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Aedan Of Highever

Page 57

by Milton Garby

  "That and more." Cauthrien confirmed grimly before she gave the full details of how Rendon Howe was butchered, broken, and eaten. Loghain was disgusted by the details, but he doubted that was the only thing she had to report. "My lord…there was happenings going on in Howe's estate that have come to light and several, very powerful nobles are furious at the discovery."

  Loghain put down his paper and quill before giving Cauthrien his full attention. "Such as?"

  All of the terrible things that she had seen in Howe's dungeons began to rush back into her mind, some were too difficult to even put into words. "It would appear that Howe was…kidnapping Denerim citizens and…torturing them in his dungeons. With extreme prejudice."

  "Yes. I know." Loghain responded gravely. "I gave him leave to do so."

  "How…how could you permit something so horrible!?" Cauthrien gasped.

  "It was the only way we could truly find out who was turning traitor here in the capital." Loghain informed remorselessly.

  Cauthrien continued to express her horror. "But my lord, most of the people in Howe's dungeons were just simple common folk! There was no reason to imprison them, let alone execute them in such…ghastly manners!"

  "It was necessary, Cauthrien!" Loghain barked angrily before regaining his calm. "During the liberation we had to deal with many traitors within our own borders! Bootlicks who were more than happy to live under the yolk of the Orlesian Empire. Several turncoats sold us out to have some of the False King's gold and it cost us several major battles and the lives of many good, loyal citizens. I couldn't risk a repeat of what happened then."

  Some of what Loghain said made sense to her, but Cautherine still couldn't fathom what Howe had done to these people. "My lord if they were traitors they should have been given a fair trial. And what if they weren't traitors? What if we let Howe torture and murder innocent people? What Howe did in those dungeons, with your authority reflects on you."

  Loghain had a look on his face that said it bore the weight of the world. "Cauthrien, in war we can't afford to think about the innocent, we have to think of the long term goals, and the dead…the only thing we can do for the dead is make sure their they didn't die in vain."

  If that's the case, this next bit of news is going to make Loghain wish a couple of Howe's prisoners were dead. "My lord, that sort of reasoning will not satisfy Bann Sighard."

  "What does Bann Sighard have to do with anything?"

  "It would seem that his son, Oswyn, was among the prisoners being tortured by Howe. From what we have heard Sighard is furious and wants someone to answer for it. To make matters worse Bann Alfstanna learned that her brother was being held captive and why. More than likely their going to lend their support to Maric's bastard!"

  So that was the contingency Howe had on Sighard. "Cauthrien, all that has been done is what's needed to keep Ferelden free. If Sighard's son was a threat to our borders then he had to be kept secured and Irminric couldn't be allowed to walk freely, the information he knew was too great a risk, even if he was doing it in the Maker's name."

  This still didn't sit right with Cautherine. "My lord, all of this severely damages your credibility. The Chantry isn't going to just sweep this under the carpet, and all of the nobles whose families were harmed by Howe are holding you responsible. To top it all off many citizen throughout the capital are saying that you're acting no different than the Orlesians…"

  "THEY KNOW NOTHING!" Loghain exploded out of his seat before Cautherine finished. "I remember what it was like to be a slave to the chevaliers! I remember what it took make us a free people again! Maric and I did whatever it took to drive those bastards out! It took blood, sweat and sacrifice! If peace has made all of these traitors forget that, or if they don't have the spine to do what it takes to secure this nation than they don't deserve to live freely to begin with!"

  When he finished his rant Loghain finally noticed that he was holding Cauthrien by the shoulders and had her forced against the wall. He was letting all of this get to him. If he was going to prove that the Wardens couldn't be trusted at the Landsmeet he needed to keep his emotions under control. He let go of his lieutenant and stepped into the center of the room. "Is there anything else?"

  This was the hardest bit of news Cautherine had to explain to the regent. "Yes. I'm afraid so. I have…failed you my lord."


  "When I had heard that the Wardens was going to Teryn Howe's estate while the queen was there I took a contingency or our best men to prevent the Wardens from doing any harm to the queen. I failed. The Warden and his allies took the queen and I have no idea what he had done with her."

  Now this was a blow for Loghain. Loghain doubted the Warden would just kill his daughter, not with Eamon advising him. No, at this very moment he is probably interrogating his daughter for information and brainwashing her so that she may stand against her own father in the Landsmeet. He couldn't do anything. If he took troops into Eamon's estate on the eve of a Landsmeet that would make more nobles sympathetic to the Wardens. The only thing he could do now was win the Landsmeet and rescue his daughter afterwards.

  "You did not fail me, Cauthrien." Loghain said calmly. "Aedan Cousland may be a traitor, but he is still one of the best warriors of his generation. It doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is that we end this farce of a Landsmeet, execute the traitors and their pretender. Once we have full unity we can end the darkspawn threat and at last have peace again." With that Loghain gave the Knight her leave.

  Cauthrien was surprised by Loghain's leniency towards her failure but was still disturbed by his behavior. The man who knighted her was much different than the man she just got done speaking with. He would never have done any of these terrible deeds were things not so desperate. Yes. If it weren't for the Grey Wardens and their sympathizers all of these horrible events would never have happened, they would have ended the darkspawn by now and have peace, many dead would still be alive. Still, now the Wardens had powerful allies and there was a chance they could win the Landsmeet. Loghain still knew all that was best for Ferelden, she couldn't allow the Wardens and their allies to cause further harm to this country than they already have. So for the sake of her lord, for the sake of Ferelden, she would have end the threat Aedan and Alistair posed herself, even if it cost her.

  With Cautherine out of the room Loghain had time to collect himself. Tomorrow was when it would finally end. He would finally end Orlesian infiltration of his country and then he would end this Blight harrowing the south. The thought that lingered most in his mind was his daughter. Can he save her from the Wardens, can she still be trusted? Hard to say, she was after all his daughter, and if she was anything like him she would do whatever it takes to accomplish her own goal, even if it meant siding against her own father. Loghain wasn't blind to all that he had done for their independence but it was needed. No doubt the Wardens would have strong supporters in the Landsmeet, but the word of the Hero of River Dane carried more weight than that of a green child who only saw battle as a game. Loghain was a symbol of the Ferelden spirit of hard work and independence. He is Ferelden. He will prove all this and more at the Landsmeet.

  That Night at Eamon's Estate….


  Aedan had arranged with Eamon to look after Amythene and ensure that she would be well cared for while in his custody. Aedan was able to set her down to sleep in one of the guest rooms. Seeing her wide-eyed excitement of having a room this big and books to read reminded Aedan of how little Oren would react every time his father showed him something new. When Aedan left Morrigan was waiting outside the door with a serious look on her face. This would be fun. "I am curious, Aedan." The witch stated inquisitively. "Why are you going through the trouble of helping one orphan girl? One would think that you had other things on your mind. And what did you mean that you and her mother were 'friends'?"

  "Her name was Iona." Aedan answered plainly. "She and I were…intimate."

  "Ah. I see. Did she mean so muc
h to you that you know wish to watch after her child as though she were your very own?"

  "If you're interrogating me, Morrigan, because you're jealous, don't be. Iona and I never got far. She was killed when Highever was sacked."

  "But that does not answer my question." The witch continued. "If she didn't mean that much to you why go through the trouble of looking out for someone else's whelp."

  Aedan had a stern look on his face. "I was supposed to protect Highever Castle and everyone in it. I failed. Now I have an obligation to avenge the dead and look after the living."

  Morrigan still didn't understand his reasoning judging by the blank look on her face, while Alistair looked at his brother with approval of his reason. Aedan noticed the look on Alistair's face and cracked a mischievous grin. "And besides, no child should have to be raised by the Chantry. Otherwise they end up like Alistair."

  "Heeeeeey!" Alistair whined at that remark.

  "In that case…how noble of you." Morrigan approved chuckling.

  "Why do you ask?" Aedan inquired. "Are you jealous?"

  "Don't be absurd!" Morrigan denied. "I…merely do not wish you distracted is all. With all that is happening right now, your mind should not be elsewhere."

  Aedan softly kissed Morrigan's soft face. "I'm glad to see you care, Morrigan."

  Aedan left to go see Eamon and Teagan. Morrigan just stood there in the hall, her pale cheeks blushing. Alistair snickered at the sight of the melting ice-queen, making her flash a glare that threatened to turn the former Templar into a frog if he didn't go away.

  Eamon and Riordan were sitting in the study when Aedan came in unexpectedly, catching them both pleasantly surprised though Eamon was a little disturbed with all the blood crusted on his armor, Riordan, on the other hand was used to it at this point.

  "Ah, you've returned." Eaman stated relieved. "I've been hearing of a great commotion in the Alienage, I was about to send out a search party."

  Aedan had a vicious grin on his face and produced a small stack of papers from his satchel. "I have irrefutable proof that Loghain was collaborating with Tevinter slavers in the Alienage." When he announced that Riordan choked and spat out his wine on the floor.

  "Are….Are you certain, Lord Aedan?" Riordan coughed.

  "Take a look for yourselves."

  Both the Arl and the Senior Warden looked at the paper carefully and there was no doubt about it. Here, in great detail, the documents stated that the Tevinters were to given free rein to conduct their slave trade in the Alienage and Loghain had agreed to give them full discretion. In return for allowing them to take elves into slavery the Minarthous Circle would pay the teryn one hundred gold pieces per elf. Stamped at the bottom of the document was the Yellow Wyvern of Gwaren and written right next to it was the broad, rough signature of Teyrn Loghain.

  Riordan sat back down in his chair with utter horror. How could Loghain stoop so low? How can you he sell the very citizens he swore to defend and claim that he is fighting for this nation's freedom? He couldn't think of it right now, as terrible as it may be their duty is to combat the Blight and if this truly spelt the end of Loghain's reign as the regent perhaps they could make use of his warrior prowess and tactical mind should it come to that. He wouldn't bring it up right now, though, he would wait until they have one this Landsmeet. He just hoped Aedan and Alistair would set aside their grudge influenced by their youth so that they may do their duty to end the Archedemon.

  "Maker forgive me." Eamon sighed sadly. "I should be horrified that such a thing would exist here in Ferelden, but I am overjoyed that you can implicate Loghain."

  "With this we've got that bastard by the short hairs." Aedan stated malignantly.

  That statement was crude but Eamon gave it a confirmed nod. "We must end this civil war quickly. Whatever the darkspawn don't destroy of this county politics certainly will."

  "When is the soonest we can commence the Landsmeet, Eamon?" Aedan asked.

  "Midday tomorrow. The last of the nobles and freeholders have come to the city and from what I have heard a few very powerful noble have turned their support the Wardens."

  "So, tomorrow we settle this civil war, then we can finally face the true enemy, the Blight." Stated Riordan with relief. The Blight was growing larger with each passing hour and they could no longer have any more political delays.

  "Yes, though I suggest we all get as much rest as we can tonight, tomorrow our nation will face a great change." Eamon informed cryptically.

  Aedan took his leave with a great smile on his face. Finally, all of the bullshit he had gone through to have Loghain face justice was coming to fruition. The people of Ferelden will see how far Loghain has fallen as a hero and a liberator and they can at last route the darkspawn threat. All the death and destruction that had happened in this country will not have been in vain. Aedan sat in his room next at his night table to do some drawing with a bottle of Coastland brandy quench his thirst. It had been a while since he indulged in his favorite pastime. After the terrifying and gory things his hands had done today the strain in his wrists from etching on paper was a welcome change.

  But even on paper he couldn't escape what was in his mind. He illustrated the memories of Howe's desiccated corpse, his torn face twisted agony and Caladrius' scalped skull, even the slavers and soldiers he broke, cleaved, cut down and crushed. Aedan's mind travelled to the more immediate problems at hand and set their images on paper. Cauthrien with her Orlesian Summer Sword. Loghain with his Wyvern mounted shield and sword. Anora in her crown.

  There was a knock on Aedan's door, he'd hoped that it was Morrigan but was deeply disappointed to see it was Erlina, she still had the bruises from when Aedan attempted to strangle her. For obvious reasons she avoided his looking him in the eye. "My lady would like a private word with you, Lord Cousland." The elf rasped. She had regained her voice but there was definitely damage so that she couldn't talk very well.

  "Very well." Aedan snorted. "Send your lady here. I will hear her out." A few minutes later Anora came to Aedan's room dressed like she was at a spring gala looking for a suitor. She knew how to play men, he'd give her that. But she forgot that while she was educated by Eleanor Cousland, he was raised by her.

  Anora was surprised to see Aedan was shirtless, but was not shocked by it. After all this wasn't the first time she'd seen a bare-chested man. But the tattoos were certainly…alluring. In their own way. Anora intentionally dressed in a sleeveless satin blue gown that shimmered in the light. The neckline was low and showed off her delicate skin and a modest amount of cleavage. Growing up she learned that when it came to men, especially men of power, the best way to get their attention, or better yet, get them to listen was to show off their natural treasures. It worked so well with Cailan, and judging from that scantily clad Chasind woman that Aedan clung to, this tactic would work on him, too.

  "It is good you've agreed to speak with me, Aedan." Anora started. "First allow to say how sorry I am about your family. Eleanor in particular was dear to me."

  Aedan flashed an angry gaze at the mentioning of his mother. "And yet you did nothing when Howe slaughtered my family and usurped our teyrnir. In fact, it seems to me you allowed him to just have it."

  Anora was treading on thin ice and she knew it. She had to make Aedan see reason. "My father allowed Howe to have your teyrnir. And with the state the country is in right now I needed someone of authority to hold the teyrnir, and I trusted my father's judgment. But I think it was fitting that Howe died at your hands."

  "He didn't die well, that's for certain." Aedan smiled as took another sip from his brandy. "The taste of his blood was better than what I'm drinking right here."

  Anora looked at the drawings on the nightstand. Some of them she found violently disturbing. Images of men being slaughtered, dismembered and disemboweled. Others were a bit more flattering. Like the illustration of herself that was flawless down to the tiniest detail. Eleanor always said her son had an artistic talent, but it was over
shadowed by his violent nature. "I know that my actions at Howe's estate haven't painted me in the best light. I am hoping we can move past that. Let me start first by thanking you for saving me from Howe."

  Aedan downed another drink of his brandy. "I wasn't there for you, Anora." He chuckled. "I was there for the sole purpose of murdering Howe with my bare hands. You were just an afterthought."

  Anora glared at the sitting Warden angrily. How dare he speak to her in such a way? "If your vengeance is more important to you than saving your queen, maybe you're unfit to protect this country, Aedan."

  Aedan retuned her glare with twice the authority. "And if you let the civil war get this bad in the midst of a Blight, maybe you are unfit to rule this country, Anora! Bloodmages and slavers run rampant in the heart of our capital while your father wages war on our people, and your too busy trying to be daddy's little girl while our people are dying!"

  Anora was stunned for a moment. No one, not even her father or Cailan had ever spoken to her in such a way. Who did Aedan think he was? "I didn't come here to argue the past." She sighed. "I came here because I believe we can help each other."

  "You think to form some kind of alliance to remove your father…." Aedan scoffed. "…who has taken the throne from you in all but name and title."

  "Yes." Anora confirmed. "You are competent and powerful. And in the right place at the right time. Don't you see? We can do together what we can't accomplish alone."

  Aedan smiled deviously at the queen in way that reminded her of a cat about to catch the mouse. "So far all you've done is list the things I can do for you. But you've yet to list any uses you could possibly have for me."

  This was where the negotiating table got tricky. Especially with another competent noblemen sitting at it. "When my father is deposed I promise to restore Highever to you and your family." Anora promised.

  "You can't give back what was never yours to begin with, Anora." Aedan reminded. "And besides, I already have another candidate for the throne. What need have I for you?"


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