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Aedan Of Highever

Page 60

by Milton Garby

  "In the Maker's name, stop!" the Grand Cleric commanded with the authority of a military commander, forcing everyone stop their fighting. "We will have order."

  Aedan was offended that a representative of the Chantry would interfere with a purely Fereldan matter. "Fuck you, you dried out old hag!"

  "Agreed." Eamon announced, which was a total kill-joy to Aedan. "Let there be no more bloodshed in the Landsmeet."

  "Alistair's right to the throne has been challenged, but his challenger's honor is in serious doubt." The Grand Cleric stated.

  "In times past such matters were settled in a duel, either between the opposing parties or their champions."

  "Screw that!" Aedan spat. "Loghain has lost all rights to be take up matters of honor!"

  "Aedan, please reconsider." Eamon insisted. "If there is way to end this conflict without open war then we must settle it here."

  "Why should we even consider this? He has already shamed this Landsmeet with dishonor. How do I know he'll even fight honorably?"

  "Though you may count my honor as worth less than nothing, Cousland," Loghain pitched forlornly, "we are standing before the Landsmeet. They will judge us for what we do here."

  "You just attempted a coup because the Landsmeet already sided against you, traitor! What makes you think you're worthy of duel of honor?"

  "Because…we both want an end to this war." Loghain answered sadly.

  Aedan relented, the Landsmeet would have its duel. "So be it. You've been beaten at diplomacy, and now you'll be beaten in combat."

  "Heh. In another life I would have liked you." Loghain complimented. "We have more in common than you'd probably care to think. But I suppose we both knew in our heart it would come down to this. A man is made by the qualities of his enemies. Maric told me that once. I wonder if it's more of a compliment to you or me."

  "You know, it's funny. Growing up I wanted to be just like you." Aedan informed sardonically. "Now the very mention of your name makes me sick."

  "Enough of this. Let the Landsmeet declare the terms of the duel."

  "It will be fought in accordance to tradition: a test of arms." Alfstanna called down to the combatants. "The two shall fight until one party yields or is killed. And we of the Landsmeet shall abide by the outcome."

  "Will you face me yourself or have you a champion?" Loghain inquired.

  "Aedan, let me fight him." Alistair urged fiercely. "Let me fight him so I can avenge Duncan and my brother."

  "I'm sorry, Alistair, but no." Aedan answered.

  "But why? You know better than anyone what it means to seek justice with your own hands!"

  "I am forwarding you to be king. If you slay him here, like this, history will see it as one contender for the throne killing the other." Aedan explained to his brother in arms. "I, however, am still just a Warden in their eyes. A neutral party. I am merely acting in the best interests and salvation of this country. I must defeat him."

  "Very well." Alistair sighed. As usual, Aedan's logic was too sound to be ignored.

  "It is you or me the men will follow, Cousland." Loghain stated with zeal. "Let us see if the Wardens are as skilled as they claim. Prepare yourself!"

  Aedan unsheathed Starfang, raising it above his head as he assumed his stance. "I'll show you exactly what I learned with the Wardens. And just how Howe died."

  The two warriors squared off and circled one another, gauging their opponent's movements. Both of them students of war, masters of combat. And sons of Ferelden. Aedan was younger and much less patient, he swung Starfang with incredible force at his enemy. Loghain was older and his body was not what it used to be, but he was more experienced than Aedan. He blocked Aedan's strike with his shield and thrusted a perfect counter riposte at the Warden's heart. Aedan narrowly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding Loghain's thrust as he used his momentum to swing his sword around to cut off Logain's head. Loghain quickly dodged beneath the blade and backed away from his angry adversary.

  Aedan's greatsword had a longer reach on Loghain, but Loghain's masterful use of the shield and sword was legendary in this country. Loghain was a highly skilled and seasoned warrior who made a reputation by killing highly trained chevaliers by the dozens, even when he was outnumbered ten to one. Loghain Mac Tir was truly an opponent worthy of respect. And that, Aedan realized, was his own flaw. Loghain had lost all of Aedan's respect and earned his animosity. Aedan decided it was time to stop fighting like he respected Loghain, and fight like he hated him.

  "FOR OSTAGAR!" Aedan screamed as he speared his greatsword at his adversary like lance! Loghain was able to block the precise, fearsome strike, but the sheer force of the blow sent the older warrior staggering back. Loghain could no longer attack or counter. All the Hero of River Dane could do was desperately defend himself against the onslaught of attacks Aedan rained down blow after blow on his wyvern painted shield. The Warden was drunk with rage as he pounded on Loghain's shield as if he were hammering an anvil. Starfang's edge cut down through the shield, splitting the yellow wyvern's head in half. With Aedan's sword stuck in his ruined shield, Loghain seized the opportunity to thrust his sword right into Aedan chest!

  Morrigan shrieked an earsplitting cry as the entire Landsmeet saw Loghain's blade pierce Aedan's body. Aedan felt the searing pain of the sword tip penetrating him. The blade barely missed his heart, but he caught Loghain's blade in his off hand. Blood trickled down Loghain's swords as Aedan's chest and hand bled from its cutting edge. Loghain pushed all his might and weight behind the sword in an attempt to skewer Aedan's heart. But Aedan's resolve wasn't through. Aedan wanted to win more than Loghain ever could! Being honorable became too difficult for Loghain, and it was why he resorted to doing everything that was against Fereldan values. But Aedan was still a Fereldan!

  "I am Aedan of Highever! I will not yield!" He clenched Loghain's blade in his fist and forcefully pulled it out of his chest. Loghain's strength was dwarfed by Aedan's as his strength became greater from his pain and anger. Aedan forced the blade out of his chest and brought Starfang down on the iron blade, snapping it into pieces! Without a moment's pause, with one last powerful swing, Aedan slashed Starfang across Loghain's chest, cleaving the legendary Armor of The River Dane open!

  It was Anora's turn to scream as a wave of crimson spurted from the crevice in Loghain's breastplate as he fell to his knees. "I underestimated you, Cousland." Loghain rasped as he coughed and spat blood out of his mouth. "I thought you were like Cailan, a child wanting to play at war. I was wrong. There is a strength in you I haven't seen since Maric died. I yield."

  Aedan reared Starfang back. "I hope you made your peace, Loghain. Tonight you sleep in hell!"

  "Wait!" Riordan cried, forcing Aedan to stop his death blow. "There is another option."

  "We don't have enough time to have him drawn, disemboweled and quartered, Riordan." Aedan retorted.

  "That is not what I mean at all. The teryn is a warrior and general of great reknown. Let him be of use. Let him go through the Joining."

  Aedan couldn't fathom the very words coming Riordan's mouth. "Are you fucking insane, Riordan!?"

  "There are too few of us in Ferelden, my friend." Riordan explained calmly, as if Loghain's crimes were nothing. "We aren't judges and executioners. Kinslayers, carta thugs, thieves, assassins and apostates. All are allowed to join our ranks. Any with the skill and mettle to take up arms against the darkspawn are welcome among us."

  "Then it's time for the Wardens to raise their standards!" Aedan shouted.

  "The Joining is often fatal, is it not?" Anora asked pleadingly. "If he survives you get a general, and if he doesn't you get your revenge. Does this not satisfy you?"

  "Absolutley not!" Alistair objected ardently. "Riordan, this man killed our brothers and then framed us for the deed! He sold people into slavery, he tortured you! How can we let this go unanswered?"

  "There are only three of us in the whole country, Alistair. And there are…compelling reasons to have as
many Wardens as possible, especially during a Blight." The Senior Warden answered disquietly.

  "That is unacceptable!" Alistair shot back. "If you let this man join our ranks, you cheapen us all!"

  "And this is the man you want to forward as king, Aedan?" Anora questioned spitefully, looking at Alistair as though he were a petulant child. "Do you really think you can afford to lose a skilled general and a proven leader over Alistair's tantrum?"

  "But we can afford to lose a king and an army?" Alistair retorted returning Anora's angered look. "Whose tantrum cost us that?"

  "Silence!" Aedan commanded. "Riordan, you interfere with these proceedings again and I'll forget all bonds of brotherhood when I snap your neck in my hands." Riordan didn't seem bothered by Aedan's death promise. "Loghain's fate isn't for you, or even me to decide." Aedan turned to face the Landsmeet. "My lords and ladies of the Landsmeet. It was your lands Loghain tried to take, and left to the darkspawn. It was your sons and brothers he left to die at Ostagar. And it was the rights and priveleges he tried to usurp from us and our citizens. What would you have done with him?" Utter silence washed over all those present at the Landsmeet. The fate of the Hero of River Dane in their hands.

  "Death!" Bann Sighard answered fervently.

  Bann Alfstanna noded her head. "Death."

  "His crimes can only be answered with his life." Arl Bryland answered. "Death."

  "Agreed. If we must obey the law, then so must he." Arl Wulff called. "Death."

  "I am sorry, my lord." Bann Ceorlic cried. "Death."

  "Death!" The bann of the Southren Bannorn yelled.

  "After what he did to Bann Grainne and her husband, death is too good for him!" Bann Reginalda screamed. "But this will have to do."

  "Death! Death. Death…Death!" The Freeholders of the bannorn called.

  "You hear that, Anora!?" Aedan growled. "Ferelden. Has. Spoken!"

  "You can't do this!" Anora protested. "My father may have been wrong, but he is still a hero to the people!"

  "Anora, hush. It's over." Loghain soothed in an unfamiliar tone.

  "Stop treating me like a child!" Anora cried. "This is serious!"

  "Daughters never grow up, Anora. They always remain six years old with pigtails and skinned knees forever."

  Anora's regal façade finally fell from her face as despaired tears fell down her face. "Father…." She wept.

  "Just finish it quickly, Lord Cousland." Loghain bade. "I can face the Maker knowing Ferelden is in your hands."

  "So be it." Aedan obliged with murder in his eyes. "Kneel before your rightful king, Loghain." But even on the verge of his own death Loghain refused to yield. "I said…KNEEL!" Aedan smashed his mailed boot in Loghain's knee, breaking it and forcing him down.

  "No!" Anora cried trying to reach out to her father.

  "Restrain her!" Aedan ordered as two Redcliffe knights held the queen back.

  Aedan stood above his defeated foe, his star metal sword tightly in his hand. He had been waiting for this moment since Ostagar. The man who was once like a hero to him was now the embodiment of everything he hated. All the lives lost, the values he betrayed, the people he murdered. Now he would face true Fereldan justice. He remembered the words he recited to Avernus back at Soldier's Peak. "Loghain Mac Tir, for the crimes you have committed against the people of Ferelden, conspiracy to commit murder, regicide, treason, and for partaking in the heinous crime of slavery, I, Aedan Cousland, acting Warden-Commander of the Grey in Ferelden, by the will of the Landsmeet and the authority of our rightful King Alistair Theirin, sentence you to die. Have you any final words?"

  Loghain lowered his head and submitted to his final judgment. "Long live Ferelden." Aedan raised his sword high above his head, and then let it fall. Blood spurted on to his face, Loghain's body hit the ground. The Starfang performed its grisly task flawlessly. And thus ended the life of Loghain Mac Tir, The Hero of River Dane and a savior of Ferelden.

  Aedan picked up Loghain's severed head and hocked a lugi into his dead eyes. "Never looked better you son of a bitch. Here!" He tossed the head to one of the guards. "Take that over to Fort Drakon. And pike where Meghren's head used to be." The guard obeyed.

  "And so it is decided. Alistair will take his place on his father's throne." Eamon announced.

  "I humbly accept this responsibility if the Landsmeet will have me." Alistair was finally ready to take up his father's and his brother's mantle.

  "Anora, the Landsmeet has sided against you." Eamon informed with full authority. "You must swear allegiance to our rightful king and forswear any claim to the throne for you or your heirs."

  Anora glared at the arl and Alistair hatefully. "If you think I'll swear that oath, Eamon, then you know nothing of me."

  "Alright!" Aedan laughed madly. "We get to chop down the whole family tree in one day!" he lifted his sword to Anora's neck. "I say we pike her head right next to her daddy's!"

  "Wait!" Alistair ordered. "We still might have need of her."

  "Alistair we cannot leave the country in a state of civil war if we are to combat the Blight." Eamon insisted. "If she will not swear fealty to you then she is a threat to us all."

  "Put her in the tower for now. If I fall in the Blight she can have her damned throne. If I live, then we'll see…." Aedan had to admit, that was intimidatingly ominous of Alistair.

  Even Anora couldn't believe Alistair's words. "You'l still give me a chance for the throne? Even after all this?"

  "I said if I fall, Anora. If I fall the throne goes to you. Someone has to take this Blight seriously."

  "That is…uncharacteristically wise of you."

  "Yeah, well don't let it out. I've got a reputation to live up to."

  Eamon agreed with this decision. "Very well. Guards! Take her away."

  "Wait one moment." Morrigan demanded. The witch walked up to the former queen and slapped her right across the face, drawing blood with her sharp nails! Anora cried in pain and shock as she pressed her hand to her gashed cheek.

  Aedan took Morrigan right into his arms and kissed her in the most passionate and inappropriate of manners. "You are the most beautiful woman I ever met."

  Morrigan was left slightly weak-kneed from that kiss. "I know. And I warned her before. No one betrays my Warden a second time when I'm around."

  "Ahem. Er, King Alistair, would you please address the Landsmeet." Eamon insisted.

  "Oh! That's, uh, me, isn't it?" Alistair was still very unused to this prospect. "Ahem! I-I may be, Maric's son and I may be king, but I am still a Warden first. And I must perform my sworn duty to protect this nation from the darkspawn. No matter the cost to myself."

  "Come on, Alistair, let's get to the ass kicking already." Aedan urged.

  "I was getting to that!" Alistair whispered back. "Uh, this is not the first time Ferelden has been threatned by the darkspawn, nor is it the first time Ferelden has stood alone against the Blight. But like Teryn Hafter before us, we will drive the darkspawn horde back into the earth!" Alistair newfound powers of public speaking earned him a loud cheer from the Landsmeet. "My fellow Grey Ward will, I hope, stand beside me against the darkspawn."

  Aedan smiled bowed with deference. "I could do no less. For my country and my king."

  "Okay, that's a load off my back." Alistair sighed. "Everyone get ready to march! We will need all of Ferelden's strength if we are to meet this Blight."

  All the nobles cheered and bowed to their new king. At one point Alistair would have thought that this was too much, but after speaking with his half-sister he believed there was actually some good her could do. Alistair looked over to his companions. Aedan and Wynne knelt before their new king as Oghren pumped his fist with excitement, and Zevran applauded cheerfully. Leliana curtsied endearingly to her friend, while Sten nodded his head in respect. Morrigan…did nothing, but that was no surprise. It was funny. Alistair never grew up in a castle, never rubbed elbows with lords, but by growing up in an abbey, being hunted and starved, and living
through a Blight he learned what it meant to be king. Was this what it was like for Maric?

  And now it was done. Aedan's family had been avenged. His king, the Grey Wardens and all the patriots at Ostagar had been given justice. Now he could finally face the true enemy of his nation without any reservations or regrets. All that remained now was to face down the Archdemon. The only question that remained was how would three Wardens accomplish such a feat?

  The Fight for Ferelden

  At last, the civil war had ended and they could finally concentrate on what truly threatened Ferelden, not tyranny or oppression, but extinction. The one thing that Aedan truly lamented was that it took a civil war to make the lords of Ferelden acknowledge the truth of the Blight and this whole ordeal made Aedan see how truly important the sacrifice of the Grey Wardens was and felt sad that his country had forgotten the burden that they must carry to stave off the darkspawn.

  Aedan and his company left for Redcliffe by themselves as to move faster, Eamon had begun his march back to his holdings a day before them to get the armies prepared while all of the other lords of the Landsmeet returned to their respective lands as well as to gather up their strength to join with the Grey Wardens.

  It didn't take long for them to get back to Redcliffe, but when they did get there they were caught off guard; the darkspawn had finally managed to make to Redcliffe! The village was completely overrun and the soldiers and knight were doing their best to hold them off from entering the castle. Aedan and his companions made it the castle courtyards to try and make quick work of them. The walls of the castle nullified the strength of the darkspawn's numbers, and the fact that they didn't act as a military unit did little to help them. The Grey Wardens and their company, however, were at their peak and spent so much time fighting together that they had were synchronized to each other's tactics and abilities. The warriors cleaved and crushed through the 'spawn like a knife through butter. The Rogues launched arrows into their hearts from afar and slipped a knife into their throats from close up. And the mages, they rained fire, ice and lightning down on their blighted foes. All of the soldiers and knight bore witness to their strength and intelligence and were in awe, but Aedan felt that this was too easy. Eamon's captain of the guard informed Aedan that all of the villagers had already made it to safety within the castle and that Arl Eamon, Bann Teagan, and Riordan were waiting for them.


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