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Aedan Of Highever

Page 54

by Milton Garby

  "Who do you think has been ruling this country for the past five years?" Anora questioned. "Cailan? I am the daughter of Ferelden's greatest war hero and I know what is best for it. I am what is best for this country and I can help you stop my father. Please consider what I have said."

  "We'll discuss that later, but first…." Aedan strode over to Erlina and grabbed her by the neck in both hands and proceeded to choke the life out of her.

  "Stop! What are you doing?" Anora screamed.

  "Your handmaiden swore on her life that you wouldn't betray me. Now I'm collecting on that debt." Aedan squeezed the petite elf's neck even harder, making tears come out of her eyes as she kicked helplessly in his grip.

  "Please! I'm sorry! Don't kill her!" Anora begged.

  "Aedan!" Alistair called. "Let her go! She doesn't deserve this!"

  "This is the price for Anora's little fuck up, Alistair!" Aedan yelled back. "Erlina gets to pay the price for Anora's stupidity!"

  "Aedan! LET HER! GO!" Alistair ordered, getting Aedan's attention. "Anora screwed up! But that doesn't mean Erlina deserves to die for it! Anora's mistake is not Erlina's! Let her go!"

  Aedan snorted and finally let the elf fall to the ground. Anora held her handmaiden and tried to comfort her as Erlina gasped for breath. "You'd better be thankful Alistair was here." Aedan informed. "Otherwise I'd have snapped her neck like a chicken bone. We will speak later. But first, I'm going to find out what your traitorous father has done to the elven citizens of this city." With that Aedan stormed out of the study.

  "Your majesty, I apologize on behalf of my fellow Warden." Alistair expressed. "This war has been the hardest on him. Even before Ostagar Aedan has been trying to take the weight of the world on his shoulders."

  Anora helped Erlina to her feet and bade her to go see a healer. Never before had she met a man so blatantly impudent. It was hard to imagine that this was Eleanor's son and the same man who kissed her all those years ago. And this was the man who held the fate of their country in their hands? He was almost as unstable and dangerous as her father. But she needed him in order to retain her throne. For now. She would keep a very close eye on him. Him and Alistair. He may not seem like much, but Alistair's presence could unravel everything she and Cailan had accomplished.

  Aedan had given the heads of Mallol, Old Nan and Ser Gilmore to the Chantry sister in the castle. They would see to it that they received the proper rites that befitted their Andrastian faith. But Argyle…was another matter. Aedan didn't know if Argyle was an Andrastian or if he even had a faith for that matter. Aedan felt ashamed that for all the respect and admiration he had for his old teacher he didn't know how best to honor him. He believed Argyle was an Avvar. He spoke of the Avvar if they were his own people and would often swear in the name of their gods. If that was true then he had to receive a Sky Burial. His remains had to be left for the birds to carry him to the Lady of The Skies. Aedan stuck the Bear's Maul into a large tree stump out in the courtyard and hung Argyle's decayed head from the shaft. Aedan sat down on the ground, staring at all that was left of his mighty teacher and allowed himself a brief moment of weakness, and quietly wept for all that he had lost.

  As he sat there letting his tears of loss flow freely sign he never would have expected literally dropped from the sky. A large eagle, white as snow perched itself atop of the shaft of Argyle's axe, just above his skull. The eagle was much larger than the average raptor, the largest Aedan had ever seen, even bigger than Siobahn was in her eagle form. The giant bird stared at Aedan with a kind of intelligence and purpose in its liquid golden eyes the likes of which the Warden had never seen. It lowered its head to Aedan as if it were bowing in respect. Then the strange raptor cawed a powerful cry as it spread and beat its mighty wings that blew a small gale of wind and dust into Aedan's face. When he opened his eyes he watched as the white eagle plucked Argyle's skull in its powerful talons and flew off into the sky and disappear into the white clouds. Did the Lady of The Sky just send an envoy to collect this fallen warrior? The sight left Aedan in devoid of his sadness and filled him with a sense of awe he hadn't felt in years. Aedan stopped his weeping and resumed his purpose.

  Aedan called for one of the servants to bring him a basin of water so that he may wash the blood and bile from his body. There were a few people he needed to see, people who were more important than Anora or her father, and he would not see them caked in blood. It was these people who could help him secure the fate of Ferelden.

  Anora looked down from the balcony window she stood at and watched Aedan in the courtyard. He had just stripped off his armor and everything else but his small clothes. Too bad, she might've enjoyed the view. Anora couldn't help but be enthralled by the tattoos on his body even though she found the practice to be boorish and uncouth. The ones that stood out in particular were the ones on his legs. The royal coat of arms on both knees symbolizing that he knelt before no one but his king. A noble sentiment, but perhaps a misguided one. Still it was good to know where his loyalties lay. As the queen turned to leave before her presence was discovered by the Warden she was met by the raven haired witch who accompanied him. Her golden eyes glaring at her. "You would be best to look elsewhere, Anora." The witch warned. "I am not one for sharing, not even the tiniest bit."

  "Queen Anora." The monarch reminded. "And where I look is none of your concern."

  "The Chasind do not have queens, your fanciful title and crown is meaningless to me." Morrigan enlightened venomously. "And queen or not, let me give a piece of advice. You've already betrayed Aedan once already, and if you do so again I will find you and claw out those pretty eyes right out of your head. And your royal crown and army will not save you from me."

  Anora met Morrigan's glare and was not going to be intimidated. "You think you're the first to threaten me, witch? I've stared down greater threats than some swamp slut dug up from under some log. I want Aedan to succeed more than you ever could. But then again, what could some apostate know about ruling a country."

  "Nothing, 'tis true indeed." Morrigan acknowledged. "But I do know revenge. And if you harm Aedan, I will have mine."

  Morrigan despised the way that insufferable queen walked off with that air of superiority around her head. So much so that she wanted to take bear form and knock that pretty golden head right off of her well-dressed body! Morrigan looked down into the courtyard and watched as Aedan continued to scrub the blood of himself. He hadn't noticed her or the queen. Only Morrigan was allowed to gaze at his flesh, anyone else was intruding on what was hers. And she would allow no one to harm what was hers. And Aedan was hers and hers alone.

  Aedan finished rinsing himself off and donned back his armor. He looked presentable as far as Fereldan standards were concerned. Up next was the fun part. He didn't need to get these powerful persons on his side, he just needed to get them against Loghain. And after what Loghain has done, Aedan had no doubt they wouldn't even spit in the teryn's direction. But first Aedan had to go where all the powerful gather….

  The Gnawed Noble Tavern….


  So here they were, back were the noble-born and privileged few come to socialize, drink, and throw up on each other. This time Aedan and his companions, Alistair, Oghren, and Morrigan had time to look around the establishment and admire the splendor the nobles enjoy whenever they came here to get smashed. The reason for these particular companions was simple, Alistair so that the lords may see how similar he was in appearance to their two deceased kings, Oghren for extra muscle, and Morrigan…well she actually insisted on accompanying her lover and seemed quite possessive of him for some reason. Not that Aedan minded, it just meant he might be able to take her out for a drink at the best pub in the capital. It was a marvel of its own; Paintings of famous kings and heroes of Ferelden, great stone statues of mabari, a large, burning hearth cooking only the finest meats, there was even a large embroided tapestry telling the tale of Dane and the Werewolf. At the right side of the building there were ma
ny fine apartments for special guests, usually lords who didn't have a manor in the city and other expensive clientele. Going along the walls were comfortably cushioned booths for all drinkers to sit their tired asses on and towards the back of the building stood what looked like the largest bar any of them had ever seen, sporting only the most expensive beverages in all of the Thedas. The finest dwarven ales, sweet Rivaini beer, Tevinter wines said to be brewed with magic, Starkhaven scotch, bejeweled Nevarran drinking glasses, even Orlesian aquae lucidius which is fermented from wyvern venom.

  That bar must've been what heaven looked like to Oghren, as soon as he saw it he went straight there and when he got there the patrons who already seated left in hurry from the dwarf, either because they didn't like dwarves or didn't like his stink. Morrigan took the time to admire the establishment but then she began to think that most of these nobles weren't really nobles at all; they were all drunks and fools like most of the other men in the world. While Aedan and Alistair began to look for the lords they needed to speak to, many of the other nobles all turned their heads and were beguiled; just entering the room was the last scions of the Cousland and Theirin families. Some of the lords couldn't believe Aedan was still alive and many still couldn't believe that Alistair looked exactly like King Cailan and King Maric. These were the Grey Wardens that were fighting the Blight and harrying the Hero of River Dane so?

  The first noble Aedan saw was at the bar and he was by far the most distinguishing patron in the tavern, Arl Gallagher Wulff. Wulff was sitting at the bar and barking at the barkeep to refill his mug every time he chugged it down with one gulp. A giant of a man, even in his fifties. Wulff had a long, thick, grey beard going down his face and a long, braided pony tail going down his neck. Wulff held a formidable reputation as a powerful warrior, a skilled hunter, a great leader, and a loving father. Aedan decided it was best to leave him alone, he had a right to be drinking heavy in peace with the loss of two of his sons and possibly his whole arling, so the last thing Aedan wanted was to bug a drunk, mourning, and angry giant, especially since he had a powerful voice in the Landsmeet.

  They went over to the table were Bann Sighard was in a conversation with Bann Ceorlic. Sighard was a man in his mid-fifties, his blonde hair was licked with gray. He had a close-cropped, pointed beard around his lips and chin. Ceorlic was a man closer to his sixties, a well fed, bald man with wispy facial hair going all over his jowls. They were discussing the convenient mortality rate amongst all of the advisors of the crown, Aedan's father included, and who the better candidate was for the crown; Anora who was a proven monarch and administrator or Alistair who was apparently of the Theirin line but was largely an unknown and untested royal. Sighard was more concerned about how convenient Loghain's rise was while Ceorlic was a complete supporter of the regent, believing everything he said. Aedan wasn't surprised that Ceorlic was a sellout to Loghain, not only because he has a spine made out of jelly but because his lands were so close to Loghain's, and Ceorlic remembers what Loghain and Maric did to his father so he didn't want to pay the same price should he betray Teryn Loghain. Fortunately he wasn't here to speak with Ceorlic.

  "Excuse me, Bann Sighard?" Aedan asked.

  "Whatever it is, I'm sure it can…" Bann Sighard started before he realized who was addressing him. "Maker's Breath! Bryce's youngest? You are alive."

  Am I ever, Aedan thought to himself. After all he did just get done killing his family's murderer and felt like the world was a bowl of sweets. Couldn't let that go to his head right now, he still had to win the Landsmeet and route the Blight before anyone could celebrate.

  "When we all heard what happened we assumed…" Sighard's look of of relief quickly turned into sympathy. "Well…it's good to see that you at least are still alive so that your house's line may continue, and so that I can thank you for my son, Oswyn."

  Aedan could still remember the pain inflicted on the Bann's son and hoped that Oswyn would recover. "No one deserved to be a prisoner of Howe's"

  "When I saw my poor boy's legs…" Sighard continued with his face twisting in anger. "I only wish that Howe may live so that I might execute him myself, but I think it's more poetic that you were the one to end his heinous life."

  "With interest." Aedan replied with a grin.

  Sighard didn't seem put off by that comment. "I would bring troops against the rest of his family but Oswyn tells me his children had no part in Howe's depravities." Aedan didn't really care about Howe's children but if they turned out anything like their father he'd make sure they suffered the same fate. "Is there any boon you would ask of me? If it's within the authority of Dragon's Peak I will grant it." Sighard asked gratefully.

  Aedan needed nothing tangible from Sighard, he was always a loyal bannerman of King Maric and well loved and respected lord of Ferelden. "All I ask is that you support the rightful king of Ferelden, Alistair."

  Sighard looked over to right of Aedan and couldn't believe his eyes. This was the Grey Warden candidate for kingship? It was just like looking at King Maric's ghost. If he was supported by a man noble enough to rescue his son and ask for something so modest then this Alistair must've been someone worthy of the throne. "Thank you again. Know that I will stand for you and Maric's son at the Landsmeet with all the support I can muster. In fact, I'm taking my supper today with Bann Reginalda of the White River bannorn, I shall speak to her about this at once."

  Now this was more than what Aedan had hoped for, hopefully they'd have the support of more of the banns after today. "Thank you, my lord."

  "No, thank you, my lord." Sighard bowed his head in gratitude and respect.

  The two Wardens made their way over to the booth were Bann Alfstanna was engaged in a conversation with Arl Bryland. They were discussing how the Blight is a bad time for a civil war. With the lords of the north all fighting Loghain to keep their independence that left the south easy prey for the darkspawn with no large enough army to fight them off and no official…or effective leader to give them proper commands. Bryland's arling was heavily besieged by darkspawn and was here to settle the Landsmeet as he no longer trusted Loghain. Alfstanna also wanted the throne settled and proper leadership restored, her bannorn was overflowing with refugees fleeing the Blight and if things aren't fixed soon her lands will soon be destroyed by the darkspawn as well. The conversation moved to talking about her brother and why he hasn't responded to any of her letters or why she couldn't find him at the Chantry. If Aedan believed in fate he'd say the timing of this conversation and his information was just that. Bann Alfstanna was a lovely young woman in her mid-twenties with shining green eyes, smooth skin, a slender, well-shaped and toned body with earthy brown hair that was tied into many lovely locks around hear head. As of right now she was unmarried, not that there was a lack of suitors trailing after her. Her looks rivaled her charisma, intelligence and skill with a bow. With these abilities she commanded one of the best army of archers in the whole kingdom.

  "Bann Alfstanna." Aedan announced.

  "Can I help you?" Alfstanna asked after hearing her name she turned to see who was calling on her. Her eyes went as wide as saucers seeing that it was Aedan Cousland, alive and whole. She remembered him from a few tourneys she attended, but ever since becoming Bann she had little time for such things. However, because she was one of the nobles that regularly attended the Landsmeet she often saw his father, Bryce and had a great deal of respect for him. "Aedan? You're alive." she stated.

  Aedan returned the statement with a grin. "And you are as lovely as ever, Alfstanna." When he made that observation he could feel Morrigan's eyes digging into the back of his head.

  "Can I offer you a drink?" Alfstanna asked courteously.

  "No, not today I'm afraid." Aedan declined.

  Alfstanna used a brief moment to observe Aedan's companions. One was a hairy, red-haired and red-faced dwarf holding a bottle, he stank of what she hoped was just alcohol and looked ready to pass out with his mug still in his hand. Why would a Coulsand be
traveling with such a lush? She looked towards the beautiful woman right next Aedan. She had golden eyes, fine alabaster skin, raven hair, and was dressed in a most provocative manner that showed off her figure and her breasts. As Alfstanna looked at her she noticed that a great deal of the people in the tavern, nobles, their bodyguards and even the waitresses were all staring at her with infatuation on their faces. Was this Aedan's newest lover? What truly caught her by surprise was the man standing next to Aedan. At first she thought he was Cailan, but by looking closer she noticed his hair was strawberry blonde whereas as Cailan's hair shined like the sun. Was this Cailan's half-brother, Alistair? If so then the resemblance to their father was uncanny. "Then why are you here, Aedan? I doubt you just came here for a social visit?" Alfstanna observed.

  Aedan's faced turned serious as he reached into his belt-pouch to retrieve something. "I was told to give you this." He informed as he gave her a ring. She recognized it, it was the same ring she gave Irminric when was knighted as a Templar.

  "This…this is Irminric's. How did you come by this? My brother would no more part with it than with his head." Alfstanna stated excitedly.

  Aedan's face was washed with anger. "You might want to ask Loghain."

  "Loghain?" Alfstanna quirked an eyebrow. "What does he have to do with anything?"

  Aedan gave a small inhale as if he was about to tell her something unpleasant. "He had Irminric captured while chasing down a bloodmage and threw him in one of Howe's dungeons."

  "A dungeon?!" Alfstanna felt herself panick but quickly regained her calm. "No. I shall go to the Arl's Palace at once and rescue him. Thank you for bringing this to me, Aedan."

  Aedan gave her a respectful nod as she began to remove a brilliantly bejeweled ring from her finger. "Here, take this ring. It was enchanted by the Circle of Magi and has been in my family since the War of the Crowns. Take it as a sign of friendship between the Waking Sea and Highever. Let me know if you want my bowmen to retake your Terynir." She offered with gratitude.


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