did."

  "Hmph. This place stinks of desperation. And deviance." The qunari warned as several whores eyed the foreign giant with carnal curiosity. "We should be on our guard!"

  "I never understood the necessity of such a place." Morrigan commented blithely. "In my experience everyone pays for sex in one form or another."

  "Ugh." Alistair groaned. "How'd you get the experience?" Morrigan answered that question with a sharp elbow to the Templar's ribs.

  "Leave it to Flemeth to turn an otherwise enjoyable act into something painful and even fatal." Aedan responded.

  "I've never heard you complain, Warden." Morrigan smiled that foxlike grin at her lover. "In fact I believe you quite enjoy the lessons my mother taught me. As painful as some of them maybe."

  Aedan told the others to sit down and relax while he and Alistair conducted their purpose here. Wynne went over to the bar and orderd a large bottle of dwarven ale. Much to the barkeep's surprise she was able to down a tall glass of it without falling over, or dying. Zevran had a drink and a make out session with the whores he grabbed on to, with much fondling and tongues involved. Oghren tried to grab a filly of his own but was met with the stinging back of the ladies hand. Sten backed into a corner with Asala nearby, glaring daggers at the employees who were eyeing the bronze colossus hungrily like a piece of meat. Morrigan accompanied Aedan to make sure he kept his hands to himself.

  Aedan walked over and found the owner of this busy establishment. A beautiful woman whose dress generously showed off her feminine treasures. Firm, round breasts, long supple legs and a slim figure. Her delicate skin made it impossible to determine her age. Her face was long and smooth with a slender jaw, high cheekbones and full lips curled into a ruby smile that revealed her perfect teeth. Her smokey green eyes flashed with pleasure as she looked at Aedan. "My Lord Cousland!" She gasped. "It has been so long! Have you come back to my humble abode to partake in our varied pleasures again?"

  "Alas, Sanga, I'm afraid I'm currently engaged. Both in the heart and in duty." Aedan answered as he kissed her soft hand. Morrigan's displeasure at the familiarity between Aedan and the older woman was painted all over her face.

  "You are? Oh, Aedan how can you be so cruel?" Sanga's voice was genuine yet sarcastic. "Do you realize how many hearts you'll break when all the girls realize you're back?"

  "All the girls?" Alistair and Morrigan asked with shock and hostility.

  "I, uh, spent a some time here when I was younger. Whenever my family came to Denerim." Aedan chuckled embarrassedly. "More than likely it was the reason why my father shipped me off to Orlais."

  "Don't be modest, Aedan. You were here so much and satisfied so many, I was thinking about hiring you!" Sanga's truthfulness got Aedan a deadly glare from Morrigan. "Oh! And this lovely creature must be the one that has your heart enthralled." Sanga detected as she observed Morrigan. The witch actually blushed as the scantily clad older woman marveled her like she was gold. "Tell me, Aedan, what duty could you possibly have that would distract you from a gem as exotic as this?"

  "You'll be surpised to know that I've joined the Order of the Grey Wardens." Aedan answerd. "And this is my fellow Grey Warden, Alistair."

  "Er. G-good evening, Madame." Alistair greeted shyly.

  "Awww! You as well? You're much too handsome to be fighting darkspawn" The proprietor lamented as she gently cupped Alistair's face in her hands. "Are you going to save us from the Blight, Ser Alistair?"

  Alistair face looked like a tamato being held her hands. "Th-that's why I joined."

  "Oohhh! My hero!" Sanga declared as she hugged Alistair affectionately and generously pressed her cleavage against the former Templar, making turning him as red as a boiled lobster. "Hmm. Strong, shy and handsome! You're exactly the type my girls adore!"

  "I actually brought my friend here so that he could enjoy some of your Earthly pleasures before he goes off to face the Blight." Aedan informed.

  "Oh? I see." Sanga replied slyly. "Tell me, darling. What do you prefer? Men or women?"

  "Er. Uh, women?" Alistair gulped.

  "You just take a seat here, love, while I go line up some of my best. You can pick your favorite." Sanga informed as she went to go get the girls in question. "Oh. And, Aedan? I'm having some trouble with a group of mercenaries called the White Falcons who've been disrupting my business. If you'd be so kind as to show them the door I'd be grateful."

  "I'll get right on it, Sanga." Aedan answered. "But if you'd be so kind as to help me find someone. I'm also here on duty."

  "Who you looking for, sweetie?"

  "A man called Paedan."

  "Him?" Sanga wrinkled her nose as if the name itseld smelled like a rotting corpse. "Please don't tell me you're involved with the likes of him."

  "Actually I'm here to 'take care' of him." Aedan answered slyly. "Would you be so kind as to show me his room?"

  "Love to." Sanga answered. "He's in Room Four down the hall. The password is 'The Griffons shall rise again'."

  "Thanks. You won't mind if a make a little noise in there, would you?"

  "Darling, this is a whorehouse. If anything, they'll just think it's a busy night back in there. And if you make a mess back there, don't worry about it. The maids are used to cleaning up all kinds ungodly scenes left behind in those rooms." Sanga waved at Aedan as he went back there with his sword gripped tightly in his hand.

  Thirty Minutes Later….

  After Aedan killed Paedan and his associates, as well as taking care of the White Falcons who were causing Sanga a headache Aedan sat back down at the bar while Sanga got some of her best girls for Alistiar's choice of enjoyment. Aedan observed a scuffle between a Rivaini woman and several disgruntled men over a game of cards. Aedan got up to join in on the woman's defense thinking she was one of the Pearl's workers only to see she was quiet capable of handling those men herself with great ease. She was obviously not a whore. She fought with a kind grace and speed that can only be lea
rned in combat, aiming for their weaknesses and soft spots. Aedan's curiosity got the best of him and he decided to go talk to the Rivaini. Aedan's curiosity spiked further when Zevran also walked up to her.

  "And look what the nug dragged in." The woman said to Zevran without a trace of accent in her voice. "Come to apologize for leaving me bereft of my lord husband and then vanishing like a thief in the night?"

  "You know it was nothing personal, Isabela." Zevran answered. "It was just business. Business that turned out very well for you. I hear you now command his ship?"

  "Well, I suppose I never did like the greasy bastard. And you were much better in bed than he was anyway."

  Okay. These two obviously had some kind of sordid past together. And from the way they spoke so familiarly she was as adventurous as Zevran is. "Perhaps introduction are in order?" Aedan asked.

  "Indeed." Zevran agreed. "This is Isabela, queen of the eastern sea and the sharpest blad in Llomeryn. Isabela this is Aedan Cousland. Acting Warden-Commander of the Order of the Grey here in Ferelden."

  "A Grey Warden? Charmed." Isabela greeted genuinely.

  "I noticed you were playing some Wicked Grace with those men." Aedan pointed out.

  "I suppose you saw that little drama? Not my fault if those men can't hold a good hand. And it's my fault if those men's hands are shit for holding swords."

  Aedan had never lost a game of Wicked Grace in his life. This might be interesting. "What would you say to quick game of cards? You seem like a formidable player and I happen to have never lost a game."

  "Ooh. I do love a challenge." The pirate proclaimed. "But I only play for stakes."

  "I have a healthy bag of sovereigns right here." Aedan revealed a rather plump pouch that jingled melodiously with the coins inside. "Will that work?"

  "Oh my, but that is an attractive little purse." Isabela marveled. "But I'm afraid I can't cover that."


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